Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1219 The Vampire at the Beginning of the Century

The white coats in the room were busy with testing and recording, and Chi Feichi and the young man also looked at the data transmitted on the tablet, whispering a few words from time to time.

Vodka looked at the experimental subject in the room, took out his mobile phone to check the time, then looked up at the experimental subject in the room, looked at it for a while, and couldn't help but check the time again.

After the muscle spasm of the whole body appeared, the expression on the body and face of the experimental subject gradually distorted, gnashing their teeth, not knowing what to say.

The wait can seem long, especially when there are few distractions.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes...

Belmode saw that Vodka was looking at the time faster and faster, which made her feel that time was slow, so she couldn't help saying, "Vodka, don't act more difficult than that guy."

Seeing Chi Feichi looking up, Vodka hesitated to speak, hesitated to speak, and finally held back.

"The heart stopped beating," the young man pushed his glasses, looked up at Chi Feichi, his tone was full of surprise and excitement, "It's unbelievable, it's almost the same as the expected result and time!"

The corner of Belmode's mouth twitched slightly.

These researchers are all lunatics after entering the research state, and they are actually excited at this time...

Vodka let out a long sigh of relief, "Is this the end? I just wanted to go in and give him a good time!"

He wanted to say this before, but considering that these people should need comprehensive data, he worried that Lak would misunderstand that he wanted to sabotage the experiment, so he held back.

"When the test subject is completely dead and the data collection is over, we will prepare the test drug for test subject No. 2," the young man said, and couldn't help looking at Chi Feichi with bright eyes, "It should be exactly 15 minutes after the brain is dead. , the ingredients of the medicine are controlled quite precisely, and it can completely achieve the desired effect, and there is probably no need to make any adjustments afterwards!"

"In other words, is AHTX-2001 considered a success?" Belmode understood, and looked at Chi Feichi with a smile, "Luck, no wonder that one wants you to stay in the laboratory every day, I also want to vote for it now Where's the ticket?"

"I refuse," Chi Feichi refused with a cold face. He knew that Belmode wanted to get him away from Conan, but as long as he doesn't do anything about pharmaceuticals, no one can force him. "AHTX-2001 is Based on the research on the efficacy of AHTX-1031, only the specific ratio has been adjusted, and the main ingredients have not changed, so it is not surprising that it has been successful once."

The young man couldn't help but look at Chi Feichi in a daze.

Isn't it surprising that it failed once?

Saying this kind of thing in the research is easy to be beaten by the group, do you know that?

Chi Feichi looked back at the young man indifferently.

He said it wasn't surprising, but these people couldn't figure it out themselves, and their senses were dull, and they didn't understand spirituality at all.

Young man: "..."


Just, even if he was threatened with cold eyes, he couldn't say anything against his will!

"Heh..." Bellmode laughed softly, "Luck, you can try to say this sentence at a certain pharmaceutical academic seminar, I will help you choose a seminar with a lot of participants in the industry, you how do you feel?"

"I'll go if you can get the admission spot," Chi Feichi looked at Belmode without changing his face, and hissed calmly, "Should I add another sentence, 'With all due respect, everyone here is trash'? "

The young man turned blank for a moment.

Feeling ridiculed...

Chi Feichi thought about it for a while, and felt that Belmode really wanted to get the invitation letter, and he really wanted to try it, "You can disguise yourself, anyway, they can't beat me..."

Belmode saw that Chi Feichi was really thinking about it seriously, so he stopped and said, "Then I can't make the decision, I have to agree with that one."

Go ahead and throw the problem at that one.

Anyway, that person probably won't agree to Lak's going. If you want to discuss it, you can do it within the organization. There are so many pharmaceutical geniuses in the organization, and the research is enough. What if Lak is released and abducted?

Although with that guarantee, Lark is unlikely to betray the organization, but if someone is attracted by some interesting research, suddenly runs to study and disappears for ten days and a half months, they have to find someone again.

Gin took a look at Belmod, and started his head every day. I wonder if this guy Lak is not normal sometimes. If Lak really thinks about how to go to the seminar every day to make trouble, then how to prevent it, "Hmph, that kind of There's nothing to do with the occasion!"

Seeing the white coat coming out of the room, Belmode changed the subject, "So, shall we repeat the experiment just now?"

"No, let's finish the first experiment of the relieving agent first." Chi Feichi didn't think about making trouble anymore, he was not interested in the publicity that is not beneficial, "I want to see the effect of the relieving agent, and leave the subsequent experiments to them. I have to go home and prepare for the investigation."

"It's the semi-finished antidote you said, right?" Vodka looked curiously at another laboratory, "But Lark, why do you say it's a semi-finished antidote?"

