Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1306 What kind of nerves does Hongzi have?

Chi Feichi didn't know how to tell Numabuchi Kiichiro his identity, it was too complicated, so he simply said, "You have been wanted by the police, it is inconvenient to continue activities outside, I will bring you here to change your face. "

"Change faces?"

Numabuchi Kiichiro raised his hand blankly and touched his face.

He didn't need to change his face, he also felt that he was not like himself anymore, and felt that he was a lot duller.

Chi Feichi suddenly felt that the sluggish version of Kiichiro Numabuchi is ugly and cute, and his appearance is not that bad, but changing his face is a must. "You can think about what kind of face you want to change."

"Can... choose by yourself?" Numabuchi Kiichiro continued to have a cute skull face, but his eyes were a little red.

"I suggest you change to a more ordinary face," Chi Feichi said, "It's good for assassination, but it still depends on your personal preference."

Koizumi Hongzi pulled out a piece of human skin the size of a washbasin, looked at Kiichiro Numabuchi, and turned to discuss with Chi Feichi enthusiastically, "Hey, the evil Sun God in Shiwuye City, do you want to help him by the way?" Cure the hunchback? We happen to have bones here."

"Then he might get used to it for a while." Chi Feichi said, looking at Numabuchi Kiichiro.

This is still for Numabuchi Koichiro to choose.

Numabuchi Kiichiro was stunned for a moment, then suddenly raised his head and laughed towards the sky, his laughter was crazy, "Hahaha..."

Jin Diao and Fei Chi, who were playing together, were taken aback, and looked at Kiichiro Numabuchi with the eyes of a snake.

Chi Feichi and Koizumi Hongzi looked at each other, thinking that they should let Numabuchi Kiichiro calm down after seeing so many shocking things at once, so the two continued to discuss.

"Can you change your fingerprints by the way?" Chi Feichi asked.

If the fingerprints cannot be changed, Kiichiro Numabuchi can wear gloves in the future, but once suspected, it is still easy to be found out.

"This is very simple. When changing his face later, use magic and human skin to help him adjust it." Koizumi Hongzi stroked his chin and looked at Kiichiro Numabuchi, who was laughing wildly. I can't change it with blood, but if there is rheumatism or something, I can lose one or two more bones, and help him change it by the way..."

"He should have no rheumatism, and his physical condition can be regarded as the limit of human beings. I mean flexibility." Chi Feichi thought about it seriously, and he helped pick a tumor during the surgery, and there was nothing wrong with it. "He has adapted to it." His own body, changing his style is not going to do him any good."

"Hahaha..." Numabuchi Kiichiro burst into a belly laugh, tears streaming down his face.

"That's the face, the palms, the soles of the feet. Just replace the outer skin, right?" Koizumi Koko looked at Kiichiro Numabuchi and took stock, "But it's okay to let him laugh like this? I heard that laughing for too long will cause dead person's……"

Numabuchi Kiichiro fell to his knees with a slap, bent over with his hands on his belly, his forehead touched the ground, and did not move.

Koizumi Hongzi was taken aback for a moment, seeing Chi Feichi, Feichi, and Meisuo all looking at him, feeling inexplicable, "I, I just..."

"If possible, just change the too obvious features," Numabuchi Kiichiro said aloud, put his hands on the ground, straightened up and looked at Chi Feichi, a strange grin suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Of course, everything It's up to you to decide."

Koizumi Hongzi breathed a sigh of relief, a little speechless, "What happened to you just now?"

"Sorry, I just thought of some ridiculous guys. Many people hate me just by seeing my face. Why? Am I willing to grow up like this? Why do you hate me without knowing it?" Numabuchi Kiichiro remained the same Smiling, the smile is not normal, the look of madness in the eyes, "But that is not important anymore, I used to say that I don't care what I look like, it turned out to be a helpless compromise, but now I really don't care, I suddenly found that I am still very pleasing to the eye!"

Koizumi Koko looked at Kiichiro Numabuchi with the eyes of "snake spirit disease", not to mention the question of whether he is pleasing to the eye, smiling like this is enough to show that this guy has a problem with his mental state.

Chi Feichi probably understands why Kiichiro Numabuchi is laughing like crazy. The root of the pain that he once suffered from injustice and torture seems to be solved easily one day. The appearance of confusion will come long before happiness. , wanting to know what the time of pain was, and what it is now, "Numabuchi, what I like is your ability."

Numabuchi Kiichiro restrained his smile, still knelt on the ground, looked up at Chi Feichi standing under the statue, fell silent for a while, and suddenly grinned again, "My honor!"

Koizumi Hongzi: "..."

This guy really looks like a pervert when he smiles.

Nature is a kind mother, but also a cruel butcher, so the child of nature is a snake spirit.

The Son of Nature is a warm-hearted gentleman, but also a cold-blooded devil, so those who follow the Son of Nature are all snake spirits, which seems to be okay.

Alas, thinking about Joshua's mental state is quite strange, and Hiroki Sawada who jumped off the building by himself is not normal, so here comes the question, what about her?

To put it modestly, she should be considered the most normal one.

Thinking about it, Koizumi Hongzi suddenly became happy, turned her head and covered her mouth with a smile, "Oh oh oh oh oh oh~"

Chi Feichi: "..."

What's wrong with Hongzi?

