Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1218 The current Lark is really scary

The two white coats nodded, turned and went to the medicine storage room.

Seeing that Gin and Belmode seemed to be waiting to see the drug experiment, Vodka turned to Chi Feichi curiously, "Luck, what kind of medicine are you going to use these guys to test tonight?"

"The low-efficiency version of AHTX-1031, serial number 2001," Chi Feichi looked down at the data report and hissed without raising his head, "There is also the same series of effective relieving agents."

One of them was in poor physical condition and was obese.

The physical fitness of the remaining three people is not bad, they are relatively close, but fortunately there are men and women, and the age difference is not small.

There are gender and age gaps between the testers, so that the difference can be compared from the data. After that, a lot of experimental data is needed, but he doesn't care about those, and leave it to other people to do it.

He just wants to confirm tonight whether the drug works in human experiments and whether it can achieve the expected effect...

"It's still the kind of drug that eliminates all red blood cells in the human body. It's really like a vampire." Belmode smiled and looked at the two people who were immobilized behind the glass window. "Then, the drug-effect reliever refers to..."

"Semi-finished antidote," Chi Feichi saw two white coats coming back with a box, stepped back to make way, and explained, "Drugs can interrupt the effects of toxins on the body, but the damage done to the body is irreversible."

After the two white coats entered the door, they pushed the chair of the person in the room out of the laboratory and put it in the vacated laboratory next door, separating the two fixed testers.

The other two people who had completed the physical examination earlier were also sent over by other white coats and separated separately.

Chi Feichi and a group of people finally confirmed the experimental steps and checked the instruments.

The experiment needs to be done one by one, and the physical condition should be tested.

The man who was cursing before was ranked last, and a white coat went to supplement the man with glucose.

Chi Feichi defaulted to this sorting.

For him, it doesn't matter how they are sorted, anyway, the results of the experimental subjects will not get better.

However, these researchers are also dark-bellied enough. Facing unknown threats to life, the longer you wait, the more frightening you will be.

Moreover, among the four experimental subjects, one or two of them should not be able to die in the end, and they would continue to provide data with their broken bodies until they could not bear a certain experiment and died.

Leaving that cursing man in the last experiment is far more cruel than killing him in one experiment.


After the experiment started, in addition to the white coat staring at the body data detection in the room, a younger man wearing thin-rimmed glasses followed Chi Fei out of the laboratory late, holding a tablet, paying attention to the data changes at any time, and by the way, following Qin Jiu et al. briefly explained the experimental situation.

"Experiment No. 1 is conducting a drug efficacy experiment of AHTX-2001, intramuscular injection..."

Behind the large glass window, a white coat inside took out a syringe and injected the bright red medicinal liquid into the arm of the test subject.

The young man looked down at the data uploaded from the tablet, paused for a while, and looked at Chi Feichi, "The red blood cells in the subject's body began to be eliminated, which was consistent with the estimated removal rate."

Chi Feichi explained to the three onlookers, "From the onset of the drug to death, it is estimated to be an hour."

"One, one hour?" Vodka was a little surprised, "Does it take so long?"

"Yes," the young man explained, "after the drug takes effect, there will be dizziness, chills, tremors, fatigue, rapid heart rate, shortness of breath and other symptoms at the initial stage. From other biological experiment data, it is speculated that this symptom has the same effect on the human body. It will last about fifteen minutes..."

Behind the glass window, Subject No. 1 was fixed on a chair. His hands and feet had already started to tremble, and then the trembling continued throughout his body. His face was pale, he trembled uncontrollably, his breathing gradually became rapid, and the data on the heart rate detector also soared a little bit. .

Looking at the appearance of the man inside, Vodka felt extremely uncomfortable, "It should be very uncomfortable, right?"

"Hands and feet are heavy and cold, and the heartbeat is fast. It's almost like a serious illness." The young man evaluated it, looked up and saw the test subject retching but couldn't vomit, and added, "Maybe it's a little more uncomfortable than that..."

"If you have a heart attack, you can die from a rapid heart rate at this stage, and no poison can be detected in the autopsy results." Chi Feichi looked at the white coat inside and was busy taking blood samples, and continued, "In In blood-related tests, the number of red blood cells will remain slightly lower than that of healthy people, but not enough to cause death."

"That is to say, on the premise that the target has a heart disease, it can achieve the effect of APTX-4869 like a natural death, right?" Vodka asked.

The young man nodded, "The special drugs for heart disease can't alleviate the increased burden on the heart caused by the reduction of red blood cells in the body, and they can't even work, because people with heart disease can't last a minute, and it is expected that the heart will die within a minute. If the patient died due to overload, even if the autopsy finds drugs for treating heart disease in the stomach of the corpse, the police will only judge the death as a result of a heart attack and the drugs did not take effect in time.”

"And then?" Qin Jiu looked at Chi Feichi and asked, "I came here to guard a few days in advance. This shouldn't be the only thing you're looking forward to, right?"

They also have the poison APTX-4869 that can target anyone. If it was only a poison for the ‘natural death’ of heart patients, Lark would not be able to attach so much importance to it.

