Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1298 Work Makes People Happy

The alley opposite the cafe.

Kiichiro Numabuchi was wrapped in an old but well-trimmed suit, with a gray beard on his face, modified his overly high cheekbones and jaw, and blocked his overly prominent upturned nose. He wore a shoulder-length, slightly curly wig of gray color, with his slightly hunched back leaning against the wall, and with his accordion thrown forward, he looked like an old European wandering artist.

On the wall in the middle of the alley, two crows squatted together and whispered.

"It turned out to be him. He was disguised like this. If Boss Fei Mo hadn't come to see him secretly, it would be really hard for us to recognize him."

"But he's too vigilant. Alas, this task is not easy. Why do some people even guard against crows? I won't guard against small bugs..."

The little crow who just joined the special inspection team was very sad.

It was okay on the way here, they could fly and follow, staring at Kiichiro Numabuchi pretending to be a wandering entertainer, but in the alley, the surroundings were too quiet, and there were no other creatures to draw Kiichiro Numabuchi's attention, they Just when he was about to rest on the wall, Numabuchi Kiichiro suddenly raised his head and stared at them fiercely, as if he was going to kill them in the next second, so they could only stare at them from a distance.

"He's not the first either," Came Crow reassured his companion with some emotion, "You just joined the team and haven't participated in the previous missions, so I don't know. Boss Feimo took us to follow Gin, and Gin is also a Human beings who doubt even birds, and not as fierce as the swamp, pretended cunningly that they hadn't noticed it, and secretly confirmed whether we were following him. We've been spotted by him a long time ago."

The little crow nodded thoughtfully, "No wonder there is no surveillance on him now..."

When the crow came over, he folded his wings and looked at the sky with emotion, "Let's go with fate, just pay attention to whoever meets you on the road, it's more or less a credit."

The two crows felt that they were whispering, and they planned to continue talking about their family members, dinner arrangements, etc., but the cry of 'quack quack' could not be lowered no matter how much they suppressed, and because they deliberately suppressed their throats, they looked gloomy Mori's.

Kiichiro Numabuchi heard the crows on the wall in the alley and was inexplicably upset. He looked up viciously and stared.

If he hadn't been worried about losing someone by accident and didn't want to leave the alley, he would have rushed over to catch those two crows long ago!

Is it easy for him to escape from prison? not easy.

He wanted to find Qiyue, but he didn't know where Qiyue lived or where he usually did his activities. He thought of the rookie police officer in Gunma County who mentioned that Qiyue Mingmian's identity was Mori Kogoro's apprentice. Is it easy for him to stay at the office and follow the kid from the Maori Detective Agency to find Didan Elementary School? not easy.

Did you know he was going to die if he was caught?

But fortunately, he found that those five children were all studying in Didan Primary School. He was right to choose Didan Primary School.

The two crows on the wall were stared at, and after two seconds of silence, they began to rattle again.

"Senior, he actually stared at us!"

"Keep a low profile, that guy Gin Jiu even stared at Fei Mo." Come over, Ya took out Gin Wine as a teaching material, "We won't lose a piece of meat if we get stared at once."

"But..." After hesitating, the little crow compromised, "Okay, forget it, I won't give him justice from heaven."

"Well, he seems to think we're noisy, we're quiet paper stickers," the crow came over and yelled to guide, "This guy is very dangerous, Boss Feimo said he can jump over walls, we'd better not provoke him..."

Kiichiro Numabuchi: "..."

Damn crows, what a noise!

The crow came over and continued to teach the younger brother seriously, "Pay attention to his movements, as soon as he intends to jump, we will fly up immediately. The boss of Feimo also said that it is because this guy can jump over the wall that he dare not let the cats join in the fun , we can still fly up to avoid the attack, cats are not easy to run away when they are attacked by him..."

Numabuchi Kiichiro took a deep breath, told himself to be calm and consider the overall situation, and quietly looked at the red sports car diagonally across the street.

The car has been locked, try to lock the residence in July today!

an hour passed...

Numabuchi Kiichiro suspected more than once that a certain purple-eyed guy didn't want his little red car and left on foot with the woman and the kid, and more than once he quietly probed to confirm that the group of people were still sitting in the coffee shop.

two hours passed...

three hours passed...

Numabuchi Kiichiro's expression gradually became numb amid repeated doubts, eager confirmations, doubts, and eager confirmations.

Are those people still leaving?

It was almost dusk, and the five children hadn't finished their books yet, and the other two had found something to do.

In the coffee shop, Xiaolin Chengzi found that he might not be able to keep up with the plot even if he joined the book reading team. After being bored for a while, he took out a stack of test papers from his bag and began to correct them.

Chi Feichi also made two phone calls with Oda Kirito, and communicated remotely with Prince Philip in England for an hour. After he was free, he even took care of the organization.

The sofa here is wide enough, Xiaolin Chengzi next to him can't even turn his head to see the content of the email on his mobile phone, it is even more impossible for the five children on the opposite side to see it, and these six people are more focused than the other, and Conan doesn't even have anyone watching outside I noticed that at this time, send an email to deal with the organization's affairs. The chance of being discovered is not high, so you can waste it.