"That kind of medicine can interrupt the influence of toxins on the body, but the immune system's removal process for red blood cells cannot be fully restored, and at best it can slow down the killing speed of red blood cells," Chi Feichi explained, "We will need to use it to transport red blood cells in the future. Blood red blood cells are used to ensure that the number of red blood cells in the body remains at a safe level. Unless there are drugs to repair the immune system, blood transfusions are required every once in a while to ensure their own survival."

"That's why Lak prefers to call it a relieving agent," the young man took over, "and once the organ function is damaged, even if the toxin's influence on the body is stopped, the damage is irreversible."

Belmode crossed his arms, looked at the white coats who were busy in the laboratory next door, and said with a half-smile, "A vampire from the beginning of the century..."

Chi Feichi glanced at Belmode, "That's a good name."

Conan's time is chaotic, he has experienced several springs, summers, autumns and winters, but people in this world agree that it has not been more than half a year, and it happens to be the beginning of the 21st century.

The 21st century begins in 2001 and ends in 2099, and the number of AHTX-2001 also corresponds to the initial year of the 21st century.

Moreover, these people like to organize these people to take another name for drug administration. Because of the effect of AHTX-1031 that quickly kills human red blood cells and makes human blood appear yellow and golden, it seems to be called "Bloodthirsty Earl", which means "Dracula". , which means that the effect of this drug on the human body is like being sucked dry by Dracula.

The manufacture of AHTX-2001 is extended from AHTX-1031. If it develops according to the estimated results, after the injection of the reliever, people will also need blood transfusions to maintain their lives. Once someone uses this drug, it is like creating a vampire at the beginning of the century ', from the vampire of 'Bloodthirsty Earl' Dracula.

the most important is……

Belmode found that not only Chi Feichi glanced at her, but even the young man looked at her strangely, and couldn't help asking, "What's wrong? Does this drug have any secrets?"

The secret of her agelessness should not be known to others, and Lak will not talk about it.

Then why does this man look at her with such strange eyes?

"I'm sorry, it's because of the previous experiment," the young man realized that he was losing his composure, and quickly retracted his gaze, explaining, "When providing the experimental data to AHTX-1031, our people here did the delivery of young mice into the body of the year mice." The blood experiment, because some people think that sending young blood can delay aging and prolong life. When Lak came over, the experiment had not yet come to an end, but he..."

Chi Feichi looked at the glass window of the second laboratory, estimating in his mind how long it would take to complete the preparations and start the experiment, and said, "I want to prove that is a wrong idea."

"Yeah, so that experiment is continuing. In fact, this is an idea that originated from the research of 'parabiosis' in the last century," the young man pushed his glasses again, and said with a serious face, "It was originally in 1864, France. Physiologists cut part of the skin on the flanks of two rats, and then sutured them together. During the healing process, the capillaries and granulation tissue of the two rats proliferated alternately, and gradually grew into one body. After one rat was injected with the drug, the drug ingredient could be detected in the other rat, indicating that their circulatory systems are connected, so that scientist also won the French Academy of Sciences award..."

Vodka: "..."

These researchers have a strange idea.

Why would anyone think of cutting two mice apart, stitching them together, and letting the two mice grow into one individual?

The young man continued seriously, "In 1956, someone connected 69 pairs of rats of different ages, and observed that the bones and density of the old rats had increased, and gradually approached the younger rats. In 1972, A similar study at the University of California showed that the lifespan of old rats was extended by 5 months compared with the control group. Some time ago, another couple of researchers compared mice aged 2-3 months with mice aged 16-19 months. In older mice, which roughly correspond to 10 and 50 years in humans, they found that the blood of young mice enhanced the ability of old mice to regenerate and repair muscle and liver cells, and also allowed old stem cells to re-divide ability, so we suddenly talked about it that day, and felt that young blood might make people regain their youth, but Lark said that it was only temporary and would only speed up death."

"What's the result?" Vodka couldn't help asking.

"At present, the experiment is not completely over, and it will probably be observed for another week or so. However, the symbiosis does have risks. Many experimental mice died due to rejection in the symbiosis. As for blood transfusion, too much or too frequent blood transfusion is also very dangerous. Danger……"

The young man continued, "When we transfused the blood of the young mice into the young mice, we conducted strict matching. The physical condition of the young mice was indeed getting closer to that of the young mice, but some of them died due to frequent blood transfusions and rejection reactions. , and from the day before yesterday, some experimental mice that were in good condition also began to fail in their organs and died one after another. Looking at it now, Lak's idea is correct, the rejuvenation is only temporary, but after using AHTX-2001 and the relieving agent, The experiment has taken a new turn."

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