Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1330 Takatori Yannan: You overestimate me

"Pu Sheng's approach is very smart," Chi Feichi carried the ceramic jar to the vegetable sink, saw that the drain of the vegetable sink had been covered, took out an eel from the pot, and put it into the vegetable sink , "Since Takayama Otome feels that she can still be in power, it is not suitable for her to show too much limelight now."


Takatori Yannan was just about to turn on the faucet to wash the vegetables, when he suddenly caught a glimpse of a white hand putting a creature that looked like a snake into the vegetable sink in front of him, and he froze in place, thinking about Handiehui and Takayama Otome It disappeared in an instant, leaving nothing but the picture of the creature swimming in the vegetable sink, "Old, boss..."

He thought that his acceptance of snakes was already very high, for example, he could greet Feichi enthusiastically, and he could also make Feichi crawl twice in his hands.

But he found that he overestimated himself, and the psychological shadow left by his boss was obviously still strong.

In the past, he was a middle-aged man who had lived for more than 30 years and had never been afraid of snakes. Until one day, he got into the stolen car of his boss, and suddenly many gray and white snakes crawled into the back seat of the car. And climbed onto the back of the seat he was sitting on, trying to climb on top of him...

More than one snake twisted its body from the top of the backrest and the side of the seat, spitting snake bites, trying to climb onto him!

Also, he can still recall that day, when there was a bonfire in the cave, large snakes gathered towards them and climbed onto the black bear. The black bear had just divided the meat with its claws, and the group of snakes immediately crawled towards the meat ...

Those gray and white snakes loomed in the black fur, entangled, squeezed, and swam, crawling towards the flesh!


He is not afraid of snake bites, but thanks to his boss, he now has an unspeakable psychological shadow on creatures like snakes.

Except for Feichi, when he saw this slippery, long, twisting creature, it was as if countless ants were crawling all over him, and he felt uncomfortable everywhere!

Chi Feichi caught another eel and put it into the vegetable sink. When Takatori Yan Nan called him, he froze and didn't continue, and asked aloud, "What's wrong?"

Takatori Yannan took a deep breath. He felt that after getting to know his boss, not only his three views and lower limit kept going down, but also his mentality improved. Of course, he couldn't control his dry tone, and his face was too Stiff, unable to relieve, "What did you put the snake in for?"

Chi Feichi put the pot aside, "This is an eel without snake scales."

Takatori Yannan took a closer look and found that it was indeed not a snake, but it was enough to make him uncomfortable, so he asked almost expressionlessly, "Then why did you put the eel in it?"

"Ingredients," Chi Feichi turned his head, observing Yan Nan Takatori's gloomy expression, "You didn't seem to be so afraid of snakes before?"

"You overestimate me, I've been enduring it." Takatori Yannan said sincerely.

He chose to give up face, wondering if this would allow the boss to take care of his feelings in the future and keep such creatures away from him...

"Put your hand in," Chi Feichi raised his chin towards the vegetable sink, his expression was very calm, and his tone was very peaceful, but he didn't intend to discuss with Takatori Yan Nan, "Get over it."

Takatori Yannan was speechless, turned his head and stared at Chi Feichi for two seconds, put his hand into the vegetable sink, fished the eel, and sighed, he shouldn't have too much hope for his boss, "I'm not I'm afraid of being bitten by a snake, it's not that I don't dare to touch a snake, it's just that sometimes I feel uncomfortable when I see this kind of animal, and my whole body feels numb..."

"It's normal people's rejection of snakes, but your reaction is a bit too much." Chi Feichi paused, and concluded, "It's a bit strange."

Takatori Yannan: "..."

Why did he react so strongly? Does the boss have no idea?

It seems that his boss really doesn't have it in his heart!

"Okay, as long as you dare to touch it," Chi Feichi picked up a rice field eel, "You wash the vegetables, and I will handle this."

After Yan Nan Takatori came back, he didn't feel scary anymore, he picked up another eel and looked at it, "It's okay, I can help, but it's alive..."

"Live fresh."

Chi Feichi did not refuse Yan Nan Takatori's help, thinking that it would help Yan Nan Takatori overcome his repulsion towards snakes, so he gave Yan Nan Takatori a pair of scissors, picked up one himself, and started to deal with the eel in his hand Fish, "Snip the neck, don't cut it completely, but make sure you cut the bone..."

Takatori Yannan picked up the scissors and followed them carefully. He didn't care about the eel's smooth and long body. He handled it bit by bit, and felt that his hand was just a long piece of meat, nothing special.

Chi Feichi took Takato Yan Nan, and with a pair of scissors, cut the eel's neck, gills, and belly open. After handling it with ease, he threw it into the vegetable sink, turned on the faucet, and washed the blood on his hands with clean water.

