Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1307 Prodigal is not a day or two

As the bronze light disappeared from Numabuchi Kiichiro's face, the new face fit perfectly. The biggest change was that the upturned nose became a hooked nose, but the overall appearance was neither fierce nor gentle. Those who are not very noticeable in the crowd, at first glance, are quite different from the original appearance of Numabuchi, and will not make people think of a person like Numabuchi, but if you look closely, there is a shadow of Numabuchi Kiichiro's original appearance .

"Is that all right?" Koizumi Hongzi smiled shyly at Chi Feichi, seeing Chi Feichi nodding his head in approval, she started the next step in a good mood.

Shame on the skin, adjust the texture of the palms and soles of the feet...

Kiichiro Numabuchi was awake the whole time, and wanted to ask if he should be given anesthesia, but he couldn't move or speak. Float downwards in the air.

The clothes on the back were quickly split in half, and the skin and flesh on the back were also split in half, exposing the cervical spine...

As a surgeon, Chi Feichi couldn't stand Hongzi's method of cutting in half without cutting in layers, regardless of the muscles, nerves and blood vessels.

Although no matter how you cut it, after the magic is over, Nigga's body can be restored to its original state, which is better than surgery in that it is completely seamless and does not need to be regrown, as if the knife has never been used, but... Hongzi's method is rough He couldn't stand it.

He needs to recall the normal surgical procedure to wash his brain.

Koizumi Hongzi waved the report, tore off the page with the picture, and threw it into the sky.

Memorize the drawings and make adjustments by yourself? If it doesn't exist, the God of Craftsman is better at this, so she chooses to sit and wait.

After the drawing flew into the air, it seemed to be burned by flames, but the flames were bronze in color.

Numabuchi Kiichiro's exposed cervical spine began to adjust, and then the flesh and skin closed, and the clothes closed...

Chi Feichi looked down at his feet. It was Koizumi Hongzi's action of throwing the blueprint just now. The venom consumption was more than twice that of the previous adjustments. I don't know if the god of craftsmen also hates brain-burning, or he dislikes Koizumi. Hongzi was lazy.

However, Koizumi Hongzi is sometimes reliable and sometimes unreliable. In order to prevent the marshes from becoming weird, he also feels that

And he poured quite a lot of venom, so much that there is still half of it left after the adjustment...

"You poured too much, how can you pour it so directly," Koizumi Hongzi finally said the complaints he had been holding back for a long time, waved his hand, and let the bronze-colored light throw Kiichiro Numabuchi under the altar, and then Waving his hand, let the light roll up a pile of materials under the altar, his eyes glowed with excitement, "Don't waste it, I made my bone staff!"

After Numabuchi Kiichiro was thrown off the altar, he stood up tentatively, touched his face, and moved his body to make sure that his body had changed, but he couldn't believe it was so fast, but he was soon caught by what happened on the altar. Attracts attention.

As the young girl waved her hand, a pile of bones, plants, and strange stones were rolled up to the altar by the bronze light, floating in the air, and a large pile of things inexplicably merged into a bone stick, leaving no residue, just before and after. In terms of size, it is very unscientific.

Chi Feichi poured a lot of venom, so much...

"I'll make a bone staff for the rich woman!"

Koizumi Hongzi waved the bone stick aside, continued to sweep the materials, made a new bone stick, threw it aside again, saw that the poison was still there, and asked excitedly, "Son of Nature, do you want the bone stick? It is very suitable for using black magic and can save a lot of energy!"

"I don't use magic." Chi Feichi looked at the two bone sticks thrown together, "It seems that the rich woman can't use it either."

"Who said it can't be used? She can be used to hit people with a swing! By the way, speaking of this," Koizumi Hongzi continued to be excited, took out her inventory, and waved two ribs to the altar, "I will Give the warriors a spear!"

Chi Feichi looked at Koizumi Hongzi in silence, his eyes were neither sad nor happy, as calm as water.

Not only is the bone staff that consumes a lot of materials used to swing and beat people by the rich woman, as far as he knows, Koizumi Hongzi generally does not use black magic, and more often uses her own red magic, that is to say, the bone staff For Koizumi Hongzi, it is actually not very useful.

It's not a day or two for Koizumi Hongzi to prodigal.

Take their statues as an example. In addition to stone and gemstones, Koizumi Hongzi also threw a lot of magic materials into them, but just to reproduce their appearance. The statues stand here to be handsome and serve as elevator doors. It is of no use at all.

Hongzi Koizumi's prodigal talent is unique in this world. This kind of style of using the most precious materials to make the most useless things is probably only slightly comparable to Dr. A Li. The doctor is excellent, and he can use the most useful things to produce 'useless' effects...

But it doesn't matter, just get used to it, anyway, it wasn't him who worked so hard to collect magic materials.

"I'll give the soldiers another bow!"

"Where there is a bow, there must also be an arrow!"

The venom is exhausted.

Koizumi Hongzi managed to finish an arrow, and when the light on the altar gradually faded, he breathed a long sigh of relief, held the arrow in his hand and looked at it, "I wanted to add a little pattern, but it's a pity."

