Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1311 A Controllable Murderous Knife

Chi Feichi dug out a map from the cabinet in the hall, walked to the sofa, "I don't want to."

"Don't you think cooking with high-end ingredients is a kind of enjoyment?"

"do not think so."

"A good chef can't be so indifferent!"

"I'm not a cook."

Chi Feichi felt that Koizumi Hongzi's words were wrong, saying that he was a veterinarian was more realistic than saying that he was a chef.

He cooks to make himself more comfortable, and occasionally to share food, which is not really a hobby.

Koizumi Hongzi choked, got up speechless, and walked to Chi Feichi's side, "What are you looking at?"

Chi Feichi looked down at the spread map, "Look where the swamp should be placed."

"Don't let him stay in Japan?" Koizumi Hongzi asked doubtfully.

"I want him to avoid Japan."

Chi Feichi scanned the various countries on the map, and tapped the UK with his right index finger, "Here, a murderous knife is missing."

Not only Kiichiro Numabuchi, but also Umbrella's secret actions, he is deliberately avoiding Japan and China.

Needless to say, China is not suitable for capital to intervene, and he does not want to make troubles. As for Japan, it is because Japan in this world has the maelstrom of red and black, the devil of light, the koi girl, the silver bullet of the FBI, the mysterious organization, The gathering of witches and strange thieves will become more and more chaotic in the future. Even other established forces may be eradicated if they get involved, or they should be eradicated casually.

For example, certain theft gangs, such as a violent society they just established not long ago...

Don't look at Umbrella's amazing financial resources. Some people have artificial intelligence and witches, but they are still in the early stages of development, just like a little baby with the potential to grow into a giant. His own potential has not yet turned into strength, and his layout in the world is far inferior to some people.

Noah and Ark can speed up their growth, but after the baby is involved in the vortex, the splashes he can splash are limited, and he may die halfway or drown directly. Even if there are any defects left in the growth process, he is unwilling to see .

His strategy is to adopt the "surrounding the city from the countryside" proposed by the great man... Well, it's a bit inappropriate, but it probably means that.

The Japanese freaks gather, and all parties are chaotic and intertwined, thus forming a vortex of cannibalism. When the good guys come, they will die if they encounter the organization, and if the bad guys come, they will die if they encounter the demon of light. You can't put your hopes on luck. There is a koi girl to assist the devil, so it is better to avoid the area where the 'enemy has strong dominance' and develop in other countries.

Since the vortex is dangerous, why not choose to grow in other waters until the vortex is unshakable?

There are more than one or two countries in this world, and there are too many places suitable for layout and development.

For example, in bases in backward areas of Africa, because the local government has almost no control and dangerous wild forests serve as large-scale training grounds and experimental grounds, they can unscrupulously train troops and do experimental research that is not allowed in other countries.

For example, interfering in the US elections, allowing Joshua to take root from Boston, economic development and influence control are both correct, and Joshua also has the support of Charles, who is a senior executive of the American Brotherhood, and basically can establish a black and white business. In terms of fertile ground for basic development, it will slowly radiate to surrounding areas.

And Joshua is not only a godson of Charles, but also has many outstanding or influential fans in various years. After the layout in Boston is almost the same, he can travel around the world and "preach".

The 20 or 30 people who saw Joshua rejuvenated at the beginning will be their craziest followers, as long as Joshua says, 'You can go to heaven after you die for God, only the happy heaven', 'You died for God , reincarnate and you can enjoy the blessings, and you will have what you don’t have’, even if you are going to die, those people will be like moths to the flame, obeying for some intangible hopes and greed.

In addition to those people at the beginning, Joshua can develop countless believers in the future. If he is not worried about being targeted by the Holy See and needs to be dragged down, the current number of people will increase dozens of times.

A religious bigwig who can brainwash is worth hundreds of Kiichiro Numafuchi.

Currently available for development is the United Kingdom.

The Field Group is deeply rooted in the UK, but since there are other consortiums sitting in the town, it’s not really a big influence, but it can’t be said that it has no foundation at all, especially their relationship with the queen and the little prince is pretty good, Joshua There are also two faithful believers in England.

The development in the UK can be carried out stably. It is best to be gentle. Don't open up and directly tear yourself apart with local consortiums and other forces like entering the United States.

If you don't miss the old love, you can't live with it in your heart. Word of mouth and reputation will definitely have a great impact. Since you have a solid foundation, it is better to grow steadily and slowly.

As for France, Germany and other countries, unlike the United States as the primary target, they cannot open fire across the board. At present, they are only using the tentacles of the Machi Group to let Ark gradually increase its influence and control in all aspects. It is slow, but the victory is The foundation can be laid firmly, and it will save a lot of trouble to make heavy moves when you have free hands, when it is necessary or appropriate.

In addition, Japan is not completely abandoned, on the contrary, he and Koizumi Hongzi, the witch, are both sitting here, and this is the place that gets the most attention.

To sum up, in other countries, Umbrella's development is either moderate or aggressive, giving people the feeling of 'growing' and often showing a sense of presence, but in Japan, it is mainly completely hidden, and the focus is on safe development. There is almost nothing Collective action for development.

