Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1299 Sumiko Kobayashi: Good news

Hui Yuanai propped his chin in one hand and looked out of the window with a melancholy face. For a while, Miyano Akemi's smiling face flashed in his mind, and for a while, he went camping with the Boy Detective Team, and said in a faint tone, "Brother Feichi chose to camp in summer." It’s really cruel to tell this story.”

Conan nodded silently, let's not talk about a good camping, Chi Feichi actually planned to tell such a heart-wrenching story, when he turned back to Kudo Shinichi, when he heard the words 'that summer', he thought of the summer of the Boy Detective Team, definitely feel more sad than others.

No, thinking about it now makes him very sad...Damn Chi Feichi!

Ayumi looked at Chi Feichi pitifully, "Brother Chi, let's finish the last paragraph."

Mitsuhiko sighed, "That's right, I don't have much appetite if I don't see them all happy."

Chi Feichi opened the book and found the page that the five little devils had read before. He lowered his eyes to look at the content, then closed the book again, "I'll read it after dinner."

Last paragraph? Heh, these five brats are too optimistic.

If you read on, you will find that Mianma did not become a Buddha this time and left. It was not Mianma's real wish to let go of the fireworks, and the guilt of others was not unfounded.

Some people feel guilty about their duplicity in the last day, so that they hurt the person they like, some people feel guilty about being angry because they couldn’t confess their love on the last day, and some people feel guilty about being jealous because of the face of the person they like. The secret hidden in his heart, he saw it when the mask was washed away by the flood that day, but he ran back in fear...

In the same way, everyone feels guilty that they killed Mianma, and they have been tortured for several years.

The five little ghosts felt that the next thing is to be happy to the end, which is too optimistic. It is better to watch it after eating, at least this part is still very promising, and the appetite for eating will be better.


After a meal, the appetites of the five children were really not very good. They discussed and sighed while eating, and even Yuantai only ate a sandwich, a pasta, a hamburger and an ice cream.

For Yuantai, it was indeed a meal with a loss of appetite.

As soon as the waiter cleared the table, the five children went to Chi Feichi to ask for a book, spread it out, and continued to read it under the light of the cafe.

Xiao Lin Chengzi didn't do anything else this time, and stared at the five children seriously.

As a teacher, she didn't notice that the children cried several times before, which was really inappropriate.

The five children waited with great anticipation for a smooth ending. Conan still prayed silently in his heart. He didn't want to have any secrets behind Mianma's death, and a good ending was enough.

As a result, watching and watching, the expectations on the faces of the five children gradually solidified.

"The face code hasn't disappeared..." Ayumi murmured melancholy.

"But it's a good thing," Mitsuhiko struggled hard, "Her mother is also relieved, it's not bad for her to stay and live with everyone!"

Xiao Lin Chengzi, who had been staring at the five children, heaved a sigh of relief, turned his head to look at Chi Feichi who was calmly smoking a cigarette, and couldn't help asking, "Mr. Chi, what is this story?"

"I don't know," Chi Feichi looked sideways out of the window, looking at the 'wandering entertainer' who came out of the opposite shop and stood on the side of the road playing the accordion, as if distracted, "Some people will see friendship, some will see love Some people will see family affection, some will see a pure angel, some will see redeemed youth, and some will see time and growth."

Xiaolin Chengzi found it very complicated when she heard it, and sweated, "Is it okay for children to read this? They seem to be very sad. I think children should read some happy stories..."

"Pain is a more profound feeling than happiness, and it is more memorable in people's hearts." Chi Feichi withdrew his gaze, stopped looking outside, looked at the five children who were reading with their heads down, and silently admired it. "It is also necessary to grow up." missing nutrients."

The five children read the truth behind the guilt of the people in the story, and also saw that the face code is about to disappear, and their real wish is to fulfill the commission of Su Hairentai's mother before her death—to make Su Hairentai cry once, frowning and nervous I read the book without paying attention to what the two adults on the opposite side were talking about.

Xiaolin Chengzi felt that what Chi Feichi said was reasonable, but felt that something was wrong, so he asked worriedly, "Then it will be a happy ending, right?"

"It should be counted." Chi Feichi gave an uncertain answer, and silently added in his heart - those with low tears may have to cry again.

Xiaolin Chengzi has never experienced how much water Chi Feichi said about "should" and "generally". When he relaxes, he is still in the mood to gossip, "What about you, Mr. Chi? What do you want everyone to see in the story? What?"

"I'm a bystander." Chi Feichi said.

"Bystander?" Xiaolin Chengzi was confused.

Chi Feichi didn't say any more, "Sorry, I'm going to the bathroom."

Xiaolin Chengzi didn't ask any more questions, and quickly got up to make way.

Chi Feichi asked the waiter where the bathroom was, and after entering the bathroom, he locked the door with his backhand.

He is a bystander, he was a little melancholy in his previous life, but in this life he is not at all.

In short, someone will definitely cry in a while, and this kind of scene is left to Xiaolin Chengzi, who slipped away first.


On the street outside the cafe, Kiichiro Numabuchi continued to pretend to be a wandering artist, while playing, he approached the window of the cafe, glanced secretly, and continued to play.

