Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1320 Okay, enough, don't ask

"That said, I remembered," Vodka saw a traffic policeman in front of him directing traffic at the inspection office, slowed down, and recalled, "When my elder brother and I arrived, there was a guy rushing over like It’s a name that’s been chanting all the time.”

"Yeah, he was next to the corpse of the mouse that couldn't answer, and called a name that didn't appear on that guy's driver's license or passport." It’s like the old tape, repeating without listening, time and time again, time and time again…”

"In the end, that guy noticed we were there, so he killed himself. What was the name he called repeatedly?" Vodka drove past the policeman who was inspecting, and he ignored the traffic policeman with excellent psychological quality, "I It was too far away at the time, so I couldn't hear it clearly."

In the rear, Chianti's psychological quality is even better. He drove the Dodge Viper sports car and accelerated. His arrogance surprised the traffic police standing on the side of the road directing the traffic. After passing the Porsche 356A, he made a sharp turn and turned to the left. street.

Chi Feichi didn't pay attention to the whereabouts of Chianti and Cohen, and continued to stare at Gin's back.

If Gin said he didn't remember, he wanted to point a gun at Gin and let Gin remember it...

Gin was silent for a while, feeling a little cold on his back, and decisively gave up on the memory, "I'm sorry, Vodka, for the dead, I never remember their faces and names... Lark, can you stop staring at me Look, I feel like you're thinking of something weird again."

"You think too much."

Chi Feichi denied that he had a bad idea just now without changing his face.

Qin Jiu didn't believe it in his heart, but he didn't want to argue, "You came here when you have time, because the person who asked you to investigate has already found out?"

"It's almost there, but we need to make a final confirmation." Chi Feichi paused, "You'd better remember the name of the mouse that Kiel got rid of."

Gin Jiu threw the cigarette butt out of the car window, just like Chi Feichi, he didn't think about driving quality, "Could it be that your investigation is related to this?"

Considering that the person didn't say that he couldn't speak out, nor that he could speak out, Chi Feichi made a general statement, "I found someone who may have something to do with that incident."

"Really..." Qin Jiu didn't ask further, and continued to recall the name. He was silent for a long time, but still had no clue, "I'll tell you when I remember."

The corner of Chi Feichi's mouth curved into a cold but perfect smile, and he whispered, "Your memory is really good."

Gin's face darkened for a moment, "What's the name of the male secretary of the female capitalist you got rid of in England?"

Chi Feichi: "Bert."

"After the 100 million yuan robbery in the United States, you caused a big explosion in the DS block," Gin said again, "Then, among the more than 20 people who were killed by the explosion, what are the names of any two people?"

Chi Feichi: "..."

He really didn't remember this.

"Maybe you didn't pay attention to the names of those few, then..." Qin Jiu continued, "The eight people who built the base for the organization, except Cangqiao Jianyi, what about the names of any two people?"

Chi Feichi: "..."

Don't ask, just think about it.

Gin asked again, "There was also a doctor in the organization who checked your body and collected blood stem cells for you. You also got rid of that guy. You should remember him, right?"

Chi Feichi: "..."

Okay, that's enough, stop asking.

"'s okay," Qin Jiu felt relieved, "If you can still remember now, I'll ask you again in three to five years."

"Forget it," Chi Feichi revealed Gin's background, "In three to five years, if I say a name casually, you may not be sure whether the name I say is correct."

This time, when the gin was changed, there was silence.

Vodka drove silently, habitually not getting involved in the battle.

Looking at it this way, he may be better than his eldest brother and Lak in remembering names?

Suddenly, I felt that I was of great value in the organization, happy!

"Forget it...Kiel was still awake at that time, and she also heard the name of the mouse," Gin said decisively, "When you find her, you can confirm with her, but before that, I think I'll let you know when I get up."

"Where did those guys get Kiel?" Vodka interjected.

"It won't be long before we know," Gin said, "the target has been targeted and the eyeliner has been dispatched, otherwise Lark would not be able to turn around and investigate other things."

Chi Feichi looked sideways at the passing street scene outside the car window. His schedule has been messed up again for the past two days. He can't sleep at night and wake up during the day. It's only two o'clock in the morning, which is still too early for night owls. It's better to find something to pass the time, "Do you have anything to do tomorrow?"

"No." Gin took out his mobile phone and continued to read emails, "I've finished dealing with tonight's affairs, so I can rest for a few days, what? Do you need help for something?"

Chi Feichi looked away, "Do you want to play games?"

"Games? Where are we going to play games?" Feichi jumped out from under his black robe, his eyes reflected a gloomy cold light in the dim car, "Master, what games are we going to play? Arcade video games, CD-ROM games Or play online games?"

"Play, play games?"

Vodka was a little confused, not sure if he heard it wrong or Lak said it wrong.

