Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1220 The strongest crow's mouth in history?

"Although the finished product of AHTX-2001 for the human body was only completed this morning, three days ago, we began to conduct experiments on related drugs with experimental mice. Some of the rats were injected with AHTX-2001 and were injected with relief in the first stage. Afterwards, in order to ensure the survival of the rats, we began to transfuse blood to the rats. Compared with the rats who did not receive AHTX-2001 and the relieving agent, the chances of rejection of the blood transfusion in these rats were smaller,” the young man said. Lighted up, "After two of them had a rejection reaction, the symptoms were not serious and they miraculously healed. According to the test, AHTX-2001 seems to be affecting the immune system and killing red blood cells. Killing the rejection factors in the whole blood reduces the risk of excessive blood transfusion..."

Vodka made me a little dizzy, but I probably understood, "Uh, that means, after using this kind of medicine, you can have frequent blood transfusions, right?"

"That's right," the young man nodded heavily, speaking at a faster pace, appearing a little fanatical, "And the Nian mice also rejuvenated after being transfused with the blood of the young mice, and it was faster and more obvious. The experiment started three days ago, By this afternoon, the physical condition of those 16-19-month-old rats was close to that of 10-12-month-old young rats. If frequent blood transfusions do not cause rejection and there is no organ failure in the later stage, it is equivalent to Blood transfusions can be used to ensure that Nian rats are rejuvenated and that they will not age! Yes, just like the legendary vampires!"

"The faster you recover, the faster you die," said Chi Feichi, "transfusion-associated graft-versus-host disease, that is, lymphocytes in the whole blood migrate, proliferate and attack the host's immune system in the host's body, resulting in transfusion-related graft-versus-host disease." AHTX-2001 only allows the immune system to clear red blood cells, and has no effect on lymphocytes. It can allow experimental mice to resist the dangers of frequent blood transfusions, because the aggressiveness of the immune system has been enhanced, which is why It is equivalent to using violence to control violence. You think that the immune system can always suppress the disadvantages of excessive blood transfusion, but I insist that since the battlefield is inside the experimental subject, in the short term, the condition of the experimental subject will improve, but as long as a certain link Started to collapse..."


At the end of the corridor, a middle-aged woman in a white coat hurried over, "All the experimental mice numbered AH1 to AH20 are abnormal, and their organs are beginning to fail..."

Chi Feichi looked at the young man, "Crash."

Gin, Belmode, Vodka: "..."

Is this the strongest crow's mouth in history?

The young man looked at Chi Feichi speechlessly, but he still insisted, "The experiment is not over yet, and even if all the experimental mice in this group are dead, we can still continue the experiment to find out the problem through a large amount of data, and then go to Find a solution!"

"It makes sense," Chi Feichi looked at the prepared second laboratory, and said calmly, "The situation of the experimental rats can be continuously monitored, so finish the experiments here first."

"Ah, I'm sorry." The young man finally came to his senses, and asked the middle-aged woman who came to monitor the situation of the experimental mice to continue the experiment on the human body.

The remaining three subjects were injected with relieving agents during the third, second, and first stages of AHTX-2001 attack.

None of the three died, but one organ function was damaged, and the remaining two will continue to receive blood transfusions in the days to come and continue to be observed.

Chi Feichi didn't stay for long. After the last person's injection of the relieving agent was completed, he handed over the follow-up observations and experiments to the young man, and asked him to remember to send him some reports every once in a while.

Downstairs, Vodka was still sighing, "It's a pity, if the organs don't fail in the later stage, then it will be considered a way to live forever, right?"

"There is no if, and sometimes it seems that it is only a little bit worse, but it is actually a lot worse." Chi Feichi said.

"Luck, are you really planning to hand over the follow-up experiments to other people?" Belmode asked.

"Leave it to them. In fact, AHTX-2001 does not need to make people immortal, but it can also play a big role." Chi Feichi turned to look at the three of them, "If a person suffers from a disease caused by a decaying body Tortured, he could only lie on the hospital bed, and someone told him at this time that he could restore his youthful body in a short period of time, even if he would die later, or even die a little faster than before, how many people would refuse?"

Blood transfusion rejuvenation is useless for frogs and snakes, and only significant changes were found in mice close to humans. That is to say, even if AHTX-2001 plus a relieving agent can prolong life, Feichi will not be able to use it.

He researched this, in addition to looking for an opportunity to get in touch with the drug research data of the organization, he also wanted to make the shortest-lived Feichi in their group live longer. Since it is useless to Feichi, then this research is useless to him So important, he didn't intend to watch it himself.

As he said, some research results seem to be only a little short of the destination, but in fact they are far away. It takes a lot of effort to take a step, and this road may not be the right one.

For now, the AH series has irreplaceable value.

Let a person make a choice: to live three months in pain and pain brought about by aging, or to live a month or two in a healthy and young body? It is difficult for people who cannot bear the pain to refuse this offer, and it is even more difficult for people who have regrets and want to do something.

Vodka swallowed his saliva, probably anticipating how this medicine can be used, "Since they are going to die, I think many people will choose to be young and healthy again. Even if they live less for a while, it's not a loss..."