Just like the last time AHTX-1031 was successfully developed, although the final death was very strange, as if the blood in the human body had disappeared, but the drug itself was of little use, and Lak was not so actively staring at the human experiment. Didn't pay much attention, presumably some proud person is not satisfied with that kind of medicine that doesn't have much practical use.

This time Lak was so active, he always felt that it would not be so simple.

Chi Feichi turned his head, and his blue pupils reflected the faces of Gin, Vodka, and Belmode after changing his appearance. His emotions inside were strangely calm, and his hoarse voice was also calm, "It depends on whether you want to ask something or not. .”

Vodka was stunned for a moment, and looked at the scene behind the glass window where the experimental subject wanted to struggle but was unable to struggle, and his face was distorted in pain, his heart skipped a beat.

Lak is really scary now, it makes him inexplicably feel cold on his back, the back of his neck, and the back of his head...

"Ask something..." Belmode felt uneasy after being stared at by Chi Feichi, his mind froze for a moment before returning to normal, "Luck, you deliberately extended the death time, could it be Do you want to use it as a torture drug?"

"In the second stage, muscle spasms in the hands and feet, the suffocation gradually increased, and the consciousness began to trance, and the experiment experienced the pain of wandering between life and death..." The young man looked down at the tablet in his hand, and when he raised his head, pushed Pushing his glasses, he took a weak glance at Chi Feichi, "The feeling of suffocation combined with the previous conditions such as cold body and heavy hands and feet will make him feel like he is about to die, but his irregular heartbeat, the pain caused by suffocation, The cramps and pain in the hands and feet will make him feel deeply that he is still alive and alive in pain. This situation will last for about forty minutes. For him, this period of time will be many times more difficult than ours. According to the results of other experiments, it is speculated that the current trance will only make it easier for him to tell the truth, and he will not be so tranced that he can ignore the pain or his consciousness is not clear enough..."

"And even if the restraints are loosened, his body will not allow him to commit any suicide actions, which can ensure that he will not die. Of course, this is still the first human experiment, and it depends on the results," Chi Feichi continued. Looking at the three of Gin and Wine, "So you can try it if you want."

Belmode: "..."

These research lunatics are indeed perverts! Dead pervert!

"We're about to enter the second stage," the young man looked at Chi Feichi again, "Then shall I turn on the intercom now?"

Chi Feichi nodded, looked down at the printing paper in his hand, silently compared the physical data of the No. 1 test subject with the onset time of the drug effect in his mind, and then looked at the test subject behind the glass window.

This kind of experiment is very cruel and inhumane, but the surrounding colors and pictures are completely different from the three-dimensional one, which makes him too jumpy. He really can't see the guys inside as the same kind. This feeling...

It's like watching comics like Doctor Strange, Demon Lab, etc.

Speaking of which, the manga he found in the bookstore last time was very good, and he can buy it another day to read it and achieve the achievement of 'I read manga in manga'.

Vodka saw that Chi Feichi Yirong had a look of earnest appreciation on his face, and couldn't help sweating. He turned to look at the gin, "Hey, big brother..."

"The information in this guy's mouth is not of much value, so just ask anything."

Gin looked at Chi Feichi, and didn't understand why he could feel the feeling of "I'm watching a movie" from Chi Feichi, but it was true that a certain guy's psychological distortion was gradually increasing.

He wanted to remind him, "Be careful, that person will most likely watch the experiment video, and don't let that person have new worries about your condition."

But he suddenly thought of those small animals killed by Chi Feichi one by one, and felt that the situation was not worse, at most, the little white mice and rabbits turned into humans, and didn't Lak not bite...

Next, in the ten minutes into the second stage, Gin asked a lot of questions through the intercom.

From 'what are you hiding from the organization', to 'do you have any secrets that you have never told anyone', to 'the secrets you know about other people', 'the most important person to you'...

The experimental subject answered quickly and hastily, probably thinking that he should have been dragged into the water by something to be unlucky, and shouted a few words of grievance from time to time.

Gin ignored the irrelevant answers. After asking, he observed the state of the experimental subject and repeated the questions he had already asked.

When I asked the second time, the other party's breath was obviously weaker, and he didn't have much energy to complain again. He thought about answering, and even said things like 'I went out to smoke yesterday and no one knew'.

The second question and answer took a little longer, but it was completed within 20 minutes.

Gin had nothing to ask, and said to the young man, "Turn off the intercom system."

"Ah, okay," the young man operated the tablet to close the connection with it, then turned to look at Chi Feichi, "Then, now wait for the third stage."

Chi Feichi nodded, and said to Gin, "The predicted effect will be stronger than Veritaserum, but the No. 1 test subject's willpower is too weak to try the maximum effect."

"Then find a chance to try with a hard-spoken guy." Qin Jiu looked at the man behind the glass window with a pale face and kept murmuring, "What is the third stage?"

"The symptoms of trance and muscle spasms are getting worse, as well as the pain and discomfort caused by organ damage. Those who refuse to speak in the second stage can try the third stage," Chi Feichi also looked at The man behind the glass window said hoarsely and calmly, "This stage lasts about 15 minutes until death."

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