Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1215 New Usage of Lak Get

On the second floor, after Chi Feichi listened to the grade report from below, he closed the folder and turned to leave.

It is agreed that someone has a bad temper and gets angry easily?

It is agreed that some people have a bad habit of using guns, and they can't get rid of it every time?

He came to squat as an experimental subject, and all of them performed supernormally. If this continues, maybe all six of them will pass the test.

After all, the elimination system is to put pressure on and select better people. If compared with the past, the level of these six people is considered excellent, then there may be no one to be eliminated in the future.

Forget it, don't worry, the medicine hasn't come out yet, he'll come back tomorrow...

At 8 o'clock in the evening of the second day, the remaining six trainees had a good rest after a meal and started the evening physical training.

Not long after the training started, one of them inadvertently looked up, and found that besides the supervisor wearing sunglasses, the white coat came again behind the guardrail upstairs.

The other five people also found the figure one after another, fell silent for a while, continued to train seriously, and spontaneously increased the intensity of training.

These researchers actually came to guard them now, as if they were chanting in their minds——

'Hurry up and make mistakes...'

'You are all little white mice in my eyes, why are you struggling...'

'You are doomed...'

'Let me see my guinea pigs...'

Scalp-numbing and rather over the top, they just won't let each other get their way!

In the next few days, Chi Feichi would squat in various training places after dinner, apart from making medicine every day, and the six of them were quite generous.

Physical training, overfulfilled.

Shooting training, overfulfilled.

Endurance assessment, all pass and perform well.

The next day is the practical ability assessment.

At around eight o'clock in the evening, the supervisor standing by the guardrail saw a person in a white coat approaching again. He was not surprised and continued to stare at the people in the field below.

Chi Feichi walked to the guardrail, lit a cigarette, and looked down at the environment below.

Tonight, the assessment site simulated the first floor of a high-rise hotel building with banquet halls, restrooms, power supply rooms, and multiple lounges.

Most of the guests are projections, but there are also people who are synthesized by machinery and projections, and supervisors are also mixed in, acting as bodyguards for important people. These two people will respond and attack.

There are organization members acting as security guards at the door, responsible for security checks, and there are cameras in the corridor outside the banquet hall, and there is also a team of reporters holding cameras in the banquet hall.

At the edge of the venue, the organization member in charge of recording and assessing explained the situation to six people.

"Metal detectors can detect contraband on your body..."

"There are cameras inside, the specific location is up to you to observe, maybe there are seven, maybe eight, nine or even more..."

On the upstairs platform, the supervisor listened to the situation below, while quietly paying attention to a certain white coat with an indifferent face.

If it were other researchers, they would have already sounded a warning—‘Those six guys have been under a lot of pressure in the past few days. They have continued to perform at a super level, and the possibility of being eliminated is unlikely. '

Most of the researchers' skills are below the average level of the organization, and they rarely carry guns, and rarely confront people head-on. Occasionally, they will be transferred to the job of 'protecting researchers', although there are also particularly vengeful perverted researchers , It's very troublesome to provoke, but generally speaking, the personality of the researchers is relatively good, as long as they don't deliberately provoke, nothing will happen.

But the person next to him was Lak, a core member who was also involved in the assassination, not just a simple researcher.

Researchers may not be core members, but Lak is, as long as they are core members, it means that to the organization, that person is more important than them, and if there is a conflict, they will only suffer.

For those involved in assassination operations, fighting and shooting are must-haves, they will not be weaker than them, and they will be stronger than them in some respects.

In addition to personal ability, it is also possible that they are stronger than them in terms of personality, maybe they are more ruthless than them, maybe they are more calculating than them, or maybe they are superior in other aspects, and these people have bad tempers and may be unhappy. Do it directly.

Anyway, if they can do nothing, they will not do much.

After staying in this kind of place for a long time, you will understand that sometimes it is the smartest way to pretend to be blind, deaf, and dumb.


At the stairway leading to the platform, Urao Ayaka, who had short red hair and was dressed in black, looked surprised. After saying hello, she walked forward quickly.

She hadn't seen Lark for a long time.

The other party seemed to be the same as before, the tall figure in black was standing by the guardrail, the side face with small freckles could be seen under the blond hair, his expression was indifferent, his blue eyes were blocked by shadows, he looked like a dangerous and The solitary wild animals gave her an unspeakable sense of familiarity, and she felt a little more relaxed in the usually cold and oppressive base.

What surprised her was why Lark was wearing a white coat?

Around, two or two teams of supervisors surrounded the platform sub-station without looking sideways, continuing to act like wooden figures.

Chi Feichi turned his head and looked at Pusheng Caixiang who was coming.

"I'm here today to learn the scent identification course. The teacher said that tonight there will be an assessment that is biased toward actual combat. It's best to come and see, so I came here. I didn't expect to meet you here," Pu Shengcaixiang twittered with a smile Share, walked closer, looked up at the person who was much taller than her in front of her, her eyes suddenly stopped, "Are you injured?"

