Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1325 There is a pearl earring on the table

"Conan, you're really serious," Mao Lilan let go of Conan helplessly, and then said to Chi Feichi, "Brother Feichi, if you're not feeling well, put Conan down, don't get too used to him..."

Conan finally understood why Mao Lilan hesitated just now, showing an innocent expression in a cute and addictive manner, "Is Brother Chi not feeling well?"

"I coughed just now, Xiaolan was too nervous," Chi Feichi was able to hold Conan steady with one hand, turned to the door, touched Conan's head with his free left hand, and said calmly, "The split is really difficult." serious."

Conan: "..."


This action is like an old father, this is like a doctor's tone of calmly announcing his illness, and it actually has a hint of gentle pampering or gloating...

It's no wonder that Chi Fei was late, but he was able to say such a sentence in such a way that people'dreams'.

Hondo Eisuke walked up to the two of them, and looked at Conan with curious eyes, "Xiao Lan is right, Conan, when you are in front of Brother Feichi, the child has a very serious temper."

Thinking of his childish behavior just now, Conan was so embarrassed that he became angry with embarrassment. He turned around and hugged Chi Feichi's neck with both hands, avoiding Hontang Yingyou's scrutiny.

Action shows what the famous detective doesn't say is up to you!

Bentang Yingyou understood Conan's meaning, smiled and touched the back of his head, then turned to Chi Feichi and asked, "Brother Feichi, does Conan have any opinion on me?"

"Probably because you often dragged him to get hurt together." Chi Feichi said truthfully.

Hondo Eisuke recalled Conan's various tragedies, and felt guilty, "I, I didn't do it on purpose..."

Conan didn't say a word, and waited for Yingyou to calm down, and then moved closer to Chi Feichi's ear, and reminded him in a low voice, "Brother Chi, there is a pearl earring on the table over there."

Chi Feichi looked at the desktop covered by the orange light of the setting sun, and said 'hmm', indicating that he saw it.

The earring on the table was worth a lot at first glance, but before they knew it, it was evening and they hadn't had lunch yet.

Conan was not sure if Chi Feichi understood what he meant, and reminded again, "I mean, there is a pearl earring on the table."

Chi Feichi: "Hmm..."

So, for the protagonist group, the normal rhythm is to eat at most two meals a day?

Conan Half Moon Eyes, "There is a pearl earring on the table."

"I saw it." Chi Feichi was speechless.

He has already responded, should the famous detective say it over and over again?

Conan: "..."


Then what? gone?

Taking a deep breath, Conan tried his best to control his blood pressure, and decided to remind him more bluntly, "Since the murderer wanted to take away valuables, why didn't he take that earring away together? Very valuable."

"Teacher." Chi Feichi said.

"What's wrong?" Mori Kogoro turned his head in doubt.

Conan breathed a sigh of relief, it's fine, next...

Chi Feichi pushed Conan out with a calm face, "Conan said, since the murderer wanted to take away valuables, why didn't he take away the earring on the table, that earring is very valuable at first glance."

A famous detective wants to blame him, so he has to cooperate obediently to be cute? I can't get used to this problem!

Conan stared blankly at Chi Feichi, wondering if he should say something in his heart.

Fortunately, Meguro Shisan and Mori Kogoro's attention was on the pearl earrings on the table.

"It does look very valuable," Mori Kogoro walked to the table and looked down at the earrings, "but it may be the earrings that Mrs. Funamoto wore to the banquet. She took off the earrings and put them on the table as soon as she entered the room. , the murderer lurking in the house didn't notice."

"Yes," the woman confirmed, "Madam wore pearl earrings to the banquet that day."

"But, isn't it strange that there is only one?" Conan asked blankly, remembering Chi Feichi in his heart.

The tacit understanding as a reasoning partner is gone!

Takagi felt that Conan's expression was a bit strange, and scratched his head, "I remember, the other one is on the deceased's right ear."

Mu Mu Shisan nodded, "The right side of the corpse is leaning against the wall, the murderer may not have noticed..."

Chi Feichi felt that hitting Conan would be enough, and said, "That is to say, Mrs. Funamoto ran to the balcony in a hurry before she took off one of her earrings?"

Conan swallowed the words that just came to his mouth, his eyes lit up.

That's right, that's it, it seems that the little friend has entered the state!

"This..." Mori Kogoro also sensed something was wrong.

"Judging from the traces at the scene and the clues that the deceased was shot in the back of the head, she was not forced to go to the balcony." Chi Feichi looked at the woman standing beside him, "No one heard cries for help that night, which means it may be She was halfway through picking off her earrings, when someone called her to the balcony."

Mori Kogoro and Meguro Shisan's expressions changed, they looked at each other, and began to confirm the maid's alibi.

What can be said to call the deceased to the balcony, it must be someone familiar to the deceased, and it is not surprising that he appeared in this home at that time.

If this is the case, they made a mistake in focusing on the 'burglar breaking in and committing the crime'. The murderer is likely to be someone from this family!

The maid had an alibi, and was in the living room with two friends from 9:00 to 11:00 that night, discussing the dishes for the banquet that was supposed to be held today. After returning, the deceased went to the living room to greet them before going upstairs .

