Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1326 Conan: The tacit understanding is back

"You little devil is so naive, how can there be such a thing?" Mori Kogoro frowned, "If only a little of the beans and pearls are to be exposed..."


Mu Mushisan raised his head and looked at Mori Kogoro again, "Mori brother, there is a big carpet in the living room, right? If the pearls and beans are on the carpet, it's not easy to see the difference, and the carpet The beans on the table were difficult to sort out, and it was impossible for the maid to pick them up one by one. They probably used a vacuum cleaner to clean them up. It was late at night, and the maid was tired all day, and if she cleaned them with a vacuum cleaner, she couldn’t tell the difference between beans and pearls. It's also normal..."

"And you can throw pearls on the carpet in the living room from the corridor on the second floor. Even Mr. Funamoto, who has a leg injury and can't go downstairs by himself, can do it easily. So the pearls are probably in the vacuum cleaner?" Mao Li Kogoro asked, "Officer Megure, have you checked the vacuum cleaner?"

Mu Mu Thirteen: "..."

This really doesn't exist.

On the side, Hondo Eisuke watched Mori Kogoro, Mu Mushisan, and Chi Feichi who was hugging Conan gathered together and whispered for a long time, a little curious, wanted to get closer to listen, and moved slowly...


Mumu Shisan suddenly yelled with a serious face, which scared Takagi She into a fright, subconsciously answered "Yes", and Hondo Eisuke was so scared that he fell to the ground with a "thump".

"Yingyou!" Mao Lilan hastily stepped forward to support the hall Yingyou.

Mu Mushisan realized that he had reacted too much just now, and touched his nose in embarrassment, but he still pulled Takagi She over first, and told Takagi She to investigate the vacuum cleaner in a low voice.

"Are you okay?" Mao Lilan looked worriedly at Hondo Eisuke who was rubbing his nose, and sighed inwardly, feeling that everyone around him was worried again.

"No, it's okay..." Hondo Eisuke rubbed his nose that was hit, watching Takagi Tsutomu hurried out, thinking.

Brother Feichi and the others were definitely discussing the case just now, and they have already made some important discoveries!

Darhito Funamoto suddenly yelled from the next room, "Xiaomei, help me turn up the temperature of the air conditioner!"

"Okay!" The woman responded loudly.

"Isn't it enough to adjust the temperature of the air conditioner by yourself?" Mao Lilan asked doubtfully.

"My master is a blind machine." The woman explained, and went to the next room to help adjust the temperature of the air conditioner.

Mori Kogoro and Megu Shisan followed decisively, stood at the door, looked at Funamoto Darhito in a wheelchair in the room, and whispered.

"However, even if the pearl is found, there is still a lack of conclusive evidence."

"Yes, as husband and wife, it's normal to find his fingerprints on the pearl."

"Officer Megure, are there no fingerprints on the found gun?"

"Of course, otherwise we would have sent him to the police station to cooperate with the investigation..."

"Officer," Chuan Bendaren in the room noticed a group of people standing at the door, and turned his head to ask, "Is the murderer who killed my wife still clueless?"

"Ah, this..." Mu Mu Shisan sweated, and lied decisively to cover up the progress, "Not yet."

"Father, I'm hungry!" Touji Funamoto, standing beside the wheelchair, raised his head and said.

"It's already afternoon," Funamoto Daren raised his wrist to look at his watch, "then have something to eat before going to the crematorium..."

Conan inspected the room, felt that he was carried too high and couldn't see some details clearly, turned his head and said, "Brother Chi, I think..."

Chi Feichi understood, put Conan down, and asked a detective to find clues.

Conan expressed satisfaction in his heart, steady, tacit understanding came back.

A person with a broken leg and inconvenient activities cannot throw gloves and other things that prevent fingerprints from being left on the murder weapon and prevent the smoke reaction from being detected on the hands too far away, and those things are definitely still in the room.

He is not sure where it is now, but there must be some clues or abnormalities here or in the room of the ship.

He had to work harder, not to disappoint Chi Feichi who was rarely interested in the case.

While Conan was looking around and approaching the ship, the woman also walked to the cabinet, picked up a leaflet, and was about to make a call, "Then let's order takeaway."

Darren Funaben didn't notice Conan's approach, and frowned and complained, "Hey, I've been eating takeaway since noon yesterday, can't you make a meal yourself?"

"Ah, I see," the woman quickly put down the flyer, turned and went to the kitchen, "I'll go and prepare."

Conan found something on the wheel of the wheelchair, picked it up and sniffed it, then turned and ran to the door, pulling Chi Feichi's clothes corner.

Just as Chi Feichi made way for the woman to pass, he squatted down and said in a low voice, "If you have a clue, you can tell the teacher directly."

"Maybe it's because Conan is more like Brother Feichi's helper?" Hondo Eisuke bent over and smiled.

Hondo Eisuke!

Conan was taken aback by Hondo Yingyou who suddenly came over and said something, but seeing that the woman had already arrived in the kitchen and time was running out, he hurriedly raised his hand to let Chi Feichi see what was stuck on his finger, "Brother Chi, Funamoto-san got green onions on the wheel of his wheelchair..."

Chi Feichi saw that the clues were all there, and he knew what to do next without Conan's analysis. He stood up, turned his head, and whispered to Mouri Kogoro and Meguro Shisan, who were still discussing, "Teacher, Meguro police officer, ship When Mr. Ben committed the crime, he should have used kitchen rubber gloves to prevent fingerprints from being left on the gun, but he seemed to be in a hurry to let the maid go to the kitchen to cook, so that the maid could touch the rubber gloves and destroy the evidence..."


