Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1213 Get up anyway!

"What about the master?" Feichi asked suspiciously, "Is it wrong for the master to choose to help?"

"I won't mess around with people, just find a way to save you." Chi Feichi sat up, lit a cigarette with a match, leaned over and threw the match stub into the ashtray on the table, and took the ashtray over "Compared to many pet owners, the owner of Musashi is already very good to him. He loves it because of the attitude of other pet owners towards pets. They can't communicate with Musashi, and they are not equal in terms of wisdom and can't understand it. Some behaviors of the other party, the pet is just a pet and will not be a companion, but in my eyes, you, and Feimo, are no different from humans, this is the most fundamental reason, so there is no right or wrong."

"It seems to be right." Feichi turned over and turned his belly to the sky, "Just like I treat the eel, even if I see a very beautiful eel and want to keep it and treat it well, I will also treat it well." I don’t think it is the same kind, if it makes the owner unhappy, I will definitely eat it!”

Chi Feichi understood in seconds, "Go to the breeding site tomorrow and get two eels."

"Okay, I really want to try that snake-like...Enmmm..."

Before Feichi finished speaking, he fell asleep with his eyes open.

Chi Feichi stood up, took the ashtray and mobile phone to the big window, put the ashtray on the window sill, sat on the window sill, smoking a cigarette, and continued to reply to emails.

He is not more tolerant to animals, but because the animals around him have simpler and purer minds. Feichi is very important to him because he is very important in Feichi's heart, and he is far ahead of ideas and positions.

In addition, he could also feel that Chi Kanai and Chi Shinosuke cared about him very much. In the hearts of those two people, he was also ahead of ideas, positions, wealth, and status.

So he will trust creatures like Feichi and Feimo, and he is willing to tell Chi Shinosuke and Chi Kanai some things. When getting along with these people or creatures, he can not hide his other side.

But it's not necessarily the case for other people. He's not sure if the other party will stab him in the back for something more important in his heart. It's normal to be on guard...

"Tick tick tick..."

There was a slight click of keys in the attic.

After Chi Feichi finished typing, he sent the email.

However, instead of following Feichi and lamenting these things, it is better to think about when he will be able to sleep tonight.

At night, the nocturnal creatures in the organization couldn't sit still, and as soon as he replied, they returned to chat with each other in a second full of energy.

After Belmode came back, there was another person who stayed up all night, was extremely active, and wanted to drag others to stay up late.

【Raki, are you free tonight? Ver touch]

【I'm going to sleep. Raki]

Just when he turned his head to reply to other messages, Belmode's email came back in seconds.

[The moonlight is so bright tonight, don't you want to come out and help investigate Kir's whereabouts? I have some bad news, I'm afraid something happened to Kir. Ver touch]

[I'm going to the laboratory tomorrow, and there are medical materials that need to be processed tomorrow. Raki]

After replying here, Yan Nan Takatori sent another message over there.

[Afterwards, I have to go to the Handie Club. Saruto said that Otome Takayama left me and went to contact him by herself. Although Satodo will not leave us, I want to beat her and give her a little pressure...]

[Don't beat too much, the mind that can be mastered is better to deal with than the hidden mind. Raki]

Takatori Yan Nan's message had just been answered, and a new email came again.

Qin Jiu sent a simple profile of a man, and added a sentence, roughly meaning: 'Winter is over, why don't you come out for some activities? '

Before replying, a message from Takatori Yano also came.

[Boss, do you want to come to the nightclub in Shibuya District to see a good show? 】


【That's really a pity, but what drugs are you taking recently... Ver Mouth】

Chi Feichi: "..."

You can use a very popular saying in the previous life to describe the idea of ​​this group of people to sleep with you... Anyway, get up and say hello!

In this regard, he chose to send a group reply "see you again".

These night owls who don't plan to sleep, wouldn't it be good to start a group chat and kill each other's time by themselves, they have to drag him to stay up late!

However, before going to bed, Chi Feichi used his left eye to perform super calculations related to pharmaceuticals, and when the energy consumption reached 5, he stopped and recorded all the calculation results in a memo on his mobile phone before going to sleep with peace of mind.


the next day.

When Mao Lilan and Conan went to school, they went around to No. 143.

The two women passing by together couldn't help talking when they saw the two knocking on the door.

"No one lives in that house. Although it was renovated a while ago, it seems that people haven't moved in yet, and the nameplate on the door hasn't been hung yet!"

"No, before I came out just now, my husband said that when he practiced early in the morning, he saw someone from this family going out from a distance, but it was too far away, so he didn't go to say hello..."

"Is that so? What a strange person."

After the two walked away, Mao Lilan looked at the yard, "Has Brother Feichi gone out?"

Conan took a few steps back and looked up at the balcony outside the living room on the second floor, "There are traces of the curtains on the second floor being drawn, which is different from what Yuantai and I saw when we passed by before. Brother Chi should have lived here last night. But he went out for morning exercises early in the morning, when he didn't stay up late playing games, he would go out for morning exercises very early, many times we just woke up, and he had already returned from morning exercises."

