Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1318 This joke is so cold

During the waiting time, Mumu Shisan, Chiba Kazunobu, and Mori Kogoro stood and talked behind a car, and Oda Kiritoshi also leaned against the door and leaned against the car, telling Chi Feichi, Mo Lilan and others that Sakatoshi Rok used to be thing.

From the reason why Sakaheng Rok started to sing rock, when it comes to emerging, and when it comes to the interesting things after becoming famous...

No matter who passes by, they will only think that this is the fans of Ban Heng rok gathered together to remember.

Hondo Eisuke showed a look of admiration, "Brother Minya, you really know about Mr. Sakatoshi!"

"We used to be rock singers, and we performed on the same stage a few times," Oda Kiritoshi also spread his hands, "Afterwards, as the president of thk company, I also specially learned about his situation."

Hondo Eisuke looked innocent and harmless with a smile on his face, "Then Minya, as the president, should know a lot of gossip about celebrities, right? It's the kind of celebrities who often show their faces on TV. I'm a little curious, will they follow in front of the camera in their lives? What's the difference?"

Conan secretly stared at Hondo Eisuke with a solemn expression.

Even if it is a certain politician, it is impossible to show his face on TV often. The hosts and entertainers will only show their faces the most...

This guy is indeed inquiring about Mizumu Rena!

And when he was at the Mori Detective Agency, the method this guy used to judge children's lies was the same as that used by Rena Mizumu to him. There must be some connection between the two.

"I won't say those things casually. If you want to ask, my answer will only be 'I don't know anything'," Oda Kiritoshi also looked at Hondo Eisuke, and then noticed Hondo Eisuke's appearance, and moved closer. Frowning and staring, "But, are you..."

Hondo Eisuke was taken aback, "What, what's wrong?"

"Is it Rena Mizumu's younger brother?" Oda Kiritoshi also looked at Eisuke Hondo, "Looking at your age, you should be the younger brother, but I have never heard of her having a younger brother."

Chi Feichi was watching from the sidelines.

The truth is often told inadvertently, by unrelated people.

"No," Hondo Yingyou quickly waved his hand, pointing at himself and laughing again, "However, because I look a lot like her, it's true that more than one person has misunderstood her. Brother Feichi also asked me this question, Brother Minye, Are you familiar with that hostess? It's rare in the world to have someone who looks so much like me, and I'm quite curious about her."

"I don't know you well, just met a few times," Oda Kiritoshi also said truthfully, "Although Nikmai TV has a good relationship with our company, she seems to be the kind of person who is serious about her work and doesn't make too much publicity. She doesn't often participate in Banquets are usually just working contacts with artists, she is a little more familiar with Ms. Yoko."


Hondo Eisuke responded casually, summing up silently in his heart.

It's similar to what Brother Feichi said, he doesn't like to socialize, works hard, and lives a low-key life... It seems that he is a person who is very suitable to be a news anchor, but he doesn't believe that's all.

But if the other party has been hiding it well from the outside world, it seems useless for him to ask Brother Feichi and Brother Minye.

"By the way, brother Minya," Conan worried that Eisuke Hondo's question would go to Yoko Okino's side, and decisively changed the subject by acting cute, "I heard that the Masked Superman crew will cooperate with thk company for a new movie, is it true?"

"You little brat is really well informed..."

When the murderer Kiritani went out, he noticed Toshiya Odagiri who was leaning against the car and talking non-stop. He didn't take it seriously, looked at it twice, and calmly returned to his car.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Conan ran to the open space, lit the prepared pyrotechnic tube, and the flame jumped into the sky with its long tail, and exploded in the air with a 'pop'.

"What are you kid doing?" Mori Kogoro appeared at the right time, pretending to scold the naughty child and covering up for Conan.

Megushisan brought Chiba and Shinobu forward, showed Kiritani his police ID, and started to talk.

When Megushisan said, "There are witnesses who heard your voice", Kiritani thought of the situation that night because of the fireworks that Conan set off, and immediately retorted, "The sound of the fireworks was so loud that night, it is impossible for anyone to hear me The voice of ', came a self-proclaimed.

With the arrival of other police officers, Tong Gu was also sent to the police car.

According to Kiritani's account, the reason for his murder was because he had a grudge against Sakahiro Rok, who betrayed his former band and became a hit...

"Minya, thanks to your help this time," Mumu Shisan looked at Odagiri Toshiya, feeling in his heart that his boss' son, who was worried at the beginning, had grown up, "I'm really sorry that you couldn't participate in the Sakato ROK memorial concert."

"It's nothing, I also want to find out who killed Ban Heng. I'm very happy if I can help, and this memorial concert is also very boring." Oda Kiritoshi also looked at Kiritani in the police car , smiled sarcastically, took out a cigarette, lowered his head and bit it, and reached for the lighter in his pocket, "Although everyone said they wanted to send him away in the way Ban Heng likes, this concert will be held, but there are still one or two Personally, I want to take this opportunity to see if I can take over Ban Heng’s enthusiasm. When the organizer said that I would not go, many people who were expected to perform on stage left early. I dragged Fei to be late. Here, I also want to see if there are any newcomers with a good level recently, and I didn't wholeheartedly participate in the memorial service for Banheng, so it's fine if I don't..."

