Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1216 Gin: If you get angry, you lose

"It doesn't look like a big problem," Gin Jiu turned to look at Chi Feichi, with a smile that gloated at the corner of his mouth, "Thank you for your hard work, Lark."

Chi Feichi responded with a cold sneer, took out his phone and looked at the email he had just received, and shouted to the bottom in a hoarse and cold voice, "The training period is over, get ready, someone will send you to another place!"

The six people below froze for a moment, then looked at each other in blank dismay.

Although they have been holding their breath for the past two days, it is considered that the small universe has exploded, and their grades should be good, but when a white coat says this, they are not sure what it means, and they don't want to send them to the laboratory Bar?

The man who sneaked in to plant the bomb hesitated for a moment, looked up at the man who couldn't see clearly behind the guardrail above, and asked bluntly, "Does it mean that we have passed the training? Or is it that we have failed?"

"All pass..." Chi Feichi paused, his hoarse voice still calm and determined, "Please give me your advice in the future."

There were ecstatic smiles on the faces of the six people below, and two of them couldn't help but cheer.

Upstairs, after Chi Feichi finished speaking, he turned around and walked towards the passageway, his hoarse voice softened, "Urasu, I will go to Yokohama when the summer vacation starts, and I will probably stay for one to two weeks. Find a good reason for yourself, and don't be fooled by others." Suspect that you have something to do with the organization, send me an email when you arrive, and wait for contact."

Pusheng Caixiang was a little affected by the happy atmosphere below, and then thought that she could contact a certain Lak reasonably again, and responded with a smile, "Yes~!"

Gin didn't stay any longer, turned around and left with Chi Feichi, and when there was no one around, he took out his phone, looked down at the email, and said, "It seems that the side effect of asking you to put pressure on them can also be eliminated ..."

Chi Feichi stopped in front of the elevator, stretched out his hand and pressed the elevator button, "That one said that he didn't want them to feel disgusted with the researchers."

The abilities of those six people were not that strong, the two snipers barely reached the effective sniping distance of 500 yards, and they couldn't perform stably, but it was almost enough to confirm safety and let the wind go.

Moreover, the small universe of these six people has recently exploded. Snipers with poor endurance can reduce the image of the environment on themselves. Snipers with insufficient observation skills have found a way to make up for it. Among people, those who have been unable to correct their bad habits with a gun have corrected their bad habits, and those who are impatient can also stabilize when they should be stable.

Generally speaking, some unbearable shortcomings show signs of correction, and the remaining shortcomings can be practiced again.

The point is, these six people are obedient enough.

If Pusheng Caixiang's suspected symptoms of Stockholm Syndrome made him feel that it came too suddenly, then these six people were clearly arranged.

Man can be tamed.

In this closed environment, the six people can only receive information from the supervisor and other organization members, and at the same time face the threat of death themselves, from being forced to accept orders and instructions at the beginning, to finally getting used to following orders and instructions... , has been tamed unconsciously.

Those who cannot be tamed and lack the ability are all dead, and among the remaining tamed people, once the death crisis hanging over them suddenly disappears, they will have a great sense of identity with the organization and are willing to follow orders and instructions. It can be used as a dead man completely.

As long as the loyalty is guaranteed to a certain extent, the slight lack of ability of these six people is acceptable.

The email he received before was from that person, and the content was very straightforward that all six people would stay. In order to prevent these six people from feeling dissatisfied with the researchers, he was the one who announced the end of the training here.

This is not difficult to understand.

These people are under high pressure, and when they feel that the organization is too strong to resist, they will transfer their hatred to the researchers who need the experimental subjects, and feel that the root cause of death is the researchers' pharmaceutical research.

It's a very unreasonable transfer, but people need to find a reason to excuse their unwilling compromise, to give themselves a reasonable step down, so that they can make themselves feel better.

In fact, these people will have a repulsive mentality towards "research" and researchers, which is also an expected development. That one originally didn't intend to take care of it, but his behavior of squatting on the experimental subject not only forced these six people to break through their limits, It also made the six people who were already repulsed by research have deeper dissatisfaction and hostility towards people in white coats.

The six people who may become the protectors of the researchers in the future, in order to protect the mission from going wrong, that one decided to let him, the 'white coat', announce the end of the training.

The feeling of relief and joy for a moment can make these people look at him and his white coat much more pleasingly, and dispel their rejection of the research group.

Will this make these people lack a 'psychological step'?


For a long time, the life safety of the supervised party has been threatened, while the supervised party controls the life and death of others. After these people are accepted, they will immediately identify themselves as 'new members of the organization', and because they have paid a lot It is rare to get, so it will be cherished and valued.

