Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1212 Is the moonlight too good tonight?

A group of people went to the izakaya where Moori Kogoro often went, saying they were going to eat, but everyone arrived at the izakaya. It was impossible for Moori Kogoro not to drink, so he dragged Chi Feichi to drink until he was in a daze Can't walk in a straight line.

It was past ten o'clock in the evening when Chi Feichi helped Kogoro Moori back to the detective agency.

"Really, I drank so much again." Mao Lilan glanced speechlessly at her father who had fallen asleep at home, and then turned to ask Chi Feichi, "Brother Feichi, it's so late, you still have to go back to Kabudocho alone Do you want to go? If you don’t mind, you can stay and spend the night with Dad and Conan.”

"No need," Chi Feichi turned and went out, "I have somewhere to go."

"Huh?" Mao Lilan was confused.

Conan understood in seconds, turned around and pointed to the window directly opposite, "Brother Chi bought a small house over there, very close to the detective office, you can see the office from the attic window over there!"

Mao Lilan went to the window curiously, "Where is it? The little house Conan mentioned?"

"It's two streets away, so it's not easy to see at night," Conan stepped in front of the window to look at the opposite side, "And the windows in the attic of that house are not big, unlike the row of glass windows that are so large in the Maori Detective Agency. It's hard to see if anyone is there..."

Mao Lilan felt a little regretful, looking at the houses with lights on outside, "Then wait until the daytime to look at it, but Brother Feichi is really, he bought a house nearby, at least he is a neighbor in the same area. Don't say a word... No, you all know it, and you don't tell me the result!"

"Nope," Conan quickly scratched his head and explained with a smile, "Because Brother Chi didn't seem to plan to move here, he probably thought it would be troublesome to run back to Kashidocho alone after sending his drunk uncle back, so he decided to buy it. That small house, it’s a little closer to us, and the house was undergoing simple renovations some time ago, and the furniture should have been delivered in the past two days, so I didn’t tell Sister Xiaolan.”

Mao Lilan was still looking out of the window, laughing and complaining, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhss

Conan heaved a sigh of relief, and followed him to look at the night scene outside the window.

Not long after the small house was remodeled, the Maori Detective Agency almost had an accident, because he was worried about the wicked guys in that organization, he completely forgot about the small house, let alone told Xiaolan...

The two watched the night scene by the window for a while before going to the bathroom to wash up together.


No. 143, 5-chome, Rice Flower Town.

The two-and-a-half-story house has been remodeled for a while, but the door has not been listed.

On this quiet night, the lights were turned on for the first time in the house, and not many people nearby noticed.

Chi Feichi also came here for the first time after the modification was completed. After bringing Feichi into the door, he looked around.

The two rooms on the first floor are still empty. Although one room has a feminine wallpaper, it has not been remodeled for the time being.

The living room door of the house, the door locks of the glass door leading to the yard, and the window locks have all been replaced. The door locks are difficult to pry open, and protective strips are added to the edges of the windows, which are difficult to open from the outside... It is safe.

After Feichi entered the house, he also slipped out from under Chi Feichi's clothes, propped up his front half and crawled behind Chi Feichi's feet, raising his head and patrolling imposingly.

"Master, this bathroom is indeed a bit small and gloomy, but neither of us is afraid of the dark, so it's okay, it's fine, it feels quite special."


Chi Feichi put the toothpaste back where it was, looked around, and went to the opposite bathroom.

Toiletries are new, towels are unopened... safe.

There is no camera, and Fei Chi didn't find the heat from the running bug, otherwise he would definitely tell

"The bathroom looks really good, it's small," Feichi climbed into the bathroom, and looked into a small wooden basin. "Master is taking a bath over there, so I can take a bath here!"

As usual, Chi Feichi checked the contents inside, looked around, made sure it was safe, turned off the lights on the first floor, and took Feichi up to the second floor.

In the living room on the second floor, furniture such as sofas, coffee tables, and TVs are placed, and kitchen utensils and tableware are also placed in the kitchen. Probably considering that he often cooks, Dashan Mi even arranged for a range hood.

Naturally, there was no food or ingredients in the refrigerator, but there were two bottles of orange juice drinks.

In the large bedroom on the second floor, the bed and cabinets were also set up, and the curtains were also installed. Two sets of unopened bedding were still stored in the cabinet.

After Chi Feichi looked inside the house, he also checked the bedroom window locks, balcony glass door locks, kitchen window locks, etc., and went up to the attic without turning off the lights on the second floor.

The attic has a large window facing the park and a slanted skylight. Even if the lights are not turned on, it will not be completely dark, and the furnishings in the attic can be vaguely seen.

There are tatami mats near the skylight, and there are bookshelves, small tables, single chairs and other things beside the big windows. There is a book on the table and a note on it, which was left by Yusaku Kudo. It said that in order to thank him for lending the house to the couple, he left the novel he published when he was young as a souvenir.

【...This is the first batch when it was printed, it is very rare now, it is out of print! Yusaku Kudo]

A big smiley face was also drawn at the back of the message.

Chi Feichi flipped through the "Female High School Student Detective Xiaoyuki Incident Book", and there was Yusaku Kudo's signature on the last page. Looking at the ink marks, it was probably written in the name of the book when it was signed and sold, and there were ink marks on the top In a clearer line, it reads 'Gift to Mr. Chi Feichi'.