"What's more, they won't know that they will die in the end." Chi Feichi said.

"Huh?" Vodka was confused.

"Hmph..." Gin Jiu sneered and explained, "That is to say, we just need to tell them that this is a drug with limited efficacy and needs to be used continuously. After experiencing the feeling of returning to youth, they will It will be more willing than us to believe that they don't have to choose between 'rejuvenating youth but hastening death' and 'dragging an old body to death', as long as they choose to believe and agree to our terms in exchange for medicine, that's enough !"

Chi Feichi walked towards the parking place.

That's right, that's the style of the organization.

Fools let the other party hesitate and choose. They just need to build a beautiful blueprint for "immortality" and convince the other party that they can squeeze all the value that can be extracted before the other party dies.

Belmode didn't intend to rub the car, and when he walked towards his motorcycle, he said in a teasing tone, "Luck, that one didn't lock you in the laboratory, I think it's a waste."

Qin Jiu looked at Chi Feichi, staring thoughtfully.

In the past, Lak tinkered with drugs and said that he was not a professional, but it has only been a long time, and all usable and particularly useful results have come out.

Yes, many researchers can prove that Lak's research method is indeed a wild way, but he is obviously an amateur, but he seems to be born with judgment and intuition that others cannot possess. He feels that it is not important to be professional or not. Lak has this kind of Talent is still running outside every day, every day is a waste.

How about...

Chi Feichi sneered, "I would rather die than surrender."

Gin compromised and looked away.

All right, all right, he was really afraid that someone would kill him with a twitch of his brain.

Belmode had nothing to say for a moment.

That's right, this guy Lak really can't be forced.

"Even if Lak doesn't stay in the lab every day, he's better than those people, and he can help with the investigation, wouldn't that be great?" Vodka said truthfully, and then doubted, "But Lak, you leave all the follow-up experiments to the one in the palace. Guys, are you really okay?"

Chi Feichi walked to the black Zelas, opened the door and got in the car, "I can't guarantee his loyalty, but his ability is enough."

In the past few days, those researchers have revealed a lot of information during their conversations.

The young man who monitored the data with him tonight joined the organization before going to college, and the organization paid for him to finish college, and the reason for his fancy was his talent in pharmaceuticals.

The reason why he noticed such a person was because the other party signed the experiment report the day before yesterday, so he noticed that the other party's full name was 'Gong Juren'.

A very distinctive name, the person who chose this name should not understand Chinese.

Seeing this name, he couldn't forget it even if he wanted to, so he paid more attention to the other party, and found that this person's ability was nothing to say, although it was not as good as people like Shirley, but his own level was considered a genius among geniuses.

Vodka probably misunderstood a bit. It is normal for the two of them to have different opinions just now, and it does not mean that there is a problem with the other party's ability. The other party is the thought and reaction that a normal researcher should have, and he is the abnormal one.

"Don't worry about the loyalty issue. Someone will keep an eye on him. If he has a problem, solve it in time!" Qin Jiu opened the car door, got into his Porsche 356A, lowered the window, and talked to Chi Feichi about the business, " However, after the training and assessment on No. 0331 is over, the personnel and equipment will be gradually transferred, even if the lab is the last one, the transfer will be completed within about two months."

Chi Feichi started the car and recalled the progress of the experiment, "Two months is more than enough time for the remaining observation period, and the follow-up experiments can be carried out after they move to a new location."

Belmode stood in front of the motorcycle beside him, watched the black Zelas leave, and then sighed softly, "Whether that guy Lark is thrown into the researchers, intelligence personnel, or operational personnel, it is very unexpected. No wonder that one is so precious to him..."

After the gin waited for the vodka to get into the car, he lit the cigarette with the cigarette lighter on the car, and corrected, "That one has always been interested in him!"

Belmode laughed, "That's right, even without these, Lak is still Lak."

"Hmph..." Gin put the cigarette lighter back, "The youngest should always be favored."

"You and him seem to get along very well, Gin." Belmode smiled, looking at Gin with a little more searching eyes.

"He's not as difficult to get along with as I imagined." Qin Jiu said without changing his face.

Vodka silently nodded in agreement.

He also thinks that Lak is very easy to get along with. Sometimes Lak is very reasonable, and he is so good at cooking.

Belmode chuckled, the laughter was so light that it was incomprehensible, but it could make Vodka feel that Belmod seemed not satisfied with his elder brother's reply.

Soon, Belmode became serious, "However, Gin..."

Gin turned his head to the side, and looked at Belmod outside the car window with his eyes mostly blocked by silver hair.

The corner of Belmode's mouth was still smiling, but he looked at Gin with incomprehensible depth, "You don't know his situation, and if you let him continue to mess around outside, don't you worry about creating a complete lunatic? "

"Since the inherited aggression can't be eliminated, and there is no need to eliminate it, then, instead of letting him target himself, it is better to let him target those insignificant people. What's wrong with becoming a lunatic..." Qin Jiu didn't Stay again, drive away, "I think so, so does that one."

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