July left?

It looked like he was going to the bathroom, but could he be taking the opportunity to sneak away?

No matter, keep an eye on these people, and they won't be able to run away in July.


Kiichiro Numabuchi was startled by the sudden cry of a child behind him. Now he didn't have to peek. People passing by were all looking at the window of the cafe.

In the cafe, Ayumi was the first to cry.

Kobayashi Chengko hurriedly tried to prevent the children from continuing to watch, but Ayumi resisted while crying and insisted on watching to the end.



"Woooooo...there's only the last paragraph left, this time it's true..."


"Woooooo... Mianma has always liked everyone very much, and she is about to disappear..."


"Sorry to bother you," the waiter in the coffee shop couldn't stand it anymore, walked up to Kobayashi Chengko, bowed, and smiled helplessly, "Although I shouldn't care about this, if children want to read , let them watch it, it’s not good to be too strict.”

Xiaolin Chengzi was stunned for a moment before realizing it. Looking around, he found that the customers, employees, and passers-by outside the coffee shop all looked at him with disapproval, feeling that he was wronged.

You don't think that Ayumi cried when she was too strict to stop the children from reading, right?

The waiter saw that Ayumi was still crying while watching, and the other children also looked sad. Even the two little boys were quietly wiping away their tears, and sighed inwardly.

I don't know how many grievances these children have suffered to be so sad. She won't leave, but just stay here and stare.

"I..." Xiaolin Chengzi suddenly felt that he couldn't explain it, and when he heard Yuantai sobbing again, he couldn't care less about explaining, and coaxed in a hurry, "Okay, okay, why don't I let you guys read it... ..."

Wait, it's messed up, the children really didn't cry because she didn't finish the book, she also cried because the children...


Has Mr. Chi finished using the bathroom? Can you come and help?

She also wanted to cry.

After all, the last paragraph of the story is just touching. The five children cried a lot, and when the book was turned to the end, their emotions quickly recovered.

Xiaolin Chengzi stood by the table with a dejected expression.

It's over, everyone must think that the children cry because she is unreasonable, otherwise why don't they cry after reading the book?

At the front desk, Chi Feichi got out of the bathroom in time, or it could be said that he came out after listening to the noise, and went to the girl at the cash register to pay the bill.

After the girl finished paying the bill, she still reminded Chi Feichi in a low voice, "That friend of yours seems to be a little too strict with the children, the children were all crying just now..."

"It's probably a misunderstanding," Chi Feichi turned to look at Xiaolin Chengzi, he could only say that a dead fellow daoist is not a poor fellow, and tried to take advantage of the fellow daoist who was responsible, "She usually has a good temper."


The girl at the front desk was skeptical, but Chi Feichi had already turned around and took away the five children who were in a much better mood after the fuss, as well as Xiao Lin Chengzi who had a look of lovelessness after the fuss.

After arriving outside the store, Xiaolin Chengzi held out his hand to Huiyuan Ai with a straight face, "Student Huiyuan, can you give the book to the teacher?"

"What is the teacher going to do?" Hui Yuan mourned with a calm face, honest movements, and tightened his arms, holding the book vigilantly.

The three real children also became vigilant.

Teacher Xiao Lin wouldn't want to steal their books, would he?

Xiaolin Chengzi felt that the eyes of the passers-by around him were not looking right again. He bent down to look at the little devils, and tried to smile, "Teacher also wants to read this story, just want to borrow it."

She really wanted to see what kind of strange story this was, to make a group of children cry for a while and laugh for a while, look forward to it for a while, and feel melancholy for a while, and cry like a second before, and stop crying after reading it!

Ayumi hesitated, "But we skipped the previous paragraph before, and I want to make up the previous part."

Xiaolin Chengzi: "?"

Can I still skip the front when I read the story?

Hui Yuanai quickly considered the reality, and reminded seriously, "Mr. Xiaolin, it's okay to lend you a copy, but this book has not been released yet, and if the content is leaked in advance, it may have a bad effect, so I'm sorry, I will lend you a copy of the book. I'll be by your side while watching."

The proceeds from Brother Feichi's book will be guarded by her!

Xiaolin Chengzi Doudouyan, "Yes, yes..."

She almost forgot this, so she really shouldn't borrow the book back to read, and it's already so late tonight, the children have to go home early to rest, so tomorrow is the only way?

Conan didn't participate in this topic, and reached out to pull Chi Feichi's corner.

He suspected that Chi Feichi was similar to Su Hairentai, the type of person who suppressed his emotions and closed his heart, and wanted to confirm the situation of his little friend. If possible, he could help.

Chi Feichi squatted down, waiting for the famous detective to whisper.

Wouldn't the famous detectives find something wrong with the accordion-playing 'tramping artist' next to them?

"I said..." Conan leaned close to Chi Feichi's ear, suddenly didn't know how to express it, hesitated for a moment, and asked seriously, "Do you want to cry?"

A question mark appeared in Chi Feichi's mind, he looked sideways at Conan, stood up speechlessly, "Crazy."

Conan: "!"


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