"Where's that kid?" Mori Kogoro asked suspiciously, "Did no one take care of him at that time?"

"The young master must have fallen asleep in the room, because he has been playing like crazy since the evening," the woman recalled. I only went to bed around this time."

Takagi nodded and confirmed, "I have already asked two of her friends, and they were indeed with her all the time."

"Then it's impossible for the maid to commit crimes," Mori Kogoro murmured, before continuing to ask, "Then what did Mr. Funamoto do between 9:00 and 10:00 the night before yesterday?"

"The master is the same as the young master," the woman said, "before the wife came back, he had dinner and went back to his room to rest."

Mori Kogoro went to the door and looked outside the corridor, "Mr. Funamoto's room is next to his wife's room, right?"

"That's right, since the evening that day, the master has been pestered by the young master to play, probably because he was tired, and went to his room to rest very early," said the maid.

Mori Kogoro turned around and leaned closer to Mumu Shisan's ear, "Officer Mumu, maybe the murderer is that master..."

Chi Feichi hugged Conan and approached, ready to push the speed.

Conan noticed Chi Feichi's actions, silently praised him in his heart, and decided to forgive Chi Feichi's 'losing tacit understanding' behavior just now.

It's better to hold Chi Feichi, Xiaolan won't carry him over to eavesdrop, and he himself is short, so sometimes he can't hear the clues that Police Officer Mu Mu and Uncle Mao Li have to say...

"Impossible," Mu Mushisan murmured to Mori Kogoro in a low voice, "Didn't I say that? The wife's gunshot wound was a penetrating wound from the back of the head to the forehead. From the point of view of the bullet's entry, the murderer's height is about More than 180m, but Mr. Funamoto’s height is only about 160m, let alone he is still in a wheelchair.”

"Maybe Mr. Funamoto's fracture has healed, so he shot while standing in a wheelchair?" Mori Kogoro guessed.

"I've also considered this possibility, so I called his doctor," Mu Mu Shisan said, "The doctor said that he had taken an X-ray the day before the incident, and the fracture didn't heal. If no one Help, I'm afraid I can't even stand up, let alone stand in a wheelchair."

Mori Kogoro rubbed his chin, "Could it be that Mr. Funamoto shot from top to bottom while my wife squatted down to pick up something?"

"That's impossible," Mu Mu Shisan said, "If that's the case, bullet holes and bullet marks should be left somewhere in the room, right? But we searched the house and found no similar traces .”

"Could it be that the wife is looking up at the stars on the balcony, and Mr. Funamoto is shooting from the bottom up?" Chi Feichi joined the discussion in a timely manner and gave the answer.

Conan froze for a moment, his eyes lit up again.

Sure enough, his friends are the most stable!

Mori Kogoro and Mumu Shisan were stunned for a moment, but they also sorted out their clues.

"In this way, the bullet can indeed penetrate the forehead from the back of the head," Mu Mushisan said with a heavy expression, "and we can't find the bullet that shot Mrs. Funamoto nearby, which can also explain..."

"Because the bullets are flying into the sky, they won't fall where the police expected," Mouri Kogoro took the words, and looked at the maid standing over there quietly, "Also, the maid also said that my wife likes it very much. Looking at the stars on the balcony, Mr. Funamoto probably came to his wife’s room that night. When she just took off an earring, he said that there were stars outside, such as meteors, which can’t be seen unless you hurry up to see them. Let the wife rush to the balcony to look up, while he shot and killed the wife in the house..."

"Hmm..." Mu Mushisan thought for a while, and thought it was reasonable, looking at Kogoro Mori, he asked, "But what about the wife's pearl necklace and bracelet? If the murderer is Mr. Funamoto, he is killing Funamoto. Afterwards, the wife took away the necklace and bracelet from the wife, trying to cause a robbery murder, but his leg is still not good, even if he throws the necklace and bracelet somewhere, it won’t be far away. We put this home and nearby I searched all over, but I couldn't find the necklace and bracelet."

"Could it be dismantled and put somewhere?" Chi Feichi continued to guide in a low voice, "That evening, that boy was playing wildly at home and made a mess of the house. He only needed to dismantle the pearl necklace and bracelet and mess them up. into some things that the maid packed with some things when she packed it up."

"Could it be like this?" Mori Kogoro frowned and thought, "But there is more than one pearl. No matter where you put it or mix it with anything, so many pearls will be very conspicuous..."

Conan recovered from the astonishment and quickly reminded, "Uncle, the day before yesterday was the Setsubun Festival. In traditional customs, you need to throw beans to exorcise demons and pray for blessings, right? Since that evening, Mr. Funamoto and Touji had a great time playing together. Tired, maybe you are throwing beans to exorcise demons, the beans are round, they look like pearls, don’t they?”

"Stupid! It's just similar, it's still a bit different," Mori Kogoro said with a speechless expression, "The beans will be a little flatter, and they're not as shiny as pearls. You can see it when they're mixed together, right?"

"That's right," Conan pretended to sigh with regret, "It would be nice if there was something to hide them and only reveal a little bit, then people should ignore the difference."

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