Chi Feichi looked at the arrow that looked like a slender white bone with a tail that seemed to be severely hyperosteogenated, and then looked at the white bone bow with red strings under the altar, and another one with the words "plain and unpretentious". ' to describe the bone spear, "Can warriors use it?"

For these three things, Hongzi Koizumi almost used up the materials he got last night, and even threw a lot of materials in his own inventory, but he was skeptical about the practicality.

Koizumi Hongzi thought of her almost empty inventory, and felt a little bit in her heart, but she still comforted herself, "Although they don't know magic, the things I create with magic are not as strong and sharp as ordinary weapons. Using magic, the strength and sharpness can be doubled!"

Strong attribute, sharp attribute...

Chi Feichi stepped down from the altar, took a look at the bone spear, and bent it hard, but found that the bone spear hadn't changed a bit, "Can it pierce the steel plate?"

"This..." Koizumi Hongzi followed up, thought about it, and said seriously, "If you are strong enough, you should be able to, because it is strong enough."

Chi Feichi: "..."

He wanted to popularize sniper rifles with Hongzi Koizumi.

For example, the XM109 sniper rifle that uses 25mm diameter bullets can completely penetrate 50mm steel plates. In terms of price, it is definitely much cheaper than those rare materials such as Hongzi Koizumi.

"Don't you think this kind of weapon is cool?" Koizumi Hongzi couldn't bear Chi Feichi's eyes of "I won't talk to idiots", picked up the bow that was thrown on the ground before, "and the bow's The bowstring is made of tendons and blood vessels, and if you use magic power, it will have a very special function!"

Saying that, Koizumi Hongzi raised the bow and demonstrated it with magic.

In the next second, a spray of blood sprayed from the bowstring and landed at Koizumi Hongzi's feet.

Chi Feichi waited for two seconds to make sure there were no other changes, and then said, "Why don't you consider letting the blood on the bow string coagulate into a blood arrow, and then use the bow to shoot it?"

"That's a good idea, I'll change it some other day!" Koizumi Hongzi's eyes lit up, and she quickly sighed again, "There are not enough materials, I will change it when I find enough materials."

"You can take them to be your non-chiefs, it's very suitable," Chi Feichi turned and left blankly, looking at Kiichiro Numabuchi kneeling in front of the altar, "Numabuchi, you kneel here to do What?"

Numabuchi Kiichiro did not get up, but looked up at Chi Feichi, "Just now...was that a scientific method?"

"That's magic," Chi Feichi stretched out his hand, and took Feichi, who was flying towards the golden eagle Mesuo's claw, "It can also be called metaphysics."

Numabuchi Kiichiro hesitated, "I want to calm down..."

"Then you calm down slowly, it's a good thing to be calm," Chi Feichi walked down the pyramid, all of them were weird, he didn't want to accompany him, it's better to go back to the Feathered Serpent Temple to sleep, "After calming down, go down and casually Find someone, and let the other person take you to the priest Afupo, she will arrange a place for you, tell her that it will be arranged near the Feathered Serpent Temple."

"Wait! Me too..." Koizumi Hongzi put away all the things on the ground with a wave of his hand. Hearing the familiar ringtone of the mobile phone, the hands under the black robe groped for a while, took out the mobile phone, put it to his ear after connecting the phone, Walking towards the pyramid stairs, "Hello, classmate Baima?...Sorry, fell asleep this morning...I'm not feeling well, can I trouble you to ask the teacher for leave?"

Kiichiro Numabuchi watched Koizumi Hongko hurried past him on the phone, went down the golden stairs, looked away, looked up at the statue blankly, the sense of trance still lingered in his mind.

Science, metaphysics, science, metaphysics, science...


Ten thirty in the morning.

A short figure in a white robe walked up the pyramid step by step, and saw a pink long-haired ball in front of the altar, he was stunned for a moment, and took a closer look.

When she got close, the rich woman saw clearly that it was a middle-aged man in a pink plush coat. She felt that she couldn't understand the trend outside, "Aren't you from our village? Did God bring you here?"

Numabuchi Kiichiro returned to his senses, and nodded blankly.

The rich woman looked at the statue, folded her hands together and closed her eyes to worship, then looked at Kiichiro Numabuchi again, "Are you being punished for kneeling here?"

"No, no, I want to be quiet," Numabuchi Kiichiro stood up slowly, his face finally so dull, "Are you a rich woman priest? July... Ike... God... let me finish calming down I went to find you, he said that you would help me arrange a place to stay, and asked me to tell you that it would be near the Feathered Serpent Temple."

"Warrior?" The rich woman looked at Kiichiro Numabuchi in surprise, looked up at the clear sky, and slowly went down, "Please come down with me, the weather is fine today, wait until noon, on the Pyramid of the Sun It will be hotter, and the light reflected from the top floor will be more glaring, and if you kneel down, you will faint on it. Fortunately, it is late autumn, and if it is around summer, you might die on it!"

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