Chi Feichi threw the lighter to Toshiya Odagiri, "After spending so long in Vanity Fair, why can't you figure it out?"

Hondo Yingyou was puzzled, "Vanity Fair?"

"You mean "vanityfair"? The famous work of British 19th-century artist Thackeray is also a classic of satirical criticism of realism." Oda Kirito also caught the lighter, lit a cigarette, and let out a long sigh of relief, "The protagonist She is a beautiful girl. After being discriminated against because of poverty, she began to use tricks and even seduce the rich and powerful to curry favor with the rich and powerful, and to climb up the ladder by any means. She can neither be called evil nor kind, and this book is not only a stage for her alone. At that time, British industry and commerce were developed, wealthy businessmen dominated the society, and the battle for power between Britain and France also started at that time, and all kinds of people in the middle and upper classes were busy fighting for power, fame and fortune..."

Conan hesitated to speak, but finally chose to remain silent.

He felt that Chi Feichi's use of "Vanity Fair" to describe the living environment of Toshiro Oda Kirito was not right. Perhaps this is sometimes the case in today's society, but there are still many places where there is a human touch, and it is not entirely about fame and fortune.

Alas, his little friend tends to think things too realistically. If it wasn't for Hondo Eisuke here, it would be inconvenient for him to make such remarks. He really wants to enlighten him...

"However, isn't it a bit inaccurate to say that Brother Minye lives in Vanity Fair?" Mao Lilan thought of something with Conan, "It's not that bad, is it?"

"The book isn't as bad as you think, it's still human." Odagiri also smiled, handed the lighter back to Chi Feichi, and joked to Chi Feichi, "There's nothing I can't figure out, but I found that the situation of us rock singers is really dangerous, and if we accidentally become traitors in the eyes of others, so I want to say a few words of emotion, so you can take it as me to complain."

Chi Feichi took the lighter and put it back in his coat pocket, "I never thought you would read this kind of book."

"Should I say this?" Oda Qiermin also said speechlessly, "I sent the coffee pot to your office that day, and saw the two books you brought over and threw on the table last time, and thought they were business books. So I picked it up and took a look. Unexpectedly, it looked quite exciting, so I took the time to read it. Now that the company is on the right track day by day, I don’t have as many things to worry about as before, and it’s much easier than before. "

Mori Kogoro came over and began to talk nonsense in a serious manner, "If you want to tell me, the racetrack is the real Vanity Fair. You don't know how realistic the people are there. The more famous the horse, the more people bet on it. If the horse loses, the racecourse earns more..."

Mu Mushisan ignored Maoli Kogoro who started rambling, and greeted Chi Feichi and the others, "Brother Chi, let's go first."

"Hey! Police officer Mumu, let's talk about the case..." Mori Kogoro choked when he saw Mumu Shisan retreating so quickly, and quickly murmured thoughtfully, "But think about it carefully, this case As expected, it happened at the end of the year.”

"What does this have to do with the New Year?" Mao Lilan asked curiously.

Conan also looked up at Kogoro Mori, silently thinking about why the uncle said "as expected".

"Because saws, nails, and hammers are carpenters," Mori Kogoro laughed, "isn't that Beethoven's Ninth Symphony?"

Chi Feichi: "..."

In Japanese, both 'carpenter' and 'ninth' are pronounced 'dai pants'. Yes, the climax of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony is "Ode to Joy". Yes, "Ode to Joy" is generally used to celebrate the new year. That's right.

But how did his teacher think of it?

This cold joke is really cold.

Oda Kirito also shuddered, and decided to do the same as Mu Mu Shisan, ignoring a certain uncle who started rambling, and turned around to ask Chi Feichi, "Feichi, do you want to go eat something together? When I called you in the afternoon, you just woke up, right? So you haven't eaten all day."

"Then how about finding a restaurant nearby and let's go together?" Hondo Eisuke actively suggested, turning his head to look at Kogoro Mori with admiring eyes, "I also want to hear if Mr. Mori has solved any interesting celebrity problems. event!"

Conan reached out and grabbed the corner of Mao Lilan's clothes, looked up at Mao Lilan, pretending to be sleepy, "Sister Xiaolan, I'm so sleepy."

Mao Lilan looked at Conan's innocent face, and decisively apologized, "I'm sorry, Brother Minye, Brother Feichi, Yingyou, if you want to go to the restaurant, you can go to the restaurant. I will take Conan back with my father and just eat something. Another day Let's have dinner with you again."

Conan yawned deliberately, pretending to be drowsy, and silently organized his thoughts.

From the looks of it, Eisuke Hondo came here because of Murena.

Toshiya Odagiri, Chi Feichi, and Rena Mizumu didn't have much contact with each other, and they didn't know anything about Rena Mizumu asking his uncle to investigate last time. That guy couldn't find anything if he tried to inquire, so don't worry about it.

Although he has some doubts about the purpose and identity of Hondo Eisuke and some of Mizumu Rena's actions at the beginning, he has to be steady. Before Hondo Eisuke shows his cards, he will never show his own cards first. !

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