Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1221 Still Too Naive

The next day, Mihua Town.

Hui Yuanai, wearing a baseball cap and carrying a transparent plastic box containing non-chi, went to the small building with a wooden signboard with the word 'pool' at the door, and rang the doorbell.

Not long after, Chi Feichi opened the door, a little surprised, "Xiao Ai?"

It was too late last night, he didn't contact Dr. Ari and Haibara to pick up Feichi, and stayed at No. 143 Mihuacho 5-chome for another night.

In the morning, Huiyuan Ai sent a UL message to ask him if he was done with work. He said he was here now, but he didn't expect Huiyuan Ai to come running over.

"I'll send Feichi over here, and I'll take a look at this small house." After Hui Yuanai entered the door, he bent down and put the box on the floor of the entrance, opened the lid to let Feichi out, and then turned around and took Chi Feichi's hand. slippers.

This place is very close to the Maori Detective Agency, and the people from the organization had just conducted an unsuccessful operation against the Maori Detective Agency. She was also worried that she would run into the people from the organization, so she specially wore a baseball cap.

But if you don't come to see it, she won't worry.

This area is very suitable for monitoring the Maori Detective Agency. If the organization's people are active nearby, and her family's unknown and keen Brother Feichi notices something abnormal nearby, and follows up quietly like a certain famous detective, it will be terrible. .

Furthermore, she also wanted to see if the woman in Belmode would run over.

Except for that woman, the rest of the organization probably don't know about her shrinking. As long as you wear a hat, cover your hair and half of your face, even if people from the organization are nearby, they probably won't pay attention to a passing child, so It's not very dangerous for her to come over to find out.

And she didn't inform Brother Feichi that she would come over in advance, because she was worried that there was a dangerous woman beside Brother Feichi, so she set a trap for her on the road ahead of time...

In short, along the way, she secretly noticed that there was no particularly suspicious person around here. Next, she wanted to see if there was anything unusual about Brother Feichi.

Chi Feichi waited for Hui Yuanai to change into his slippers, picked up the plastic box on the floor of the entrance, picked up Feichi, and took Hui Yuanai to the stairs, "Come up and sit down for a while, I'm just about to prepare lunch..."

"Brother Feichi, I want to go to the bathroom, so you go first, don't wait for me."

Hui Yuanai looked calm, walked into the bathroom next to the stairs, closed the door, and observed the toiletries on the sink.

It seems that there are only traces of one person's life, and there is no special perfume smell...

After waiting for a while, Hui Yuanai pretended to go to the bathroom, washed his hands, opened the door a crack, saw that there was no Chi Feichi suddenly appearing outside, and then quietly slipped into the opposite bathroom.

She has to check for women's long hair in the bathroom sink and in the corner, which should be the most overlooked place...

Upstairs, after Feichi jumped onto the sofa in the living room, he hopped several times before climbing onto the back of the sofa, looking at Chi Feichi who was busy in the kitchen, " last I don't have to stay in the box, but, master, little It's so slow..."

As he said that, Feichi looked at the stairs with warm eyes, "I haven't come up yet."

There is no door to separate the kitchen in this house, but a small space is opened on one side of the living room.

"She probably just checked into the bedroom now." Chi Feichi looked for ingredients from the refrigerator, and started flashing recipes in his mind.

He only prepared the amount of ingredients for himself in advance. Since his little sister is here, it's best to add a dish...

"Check the bedroom?" Feichi jumped off the sofa, climbed down the stairs, peeped out to look around, then turned back to the second floor and climbed to the kitchen, "Really, master, Xiao Ai just entered the door In that bedroom, is she suspicious of you?"

"No, she just wants to make sure that Belmode has been here." Chi Feichi said in a low voice, then turned around and put the pears in the vegetable sink.

The little girl can't eat much, just adding any dish is enough, and the summer vacation is approaching recently, the weather is very hot, and it hasn't rained for the past two days, so stewed pears are just right, moistening the throat and clearing the lungs.

"Bermode..." Feichi suddenly remembered something, jumped onto the cooking table with a 'swish', stood up, and looked at Chi Feichi expectantly, "Master, when the young detective team was interviewed that day, Xiao Ai brought I went together, although a case happened, but that is not important, what is important is that I heard Conan and Xiao Ai whispering, and on the third day after that, Conan went to the doctor's house, and I also heard the whispering with the doctor Here you go, do you want to know where Kiel is?"

Chi Feichi lowered his head to wash the pears, cooperated with Feichi, and pretended not to know, "Where is it?"

Feichi feels that his value has greatly increased. As a living bug these days, it has gained a lot. "It's a place that you will be surprised by. It's actually very close to us..."

When Chi Feichi heard Feichi's trickery, he suddenly didn't want to cooperate, and said softly, "Cuphu Central Hospital."

"And the master has...been..." Feichi froze, looked at Chi Feichi's indifferent side face expressionlessly, and fell silent for a while, "Has the organization been found?"

How could the organization be so fast? Unscientific!

"I didn't find out, but I know." Chi Feichi said.

Feichi was silent again, "Master, did you bring your computer?"

"In the attic." Chi Feichi said.

"I'll go!"

Feichi jumped down from the cooking counter and climbed up the stairs.

Master already know? Hit the snake a little bit, but it doesn't matter, it told Feimo!