In his impression, Lak has always been a person with a calm personality, strong judgment, excellent skills and marksmanship, and a man who is fierce and decisive enough to compete with his elder brother... He must have heard it wrong!

"Hmph..." Qin Jiu sarcastically said, "A kid's way of entertaining."


half an hour later...

In a late-night arcade hall in Shinjuku District, a middle-aged female clerk sat behind the counter and dozed off with her chin propped on one hand. After a little heavy head, she woke up instantly. After seeing three black shadows covering her, she quickly put on a business smile , looked up and greeted, "Welcome..."

The blond-haired and blue-eyed man stood in front of the counter. He was tall and dressed in black. There was a scar on his indifferent face. He looked down at her with indifferent eyes. He was not a good person at first glance.

The man on the side was wearing a long black windbreaker, smoking a cigarette, and looking sideways at a row of game machines placed indoors. Under the black top hat, the waist-length silver hair was quite eye-catching, but it also blocked most of his face, and his expression was very indifferent , It doesn't look like a good person.

On the other side, a slightly shorter burly man was wearing a black suit, a black top hat and black sunglasses. He couldn't see his eyes clearly, but he didn't look like a good person from his cold face.

While the female shop assistant was silently thinking about whether her shop had offended members of the community and was smashed, a hand wearing black gloves handed a wad of money to her.

"Before five o'clock in the morning, this place belongs to us. Please go to the lounge to have a good sleep. In addition, I hope you will not communicate with the outside world, so please leave your mobile phone behind."

The tone of the hoarse voice was not vicious, and the words were polite, but it was so cold that it made people's backs shiver.

The female clerk looked at the machines in the store hesitantly, and didn't look at the specific amount of money. She took it weakly, "Okay, okay, I see..."

After the female clerk left her mobile phone and took the money into the lounge, Chi Feichi walked around to the counter, called up the monitoring, and cleared the monitoring of their entry into the store.

If the gin and vodka don't come, he will just change his original face and come to play openly, but if these two people come, they gather indoors, so he has to be careful, he doesn't want to be forced or forced by F in the middle of the game Someone else squatted.

And if the two of you come, just come, and don’t plan to play games with him. Gin said to find a place to sit and deal with work by the way, and Vodka said that it’s still early, and I can’t sleep when I go home, so I want to watch look.

Not wanting to play games together, but also trouble him to make such a big battle, it is enough to toss.

Vodka went to close the door, and naturally opened the freezer to take a bottle of water. Perhaps thinking that the way they opened the video game city was not strange enough, he asked with a smile, "Luck, even if you don't give that woman money, she won't Refuse our request?"

Chi Feichi: "..."

This kind of behavior is too gangster... how much is it?

"Hmph, let's just treat it as a hush money payment to her." Gin Jiu walked to the side and sat down, lowered his head and checked emails on his mobile phone, "I hope she doesn't have to understand that our money is not so easy to get."

"However, Luke, why don't we go to the store that organizes eyeliner?" Vodka opened a bottle and drank water, "I remember that there seems to be a guy who runs a video game room, so it doesn't have to be so troublesome to go to his own store... "

"The store is too small and there are few games."

Chi Feichi expressed his dislike for organizing the store, took two membership cards from the counter, and took Feichi to find the machine.

"Master, this!" Feichi jumped onto the operating table of a machine, patting the table with his tail impatiently, "I want to play Dragon Knight~!"

Chi Feichi swiped the card for Feichi, and left the card on the table for Feichi to play the new game console by himself.

Gin and vodka have no idea how good Japanese video games and arcade machines are in this world. There are new games coming out every time, with rich types and interesting content, and there are surprises every time you come.

"Huh? Does Feichi want to play games too?" Vodka screwed on the bottle cap, curiously walked to Feichi, pulled up a chair and sat down, "Dragon Knight, the game was released several years ago..."

Gin looked up, he didn't pay much attention to the game, he was just curious about how Feichi played the game.

Fei wrapped around the joystick of the game naked and stared at the screen with his head up. After the animation at the beginning of the game ended, he immediately controlled the character to jump onto a western dragon, and then used the joystick to control the western dragon to eat gold coins.

Shuttle through arches, turn corners, pass through waterfalls... every gold coin was swallowed by the dragon, and even the small animals that added points on the way were not spared.

"Oh, it's amazing!"

Vodka was amazed, and continued to watch with relish, regardless of whether Feichi could understand or not, and began to point Jiangshan, "Feichi, remember to hit the volcano cave in a while, I remember there are hidden levels in it, and you can eat a lot of gold coins!"

Feichi didn't care whether Vodka could hear his voice, and expressed his disapproval, "No, no, the hidden level of the volcano is too simple, and the rewards are not great. If you jump directly to the volcano, the hidden level is more interesting!"

Gin looked down at his phone.

Isn't it just a game? What does vodka stir?

Sometimes he felt ashamed to be part of an organization with a certain group of people... yes, it was rake and vodka.

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