Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1314 Can this hit?

"Count me in," Miwako Sato also walked over with two dice cylinders, and said with a smile, "Then it's time to test your luck, and I won't show mercy!"

Chi Feichi resisted the urge to ask the three of them, "Where did Sanheri go these three days?" and smiled at them.

Well, he gave up struggling, but...

Even if he didn't use tricks to change the dice, these three aborigines wouldn't even think about going home sober today!

He can't be the only one depressed, can he?

Seeing Chi Feichi's gentle smile, Sato Miwako and the three looked at each other in shock with ghostly eyes, and after making sure that they were not hallucinating, they also smiled back at Chi Feichi.

It seems that their decision was correct, and Mr. Chi's mood has obviously improved a lot!

Not a peaceful morning.

At one o'clock in the morning, after Takagi went to the bathroom and vomited, he crawled back, collapsed on the sofa and did not move.

At 1:30 in the morning, Yumi Miyamoto, who was sober and came to join the game, and two female policemen fell onto the sofa.

As for Naeko Miike...

Miike Miaozi had already drank too much, and fell asleep beside him and never woke up.

At two o'clock in the morning, Shiratori Ren Saburo fell on the sofa.

At 2:30 in the morning, Miwako Sato, who was struggling to support herself, fell onto the sofa.

At three o'clock in the morning, after Chi Feichi sat alone and drank a glass of juice, listened to Xiaomei singing two nursery rhymes with a microphone, got up and went to the bathroom, and saw Gao Mushe sitting up, smiling .

Takagi She went to the bathroom with a dazed expression on his face, and just returned to the sofa to wake up, when he was pulled into the game, half an hour later he fell back on the sofa again.

Then there was Rensaburo Shiratori who woke up and went to the bathroom, and then Miwako Sato who woke up...

A group of policemen woke up drunk, half-drunk, half-awake and continued to be drunk. They were pulled by someone all night. They were hungover and stuffed into a taxi at six o'clock in the morning. They reported their location and fell down. Continue to sleep soundly.

Chi Feichi also drank a lot, left the car in the parking lot, and took Xiaomei, who was addicted to singing, and Feichi, who was secretly drinking and drunk, to take a taxi home.


"Did you really drink until after six o'clock in the morning?"

At five o'clock in the afternoon, a black official car drove through the streets of Kudo-cho.

Oda Qiemin also drove the car himself, and sent Chi Feichi to the parking lot outside the K song club to pick up the car.


Chi Feichi looked at the street scene outside the car window with a cold face, and resisted the urge to ask Oda Kirito, "Where did Mikahi go?".

It's amazing, he went home this morning and cleaned up the mailbox downstairs. There were indeed a bunch of New Year's certificates in it, but the problem was that he had no memory of January 1st and January 3rd.

Also because of this, he expected that his parents would call him to ask him how the new year was going, and the plot did not appear...

So, where did those three days go?

"I didn't expect those police officers to play so crazy... remember to call me next time, I haven't been drinking all night for a long time!" Oda Qiermin also smiled, looked sideways, and saw that although Chi Feichi didn't have a hangover in the slightest But it seemed that he was not very interested and didn't want to talk much, so he simply slowed down the car, "However, it should be fine if you go to the event with me later? Although you don't need to drink, there will be singing in the memorial service. When the time comes It will be very noisy..."

"It doesn't matter."

When Chi Feichi saw that the car had reached the area of ​​Diwujin River, he turned his head and looked out.

Oda Kirito didn't have time to send him to pick up the car, but because a friend he met when he sang rock died, the concert originally scheduled for tonight turned into a memorial concert. Shocked by the news, Oda Kirito also decided to leave Make time to check it out.

As for the dead man, Ban Heng RoK, a rock singer, appeared in the original Conan story...

Yes, this is a hapless ghost who was killed.

The body was thrown into the Tsumusu River, and it was only discovered early this morning. Counting the time, his teacher, Conan, Eisuke Hondo, and Mori Ran are currently investigating in this area, and will go to the memorial service site in a while.

But today he didn't want to get involved in the incident, and decided to be a bystander.

There are three bridges here across the Mitsu River, the Kubato Chuo Bridge, the Kubato Ohashi Bridge, and the Kubato Shinbashi Bridge. It should not be such a coincidence to meet the detective team, and he didn't drive his own car. If he passed by in the car like this, it should be no So easy to be pulled to investigate...

"It's a pity to say that," Oda Kiritoshi also drove up the Kubado Bridge, and sighed softly, "That guy Sakatoge is actually a very optimistic and motivated person. He has a relatively upright personality and is very sincere to his friends. I told him , if he wants to develop further, he can go to ThK company. He also has this intention. He originally planned to go to the company to talk to me formally after this concert. He even made an appointment for the time. I also planned to introduce You know, I didn't expect this to happen..."


There was a scratching sound from the rear of the car.

Oda Kirito was also taken aback, slowed down and stopped the car.

The rear-end white car also pulled over and stopped, and the girl's reproach was faintly heard.

"Dad, can you concentrate on the road while driving? It's all rubbed against someone else's car!"

Chi Feichi raised his eyes to look in the rearview mirror.

This voice is very familiar, shouldn't it be...

