Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1312 Proper Fortune Day

After thinking about it, Chi Feichi decided to talk to the three people in England, or just throw them over there, and let them discuss how to use it, or whoever needs it.

Use the left eye to link to the Ark, and invite Ike Shinosuke, Ike Kana, and Sawada Hiroki to start the communication.

After the thought was transmitted, Chi Feichi immediately cut off the communication, took out his mobile phone and waited for the communication.

When it comes to conserving energy usage, he's serious about being stingy.

However, in the end only Hiroki Sawada appeared on the phone screen.

"Godfather, Miss Hongzi."

Still obedient and clever appearance, obedient greetings.

After saying hello, Hiroki Sawada also had something to say, "Godfather, grandpa and grandma are having lunch in the restaurant. Grandpa said before that before one o'clock in the afternoon, unless there is an emergency, don't ask him for any work. Let me Help intercept messages and calls, do you want to communicate with them?"

Chi Feichi really wanted to say to his dad, "Talk about love, talk about business, how cool it is to talk about business", but considering that the couple seldom get together on a date, his dad probably won't feel serious about talking to him now. It was very cool, so I chose not to disturb, "No, let me tell you, just tell them, do you need a killer?"

"Killer?" Sawada Hiroki's eyes lit up.

"Kiichiro Numabuchi, we helped him with his face, fingerprints, and palm prints. He has overcome his loss of emotional control and will definitely be an excellent killer in the future. It may take a while to train, but it won't be too long," Chi Feichi said, " I want to arrange for him to go to England."

"Okay!" Sawada Hiroki nodded like a chicken pecking rice, "Some time ago, the Field Group was in turmoil. Those people issued the godfather's bounty and wanted to kill grandparents more than once. Grandma said that the turmoil has just subsided. Many people are paying attention, it is inconvenient to add insult to injury to those people, and when everyone's attention shifts in the future, let those people taste the taste of being hunted down."

Chi Feichi: "..."

Ten years is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge.

Twenty or thirty years is never too late for Chi Kanai to take revenge.

Such a vengeful and calm personality is not a snake spirit disease, nor is it something ordinary people can afford.

"And I also want someone like Jack the Ripper," Sawada Hiroki thought for a while, and added, "Although there are no particularly difficult people to deal with at the moment, London's manpower is relatively good at protecting, and there is indeed a shortage of people. A formidable killer."

"Then arrange for him to go to London then."

Chi Feichi chatted with Hiroki Sawada about a few trivial matters, and heard Hiroki Sawada talk about the current situation in London and gossip about his parents. After hanging up the phone, he got up and prepared to leave.

"Hongzi, are you going to stay here for two days, or take my car back?"

"Are you going back?" Koizumi Hongzi was a little surprised, and got up, "Aren't you going to stay here for two days?"

"I can't leave Tokyo for too long." Chi Feichi explained.

He left Tokyo this time without telling anyone, nor did he report to that person.

Since it was less than 24 hours, when asked, he could also lie that he went to investigate the identity of Eisuke Hondo.

But if that person suddenly asks him to go to a certain place in Tokyo, it will be very troublesome for him to miss the place for a while. To ghosts, sometimes the more anxious you are to prove something, the more likely it will go wrong. If you can go back, you should go back as soon as possible.

"Then I'll take you down the mountain and come back. There will be a sacrificial dance tonight. I want to see it," Koizumi Hongzi thought while rubbing his chin. Play here for two more days..."

Chi Feichi: "..."

Really - Hongzi who skipped school every day until vacation.

But almost every time it was his fault that caused Koizumi Hongzi to skip class until the holidays, he was embarrassed to say anything.


Before the sacrificial dance in Moon Square, Koizumi Hongzi sent Chi Feichi down the mountain on a flying carpet, and then drove back on a flying carpet.

The location of Fifteen Nights City is not far from Tokyo. Chi Feichi changed the disguise face of a middle-aged man, changed his spare clothes, and drove back to Tokyo. , take Feichi home.

After nine o'clock in the evening, there were quite a lot of cars in the bustling neighborhood, and there were even more cars today. The traffic stopped and stopped, like a cassette tape.

When we arrived at the bridge entering Kuboto-cho, not only were there not many cars, but there was also a long queue of traffic, and the situation of "jamming" became even more serious.

After the Lexus sc was blocked from front to back, left to right, Chi Feichi lowered the car window and lit a cigarette, waiting patiently for the car in front to move.

This kind of traffic situation of "blocking, walking for a while, blocking for a while" is the most annoying, but he does not have road rage, and he is not in a hurry to go somewhere, and he can still watch the night scene while he is free.

"Shh! Shh! Shh!..."

In the sky not far away, bright lights with small tails rose into the sky one after another, crackling and blasting clusters of bright fireworks in the sky.

"Huh? Are there fireworks?" Fei Chi stretched his neck from Chi Feichi's neckline.

Chi Feichi simply put down the roof of the car, let the cool night breeze blow into the car, and turned his head to watch the fireworks in the sky with Feichi.

"It's not a big festival, why is the building over there..." Feichi muttered in confusion, and suddenly he lifted his spirits, "Master, today seems to be a dark day!"

Chi Feichi took out his phone and glanced at the date, "It's indeed a dark day."

December 31st, the big dark day.

For Japan, which celebrates the new year with a new calendar, tonight is equivalent to New Year's Eve.

No wonder Koizumi Hongzi said that she will be on holiday after class this morning, and it’s no wonder there are more cars than usual this evening, it turns out it’s the New Year’s holiday...

