Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1315 Will today's reasoning disappear again?

"I don't know," Chi Feichi withdrew his gaze, "He was the one who secretly looked at me first."

"I, I don't know this gentleman either." The middle-aged man sweated, and couldn't help raising his eyes to look at Chi Feichi again, "But... when I passed the bridge that night, there was some traffic jam on the road, so I looked ahead. Then I saw a red sports car in the front left with the roof lowered, because that kind of car is rare, so I took a second look. At that time, I saw a snake on the glass of the passenger seat, which scared me a lot. Jumping, I have woken up a lot after dozing off, although the car was in front of two cars in the parking space from me, and I didn't see the driver's face clearly, but when I saw the snake just now, I remembered..."

Mori Kogoro confirmed to Chi Feichi, "Feichi, did you drive by here three nights ago?"

"Three days ago..." Chi Feichi said uncertainly, "Dark day?"

According to this man's description, it should be last night. He usually does not put the roof down when driving. Last night was an exception, and there is no traffic jam at Cupoto Bridge. Only during festivals, there will be more cars on the road. few.

It's just that Mori Kogoro suddenly said 'three days ago', he wasn't sure whether it was counting three days forward or three days ago in the date number...

This is Kuboto Town, and he would pass by the Tsutsugawa area several times every once in a while, and he also passed here at night for the first three days.

"That's right, it was the day of the Great Dark Day," Conan said hurriedly, "There were fireworks near here at that time, so it should be easy to remember!"

Chi Feichi nodded to confirm, "I passed by here, it was around nine o'clock in the evening."

Mori Kogoro's eyes lit up, and he asked quickly, "Then did you see anything? This gentleman passed by here that night, and his son said afterward that Mr. Sakahiro was dead. The bag of Heng Heng's body was thrown under the bridge. At that time, the discovery of Mr. Heng Heng's body had not been reported, indicating that this little brother may have witnessed the murderer throwing the body, but the gentleman did not remember that it was three bridges from here. We just came over to see which bridge we’ve been on.”

"Brother Feichi, did you notice any suspicious people nearby?" Mao Lilan also asked anxiously, "Also, which bridge did you go from that night?"

Chi Feichi suddenly felt that when he met today, maybe God let him spoil the fun of Conan's reasoning, and his mood suddenly improved a lot, "I didn't see anyone throwing the corpse, but..."

Conan's eyelids twitched.

Wait, why does he feel that something is wrong? Today's reasoning won't be gone again, right?

"I passed the Cupoto Central Bridge that night, which is the bridge where we are." Chi Feichi gave an affirmative answer first, and then analyzed, "At the time of the traffic jam, my car was approaching us. Now the position of the guardrail here is only two parking spaces away from the place where this gentleman’s car is. If someone throws a corpse at the guardrail here, he must get off the car halfway to the guardrail. I must have noticed, but at that time the left Fireworks happened to be set off in the sky next to it, and Feichi and I looked over to confirm that there was no one by the guardrail at that time, that is to say..."

As he spoke, Chi Feichi looked at the guardrail on the other side of the bridge.

"The place where the body was dumped is in front of the guardrail on the left side of the bridge!" Conan took the words decisively, trying to win the hard-won opportunity for reasoning, "Brother Chi was parking on the far left side of the traffic flow, and there were at least four cars separated from the side guardrail over there." , and the sports car is shorter than many cars, and it is easy to be blocked by other cars. In addition, he was looking in the direction of the fireworks, so it was impossible to see someone throwing the body, and Ah Qiao said that the opponent's arm has a very scary At night, the light here is very dark, and the other party will definitely choose to throw the body on the dark road at that time on the bridge. Aqiao can see the pattern on the other party's arm, and it is only possible that when the fireworks are lit in the sky, The position of throwing the corpse will only be on the guardrail opposite to the position where the fireworks are lifted into the air!"

"Okay, I'll call and tell Police Officer Megure the situation!" Mori Kogoro immediately took out his cell phone and lowered his head to dial the number, "If this is the scene of the dumping of corpses, there might be some evidence salvaged in the river, Aqiao said The other party took out a lighter from his coat pocket, lit it, and then threw the lighter into the river. There may be some evidence left on that lighter, so the murderer threw the lighter away..."

Conan rubbed his chin in thought.

That's right, as long as you salvage it in the river, you should be able to find something, but the clues about the murderer, as well as the pattern of nails on the arm, should be tattoos...

"The pattern on the arm that the little brother mentioned is not a tattoo, is it?" Oda Kirito also lowered his head and pressed the phone, found a photo in the album, and bent down to show the little boy, "Is this it?"

Conan turned to look.

It was a pattern of a snake's head being nailed to a wooden bar, the snake's head was pierced by an iron nail, and blood was flowing on the wooden bar. For children, it was indeed a 'scary nail'.

"This is the symbol of the band that Sakahiro was not famous for before..." Oda Kiritoshi also explained.

"Huh?" Feichi poked his head out of Chi Feichi's hat, took a hard look around, then retracted listlessly, "It scares the snake... um... there will be retribution..."

