Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1301 He is a member of that organization!

In the alley in the middle of the night, a street lamp stood alone, and the screams of cats fighting were heard not far away.

Numabuchi Kiichiro's face was stiff and pale, his eyes were wide open, and he stared at Chi Feichi blankly, his whole face looked more like a skeleton.

That familiar face and those special purple eyes have been seen in the dark attic under the brim of the hat, looked up when eating bento in the car, seen in the halo of fireflies in the forest, in the I saw it across the desk in the detention center.

When he followed him today, it seemed that there was no difference, except that July didn't wear casual clothes that were convenient for activities, but a suit of formal clothes, which made her look more calm. He watched Qiyue stay with a child and a woman across the street .

That woman seems to be a teacher, and he is still wondering if the reason why July wears such a formal dress today is for a date, whether it is because life is already happy and happy that Qi Yue does not kill people, and being a bounty hunter is just to satisfy the justice in his heart Feeling, he still hesitated whether to continue to follow, or to give up bothering...

Yes, July does not kill!

This is what he heard when the public security police contacted him. The two public security police disagreed because of this. One of them said at that time, "Jiyue didn't kill people, and has been helping us catch criminals. I really don't understand." Why do the higher ups keep checking?" He didn't listen to the big truth that the other person said at the time, but he heard this sentence clearly and remembered it clearly!

He also always believed that Qiyue would not kill people, and changed his plan silently in his heart. If Qiyue did not kill people, he would go out and have a look, and either finish it himself or help Qiyue block a bullet.

But from a few seconds ago, he suddenly discovered that "July does not kill people" is a joke.

July is the one who organized it!

That's right, Qiyue might just have heard about that organization and had contact with other people who escaped from the organization, that's why he said that, but his judgment and intuition told him that Qiyue was a member of that organization.

In fact, he should have been alerted earlier.

People in that organization like to wear black, and the innocent people he killed by mistake were all people who behaved suspiciously or wore black.

When he saw Qiyue for the first time, Qiyue was also dressed in black, with a black hat on his head, so his mind went blank at that time, he just wanted to kill the person in front of him regardless, and then leave as soon as possible, But after Qiyue didn't kill him, and bought him food and water, he felt that he had made a mistake in his judgment, and felt that Qiyue was the same as the unlucky ghost he killed by mistake.

Because if it was a member of that organization, he couldn't think of any reason why the other party didn't kill him to silence him, but sent him to the police station.

Was his judgment really wrong at that time? He was chained and kept struggling towards July, attacking like crazy. Didn't his beast-like intuition really tell him an answer?

After that, Qiyue was either with a group of children, or in the detention center, in front of countless policemen, and he also ignored the black coat he wore when he was with the children, and when he went to the police station. He was extremely sensitive to black before, and he seemed to be selectively blind. He never felt that wearing black in July was not pleasing to the eye, and he even cured his problem of "being uneasy when seeing black, and wanting to kill impulsively".

And he was really sure that July was a member of that organization, even a few seconds ago, or it is the same now.

When he fled, he met many people who were frightened by him. Those people said that his eyes were ferocious and terrifying, and they were really ignorant.

He has seen more terrifying people, just like the July in front of him now, the cold killing intent in his eyes seems to be able to condense into reality, the moment he sees it, it freezes the air around the person, making people lose their hands and feet control.

Unlike him, whether it's July or those people, apart from the killing intent that makes people tremble, there is also a restrained arrogance in their bones, and killing people is like a condescending declaration - life and death have already been controlled, you only have to accept .

So at the moment when Qiyue changed his face just now, he could be sure that Qiyue was a member of that organization, and he was not an abandoned child like him!

As thoughts flashed through Numabuchi Kiichiro's mind, Feichi rested his head on Chi Feichi's collar, his snake face was expressionless, making the eyes staring at Numabuchi Kiichiro look cold and ferocious, and from time to time he leisurely spit out snake letters , as if looking at a dead prey.


Feichi's mind was full of thoughts.

Although the owner unbuttoned the two-button shirt, it was hard to put its head on it, but it was still hard to get used to it. It didn't feel as comfortable as a low-necked sweater or a bathrobe, and a T-shirt was better than this.

Why don't you shrink back and sleep in your sleeves? Reluctant, it wanted to see what would happen to the swamp next.

Having said that, Marsh Yuan's face is really ugly, and he is a little dazed, so he won't be scared stupid, right?

The owner actually asked people such questions as 'is the organization so terrible' and 'why does everyone have such an expression', which seems to be a suspicion of standing up and talking without back pain.

Why are organizations terrible? Why do people show such expressions?

Isn't it because of the master, Gin, and Belmode, who kill and set fire, threaten and intimidate, and psychologically torture every day, every day, can the organization not be terrible?

These people themselves are scary, so of course they don't think it's scary, but they don't think it's scary either.

It hangs out with its owner, it can lie down and talk without back pain~!