The salted fish Belmode has already started contacting the new target. The intelligence of the programmer has been investigated clearly. How to intimidate and threaten Belmode to arrange it by himself, but he will send an email to tell him about the approximate progress, and he will start again Kumi Koizumi, who was lurking in the programming company, confirmed the situation of the other party to ensure that the situation was always under their control.

Midorikawa Saki received a large amount of rewards in the last operation. Recently, she has been frantically studying and training, and also taking care of confirming and in-depth investigation of the black history of a famous person. Currently, there is only one progress report.

In terms of operations, there is not much to do. The new smuggled goods will not arrive in half a month. Recently, Geno Takatori is either spending time in nightclubs, the headquarters of the Cold Butterfly Club, or running errands for Gin. I have to arrange Geno Takatori to pick up the bomb tomorrow. , and send the bomb to Gin...

This guy Gin is plotting his bomb again!

There is also the research group, Gong Juren sent two emails, one is 'the first batch of experimental mice died, but the people are still alive', and the other is 'the first human sample is dissected', the specific report needs He went to see for himself that those reports were not allowed to be sent through the mail.

He didn't need to reply either. When he was about to read the report, he could just send an email to that person, and then just go there.

Next to him, Xiao Lin Chengzi finished marking the last test paper, put the pen aside, and stretched.

Chi Feichi changed his email account to the one he used frequently with his obvious identity without changing his face, and glanced at the new email.

Odagiri Toshi also sent it, Souma Taku sent it, Oyamaya sent it...

After completing the daily work of organizing the three groups of intelligence, operations, and research, there is nothing more fulfilling than the work of the Mingface Identity Entertainment Company, Pet Hospital, and Banquet Events.

Work makes him happy.

Xiaolin Chengzi took off his glasses, wiped them, and put them on again. Seeing that Chi Feichi was still staring at his cell phone and the children were still reading, he turned his head to look outside at the street dyed red by the setting sun, "Mr. It's early, why don't we just have something to eat in the coffee shop, what do you think?"


Chi Feichi quickly finished replying Toshiya Odagiri's email, and turned to look at the counter.

The waiter has a good eye. Of course, it may be that this group of people sat here looking at it for too long and it was strange. They kept paying attention. When Chi Feichi looked over, he picked up the menu and walked over.

Xiaolin Chengzi saw that the five children did not respond at all, and were still reading with their heads down. He stretched out his hands and pressed the pages of the book, and made a serious face on purpose. Must wear glasses..."

Ayumi raised her head, her eyes were red, and there were tears on her cheeks.

Mitsuhiko and Genta raised their heads, their eyes were also red, and there were still tears glistening in Kobayashi Chengko's eyes.

Hui Yuanai looked up, with a look of unrequited sadness.

Conan lowered his head and took off his glasses, wiped them with a kerchief, rubbed his eyes, put on his glasses, and then looked at Chengzi Xiaolin.

Xiaolin Chengzi was stunned for a long time, panicking in his heart, looked down and saw tears on the table and the pages of the book, and quickly waved his hands, "The teacher didn't mean to kill you..."

"I cried several times." Chi Feichi reached out, closed the open book, picked it up and put it aside, "You were too focused on grading the test papers, so you didn't notice."

"Ah..." Yuan Tai wanted to reach out for the book, but found nothing, and muttered softly, "There is only the last paragraph, and they are going to give away noodles to become a Buddha."

"Yes," Ayumi said with a stubborn face, tears began to glisten in her eyes, "Everyone managed to resolve the misunderstanding and unite. Ayumi wants to see Mianma become a Buddha."

Mitsuhiko was also very depressed, "Although it's a pity that everyone has just untied their knots and Mianma is about to leave, but I still hope that she can become a Buddha."

"I think happiness is the most important thing!" Yuan Tai paused, with a troubled expression on her face, "But she seems to want to become a Buddha too."

Conan sighed. He originally thought that only children would cry in this kind of story. As a famous detective, he would only analyze the foreshadowing and deduce the truth of the incident so as not to be disturbed.

He did the same at the beginning, but he started to feel stuck after watching it.

The childhood companions who died made the time of those who survived seem to be stuck in that summer.

People suffering from guilt, obviously good people, suppress themselves so awkwardly, pretend that they have forgotten, and hurt each other.

Meko Honma's mother, who seems to be enthusiastic about entertaining a group of people, has never let go, and is resenting a group of people.

The truth is revealed little by little as memories and stories progress. Everyone is terribly real, and he seems to be able to see the shadows of many middle school and high school students, including himself.

For a while, he thought of himself in middle school and high school, who was also awkwardly trying to save face, and seemed to say a lot of duplicity. He also thought of some friends in elementary school who hadn't contacted him for a long time after arriving in junior high school, and then thought of them as young detectives Tuan, thinking that he is a person who will leave sooner or later, thinking of time, a cruel and gentle thing, ten years later Genta, Ayumi, and Mitsuhiko will grow up, and they will probably not meet again like today, it will make time fade Will this childhood memory become an eternal regret?

He read it with a complicated mood. He looked at other people's stories, and his mood became more complicated. It couldn't be said that it was distressed, emotional, depressed, relaxed, or something else, but there were all kinds of emotions mixed together. It was as if a heavy stone had been pressed in my heart, which was very uncomfortable.

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