Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1324 Don't you scold him in your heart? [Add more updates for Mengzhu and Bubble Sauce]

Toshi Funamoto...

Beside the police car, Chi Feichi was smoking a cigarette. He looked up at the little boy he had met once, and then turned his head to look at Conan.

He is not wearing all black today, and his appearance is also different from that of Lark's disguised face. He is not worried about being recognized by Funamoto Touji, but Conan...

A certain detective is too short now, looking at Touji Funamoto who is about the same height, he is still not far enough away from here to see the full expression of the famous detective, only the tense side face and Mouth slightly opened in surprise.

Although it is a bit regrettable, capturing this expression is enough to satisfy people.

Conan recognized the little boy as the eyewitness to the car accident involving Rena Mizumushi, and when he heard the foreigner in black, he immediately thought of the organization, slowed down, suppressed the shock in his heart, and looked sideways at the same serious stare Eisuke Hondo for boys.

This guy……

Over there, the woman wanted to take Touji Funamoto away, but Touji Funamoto struggled away, ran back to Kogoro Mori, grabbed Kogoro Mori's clothes, and said anxiously, "Trust me, uncle!"

"Hey, little brother," Hondo Eisuke stepped forward, bent down, looked at the little boy seriously and asked, "Why do you think those two foreigners are the murderers of your mother?"

Touji Funamoto loosened Mori Kogoro's clothes, "Because that foreign woman asked me a lot of strange questions, 'Did you really see the accident', 'Did you see the face of the person involved in the accident? ', 'Did you tell your parents about this' and so on, I asked a lot..."

"And then?" Hondo Eisuke asked, "How did you answer?"

Tous Funamoto said seriously, "I said that I told my mother a little bit, and that woman laughed horribly..."

Chi Feichi: "..."

Wait, did Belmode laugh like that that night?

Did the child have a bad impression of them? He actually made up Belmode's smile into the smirk of a villain in a TV series.

"Then, a foreign man came out from the side street and said 'OK' to her in a hoarse and ugly voice, and then they left," Funamoto Touji said angrily, "Those two people really It's weird, they must have killed Mom!"

Conan gritted his teeth silently with an ugly face.

Let’s not talk about that foreign woman for the time being, but when it comes to wearing black clothes, foreign men, and a hoarse voice...


In other words, the guy code-named Lark must be over 180cm tall. Could it be that this incident was really organized by those people?

Just as Chi Feichi threw the exhausted cigarette to his feet and stomped it out, he felt his nose itchy, he slowed down, and resisted the urge to sneeze, but his nose was still uncomfortable, so he lowered his head and coughed lightly to relieve it Discomfort in the nasal cavity.

Mao Lilan turned her head when she heard the voice, and saw Chi Feichi raised her hand to cover her nose and mouth and coughed lowly, she was stunned, "Brother Feichi, do you have a cold? I'm sorry, I called you out early in the winter... ..."

"It's okay, it's not a cold."

Chi Feichi put down his hand, did not deliberately pay attention to Conan, but looked at Touji Funamoto who was talking to Kogoro Mori.

Conan should have guessed that Toshi Funamoto had seen 'Luck', so he was scolding him in his heart just now, right?

Mao Lilan thought for a while, but still didn't go on, looking at Mouri Kogoro who asked Funamoto Touji, she felt a little sorry.

Couldn't it be because of the cold weather, Brother Feichi's respiratory tract has symptoms of suspected infection?

Alas, really, it wasn't severe cold in the last two days, so she didn't care much, she was careless!

"...a man on a motorcycle fell from the sky," Touji Funamoto was talking about "that incident" to Kogoro Mori, but the child's expression was inevitably unclear, "After the helmet of the man on the motorcycle flew off, look The face I got is a face that often appears on TV..."

"Ah!" Conan hurried forward to sabotage, "Isn't that the scene in Kamen Rider?"

"Kamen Rider?" Mori Kogoro looked at Conan.

Conan had the innocent expression of a child, and said to Touji Funamoto who turned his head to look at him, "Kamen Rider and the motorcycle were blown away together, and his true identity was almost revealed, that's the episode, right? "

"No, I'm serious..." Touji Funamoto was speechless, seeing that Conan had a sense of pride of 'I'm more mature than you', but he quickly looked up at Conan again, "Huh? Am I here? Where have I seen you?"

Conan broke into a sweat, remembering that he was with Judy that day and should have been seen by this child, he quickly waved his hands and said, "I, I don't think I have seen it."

Mori Kogoro turned his head to confirm with Meguro Shisan, "Officer Megure, the two foreigners this child mentioned..."

"Probably not."

Mu Mushisan decisively stated that it was impossible.

After hearing what Touji Funamoto said, the police went to investigate, but there was no trace of a car accident at the accident site mentioned by Touji Funamoto. In order to stimulate, the picture in the movie is confused with reality.

"And if that accident is related to this case, then the child should have been killed when he saw that accident," Mu Mu Shisan asked, "I heard that Mrs. Jianshi goes out to throw out trash every Thursday. , I still go out for a jog in the morning, if it is shot, the murderer can lock these times, and need to sneak into her room on the second floor to ambush?"

Conan bowed his head in thought.

