Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1316 Where is the glowing hammer?

Kogoro Mouri saw that the two were chatting happily without getting involved, and lowered his head to ask the little boy looking at the photo, "Qiao, do you think anyone looks familiar?"

"It was very dark at that time, and he was wearing a hat, so he couldn't see his face clearly..." The little boy looked at the photo album put up by the boss, hesitated, and then affirmed, "But when I saw the pattern on his arm , that person just got into the car and was about to drive away!"

Mori Kogoro bent down to get closer to the photo, touched his chin and observed, "So, the imported car driven by the person in the middle photo is his own?"

"That's right," the boss turned to Kogoro Mori, "He bought it with special savings, and I heard it's been open for ten years!"

"Then it can't be him." Chi Feichi said.

"Huh?" Mao Lilan was puzzled, "Why? Aren't people with their own cars more suspicious?"

"That's because..." Conan was about to explain, when he suddenly found that Hondo Yingyou was standing at Chi Feichi and turned to look at him, he was startled, and immediately put on a puzzled face, "Yeah, I think this uncle with a car is very suspicious oh!"

Chi Feichi was too lazy to care whether Conan was cute or not, looked at the photo and explained, "The driver's seat of the Japanese car is on the right side, and the driver's seat is on the left side of the road, while the driver's seat of the imported car is on the left side, and the place where the body is dumped is on the left side. If he is sitting in the driver's seat of an imported car and is about to leave, the tattoo will face the inside of the car, separated by a passenger seat, and the little brother in the right lane will not be able to see the tattoo on his arm."

Kogoro Mori tried his best to fill in the lane, and he probably simulated it, "Could it be that he changed to a Nissan car that night?"

"No," Chi Feichi said, "He's been driving that imported car for ten years, and he's used to cars with the driver's seat on the left. If he changes to a car with the driver's seat on the right, he won't be used to it. The murderer will throw his body that night. , I will definitely focus on safety, and will not suddenly change the car I am not used to, otherwise it will cause a car accident, cause the police to intervene, and there will be trouble if a corpse is found on the car, and there will be a random inspection nearby that night to check for drunk driving. Sudden replacement of a car with an unaccustomed driver's seat position can easily drive the car off the lane, and if there was such a car on the road, it would have been stopped by the police on duty long ago."

Mao Lilan tried hard to figure out the "left, right, left, right" picture, but Chi Feichi didn't pause in his speech, leaving time for others to think. For those who are not used to driving, they can't react at the first time, and they can't keep up with their thoughts later. up.

Hondo Yingyou also pondered for a while, decided to give up thinking, and went to the road for a while to watch and then simulate, thinking, "Then the murderer chose to throw the body on the bridge because he found that there was a temporary inspection nearby?"

"It should be like this," Mori Kogoro looked at the photo. As an old driver who has been driving for many years, it is easy to sort out the clues. "Then, it can't be Mr. Kannai. His tattoo is on his left arm. If he If you drive a Nissan car, the tattoo will face the interior of the car, if you drive an imported car, the tattoo will face the guardrail, no matter what, it is impossible to be seen by the little brother in the right lane."

"Then only Kiritani is left," Oda Kirito hummed with dissatisfaction, "Mr. Mori, please tell Police Officer Megure that that guy should attend the memorial concert tonight. If he doesn't go, we will I can also find out about his situation, find out where his home is, where he will go, and who his friends are, bring people over and prepare to arrest them, I will assist them!"

Mori Kogoro took out his mobile phone and hesitated again, "But we haven't got the evidence of his crime yet. Everything is based on Aqiao's testimony, and there are some things in Aqiao's testimony that don't make sense. He said that he saw it that day. Even if you find something left by the murderer under the bridge, such as a glowing hammer or something, the murderer can still exonerate the crime by saying that a child is sleepy."

Oda Qiermin also leaned against the counter in the store, propped his right elbow on the counter, looked at the little boy, and waved his left hand indifferently, "Then why don't he say that he saw the hammer? Put him under surveillance first, anyway, he The suspect is the biggest, as long as the police continue to search, they will find evidence sooner or later!"

"But I really saw it!" The little boy emphasized with a serious face, and even gestured with his arms open, "It's a big, big, glowing hammer!"

"I saw it too." Chi Feichi said quietly.

He just wanted to stop Conan's reasoning scene today.

Oda Kirito also straightened up, and was just about to chat with the little boy about 'hiding for better results', when he suddenly heard someone beside him agreeing, he was taken aback for a moment, and turned to look at Chi Feichi with a dazed expression, "Wh- What?"

Mori Kogoro, Mori Ran, Conan and Hondo Eisuke also stayed for a second, then turned to look at Qiao's father.

"Um... is there any parade going on that day?"

Didn't you see the hammer hit? Now that two people have seen it, is it possible that both of them can see it wrong?

The middle-aged father sweated and tried to recall, "No, no, I don't remember any big shiny hammer on the road."

Chi Feichi took out his notebook and began to draw a pattern of an upside-down hammer on the paper.

Mori Kogoro looked at the middle-aged man suspiciously, "How sleepy were you that day? Driving while fatigued is very dangerous, especially if there are children in the car. It's better to pay more attention to safety!"

