Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1300 You are so special in this outfit

In the middle of the night, the red Lexus SC turned around the streets of Mihuacho and stopped downstairs of an apartment building.

In the car, Xiaolin Chengzi unfastened his seat belt, picked up his bag and thanked Chi Feichi, then got out of the car and walked towards the apartment building.

Chi Feichi watched Xiaolin Chengzi enter the apartment building, and instead of driving away in a hurry, he took out his mobile phone to send an email.

It was the children's proposal to let him send Xiaolin Chengzi back. As for the five little ghosts, they decided to go home together.

This is not surprising. Japan attaches great importance to the protection of children. Primary school students are used to going to school and leaving school by themselves. As long as the young detective team does not go after murderers, the chance of being trafficked is almost zero.

In contrast, there is the stalker who follows young single women.

Those stalkers are just stalking late at night, and generally do not take the initiative to attack, and the police can easily be dismissed as 'I was just passing by', there is no evidence to convict, and even if caught two or three times, most stalkers will say 'I just like her , I was wrong, I won't do it next time', the police can't arrest people because of this, if there is a similar situation, they can only issue a warning to the stalker.

Since there is no need to pay too much, this kind of stalker is rampant. It does not appear every once in a while, but every day, and only the big ones will be reported.

And these people will choose single women who live alone, aim at a goal, and they will persevere and follow like a dead pervert.

Those women who live alone come home from get off work at night, but there is always an adult man following behind them. Thinking that the other party may follow them to their home, it is impossible to feel at ease. He would still be followed, and when he thought that the other party might find his own residence, and might run into his house one day, his spirit would definitely collapse step by step.

And sometimes the stalker will try and put pressure a little bit, such as following from a distance today, blatantly following in two days, appearing in the stairwell of a certain female apartment building in two days, and in a few days, Start knocking on doors late at night...

In this way, organizations sometimes do this kind of routine, but the organization has the ability and patience to do even more terrifying things.

What Belmode is doing to a poor programmer now is the same as what a stalker does to a woman who lives alone. Today, people sneak into the other person's house, move an important item of the other person, and let people sneak into the other person tomorrow. At home, put a strange thing.

Apply pressure step by step, and finally trap the collapsed target.

If it is suspected that something has been touched after going out, some people think it’s nothing, as long as they are careless, they will not be scared. Then if they lock the doors and windows before going to bed, they wake up and find that they have put a nest of dead mice in the bed Woolen cloth? I didn't know when this was put into bed, so I asked the target if he was afraid?

If it is not the target of living alone, it is easier to be targeted. Parents, wives, and children can all take advantage of it. For example, strange things happen at home and they feel that they are being watched. Why did you knock on my door last night? Is there something wrong?", and the target knew that he didn't leave the room last night, so he asked the target if he felt threatened? Do you feel creepy? Have the urge to break down?

No? Fine, keep grinding.

He remembered that Belmode once sneaked into someone's house in the middle of the night to pull the quilt for the target's three-year-old son, and kindly helped the child pack, fold and put all the clothes for the next day on the bedside. Dead pervert.

It is useless for the target to report to the police, the people who organized the organization will not leave any traces, and after the police investigate, they will only suspect that the homeowner has made a mistake and needs a good rest. After all, there are big cases that need to be investigated everywhere. If there is no loss and no suspicious traces, the police should not advise the owner to go to a psychiatrist.

Even sometimes, the target's family members, colleagues, and friends will feel that the target is neurotic, and after repeated psychological torture, the target itself will indeed have some abnormalities, such as not being able to listen to any signs of trouble, repeatedly checking the doors and windows before going to bed, and being suspicious of things. The position of the placement is extremely sensitive, insomnia, and it will appear more abnormal, making others more sure that the target is too stressed and talking nonsense.

After being tortured for a period of time, the target will feel that there is always an unknown danger lurking around him, and no one can stand with him, as if he is in an isolated island, and he is not even believed and understood, and his mood will become more and more unstable. , will basically choose to compromise.

Under such circumstances, most of the targets will even lose the idea of ​​asking for help, because they have asked for help more than once, it is useless, and no one can help, so they only want to agree to the conditions of the organization and quickly get rid of the organization's entanglement. When necessary, I was asked to say to the outside world, 'I'm sorry, I was under too much pressure a while ago', so as to cover up the existence of the organization.

Thinking about it carefully, he has also been 'bullyed' by this kind of routine. At the beginning, that one sent him the truth about killing the little hamster. Afterwards, as soon as he came out of the mall, the 'murderer' who killed the little hamster was arrested. The gun shot at the entrance of the mall, a proper psychological pressure routine...


Received a new email on the phone.

Chi Feichi withdrew his thoughts and opened the email.