When she got closer, she found that there was a scar on Lark's left cheek. It was not like the scar left by a sharp blade such as a knife blade. It looked thinner. The scar extended from the side of the face under the left eye to the back, and then to the ear The place was blocked by golden hair.

"A little injury."

Chi Feichi replied in a hoarse voice, looked away, and continued to look at the situation below.

The person in charge of the assessment records was still explaining the situation, "You have your own tasks..."

Those six people have different tasks according to their personal expertise.

A person who is good at collecting intelligence and has strong insight is asked to steal the mobile phone carried by a high-ranking official in the banquet hall.

Athletic people are required to avoid inspection and monitoring, and place bombs in the power supply room.

Two people who are good at cooperating are asked to cooperate to assassinate a target and must escape unscathed.

In addition, the two people with sniper talent were arranged outside the banquet hall, facing the window glass, and they also had targets to be sniped.

The completion time is also limited, the banquet is only two hours, and these people must complete their tasks within two hours.

Taking advantage of the gap prepared by the six people below, Pusheng Caixiang asked curiously again, "Why are you wearing a white coat?"

"He is also a researcher, usually doing drug research..."

From behind, a cold voice came along with approaching footsteps.

Urasheng Caixiang turned her head and saw a tall man with long silver hair and cold eyes approaching.

She has seen this person before, during the last killing...

Chi Feichi recognized Qin Jiu's voice, did not look back, and continued to look at the people below to prepare.

During the preparation period, we can actually see the differences in the personalities of the six people and their respective thinking directions.

Pusheng Caixiang thought for a while, and felt that she was not familiar with the man who came over. It was just that she had met the other day, and she was not even sure how to call her. She could only smile at Gin Jiu, and turned around to ask the people beside her in a low voice, "Luck, do you usually Do you like coming here to watch the assessment?"

Just as Chi Feichi was about to speak, someone answered him first.

"He's just here to pick a test product for the test medicine." Qin Jiu walked to the guardrail unhurriedly, lit a cigarette and held it in his mouth before looking down.

"Where's the vodka?" Chi Feichi asked hoarsely.

Why did this guy Gin start rushing to answer again tonight? Is it because there is no vodka to satisfy the desire to answer?

"I sent you four people to be test subjects, and Vodka stared at the others to do physical examinations for those four people," Gin Jiu glanced down, with the same indifferent expression as Chi Feichi, ""If nothing else, the six people You must stay. Of the four people I sent, two of them were found by Angustra. He wanted to send people to you two days ago, but I hope you can continue to come and watch every night. , and I was worried that it would be ineffective if you were too deliberate, so I didn't communicate with you until today when I heard that your medicine was finished, so I asked me to bring him here by the way, lest you can't stand it and feel that you can stay with him People move their hands..."

The two chatted as if there was no one else around, and the other people around continued to act as 'wooden people'. Even Pusheng Caixiang stood silently watching the situation below, and did not get involved in it.

Down below, the people in charge of sniping were the first to arrive and set up their sniper rifles, but because their target hadn't reached the window, they could only wait patiently.

The person in charge of sneaking in with the bomb did not rush through the security check, but observed the security situation first, and seemed to be planning to sneak in through a window or other places.

The first to enter the banquet hall were the person in charge of stealing the mobile phone and the two people who needed to cooperate in the assassination, and the three of them did not act in a hurry. After entering the banquet hall, they walked calmly among the crowd as if they were really attending a banquet. Observe the situation.

"It's not that I can't tell them apart. At first I came here to find the test subjects, but after that..." Chi Feichi whispered in a hoarse falsetto, still staring down like a poisonous snake. Six people, "I want to see how far they can go."

Qin Jiu was noncommittal, and asked instead, "Then, for the time being, as experimental subjects, four people are enough?"

He has also heard about the past few days, that Lak came to find the experimental subjects, and it actually stimulated these people to continue to perform supernormally.

Lak new usage Get!


"It's not enough, so that's the only way to go. You don't want the previous people, and you sent them to other places. When you meet a suitable candidate in the future, you can pay attention to it..."

Below, the man carrying the bomb seized the gap in the patrol, sneaked in from the lounge, and began to quickly change the clothes of the waiter.

After a while, the person in charge of the sniper shot and killed his target and then evacuated. The other sniper also fired and accurately hit the target's head.

The prelude to the action kicked off in an instant.

Soon, the person carrying the bomb brought the bomb to the front of the power supply room, avoided the monitoring and entered the door, dismantled the meter box and put it in place; the person responsible for stealing the mobile phone also found the right time, followed the mobile phone quietly, and walked to the bathroom; The rest of the people who cooperated with the assassination target also quickly destroyed the lighting that had been tampered with before, and completed the assassination by taking advantage of the opportunity when the guests were frightened by the snipers.

It took no more than 30 minutes from the time the first person sneaked in to the last person successfully evacuated. The actions of the six people were neat and calm, and they did not touch the warnings of any surveillance cameras. Exclaimed in a low voice, "It's amazing!"

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