"I'm just a little sleepy, and I usually choose a bridge at random depending on my mood, so I don't remember which bridge I walked on, and it's not so bad that I can't see the road clearly!" The middle-aged man explained with a blushing face. , "Besides, after being scared by the snake, I became so awake that I couldn't wake up anymore. If there is a big glowing hammer near the bridge, there is no problem with my eyes, and I will definitely be able to see it!"

Hondo Yingyou looked puzzled, "It's impossible for Brother Chi and Aqiao to have hallucinations together, right?"

Mao Lilan: "..."

Um? Wait, speaking of hallucinations...

Odagiri Toshiya: "..."

It is possible for a child to see something wrong, but for Chi Feichi, he might really have hallucinations.

Conan: "..."

Although both of them said that seeing the hammer was a bit of a coincidence, there may be something nearby, such as a hammer pattern on the signboard of a passing hardware store, which gave Chi Feichi a psychological hint. The hammer is also possible, but the little brother is purely imaginary, wrong?

Maori Kogoro:"……"

Is it really okay to hallucinate and drive?

Should he talk to his apprentice about driving safety issues, or report directly to the vehicle management office to consider canceling his apprentice's driver's license...

Cough, no, the latter is too dangerous, he will be beaten to death.

Hondo Eisuke found the air suddenly quiet, with a dazed expression on his face, "What, what's wrong? Did I say something wrong?"

Chi Feichi squatted down in front of the little boy, and showed the little boy the pattern drawn in the notebook, "It's this kind of hammer, right?"

The little boy nodded with bright eyes, "That's right, it's exactly the same as the hammer drawn by big brother! The light is still on!"

After finishing speaking, the little boy turned his head and said to his father, "I just said that I really saw it."

"Uh, is it..."

The middle-aged man is still trying to remember, but he still can't remember the glowing hammer. He begins to wonder if his memory is fading and whether he is not far from dementia.

Alas, if I knew she would not have worked overtime so many times, he is still young, and the family still needs him as a pillar, what if I am demented, what should I do with my children and wife...

When the middle-aged man was concerned, Conan also became unsure, and moved to Chi Feichi's side to look at the hammer that Chi Feichi had drawn.

If one person is wrong and one person hallucinates, it is impossible to see the exact same hammer, right? That means Chi Feichi and his little brother are fine, but this uncle's problem?

When Chi Feichi saw Mori Kogoro and others approaching in doubt, he stood up quickly and drew a circle on the hammer pattern that looked like a stick figure, "Actually, the handle of the hammer is the building on the right front side of the Cupato Central Bridge. , there will be a circle of decorative lights around at night..."

"What about the hammer head?" Mori Kogoro thought for a while, but still didn't know what the thing that was the same as the round hammer head would be.

"The coffee pot advertising car endorsed by Ms. Yoko," Chi Feichi tore off the page in the notebook, and handed it to Mori Kogoro, "There is a coffee pot advertising board on the car, and there is a circle of decorative lights on the coffee pot, which will light up at night. When the car is driving on the bridge, the decorative lights of the billboard and the decorative lights of the building will overlap for a certain period, which looks like an upside-down, glowing hammer."

"It turned out to be the advertising car." Oda Qiermin also remembered, and looked down at the hammerhead on the paper, "So, the coffee pot on the billboard is indeed very similar to the inverted round hammerhead. "

"By the way, I remembered..."

Mao Lilan took out her mobile phone, flipped to a picture of a coffee pot billboard with lights on, and handed it to Mo Li Kogoro, "I have a picture of that advertising car!"

Kogoro Mori looked at the billboard of the coffee pot, and then at the picture drawn by Chi Feichi, he was still a little overwhelmed.

That's right, it's exactly the same, but... that's okay too?

The middle-aged man immediately leaned over to confirm, and after seeing clearly, he fell silent.

this one? Glowing hammer?

Really, he was so startled that he almost thought he was hopeless!

He... Forget it, he admits defeat, he admits that he has some problems with his eyes or brain, and he doesn't have such a rich associative ability.

Conan followed the probe to look, and found that the coffee pot of the advertising car was exactly the same as the inverted hammer, and he didn't know what to feel for a while.

Think about it, even if the advertising car is driving on the bridge, the decorative lights and the decorative lights of the building just form the pattern of an upside-down hammer, but at that time there were also Yoko Okino beside the bridge guardrail, the building body, and the coffee pot advertisement. Brain made up a hammer?

Is the imagination of the snake spirit as rich as that of a child?

No, Ah Qiao was a little sleepy because it was too late that night. It is not surprising to see a glowing hammer in a trance, but Chi Feichi usually does not feel sleepy or trance, as if he is always so energetic, especially when driving Dozing off, you can say with certainty that you have also seen the hammer. It should be said that your imagination is richer than that of a child, right?

He was a little curious about how many strange things Chi Feichi had in his mind, and how wonderful the world in his eyes was that others could not imagine.

No, no, Chi Feichi's reasoning ability is very strong. When he was there that night, when he mentioned the glowing hammer, he thought it was the decorative lights of the building and the decorative lights on the coffee pot advertising car, so it didn't seem strange.

But he still felt that it was incredible that Chi Feichi could think of the key so quickly...

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