Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1319 Heads Are Not Enough

It was late at night, in a residential area far away from the downtown area.

The middle-aged man walked through the quiet and dark alley, and ran towards the street outside the alley.


A gunshot sounded from the depths of the alley, making the man stiff and almost fell to the ground. He soon regained his composure and quickened his pace to run towards the street.

"One ran away, big brother..."

In the alley, Vodka looked at the man leaning against the fence with a playful smile on his lips, "It seems that he came to hold us back on purpose."

There was a blood hole pierced by bullets on the man's forehead, his eyes were distracted, his body slid along the wall, and the blood hole behind his head dragged a vertical, long bloodstain on the wall.

"Huh... just let Chianti and Cohen solve it, so that they don't have to complain about not aiming." Gin put a bomb on the corpse, stood up, took out the phone from the pocket of the windbreaker, and walked out while talking , "Chianti, Cohen, ran a..."

"Oh?" Chianti laughed nervously, "Ok! Gin, I saw that little animal running away in a panic!"

"Can you shoot?" Cohen asked in a muffled voice.


As soon as Gin opened his mouth, he was interrupted by Chianti's exclamation.

"Wait! What's that upstairs?!"

On the top of the building in the distance, Chianti stared at the scope with a look of astonishment.

Over there in the sky above the street, a large group of crows huddled together and flew down the outer wall of a building. Under the dim streetlight lighting, it was like a huge drop of ink falling down from the building.

The crows in the scope fluttered their wings and fell quickly in a group, as if they were determined and crazy to die with the earth.

She couldn't hear the noise here, but their target, the man who ran to the side of the building, obviously heard the noise. After slowing down, he looked up at the sky.

When the man raised his head, the tangle of crows were still swooping at high speed, but they did not hit the ground like real ink dots. Instead, after submerging and rolling over the man, they continued to spread along the street, as if there were invisible brushes Leading the crows, he smoothly drew a big 'L' in the city.

After breaking away from the storm circle formed by the crow's flight, pieces of black feathers slowly fell down and landed on the man's head and beside him.

The man fell forward slowly, letting his face hit the ground without any buffer. Looking at the stiff posture, it was obvious that he was already a dead person.

"What the hell is this?!"

Facing this strange and unknown scene, Chianti became restless and tried to lock the group of crows flying close to the street with the scope.

The crows had dispersed and flew into the surrounding air.

A figure in a black robe stood among the crows that hadn't dissipated, with his back to them and looked at the alley ahead. The brim of the hat and the long robe blocked the opponent's body tightly, making it impossible to identify the specific features.

Vodka reached the entrance of the alley, and when he saw the man in black robe standing outside the alley, he hesitated and turned to look at the gin, "Big brother..."

When Qin Jiu saw the large group of crows, he guessed who it was. He wasn't surprised at all, and didn't stop in his footsteps. He continued to walk out of the alley, and said speechlessly, "Could you say something first before you make a move next time?"

Vodka hurriedly followed, seeing the opponent's hand under the black robe reaching out to catch a black card pulled by a silk thread, and seeing the golden 'RAKI' handwritten on the black card, he immediately reacted, "Lake? It is you……"

Chi Feichi shook off the blood on the cards, put away the black cards, and pulled down the hood, revealing Lak's blond, blue-eyed disguised face with fine marks on the left cheek. He said in a hoarse voice, "Sorry, but if it was later, the head should have been snatched by Chianti or Cohen."

Gin choked, looked up and saw that a bomb had been placed next to the corpse on the street, walked to the car parked on the side of the road, and said to the phone, "Chianti, Cohen, it's been resolved, let's get out first..."


More than ten minutes later, explosions occurred one after another in the alley and on the street. The impact and flames from the explosion directly destroyed the clues on the two corpses, and the black feathers on the street were also blown away.

The black Porsche 356A and the Dodge Viper sports car have left from two streets respectively, turned to the main road and merged.

Vodka drove the car, looked at the sports car that was following up in the rearview mirror, and reminded aloud, "Brother, Chianti and Cohen are following up."

Gin sat in the passenger seat, with his right elbow resting on the car window, and looked down at the mail he had received. After making sure that the traces around the body were also destroyed by the explosion, he answered the call from Chianti's constant bombing.

The previous scene of a large group of crows swooping down was too shocking. After Chianti slowed down, he realized that the head had been robbed. As soon as the phone was connected, he asked eagerly, "Gin, why did Lark come here?"

Their heads have never been enough. For various reasons, it is rare for them to snipe and kill them. It is rare to have a target to aim at every day, and they are snatched by Lak... Excessive!

But she didn't decide how to divide it before, and she couldn't make use of it and complain too much, which made people depressed.