Wait, his family's cheap parents suddenly had a dinner date together today, and they didn't let work disturb their interest. Could it be because of this?

Why did he seem like an outsider in a family of three?

But it's also understandable, when he called, it was only morning in London, and it was estimated that Ike Shinosuke and Ike Kana had just made an appointment to have a meal together to discuss how to celebrate the New Year this year.

There is a time difference between London and Tokyo. After the two of them have finished their lunch, he should go to bed here. Since it was only the beginning of December yesterday, it is impossible for the couple to call him about the bad day. They probably plan to wait until the new year. Call him, it's almost the same as in previous years.

There are also reasons for Japanese customs.

The big dark day is equivalent to New Year's Eve. Japanese people will also clean up their homes during the holidays, waiting to welcome the New Year, and some people will stay up late to watch the "Red and White Song Concert" which is equivalent to the New Year's Eve party, waiting for the New Year's Eve, from January 1st to January On Sanhe Day on the 3rd, New Year's greetings will also be made to the elders, relatives and friends, but the 'Nianyu', which is equivalent to lucky money, is not given to the younger generations by the elders until January 1st, and people generally do not wish each other until the New Year.

"Sorry, master," Feichi sighed melancholy, "I stayed up late last night, I fell asleep today, and forgot to remind you..."

It claims to be the owner's living bug and a small expert in reporting the date. It has no chance to eavesdrop recently. It even forgot to remind the owner of such an important day. Mistake, big mistake!


Chi Feichi saw the car in front of him driving away, put away his phone, and drove to keep up with the traffic, "Do you want to find a place to watch the fireworks?"

"Master can watch for a while if he wants to, and go home if he doesn't want to," Feichi said without thinking, "Let's clean together! Although Xiaomei definitely cleaned the house, we don't have any place to clean, but cleaning It will be more ceremonial in a moment!"

Chi Feichi said 'hmm', "Then let's go back and find Xiaomei first."

He didn't think too much about the holiday reunion, except that everyone celebrated wildly, today is no different from yesterday, 24 hours a day, 1440 minutes.

If there is any special significance to festivals, it is because most of the countries he worked in in his previous life attached great importance to these two festivals, Christmas and New Year's Day. Once a person is affected by the festive atmosphere, he can create some opportunities, whether it is stealing information or catching criminals. , will be much more convenient.

In their previous life, they used the method of "squatting on fugitives' families at Christmas" to catch two notorious criminals a day and make a lot of money. They worked overtime on New Year's Day to catch four more and made a lot of money. Then find a place to take a vacation and relax, and wait until the Spring Festival is over before going out for activities.

If these two festivals are well grasped, it will be a proper fortune day, which he likes the most.


The traffic flow was cleared for a while, and soon it was blocked again.

There is a temporary inspection ahead, and the traffic is moving forward slowly like an old man.

Chi Feichi saw Miyamoto Yumi who was inspecting the car in front at a glance, and considered whether to lower the roof of the car.

In terms of gossip, curiosity, and love of doing things, Miyamoto Yumi is even worse than Suzuki Sonoko. I don’t know what I discussed with Miwako Sato some time ago. The two frantically sent him messages and invited him to participate in social activities. After that, Miwako Sato stopped, and Yumi Miyamoto would still send him invitations to events intermittently.

Even if he refused to go, Miyamoto Yumi would still use ul software to send him photos and voice messages.

For example……

'Are you sure you won't come? Here are all big beauties! '

'See if you like it, my sister decides to help you ask for a ul account number and phone number! '

'Really really really not coming? Great atmosphere! '

Do you want to avoid it tonight?

"Hello, excuse me!"

Before Chi Feichi had time to put the roof on the car, a policewoman in uniform walked up to the red Lexus sc, her shoulder-length black hair was tied into low ponytails on the left and right, and when she raised her hands in salute, she had a serious expression on her face, "Temporary Check! Please show your..."

"Mr. Chi?!"

Ahead, Yumi Miyamoto commanded the car to leave, and when he turned around, he saw someone looking at him with an indifferent face, and immediately stepped forward with a smile, reached out and patted the hood of the car, "Are you going out?"

"I just came back from going out for dinner." Chi Feichi handed the driver's license to the female traffic policeman standing beside the car.

This female traffic policeman probably didn't know him, but he knew her - Naeko Miike, Chiba Kazunobu's childhood sweetheart.

Yumi Miyamoto's eyes lit up, she moved closer to the car, and twitched her nose excitedly, "You shouldn't have had a drink? Today is the main investigation for drunk driving! If you are caught by me, it will be really bad!"

"Senior..." Naeko Miike held it and stared blankly at Yumi Miyamoto.

Why... so excited?

Chi Feichi looked at Miyamoto Yumi who was trying to transform into a police dog, then turned to the dull Miike Naeko and said, "Thank you."

"Yes... er, no," Miike Naoko hurriedly waved his hands, "This is our job, it's not hard."

"I mean, you have worked hard with a senior like Miyamoto."

Chi Feichi didn't save Miyamoto Yumi face.

If he was really caught drinking and driving tonight, Miyamoto Yumi would definitely be surprised and gossip about it, with a look of "this is a big discovery", which will whet the appetite of others, and let the police department spread the word about his drunk driving thing.

Tell Miwako Sato, tell Takagi Wataru, tell...

Then, when he saw Takagi She, Sato Miwako, Meguro Shisan and even White Horse Tan, the other party might mention it to him.

Fortunately, it is impossible for Miyamoto Yumi to catch him drunk driving!

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