"Well, it's nothing," Koizumi Hongko took off his hood as he put down his hands, and with a pleasant smile on his mouth, he looked at Numabuchi Kiichiro, and said arrogantly but also bluntly, "that is, I don't want to do anything on my face. Too much change, right? Frankly speaking, I only listen to the son of nature... Oh, it's Chi Feichi's opinion. Your opinion is not important to me, but you can still make other requests. If he agrees, I'll do it for you, like your back, do you really want to change it?"

Numabuchi Kiichiro looked at Chi Feichi, "I listen to you!"

"It depends on whether it will affect your strength..." Chi Feichi saw that one or two of them were waiting for his attention, turned around and stretched out his hand to press the back of his obsidian statue, "Come with me, let's do one first." examine."

The front of the statue opens to both sides, revealing a space that looks like an elevator.

Numabuchi Kiichiro stared at the modern-style elevator, and was stunned. Seeing that Chi Fei got into the elevator, he immediately got up and followed.

Koizumi bent down and pinched Feichi who was lying on Chi Feichi's side, and lifted him up, "Then I'll prepare here!"

That space is indeed an elevator. There is a palmprint scanning board at the button, and there are four buttons of 'Up', 'Down', 'Open', and 'Close'.

Chi Feichi scanned his palm prints and pressed the door close button. Seeing Kiichiro Numabuchi staring straight at him, he explained aloud, "Taking the stairs outside the pyramid to the top floor is too tiring. This elevator is a shortcut, but it's only for me. He Hongzi's palm prints can be activated, and if the villagers go up to the altar to worship, they have to go up the stairs."

Kiichiro Numabuchi nodded. In fact, he wanted to ask the boss whether this is a fantasy or a science fiction style. However, it is not surprising to think that science can go to the sky and enter the earth to a certain extent. He silently believes that this is science changing life. bit..."

Chi Feichi: "Koizumi Hongzi, she is a witch and also the god of night here."

Kiichiro Numabuchi: "..."

No, my mind started to become confused again, not sure whether he was abnormal or Chi Feichi was abnormal.

The elevator goes all the way down to the basement of the pyramid.

Outside the elevator is a white space with a technological style. The rooms on both sides of the corridor are covered with large glass walls. There are strong men using cocoon equipment for inspections, equipment debuggers in white coats, and Hongzi Koizumi testing blood. , A doctor who occasionally works part-time to help villagers see a doctor.

Chi Feichi did not disturb the others, and took Kiichiro Numabuchi to the examination room for an examination. After receiving the report, he took Kiichiro Numabuchi back to the top of the pyramid.

The sun moved towards the center of the sky, and the ground on the pyramid began to reflect dazzling gold.

Koizumi Hongzi had already placed all kinds of materials around the altar, stood aside and watched the golden eagle belt Feichi play high-altitude lifts, saw Chi Feichi bring Numabuchi Kiichiro out, and asked, "How is it?"

"His body is used to the curved cervical spine. It cannot be solved by changing the bones. Even if it is changed, the muscles, nerves and blood vessels may be strained because of the sudden change." Chi Feichi stepped forward and handed the report to Hongzi Koizumi, "However, the original bones can be adjusted a little bit."

Koizumi Hongzi opened the report and looked down, "That is to say, after the adjustment, there will still be a hunchback, but it will not be as serious as it is now, um... Can you increase his body balance and explosive power?"

"This is the result of Fang Zhou's calculation based on his whole body condition. After this adjustment, his body will be in the best condition, his balance will be easier to control, and his force will be stronger than before." Chi Feichi also read the report, and it was marked on it. The extent of the bone adjustment, "Is there a problem on your side?"

"No problem, just follow the blueprint, right? But his physical condition is really strong..." Koizumi Hongzi sighed, and closed the report, "I'm ready here, open the door of the Holy Spirit Bar!"

The golden eagle Mei Suo grabbed Feichi and took Feichi a little further away from the altar.

"Marsh, you lie down on the altar," Koizumi Hongzi walked up the steps of the altar, and became serious. When the wind blew, the black robe and red hair flew up, which looked like a witch. "Son of nature, I will control the details of the body shaping." , you go to the place where the gods are and offer sacrifices, and if the venom is dry, add it."

Numabuchi Kiichiro didn't ask any more questions. He went up to the altar and lay down in the middle. Just as he lay down, he suddenly found that the ground around his body was glowing red, which seemed to form a strange pattern, and his body was floating uncontrollably. stand up.


Science, definitely a scientific approach!

The pattern of the gate of the Holy Spirit was lit on the ground, and Chi Feichi held the glass jar containing the venom and went to the god's place, seeing Koizumi Hongzi nodding and pouring the venom down.

He brought all the venom he had saved, not much, not even one-fifth of a glass jar was filled.


Koizumi Hongzi was stunned when he saw Chi Feichi's bold sacrifice directly holding the glass jar, but saw that the red pattern represented by her power quickly turned into the bronze that belongs to the God of Craftsman. As time was running out, he stopped complaining and threw the reprocessed human skin material on Kiichiro Numabuchi's face.

Numabuchi Kiichiro's eyes were covered and he couldn't see clearly, but Chi Feichi who was standing opposite could see clearly.

After the human skin fell off, it immediately fitted to Numabuchi Kiichiro's face, reflecting Numabuchi Kiichiro's face.

In the bronze-colored light, Koizumi Hongzi didn't move. The face had changed. The high cheekbones were adjusted to be less obvious than before, and the upturned nose was changed to an aquiline nose. It doesn't look so much like a skeleton.

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