"It's because you guys kept talking, which distracted me, and the car in front slowed down again..." Kogoro Mouri said guiltily, opened the car door and got out of the car, rubbed his hands and walked forward, " Sorry..."

Chi Feichi: "..."

Why don't you tell Min also, 'Don't worry about it, just drive straight away'?

Before Chi Feichi could speak, Odagiri also turned his head and saw Kogoro Mori coming from the window, opened the door and got out of the car, "Mr. Mori?"

"Toshiya?" Mori Kogoro was surprised, and he was certain, "Did you come to Kabado Town to look for Feichi?"

Since I'm an acquaintance, then I shouldn't have to pay a large amount of repair fees for this little scratch, steady!

"Yeah..." Oda Kirito also turned to look inside the car.

When Chi Feichi saw that the bumps had collided, he reluctantly got out of the car and greeted Kogoro Moori, "Teacher."

Mori Kogoro was sweating, wondering why his apprentice looked colder today than before, and smiled, "Feichi, you're here too!"

In the rear, Mao Lilan, Conan, Hondo Eisuke and a pair of father and son got out of the car one after another and actively approached.

"Brother Minye, Brother Feichi!" Mao Lilan greeted with a smile.

Hondo Eisuke looked at Toshiya Odagiri with bright eyes, put his hands on Conan's shoulders and shook excitedly, "It's Toshiya Odagiri!"

Conan was dizzy from being shaken, "I know..."

"Chairman Odagiri!" Hondo Eisuke continued to shake Conan excitedly.

Conan: "..."

Bastard, can you let him go first!

Seeing that Oda Kirito also noticed Hondo Eisuke, Mao Lilan explained with a smile, "He is my classmate Hondo Eisuke, because Toshiya-san is quite popular in our school, and he also admires Toshiya-san, so I was a little over excited... "

Hondo Eisuke finally let go of Conan, straightened up, and excitedly approached Odagiri Toshiya, "President Odagiri really..."

Seeing that Hondo Yingyou stumbled and rushed towards Oda Kirito in a 'big' shape, Chi Feichi stretched out his hand speechlessly.

Mao Lilan also smiled at the dazed Oda Qiemin, "He is usually a little reckless, and often falls..."

Odagiri Min also didn't know what expression to use for a moment, "Yes, is it..."

Hondo Yingyou stood firm, scratched his head with a confused smile, "I'm sorry, but I often trouble Brother Feichi to pull me up, many times to prevent me from getting hurt or causing trouble to others."

Oda Kiritoshi also saw that they were all acquaintances, and didn't take it to heart. He smiled wickedly, "It's okay, my classmates are as cute as girls in confusion!"

Hondo Eisuke: "..."

Why is this evaluation again?

Conan: "..."

He definitely learned from Chi Feichi badly.

Mao Lilan knew that Oda Kirito was only joking, and said with a smile, "Then Brother Feichi and Brother Minye made an appointment to play together?"

"Not really..."

Odagiri Min also spoke, and the famous detective became addicted to logical analysis.

"Are you going to attend RoK's memorial service for Ban Heng?" Conan said, "Brother Minya also sang rock and roll before, and it's not surprising that he and RoK are similar in age. Heng may join ThK company, although it has not been confirmed, but since there are rumors, it means that one of them has this plan, right?"

Speaking of Ban Heng RoK, Oda Kiritoshi also felt melancholy in his heart again, suppressed the smile on his face, nodded and said, "Yes, I mentioned to Ban Heng that he should join ThK company, and we are waiting for the final negotiation. I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen to him, so I wanted to go to his memorial service, and I heard that the address of the memorial concert was in Kabadocho, so I called Feichi..."

Feichi suddenly slipped out of Chi Feichi's sleeve.

Chi Feichi immediately came to his senses, and before Feichi landed, he bent down to catch a certain hangover snake that couldn't even wrap his arms around it.

"Feichi?" Mao Lilan was startled when she saw Feichi's motionless and limp appearance, "Is it sick?"

"It drank a lot of wine secretly last night." Chi Feichi put Feichi's backhand into the hood of his jacket, "it's still hungover."

Mao Lilan laughed speechlessly, "Yes, that's right..."

"Feichi went drinking with a few police officers from the Metropolitan Police Department, and he didn't come home until this morning. The car was left in the parking lot over there," Oda Kirito also said, "I'll take him to pick up the car later, Mr. Mori , how about you? You are here because..."

Mori Kogoro said seriously, "To be honest, I came here to investigate Mr. Sakahiro's death."

"Mr. Mori, do you have any important clues here?" Oda Kiritoshi also hurriedly asked.

"There is indeed a clue..." Mori Kogoro turned his head to look at the father and son who were following him, and suddenly realized that something was wrong.

His apprentice stared straight at the father and son.

The middle-aged father put his hands on his son's shoulders, raised his eyes from time to time for a sneaky look, met his apprentice's gaze and then lowered his head, then raised his eyes to secretly look, and then lowered his head again...

Even the little boy felt strange about this abnormality. He looked up at his father, then turned his head to look at Chi Feichi, and then looked up at his father.

"What's going on?" Mori Kogoro was confused, walked between the two parties, looked left and right, and said with a black line, "Feichi, don't stare at others so directly, if you know someone, directly Can't you just say hello?"

Really, doesn't his apprentice know that his indifferent eyes with no emotion are scary?

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