The establishment of Fifteen Nights City provided them with an absolutely safe base. Kyoto has Yuanhai to collect information on old noble families, Tokyo has Qianheling, and there is even an intelligence network composed of the Non-Mexican Legion and the nameless group of cats. In other words, they are completely able to carry out some control, infiltration, and development operations, but no, they are all suppressed.

The Yatsushiro consortium was buried for a while, but it has always strived for stability, concealment, and safety. In the control of the Yatsushiro consortium, Umbrella did not use intelligence and armed forces to control high-level or shareholders, but Ike Shinosuke used more Commercial means, transfer benefits to Umbrella in a covert manner.

In short, the 'village' develops the public base crazily, advancing step by step. It is necessary to grow food, build weapons and prepare troops, and the 'city' mainly conducts lurking, observing the situation, collecting intelligence, stealing benefits, brewing opportunities, and preparing The inside should cooperate with the outside, so that they can avoid the edge and grow into a behemoth and occupy more territory, but also lose the intelligence and fighters of the 'city'. When they can attack the 'city', only the 'city' is left. It can be a frontal attack, the lurker can buy the bottom, and the two can cooperate. At that time, it will depend on how it is beneficial to them.

Speaking back to Koichiro Numabuchi, Kiichiro Numabuchi used to be a murderous knife that was easy to get out of control, but now he can be regarded as a murderous knife that can be controlled, but in Japan where hiding is the main thing, he can't let a killer run out to Umbrella's interests are at stake, and Marsh has intersected with the organization, Conan, and the police, so it is easy to be targeted. Once targeted, those people may follow the clues and drag Umbrella into the whirlpool.

When the Japanese region really needs a killer, isn't he still there? Even if he is obsessed with things and Hongzi is intermittently unreliable, it is still no problem to use the crystal ball to lock the target and run over to knock the person down. He can even be faster and more stealthy than Numabuchi Kiichiro.

It is not cost-effective for Numabuchi Kiichiro to train with the soldiers all the time.

Kiichiro Numabuchi is not a resourceful talent, and he is not good at intelligence gathering. He is equivalent to Jack the Ripper, but he can't be Colonel Moriarty or Moran. Kiichiro Numabuchi's Achilles heel before was loss of control, and he is now able to Calm down, if you can stabilize and strengthen your battle timing judgment and marksmanship, there is no other way to improve, and it will be difficult to improve if you have been training in Fifteen Nights City. It is better to let it out to earn experience in actual combat.

Waste is not what a good capitalist should do.

And the United States currently has people like Charles in it, and there is no vacancy in terms of arming. All he can think of is the United Kingdom.

Although the strategy for the UK is a bit milder, it is political and commercial, and it is a strategy for the overall situation, which does not prevent them from using some dirty means to deploy in the "black" aspect.

Get a strong killer to go there, even if there is no plan, his cheap parents can choose to let the marshes kill him when they encounter that kind of smelly, hard, unpleasant and obstructive guy, isn't that great?

But in the UK, there is one more thing to consider, and that is who will command the knife of the marsh.

According to his understanding, if there is trouble, Ike Shinanosuke will wholeheartedly consider using commercial means or other means to solve it, which is not wrong, but for some things, it is faster and more convenient to use dirty means. , that is a waste.

Hiroki Sawada is a choice. His son is not very old, but he is crazy. He is becoming more and more paranoid. He jumps off the building whenever he wants to. The key to Marsh's plan is to stay in the UK frequently, and it is also convenient to mobilize Marsh according to the situation, but children are always children.

He doesn't underestimate Hiroki Sawada, but Hiroki Sawada is already stronger than most adults in terms of judgment, logic, planning, and execution, but Hiroki Sawada jumped off a building if he wanted to. Let him not feel at ease.

'Life', 'value', and 'dream' are indistinguishable propositions, and a hundred people can have a hundred different ideas, which are only roughly consistent, not completely similar.

Hiroki Sawada’s approach will be recognized or not, but it’s hard to tell whether it’s right or wrong. It’s actually not that important whether other people approve it or not. What he cares about is whether Hiroki Sawada’s ideas are still valid Immature, or in other words, he is worried that Hiroki Sawada will make some decisions because of his age, and he will regret it after a few years. This is not conducive to growth, and it is easy to be used by others to collapse his beliefs.

Ike Kana?

Seeing his mother throwing so many spies to various groups and consortiums, I know that his mother never minds using some dirty methods. Throwing Koichiro Numabuchi over there should be able to make the most of it, but...

He felt that Chi Kanai looked gentle and elegant, but his mood was very unstable.

There may be a family hereditary snake spirit disease. People like Chi Kanai, even if the current diagnosis is good, may become crazy in an instant after experiencing something and being stimulated.

For example, if he or his father were assassinated or their lives were in danger, Chi Kanai might stare at the enemy and let the marsh kill them along the way.

Although Chi Kanai will also consider the consequences, as long as he and his father don't die, the situation will not get out of control, but doing too many crazy things is not good for Chi Kanai's mental health.

He was originally a person who wandered crazily on the edge of "becoming a snake spirit disease". If such a crazy person as Kiichiro Numabuchi was handed over to Chi Kana, and then they did a few crazy things together, Chi Kana would probably become a terrifying big snake Mental illness.

The hospital dare not accept that kind of...

If he can't protect his family well, then he will hope that Chi Kanai will become a snake spirit that no one dares to provoke. Chi Kanai went to become a snake spirit to protect himself.

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