After a moment of silence, Numabuchi Kiichiro came back to his senses, looked at Chi Feichi's right hand that had been put into his trouser pocket since he threw away the matchstick, and wondered if that hand had already clenched the gun tightly, feeling a little tightness in his throat. Get stuck, "Are you... a member of the organization?"

Chi Feichi saw that Numabuchi Kiichiro was paying attention to his right hand, looked down, calmly took out the right hand that held the gun tightly from his pocket, took out the silencer and lowered his head to install it, and was silently vigilant to prevent Numabuchi Kiichiro from being injured suddenly People, "I have read your profile."

Seeing the gun, Kiichiro Numabuchi felt relieved, "Why? Since you know that I escaped from the organization, why didn't you kill me?"

Chi Feichi installed the muffler, looked up at Numabuchi Kiichiro again, "You know too little, it's okay to let you go."

Numabuchi Kiichiro was stunned, "That is to say, the organization didn't intend to chase me down at all?"

"That's not true. You're on the execution list, but you're not on the list," Chi Feichi said honestly. "There are still several pages of names ahead of you, and maybe one or two will be added every once in a while."

"Then you all really worked hard," Kiichiro Numabuchi grinned suddenly. He didn't know whether he was joking about his trembling every day before, or that it was not easy to organize this group of people, "But when you met me, you sent me to the police. Bureau, are you not worried about the organization's attack? Or do you mean that you don't value me to this extent?"

Chi Feichi raised his hand and aimed the gun at the center of Kiichiro Numabuchi's forehead, "That's still within my authority."

Kiichiro Numabuchi understands, that is, he is really not valued that much, and Qiyue's status is not low, otherwise he will definitely be held accountable, and he couldn't help laughing and said, "That's really unscrupulous, but Qiyue Yue, you clearly know that I am not a good person, you can kill me casually but let me go, is it true that the police say you don’t kill people?”

Chi Feichi didn't rush to shoot, but asked instead, "What do you think?"

Kiichiro Numabuchi sighed suddenly, restrained his smile, and looked more solemn, "I haven't told the police about you, about the organization, but you have. I don't know much, I only saw A group of guards dressed in black. They also wore sunglasses. They couldn’t even see their faces clearly. I have told the police about these circumstances and the organization’s plan to send me to the laboratory. I don’t know whether they believe it or not. It's also my fault that you didn't kill me at the time, and let me get in touch with the police, the soft-hearted people are in the organization, and they will die sooner or later..."

Chi Feichi remained silent and continued to stare at Numabuchi Kiichiro.

This guy in Marsh is teaching him how to do things?

"You probably aren't that kind of person..." Kiichiro Numabuchi looked at Feichi Shangike again, and instantly realized that he might be thinking too much. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, "Although I don't know why you didn't kill me, But I never thanked you for not killing me, I just want to thank you for the lunch box, and thank you for visiting me, it’s a pity, killing me, you don’t seem to get much benefit, it’s somewhat reconciled , but I can't help do it!"

"as you wish."

In the soft sound, the muzzle of the gun burst into flames.

Kiichiro Numabuchi didn't move, he closed his eyes, listening to the soft sound of bullets hitting the concrete floor behind him, quietly feeling death.

He felt... as if nothing had changed?

The shirt fabric was still sticking to his back, and he could still feel the cool air on his face and palms, and it seemed that someone walked by him, bringing a breeze.

Numabuchi Kiichiro realized belatedly that not only was there no pain, but he didn't even smell the smell of blood. He opened his eyes and looked at the front where no one was there, then turned his head and looked at the stalled train that had come towards him. Chi Feichi in front of him suddenly couldn't figure it out, and walked quickly to Chi Feichi's side, "Why didn't you kill me?"

Chi Feichi put on his gloves, opened the door, put a bomb in the car, and closed the door, "Your life is not that useful."

Seeing Chi Feichi turned and left, Numabuchi Kiichiro followed immediately, "You don't want to send me back to the police station, do you?"

Chi Feichi stood beside his car, looked at Kiichiro Numabuchi, and asked calmly, "Can't you?"

Such a confident attitude!

Numabuchi Kiichiro couldn't understand why Chi Feichi was so obsessed with sending him to prison, he himself would rather be killed by Chi Feichi than someone else, he hesitated for a moment, then nodded reluctantly, "Alright, I should be worth a little more now than I was before."

The non-red snake Nobuko didn't vomit anymore, and stared blankly at Kiichiro Numabuchi.

agree? Is this guy here to snatch the owner from it?

It feels like it has met its opponent.

"I won't send you to the police station. Sending you to the police station is no different from killing you." Chi Feichi opened the door and got in the car. "Get in the car and go to a place with me first."

Numabuchi Kiichiro's eyes lit up frighteningly instantly, and immediately followed the car.

If you don't kill him, don't send him to the police station, then Qiyue plans to let him follow in the future?

This was the best ending he had thought of before he fled, and it was also the ending he dared not think of.

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