That's right, if it's someone from that organization, it's fine to shoot the hostess on the road while the hostess is out. The hostess doesn't have bodyguards, and she won't get in a car with bulletproof glass when she goes out. If you will bring other people with you, then there is no need to sneak into the assassination. Instead, sneaking in will leave some traces in the room, which cannot be done cleanly.

And if he wanted to kill him, Touji Funamoto who had witnessed the car accident was the first target. He didn't think those crazy guys would be soft-hearted just because Touji Funamoto was a child.

Then, the possibility of people from that organization doing it is not high.

The murderer chose to commit the crime in the room on the second floor, there should be other reasons.

In addition to the possibility of being a burglar, it may also be because the murderer is someone who knows this house well and will not be noticed when he is in the house...

"That's true." Mori Kogoro also felt that Megushisan's analysis made sense.

"Then let's go to the hostess's room on the second floor, maybe Uncle Kogoro can find something!" Conan actively suggested, not forgetting to push the distracted Hondo Yingyou into the door, "Brother Yingyou also go together! There are sister Xiaolan and brother Chi... let's go and see together!"

Mu Mushisan saw Conan's appearance of a child pulling a group of people to join in the fun, his eyelids twitched, and he warned, "When you go to the scene, don't run away, and don't touch the things inside!"

The room where the hostess was shot was on the second floor, and next door was the room of the hostess, Ben Daren.

When going upstairs, Mori Kogoro noticed Funammoto Darhito in a wheelchair and asked about the situation.

The maid said that Funamoto Darren went fishing with a friend a month ago, but accidentally fell off the rock and broke his leg. It will take half a month to remove the plaster cast. The housemaid works as a housemaid for going up and down the stairs The woman helped up and down, and then helped to move the wheelchair over.

Since Funamoto Darhito is not big, the maid did not find it difficult to take care of him.

On the second floor, except for the corpse being removed, the room remained as it was.

At the lower corner of the glass door leading to the balcony, there were traces of being broken at the lock. There was also an iron hook tied with a long rope hanging on the balcony, and the river bank was outside the balcony. Therefore, the police speculated that the murderer borrowed the hook rope from the outside. Turned to the balcony on the second floor, broke the lower corner of the glass door, unlocked it, sneaked into the room, shot and killed the hostess from behind when the hostess came back from the banquet, and then escaped with the pearl necklace and bracelet worn by the hostess...

At dusk, the sun, which had been hiding for a day, suddenly showed its face. The yellow light shone on the balcony and the door frame, coating the wooden door frame with a layer of warmth.

Mumu Shisan and Mori Kogoro stood on the balcony, talking about the case while looking at the river case.

As soon as Chi Feichi approached the balcony, he was almost blinded by the golden light, and silently retreated to the door of the room.

Today's sunshine is on par with the Pyramid of the Sun.

"It's so strange," Conan knelt down beside the glass door, and the child's voice was cute, "The glass at the bottom of this door near the lock was broken, but the glass at the top near the lock was still in good condition. Only the lock at the lower corner can't be opened. door?"

"Conan, don't run around!" Mao Lilan hurried forward to hug Conan.

"Yeah," Mu Mu Shisan didn't care, and turned to Kogoro Mouri, "We also think this is very strange."

"I think it's because my wife likes to watch the stars." The woman lowered her head, looking a little depressed. "Every night, she likes to go to the balcony to look at the stars. Maybe she forgot to lock it."

Mori Kogoro turned around and went back to the house from the balcony, and confirmed to the woman what happened to the deceased that night.

Conan was hugged by Mao Lilan, and suddenly found a pearl earring inlaid with gemstones on the table, and struggled, "Sister Xiaolan..."

Mao Lilan saw that Mao Li Kogoro and others were discussing serious business, so she whispered, "Be more obedient."

Conan looked around and found that Chi Feichi was standing far away at the door. He didn't seem to pay much attention to the situation in the room. He turned his head and said to Mao Lilan with aggrieved expression, "But I want brother Chi to hug me!"

Well, considering that Hondo Yingyou is present, if he can hide it or hide it for a while, then try to tell Chi Feichi the clues and ideas, and let Chi Feichi figure it out~

Mao Lilan was annoyed and funny, but thinking of the weirdness of children's thoughts, and Conan also approached Chi Feichi in the Polo Cafe before, she was relieved, and she glanced at Conan pretending to be angry, and said in a blunt tone, "Oh? Is Conan not willing to let me hug you?"

Conan sweated, and made an excuse in a low voice, "No, it's because I haven't played with Brother Chi for a long time."

"Okay, I'm kidding you," Mao Lilan smiled, thinking of Chi Feichi's cough again, he hesitated, "But..."

"I want Brother Chi to hug me!" Conan kicked his hands and feet, "I want Brother Chi to hug me! I want Chi..."

"Can you be quiet, little brat!" Mori Kogoro yelled angrily.

Mao Lilan saw that Chi Feichi, Mumu Shisan, Takagi She, Hondo Eiyu and the woman who worked as a maid in this house all looked over, and hurriedly said, "Sorry, Conan..."

Chi Feichi stepped forward and reached out to pick up a famous detective who pretended to be a child addicted to it.

Kogoro Mori saw that Conan had stopped, and said to Takagi again, "Officer Takagi, go ahead..."

"Uh, yes," Takagi rationalized his thoughts interrupted by Conan, "In addition to the hook with a rope, the murderer also left the gun at the scene of the crime, which was found in the grass downstairs. It also has a silencer on it..."

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