Yes, it can be collected.

Putting the note into the book, Chi Feichi put the book on the table, then turned to check the window.

The window locks were also replaced with hard-to-pick locks, and curtains were hung over the large windows.

The skylights haven’t changed much, but the glass in the house has been replaced by double-layer laminated tempered glass at the request of Chi Feichi, which is not easy to break, and has a sound-proof interlayer that blocks most ultraviolet rays. In addition, the inclination of the skylight, There is no need to deliberately paste reflective film mysteriously, and it can also block the prying eyes of the outside without affecting the transparency.

Even if it is the nearest building opposite, if you look at the skylight from upstairs during the day, you will not be able to see if there is anyone in the attic due to the reflection of the glass. It was also almost impossible to see what was going on in the attic.

Chi Fei was late to the skylight, and could vaguely see the lighted windows on the third floor of the Maori Detective Agency, so he picked up the binoculars and looked.

It's a pity that his contact lenses didn't add a telephoto function at the beginning, otherwise there would be no need for tools.

Over there, Conan and Mao Lilan should have just washed up, and they went back to their rooms after talking. The lights in the living room on the third floor were also turned off, and the room was dim.

Feichi looked around every corner, expressing satisfaction in his heart, jumped on the tatami under the skylight, and looked up at the skylight, feeling even more satisfied, "Master, just lie on the tatami You can see the moon!"

"Then we'll live in the attic tonight."

Chi Feichi put down the binoculars, picked up Feichi, and went downstairs to wash up.

In terms of living experience, this house is not convenient. There are only toilets and bathrooms on the first floor, and the stairs are steep. He has to go up and down repeatedly to wash up, but he still chooses to live in the attic.

Just like the staff who sold the house at the time introduced, this attic is a highlight of the design, and he wouldn't have bought it if it wasn't for this attic.

After going to the first floor to wash, one person and one snake turned off the lights downstairs, took the quilt and pillow, and returned to the attic.

The attic is still not turned on, only illuminated by moonlight.

Feichi watched as Chi Feichi changed the bandage on his left hand, climbed onto the pillow and patted the pillow next to him with his tail, "Master, come and see the moon!"

Chi Feichi put away the medical kit, and lay down on the bed with his mobile phone to answer emails, "Look first, I'll take care of the matter at hand."

Yan Nan Takatori is at the pier, watching the new batch of smuggled goods handed over, and also watching the goods be transferred to a secret warehouse or locker, and then send the address to that person, and send him an email. He said that the progress will take about two or three days to complete.

Midorikawa Saki talked about Shimizu Reiko, and Shimizu Reiko hid after escaping by feigning death. At present, Midorikawa Saki has found out where the money from the robbery was kept, and she is tracking down Midorikawa Saki whereabouts and circumstances of his accomplices.

Then there is the information about a programmer provided by Kumi Koizumi...

Feichi didn't have the habit of looking at the screen. He lay on the pillow and looked at the moon. "Master, I think this house is very good."

Chi Feichi turned over and lay down, looked at the moon outside the skylight, and continued to read emails, "I feel a little depressed after living in an apartment for a long time, and I feel that this kind of room has a more lifelike atmosphere. If I like it, I will live there in the future." Just come and stay for two days."

"Okay," Feichi responded happily, staring obsessively at the moon for a while, then shifted his gaze to Chi Feichi's face illuminated by the light of the mobile phone screen, "Hey, master, you said that if no one can clear up Musashi's grievances, it will Didn't he just die?"

Chi Feichi gave an 'um' and asked again, "Why did you say this all of a sudden?"

"Because the owner of Musashi said during the day that they like Musashi the most, but he didn't say a word to help him at night." Feichi stopped looking at the moon, circled his body, and chased his tail in circles. If it is wronged, it will definitely be euthanized by humans, right? However, I think its owner will be sad for a while, and then, as time goes by, Musashi will slowly become a blurred past in memory, When I talk about it in a few years, I will only sigh with emotion, "I used to have a dog that killed someone, and it is obviously a very good dog"..."

Chi Feichi was in no hurry to reply to the email, and turned to look at Feichi.

Could it be that the moonlight is so good tonight, Feichi is planning to transform into a refined form or something, why is he suddenly emotional?

Feichi spun around, with a serious and determined tone, "I don't think the master will do that!"

"No," Chi Feichi said, "Even if you really kill someone, I will try to save you."

"So I don't understand." Feichi continued to circle around, "The master didn't say he loved me, but he would still stand by my side and help me. The master of Musashi said he loved it, and he didn't help it when something happened. Human beings are good. strangeness……"

Chi Feichi decided to have a good chat with Feichi, who was abnormally wrong, "People live in the world, and they will prioritize things around them. For Tsutsumi Eisuke, wife, family, career, reason, etc. It’s not a mistake to be in front of a pet dog. On the contrary, if he messes around for the sake of Musashi, he will be misunderstood. I believe that no one wants their family members to be bitten by dogs. It’s not wrong to insist on your own dog? The police won’t like this kind of messy person, as far as he is human, he is not wrong.”

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