【Master, Kiichiro Numabuchi is targeting you. Your current location is at the entrance of the alley next to the 24-hour convenience store to the southeast of you. The new disguise is a pink jacket, sunglasses, and a flamboyant rock outfit. - non-ink]

Chi Feichi tried to imitate Kiichiro Numabuchi's rock style, but found that he couldn't imagine it. He didn't reply to the email. After putting away the phone, he pulled out the necklace tied around his neck, turned the ring around, and put Softened his voice, "Fei Mo."

Fei Mo Gaga responded, "Master, I'm some distance away from him, he can't hear it!"

"Then you continue to follow the crow, and I'll pick a place for him."

Chi Feichi did not cut off the communication, and drove to the sparsely populated residential area.

In the alley behind, Kiichiro Numabuchi looked around, climbed over the wall to the other side of the street, got into a black car parked by the side of the road, and drove to follow.

Two cars drove across the street one after the other, the former was driving at the same speed, and the latter was not far behind.


The red car drove through the main street of the residential area, suddenly turned sharply, and drove into a narrow alley.

In the rear, Kiichiro Numabuchi got a little anxious and accelerated to keep up. However, just as he was about to turn sharply into the trail, he found that the corner of the building next to the intersection was further outside than he expected. When he saw it, it was too late to adjust.

When the black car made a sharp turn and shifted, the body was inevitably thrown out and hit the corner of the building.


Kiichiro Numabuchi breathed a sigh of relief, and found that the car was turned off, and he didn't care too much. He looked up at the red Lexus SC parked in front of him and the person leaning against the car, opened the door and got out of the car.

Chi Feichi leaned against the car and just lit his cigarette when he turned his head and saw Kiichiro Numabuchi approaching. He froze for a moment before throwing the matchstick in his hand aside.

Previously, Feimo said that Kiichiro Numabuchi's new disguise is "pink jacket", "sunglasses" and "rock style". A pink plush coat, knee-length, the collar is wide open, revealing the white shirt underneath, coupled with sunglasses, pink suit trousers, leather shoes, and a slightly hunchback, the style is quite ostentatious, which also makes him suspicious of the marsh Kiichiro is in Cos Doflamingo...

If it wasn't for the hair color and walking posture that didn't match, he would have wondered if Kiichiro Numabuchi had escaped from prison suddenly, and whether he had been crossed by someone.

If you meet a time traveler, you can form an alliance, love each other, and build a beautiful homeland together... No wonder!

If you really meet a traverser, after he has tested the other party's abilities, he will definitely shoot the other party first.

The traverser is a variable that will destroy his layout, and it is more reassuring to die.

Seeing Chi Feichi sizing him up, Numabuchi Kiichiro approached him, raised a ferocious smile at the corner of his mouth, and asked in a hoarse voice, "Don't you recognize me? July?"

"No," Chi Feichi didn't react too much, and glanced at Numabuchi Kiichiro's coat again. Some people are like this, they obviously have no malicious intentions, and they look like a snake spirit who will stab someone in the next second , just get used to it, "But your outfit is really special."

Kiichiro Numabuchi tugged at the hem of his coat hanging by his side, grinning and said, "It was taken off a rock singer, isn't it not bad? The police never thought I would dress like this!"

Chi Feichi bit his teeth on the cigarette holder and pressed down a little, and asked calmly, "Where's the person?"

Kiichiro Numabuchi was confused, "Human?"

"That rock singer." Chi Feichi said.

"That guy, I didn't kill him," Kiichiro Numabuchi took off his sunglasses, his tone casual, "When I sneaked into his house to eat this morning, he just came home drunk, and I beat him down and tied him up at his house Well, seeing that his clothes are pretty good, I took them off as spare clothes to avoid the police, what did you ask that guy to do? In comparison, don’t you want to know why I came to you? "

Chi Feichi put the matter of the rock singer aside for a moment, and when he lowered his eyes, the blue umbrella icon flickered in his left eye, and looked up at Kiichiro Numabuchi, "Why?"

Numabuchi Kiichiro always felt that he said it, and Chi Feichi asked it very awkwardly, but he didn't keep it up, showing a sinister smile, "I'm not willing to die like that, even if I was killed by you , It’s better than being executed by those people, I can’t feel comfortable when others treat me with that condescending attitude, so I want to ask you, are you interested in my life?”

"Before I respond to you, I have a question. When you were arrested, you said 'it's all their fault'..." Chi Feichi stared at Kiichiro Numabuchi, "Who are 'they'?"

Numabuchi Kiichiro was stunned for a moment, his face turned pale, he swallowed, and eased his ugly face, "They..."

A light laugh came suddenly, interrupting Numabuchi Kiichiro's words.

Under Numabuchi Kiichiro's puzzled gaze, Chi Feichi's smile faded, his eyes were cold and gloomy as if covered by a cloud, and his voice was much softer, like a joking whisper, "Is the organization that scary? One by one, they will show such funny expressions when they hear it..."

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