Mori Kogoro's expression changed, and he ran to the kitchen.

In the room, Funammoto Daren asked, "What's wrong with Mr. Mori?"

Mu Mushisan took a step to the left, blocking the door, so that Darren Funamoto could not see where Mori Kogoro was going, and said with a dry smile, "'s nothing, he probably remembered something urgent."

Outside the door, Hondo Eisuke kept bending over, looking at Conan dully, "Brother Feichi reacts really fast."

"Hmm..." Conan lowered his head speechlessly, looked at the green onions on his fingers, and quickly realized that he smiled at Hondo Eisuke, "But Brother Chi is already amazing!"

"Yes, that's right." Hondo Eisuke scratched his head with a smile, and stood up straight.

The two complained in their hearts: Heh! Laughing so hypocritically.

"Officer Mumu!" Takagi She walked quickly, approached Mumu Shisan and whispered, "We found beans and pearls in the vacuum cleaner."

Megushisan nodded, looked at Mori Kogoro who came out of the kitchen, saw Mori Kogoro nodding, and said in a low voice, "Takagi, ask the forensic personnel to confirm the rubber gloves in the kitchen, there should be a pair of gloves with Smoke reaction, Mr. Funamoto’s fingerprints are still left on the inside of the glove.”

Takagi She was taken aback for a moment, then quickly nodded and said, "Yes!"

Funamoto Darhito saw the maid come back with Mori Kogoro and pushed the wheelchair out, "Takami, what's going on? Didn't I ask you to cook?"

"That..." Mori Kogoro exchanged glances with Megushi Thirteen, knowing that the evidence would have to wait for a while, scratching his head and laughing, "Oh, I heard that many people recently ate food that had been left for too long and caused stomach discomfort , the dishes here have been stored for too long, it’s better to buy some fresh ones, right? I think it’s better to let the little girl take Tous to buy some fresh ingredients, how about it?”

Seeing the maid’s eyes dodge, Darren Funamoto knew that his murder had been exposed, and his heart sank. He looked at Touji Funamoto standing beside the wheelchair, and tried to put on a calm smile on his face, “Touji, go and see Look, buy whatever you want to eat."

Tous Funamoto nodded, "Father, wait for us here, we'll be back in a while!"

Hondo Eisuke guessed that Mori Kogoro must have intentionally distracted the children and Mao Lilan away, looked at Funamoto Touji's innocent and ignorant face, sighed inwardly, and realized that Chi Feichi was going downstairs and followed.


At the door, the lights on the two police cars flickered, and the police were busy coming in and out.

Chi Feichi walked to the fence behind the police car, turned around and looked at Hondo Yingyou who followed him.

"Brother Feichi," Bentang Yingyou greeted Chi Feichi, walked to the wall, turned around and leaned against the wall, stood side by side with Chi Feichi, looked up at the tiny but bright stars in the sky, and said softly, "Kill Mrs. The murderer is Mr. Funamoto, right? Mr. Mori deliberately let the maid and Xiaolan take Tous away. After all, it is better not to let the children know about his father killing his mother. Mr. Mori is really thoughtful..."

Chi Feichi took out a cigarette and bit it, took out a match from his pocket, and prepared to be a listener.

Hondo Yingyou suddenly withdrew his gaze, turned to look at Chi Feichi with a serious look, "A person like Mr. Mao Li will never join forces with bad guys, right?"

Chi Feichi stopped taking matches from the matchbox, looked up at Hondo Yingyou, and nodded seriously, "Teacher is a very good person."

"Ah...sorry, I seem to have asked a very strange question," Bentang Yingyou scratched his head in embarrassment, and said, "By the way, Brother Feichi, I have already gone to the psychiatric department of the hospital. The local CT still can't confirm whether it is sensory integration disorder, and further detailed examination is needed, so I will go there again when I find time, but the doctor said that I do have some problems in spatial perception, and no matter what the examination results are, I will first Help me formulate a simple adjustment method, let me try it first... Anyway, I will be better than now, but I am already past the best age, and the doctor also said not to have too much hope."

"Don't set limits on yourself," Chi Feichi paused, "But the doctor is also worried that you hope too much, which will lead to disappointment in the end."

"I know, no matter what, try to be better, and then accept the ending calmly, right?" Hondo Eisuke smiled and hesitated, "Brother Feichi, thank you, and..."

"Yingyou, Brother Feichi..."

Mao Lilan went out with the maid and Touji Funamoto, and saw Hondo Eisuke and Chi Feichi talking behind the police car, and asked suspiciously, "Why are you all outside?"

"I have something to tell Brother Feichi," Bentang Yingyou replied, and hurriedly said to Chi Feichi, "I'm sorry, Brother Feichi, I suddenly remembered something, I'm afraid I have to go back first!"

"Be careful on the road."

"I will, see you another day!"

Bentang Yingyou said hello to Chi Feichi, ran forward, talked to Mao Lilan and walked to the street, then bowed his head to talk to Funmoto Touji.

Chi Feichi didn't follow. He wiped the match in his hand and lit the cigarette he was biting. Seeing Hondo Yingyou and Mao Lilan parting at the intersection, he looked away, took out his mobile phone to read the email he had just received, and typed a reply.

【Convenience for calling...——Raki】

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