"No," the little boy Aqiao looked at it seriously, shook his head and said, "The pattern I saw is different from this one!"

Mao Lilan and Hondo Eisuke's expectant eyes darkened, a little regretful.

If not for this...

Odagiri Min was not in a hurry, he pressed the phone button again, turned to the next picture, looked at the little boy seriously, "What about this one?"

The pattern is similar, except that there is no wooden bar, and the three nails are arranged in an 'N' shape. The snake is wrapped around the nails, and the snake's head is pierced by the nail on the far right.

The little boy nodded immediately when he saw it, pointed to the phone screen and said, "Yes, this is it!"

"What?" Mori Kogoro who was on the phone turned his head and exclaimed, and said to the phone, "Officer Megure, we have another clue here, I will call you after I understand the situation!"

"Hey, old Maori..."

The phone was hung up immediately.

Mori Kogoro squatted down, looked at the little boy and asked, "Are you sure it's this pattern?"

The little boy didn't feel scared by his father's side, and nodded again to confirm, "This is what I saw, a very scary nail!"

"Then it will be easy," Oda Kiritoshi also took back his phone, stood up and explained to Mori Kogoro who was looking at him eagerly, "This is the new logo that Sakatoshi's band plans to change, and it was confirmed not long ago. It has not been made public yet, and it was originally expected to take a week or two to make it public, but because some of his super fans like to tattoo the band logo on their bodies, the ones who can get the pattern at present include members of his same band and two promotions The video shop, and the owner of a tattoo shop with whom he has a good relationship, the tattoo shop happens to be not far in front..."

"Then just ask and you'll know!" Conan answered again, looking at the serious Odagiri Toshiya, he suddenly felt that it was really not easy for him to compete for a reasoning opportunity today, "Since the new logo has just been determined, It has not been officially announced yet, so only those who have a good relationship with the team or those shop owners can get the pattern to tattoo, there should not be many such people, and maybe they will be people the shop owner knows."

Chi Feichi: "..."

Conan reasoned really positively today, as if he didn't care about Eisuke Hondo's thoughtful eyes at all.

The famous detective became addicted to reasoning again, and the identification was completed.


Oda Kiritoshi was also very concerned about the truth about Ban Heng's murder and participated actively.

A group of people and two cars were also led by Oda Kirito to the tattoo parlor.

The owner is a rock fan and has a good relationship with Sakahiro ROCK's band. I have met Toshiya Odagiri's band members before. When he saw Toshiya Odagiri wearing sunglasses, he recognized Toshiya Odagiri and greeted him in surprise. Knowing the purpose of coming, he immediately provided clues.

There are only three people who have tattooed the new design of Ban Heng band in the store.

And all three of them took pictures to keep as souvenirs, and sent them to the store together with the thank you letter to give feedback to the boss.

One person, surnamed Tong Gu, stretched out his hand to press the brim of a baseball cap when taking pictures, revealing the tattoo on the forearm of his right hand, with some golden mid-length hair exposed under the brim, and a tuft of golden beard on his chin, smiling wickedly at the camera Long and pulled down, the lower eyelashes are very long, and it looks like there are dark circles under the eyes inadvertently, but it is easy to distinguish.

A person surnamed Anju took the photo with his right hand on the roof of a black car. The tattoo is also on the forearm of his right hand. He has a short cropped hairline and a high hairline. With a sparse mustache, he looked at the camera and took pictures seriously, pretending to be cool.

The remaining one is surnamed Guannei, whose skin color is a bit darker than the first two, with a cotton candy-like afro head, revealing a large forehead and thick eyebrows like Crayon Shin-chan. When taking pictures, he touched his chin with his left hand and smiled, showing the top of his left forearm tattoo.

Chi Feichi took a cursory glance, and then looked at Toshiya Odagiri with purple hair and purple sunglasses beside him. He had to admit that most rock fanatics these days are very recognizable.

"What do you see me doing?" Oda Kirito also pushed back the sunglasses that had been pulled down, staring at Chi Feichi vigilantly.

"It's nothing," Chi Feichi said calmly, "I just think you rock lovers are good at taking pictures."

This is the truth. Compared with the people who took pictures of V gestures in Wannian, the way this group of people take pictures is just like making a blockbuster movie. They are so handsome and cool.

There are quite a lot of photo routines, beyond the imagination of a person who hardly takes pictures.

"Really?" The shop owner, who also wore a hat and sunglasses in the shop, laughed immediately, and quickly put on a deep pose, "I'm also very good at taking pictures!"

Oda Kiritoshi was also no stranger to the boss, and smiled and patted the boss on the shoulder, "So, you belonged to the photography hobby club when you were in college. If you are interested, why don't you come to THK to try taking pictures, how about it?"

"Don't say that, I know what level I am. I joined the photography club just to learn tattoos and find inspiration." The boss smiled and waved his hands quickly. "It's okay if you ask me to take two casual photos for you. I can't handle too professional photos." !"

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