In the attic, Fei Chi jumped to the desk and found that the computer was on. He poked the keyboard with his tail, entered the password, and unlocked it.

Curl the mouse to open the UL chat software, poke the keyboard with the tail, log in to the account, and find Feimo...

Very good, Feimo Online.

[Not Mo Feimo, do you know where Keir is? 】

Back there in seconds.

[Cupato Central Hospital. 】

Feichi: "..."


Why is this again?

"Ding dong!"

New news: [There are people from the FBI guarding her. I have already sent two little sparrows to monitor her. Why do you suddenly ask this? Does the master want relevant information? 】

[No... I overheard Conan and the others mentioned it, so I wanted to ask you if you knew. 】

[I knew the day after she entered the hospital, so do you want to play games? We are going to fight the wild BOSS. 】

[It’s inconvenient, the master and I are in the small house, there is no door to the attic, Xiao Ai may come up. 】

[Then you tell the master, I want to eat a small apple for lunch. 】

【OK. 】

[Summon the little ark and clear the chat history. 】

The chat history is cleared, and the dialog box on the screen is blank.

Feichi stared at it for a while, still not reconciled, and opened the chat box of a friend with a cartoon cat picture as his avatar.

[Nameless, nameless, do you know where Keir is? 】

Not long after, the message was replied.

[Cupato Central Hospital, Feimo told me a few days ago that we will fight field bosses together. By the way, I won’t be going to have lunch for a while. 】

Soon, another message.

[Summon the Ark, clear the chat history. 】

The chat history was cleared again.

Feichi stared at the computer screen for a moment, silently logged out of the account, locked the computer, jumped onto the tatami, and began to roll wildly.

Why does everyone seem to know it long ago, but it seems to be the last one to know.

why why why……

On the second floor, Hui Yuanai silently went to the living room.

After checking the bathroom, she realized how naive she was.

Whether it's the drain of the bathroom, the edge of the bathtub, or the corner of the floor, the corner of the locker, etc., not to mention the long hair of women, even the hair of men... No, it should be said that there are not even a little stain or traces left by using the bathroom nothing.

At that time, she had a bad feeling and went to see the two bedrooms on the first floor.

The two bedrooms were empty, there was nothing, and not only the wooden floor was polished shiny, but there was no dust in the gaps between the wooden floors.

Look at the doorknob and glass, they are too clean to say anything,

All signs indicated that Brother Feichi should have cleaned the house this morning, even the crevices were cleaned, it was crazy.

She didn't give up and went to look at the shoe cabinet at the door, and it turned out that they were all new slippers.

Now go to the second floor and look, the second floor has definitely been cleaned...

Thinking about it, Hui Yuanai looked at Chi Feichi who was cooking with his back to her in the kitchen, and got down on the sofa, "Brother Feichi, where's Feichi?"

"I don't know," Chi Feichi put the cut pears into the bowl without looking back, "It's probably because I've been bored for a long time and I want to run around."


Seeing that there was no dust even under the sofa, Hui Yuanai completely gave up, stood up and went to the kitchen, "What's for dinner today?"

Forget it, she gave up, why not see what is delicious today.

"I didn't know you were coming over before. I only made pork ribs and steamed rice." Chi Feichi put the small bowl into the pot, and said calmly, "I'll add some ice sugar to stew pears for you..."

Haibara Ai:"……"

It suddenly occurred to me that Belmode told Ayumi that she learned how to make Sydney stewed with rock sugar, and Sydney was pronounced in Chinese, which was very similar to the pronunciation of sherry wine.

That is simply a provocation! It's intimidation!

The name of this dish today is not very good, it is 'Hell' and 'Sydney' again.

"Master," Fei Chihuan came over, and yelled loudly when he went down to the attic, "Feimo wants to come over for lunch, it's Little Apple!"

Chi Feichi turned around and went to the refrigerator to find apples for Feimo.

Hui Yuanai stabilized his mind, pretended to be calm, walked to the cooking counter, and quietly probed, "Why did you suddenly think of making pear stew with rock sugar?"

"The weather is hot, and it's been dry recently," Chi Feichi explained without turning his head. "Snow pear stewed in rock sugar is better for the throat."

Haibara Ai:"……"

It makes sense, the last two days have been quite dry and hot.

Chi Feichi watched over the stewed pears with rock sugar, put them in the refrigerator together with the small bowl, and then put the rice on a plate, and put the pork ribs kept warm on the other side of the plate on the other side of the plate, and brought them to the dining table outside.

Hui Yuanai went out, sat down at the dining table, looked at the dishes on the plate, and sniffed them like a kitten, "It seems to have a very special smell..."

"Cooking wine was added, and beer was added while cooking." Chi Feichi went back to the kitchen to bring his share, and picked up chopsticks by the way, "When you came, the ribs were already ready, try it first, if you don't like it I'll do something else for you."

"It's okay, I came too suddenly, and I didn't say hello in advance." Hui Yuanai looked at the dishes in front of him, thinking that the addition of wine and strange names could be ignored. "It's just that I added some beer, so it shouldn't matter."

This meal is very simple, but there are shiitake mushrooms, carrots, and corn braised in the pork ribs from hell.

In the middle of the meal, Fei Mo flew in through the window and landed on the table. He croaked twice, ready to eat the little apple.

"Feimo, you're here too."

Hui Yuanai greeted, and continued to bow her head...Eating, eating is important.

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