Because of this, these surviving people will soon break away from the original 'supervised group', close to the 'supervisor group', and feel that they are the 'supervisor group', and explain from the standpoint of the regulator The problem is, after I no longer hate the researchers, I feel that those guys who are all dead are disobedient/too stupid!

In the end, everything is a trick.

Including the sentence he said, "Please give me more advice in the future", is also a routine, which can be regarded as the part of releasing goodwill in the taming plan, which can give these six people a sense of accomplishment that their hard work finally has good results, a sense of happiness of being recognized, and even feel It is an honor to join the organization. Invisibly, it can make these people more loyal and obedient to orders.

This...he seems to have accidentally helped Black again.

But the help of these six people is nothing, there are still a bunch of people in the organization who can be dead soldiers, so it shouldn't matter...

And his position is not crooked, here, he is the Lak of the organization, let himself think so and believe it, which is beneficial to his personal safety.

Although it may not be conducive to psychological safety, as long as he is determined enough, he will not be able to split.


The elevator door opened, Gin put away his phone and entered the door, pressed the floor button, couldn't help but chuckled, " are so arrogant, I've wanted to say this to you a long time ago."

He didn't believe that that person would teach Luke how to say it. It was nothing more than expressing the purpose of 'don't let them hate the researchers', and then asked Luke to announce the end of the training, that is to say, the phrase 'please teach me more in the future' , was said by Lark himself.

Where does Lak not know how to get along with people? It's just that you don't bother to get along with certain people or usually disdain hypocrisy.

Even if the words are modest like 'please advise me', as long as you have some understanding of Lark and can think about it like him, you will be able to discover the arrogance deep in someone's heart.

"Hmph..." Chi Feichi imitated Gin's sneer, snorted, and mocked expressionlessly, "You are really arrogant, I have wanted to say this to you a long time ago."

Gin almost couldn't control his hand in the windbreaker pocket, wanting to touch the gun.


Very good, another day to let Luke know what it means to be grumpy!

Chi Feichi ignored Gin's cannibalistic gaze.

Before, he had a fever and cough due to the three sets of golden fingers, and he was not in a good mood. Gin took the opportunity to mock him. He didn't have the energy to retaliate at the time, but it doesn't mean he forgot, and he will come back sooner or later!


The elevator doors opened.

Gin instantly softened his expression, and went straight out of the elevator.

Such a low-end mocking game, if you get angry, you lose!

"Are you planning to go to Yokohama to deal with Shimizu's matter?"

"It's getting too involved," Chi Feichi didn't taunt anymore, got out of the elevator and walked towards the laboratory, and said in a hoarse voice, "I have to go."

Qin Jiu originally wanted to say that maybe he could apply for support, but thinking of Chi Feichi's taunt just now, he didn't want to say it anymore. When he found out that it was only them, a certain snake didn't peep at him from his collar, "Fei Chi Woolen cloth?"

"My sister's place." Chi Feichi said.

"Oh?" Gin didn't take it seriously, and said casually, "You don't worry about it biting a child..."


At the door of a laboratory, Vodka turned to look at the two people who were coming, and said hello, "Brother, Luke, there are two other guys whose physical examinations have not been completed, and the specific data report will take about half an hour. Still have to wait!"

"Thanks for your hard work."

Chi Feichi walked to the laboratory and looked at the situation behind the large glass window.

Indoors, two people are fixed in a chair similar to what a dentist would sit on, except that the chair is much sturdier.

The heads, hands, feet and bodies of the two were tightly locked on chairs with steel rings, and they were forced to lie on their backs. Many electrodes were attached to their bodies, and many tubes were connected to them. They watched as two white coats surrounded them. Tossing and tossing, one of them gritted his teeth and cursed, and the other murmured in fear.

However, due to the sound insulation of the glass, you can't hear what the people inside are cursing or saying. You can only see the indifference of the two white coats, and there is no response at all.

"I just woke up," Vodka joked with a smile. "That guy started cursing when he woke up. He has been cursing for more than three minutes. It seems that he still hasn't understood his current situation."

"Maybe he understands his situation too well!" Qin Jiu said.

"That's right, that guy sent other people to the lab before, so he probably knows what happened to him," Vodka smiled, seeing no one around, and having to wait again, he hesitated for a while, and asked "But... will Feichi bite people?"

"Normally they don't bite." Chi Feichi replied in a hoarse voice.

Gin looked at the situation in the laboratory, and mercilessly dismantled it, "Luck said 'average', just listen to it."

The snake will help protect the vitals when Lak is unable to move. With Lak's character, it is impossible for the snake to only guard the vitals and not attack.

Even if the snake doesn't bite, Rucker can train the snake to be aggressive.

Chi Feichi counted carefully, even if he excluded Kuroba Kaito who was always bitten, Feichi also bit criminals, his Maori teacher, Conan, and the bow leader of the fire class. not enough……

"At least I didn't bite you."

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