Mao Lilan turned her head to look in the direction of the detective agency, "I also want to tell him that they are all alone anyway, if he didn't have breakfast, he can go to pick up Dad later, and just go to Poirot Cafe for breakfast... "

Conan smiled and raised his head to complain, "I think it's very difficult. After Brother Chi finishes breakfast by himself, Uncle Maori may still be brushing his teeth in a daze."

"That's right," Mao Lilan laughed, and continued to go to school, "then don't care about them."


A certain detective pretended to be cute all the way, and parted with Mao Lilan at the intersection. One went to Didan High School, and the other met other members of the Boys Detective Team, and went to Didan Primary School together.

Stepping into the school gate, Conan walked into the classroom expressionlessly, listening to the childish lessons he had heard all morning, he couldn't lift his spirits at all.

The days of going to elementary school with a group of little ghosts began again.

Really, he should have gone to Didan High School with Xiaolan, that is the life he should have...

As soon as the bell rang for the end of class, Kobayashi Chengko finished the class and said with a smile, "Edogawa-san, Kojima-san, Tsuburaya-san, Yoshida-san, and Haibara-san, can you stay in the classroom after lunch?" ? The teacher has something to discuss with you.”

Haibara Ai, who was yawning halfway, stopped, and even Conan, who was lacking in interest, looked up at Chengzi Kobayashi curiously.

After the other students finished their lunch and went out for activities, Chengzi Kobayashi said something.

"Huh? Interview?"

"Interview with our boy detective team?"


The three real children were immediately happy.

"That's right!" Xiao Lin Chengzi laughed, "After school yesterday, a freelance writer, Mr. Bin Sen, came to the school to discuss with me. He wants to report your active performance, so I ask you for help."

"Sounds interesting!" Mitsuhiko said.

Ayumi smiled and said, "I'm already looking forward to it!"

"But..." Xiaolin Chengzi sneezed twice as soon as he opened his mouth.

Conan asked two questions, judging that Kobayashi Chengzi didn't have a cold, but hay fever allergy. By the way, he also popularized science about the causes and circumstances of pollen allergy, and Kobayashi Chengzi was taken aback for a while.

Seeing that Conan started to disregard his status as a primary school student again, Haibara was a little speechless, and turned to ask the three real children, "And then? Are you going to accept that interview?"

"Of course I accept it!"

The three children shouted happily, and soon fell silent again, looking at each other.

"However, there is one missing..."

"Ah, that's right," Xiaolin Chengzi recovered from Conan's general science, and looked at the three children, "I just wanted to tell you this, Mr. Chi..."

"Yeah, do you still want to call Feichi?" Ayumi said.

Yuan Tai nodded, "Fei Chi is the favorite of our young detective team, our invincible spiritual pillar!"

"That's right," Guangyan said with a smile, "With Feichi, we can definitely win!"

"No, not red?" Xiao Lin Chengzi was confused.

"Ms. Xiao Lin has seen Brother Feichi's pet snake, right?" Hui Yuanai explained calmly, "It is the group pet of our young detective team."

Conan laughed dryly, "As for the spiritual pillar of invincibility, it's because Feichi is very good at playing video games, and there are almost no games that cannot be won!"

Yuan Tai is serious, "Because you don't have to worry about losing when playing video games with Fei Chi, so Fei Chi is the spiritual pillar. Even in the face of interviews, we can have the confidence to perform perfectly!"

Conan has half-moon eyes, so what does playing games have to do with interviews?

Mitsuhiko saw Xiaolin Chengzi's strange expression, and asked suspiciously, "Didn't Teacher Xiaolin say Feichi?"

"Uh, no..." Xiaolin Chengzi smiled awkwardly, "It may be related to Feichi, I want to talk about Mr. Chi, Mr. Binsen said yesterday that he learned about it from friends in the police circle, and you helped The police are very busy, and Mr. Chi's reasoning ability is also very strong, you are just like the legendary detective and his detective team described by Conan Doyle who were active at the end of the 19th century!"

Conan felt a little worried, why use his idol to compare with that guy, and he suddenly became a 'subordinate', but he had to admit that Chi Feichi's reasoning ability is really strong...

"That is to say, brother Chi was also invited to be interviewed with us?" Ayumi asked expectantly.

Mitsuhiko nodded, "Of course it's good to have Brother Chi there. There may be tests like solving puzzles or solving cases. Brother Chi can help us ensure that we won't lose."

Yuan Tai also agreed, "Just like Feichi, it makes people very confident!"

"I think it's pretty good too." Haibara Ai glanced at Conan with a half-smile, "When the report comes out, maybe the news gimmick of Sherlock Holmes in a certain era will have to be replaced."

Conan: "..."

Hehe, Kudo Shinichi's sense of presence -1!

"But I don't know Mr. Chi very well. It seems rude to mention this to him rashly," Chengzi Xiaolin smiled helplessly. "So can I ask you to ask him? If he doesn't want to go, then I'll let you go." Accompany you, in fact, I also..."

The three children were chatting and discussing.

"I feel that Brother Chi is unlikely to agree."

"That's right. Brother Chi doesn't like to be in the limelight, let alone accept interviews."

"If you put it this way, it's similar to Sherlock Holmes!"

Xiaolin Chengzi laughed dryly.

Hey, can you listen to her finish?

In fact, she wants to say that she also likes reasoning very much, and she can take the children there as a temporary guardian!

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