Gin heard the resentment in Chianti's tone, and there was nothing he couldn't think about, and he explained in a calm tone, "The target this time is a little cunning, and there are two more people. Kiel's whereabouts are unknown at present, just in case One, I ask Lak to help guard that side, apart from him being able to free up tonight, only Belmode is left..."

"Forget it, I don't want to see that woman!"

Chianti's attention was resolutely diverted, and after being irritable, he remembered that Rena Mizumu was better than Kiel, who never snatched people's heads. "Is Kiel's whereabouts still unclear? The organization searched with all their strength and found nothing. It really is the means of the FBI..."

Listening to the voice on the phone, Gin silently lit a cigarette.

He complained to him if the headcount could not be allocated, and complained to him if he disagreed with a certain link of the plan. It was not easy for him to worry about the harmony of the team and the smooth execution of the plan every day.

"Keir is dead," Cohen said aloud and sentenced Shui Wurenai to death, "for sure."

"Hmph! If that's the case," Chianti thought of a worse outcome, "If she was brainwashed by those FBI guys and turned against her..."

"That's impossible," Gin said with a cigarette in his mouth, with a smile on his lips, "Kiel was shot through his hands and feet, and was given Veritaserum, and he didn't say a word until his ribs were broken. Say, your worries are unnecessary, Kian."

Vodka also remembered, "Is that the one time she made that one look different?"

"I've also heard about that incident. Kiel found a certain mouse that had infiltrated the organization and cornered the other party. As a result, Kiel was accidentally caught and tortured. When our people arrived, it was already Dying," Chianti said, "but I can't figure it out, why did Kiel, who was appreciated by that one, just form a group with us?"

"Teeth." Gin said.

"Teeth?" Chianti wondered.

"Keir used one of her teeth as a weapon, bit the mouse's wrist, almost crushed his bones, and snatched the pistol," Gin explained with a cold look, "then only by A barely moving finger pulled the trigger, and the bullet shot up the rat's jaw, blowing his head off, a feat that only a maddened beast can do..."

In the back seat, Chi Feichi smoked in silence, turning his head to look at the passing cars outside the window.

Gin's action squad is rather special.

First of all, not every core member in the organization is able to carry out internal clean-up. For the clean-up of core members and the assassination of some important figures, that one will be handed over directly to Gin.

To put it simply, even if there is a problem with a certain member, other people can only report certain grounds for suspicion first, and then the organization that needs to be confirmed will send someone to confirm.

Secondly, other people can clean up some people who may expose the existence of the organization and cause trouble to the organization. If this part is an unimportant peripheral member or a non-organization member who is easy to assassinate, there must be sufficient reasons before and after Reporting is not as arbitrary as Gin, who can make his own judgment according to the situation, and when other people carry out assassination operations, Gin may also appear to be responsible for responding.

Of course, if the situation is urgent, such as the situation where Kiel had to kill someone with problems in order to survive, then there is no need to consider whether to report it or not. Report the situation.

After all, that one didn't want a group of people to kill indiscriminately, so that the organization would be noticed by the police.

And due to the relatively difficult assassination missions, not everyone can join the Gin Squad.

You must obey the command, you must have the skills that the team needs, and you must have the determination to never betray the organization even if you are caught and tortured... To make Qin Jiu fancy, you must also have the ruthlessness and wolfishness that does not take human life seriously.

As for him...

He is not a member of the gin team, but the one who threw him to gin.

There is an element of making Gin stare at him and telling him not to mess around, there is an element of letting Gin lead him to understand organizational actions, there is an element of giving him some privileges, such as cleaning up someone, and there is an element of making him act if he needs to There may be other reasons for asking Gin for help, but in summary, he is not a member of the Gin team, nor is he a member of other teams.

If I have to say it, he is a super glue who listened to that person's instructions, was crushed during the internship period, and that person might let him mix a little bit of everything...

"The question is, didn't the mouse just die like this?" Chianti questioned, "How do you know that Keel didn't say anything?"

"Because we later found an MD in that guy's clothes," Qin Jiu said, "it recorded the entire recording of his interrogation of Keir."

"MD?" Chianti laughed, "So, that MD didn't record any of Kiel's voice, right?"

"But brother," Vodka said a little depressed, "We still haven't figured out the identity of that mouse."

Gin put down the mobile phone next to his ear, cut off the communication with Chianti, and looked down at the newly received email, "He carried a lot of forged photos and passports with different names, and the photos were all taken after pretending to look like , From this point of view, it is not an ordinary mouse, but I know the original name of that mouse..."

Chi Feichi threw the almost exhausted cigarette out of the car window, and looked at the two people in the front seat of the car.

Make sure quickly, he's about to end his investigation of Eisuke Hondo.

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