Takatori Yannan followed up and saw the eel in the vegetable sink twitching in the bloody water, but he was also very calm.

It might be a little strange for any other young man to watch the writhing and struggling eel with calm and focused eyes, and cut open the eel's belly with bloody hands, but if it were his boss, it would not be strange at all. .

As for the eel moving, it should be a nerve reflex. It slipped in the vegetable sink, and it must have died a long time ago. It is not surprising...

I feel that my self-confidence and endurance have been improved!

Chi Feichi cut a piece of raw fish for Feichi to reserve, and let Takatori Yannan continue to help with other ingredients, while cooking and cooking by himself.

When the food was served, Feichi consciously ran to the kitchen and jumped to the table. Waiting for Chi Feichi to bring his golden plate, he lowered his head and swallowed a piece of eel in one gulp, lying on his stomach to digest.

"Feichi, you eat so fast!"

Takatori Yannan joked with a smile, and after sitting down with a good meal, he stretched out his chopsticks to the braised eel.

Chi Feichi also tasted a piece of eel.

The freshness and tenderness of the meat is moderate, the fishy smell is removed and the seasoning is blended to a moderate degree, and his level of seasoning sauce has improved... Very good, the cooking skills are not wasted, and there is still a small improvement.

Feichi walked away on his stomach with a distended belly for a while, then stared at Yan Nan Takatori's sticking out chopsticks, and continued to be distracted.

Takatori also said, isn't it pretty quick to eat eel by itself?

Takatori Yannan frantically swept up the braised eel for a while, only to realize that he didn't seem to care about his boss in this behavior, so he controlled himself and slowed down the speed of extending his chopsticks towards the eel, only to find that Chi Feichi was only focusing on picking up other things. dishes, I don’t touch a plate of braised eel at all, “Boss, don’t you like eel?”

Chi Feichi was silent for a while, and suddenly remembered that there is a kind of Chinese-style parental love called 'Dad doesn't like to eat', and quickly put this strange thought behind him, and continued to eat calmly, "No, but I still have food. It’s quite a lot, you just eat it.”

"Yes, is it..."

Takato Yan Nan imagined a lot of eels entangled and swimming. He was not sure if there were such a pile of eels in this room, and his face froze for a moment, "You don't have to accommodate me like this, I ..."

"Don't talk, eat."

Chi Feichi interrupted with a cold face.

Such a little eel, if he wants to eat it, he can go to the breeding place to get it now, and he won't be able to eat it in the future, don't make it like a show like "Moving Japan Season 1", moji.

"Uh, well..."

Takatori Yannan stopped, and while eating in silence, he also wondered in his heart whether his boss suddenly entered a moody state, and whether he should prevent the boss from suddenly pointing a gun at him.

Alas, the boss is really good. It is obviously a good thing to accommodate and take care of him as a subordinate. He also wants to express that he is willing to accommodate the boss more. Why is he suddenly cold-faced...


The second half of the meal was very quiet, and the dishes on the table were cleaned up.

After the meal, Yan Nan Takatori got up to help clean up the dishes, "By the way, boss, do you have any arrangements during your rest period? I want to investigate the contents of the sack hanging on the tree into several categories... "

Chi Feichi understood that it was a bounty.

This statement of investigating the contents of the sack is similar to his teacher's saying that he wants to go to the small steel ball shop to investigate the winning rate of the beads.

But in the final analysis, he also supports Takatori Geno's approach of "using other jobs to adjust his work mood".

If they are manual laborers or office workers, and they are very tired from work, they should lie down and rest at home. However, when working in an organization, the physical exertion is often not too great, but the pressure on their hearts is relatively high. Big, there must always be a way to resolve it, and occasionally go to experience other work or life, which can adjust the mood.

"I can also help you research the delivery market of TA-Q-BIN," Yano Takatori continued solemnly, "Although you must have a clue, I want to investigate it myself so that my ability will not deteriorate. Are you interested in going with me? "

"It's enough for you to check it out. If you come across an interesting bounty, you can count me in." Chi Feichi said.

It's cold recently, and the protagonist group is unlikely to ask him to go out to play, and that one is not too happy to let him go out, so he might as well stay at home and pay attention to the recent situation of Umbrella and THK.

Anyway, for this world, winter is just a few days...


Chi Feichi's guess was extremely correct.

On the second day after the snow stopped, Dr. Ali took all members of the Boy Detective Team to go skiing at the ski resort in Gunma, and unanimously decided not to bring Chi Feichi with him.

Seeing the lively people skiing, Hui Yuanai still didn't forget about his poor brother. Seeing where someone skied well, or where someone made a beautiful snowman, he took a photo and was going to share it with Chi Feichi .

The snowman is fine, and he doesn’t mind being admired when he builds it up. A child thinks the snowman is well built and wants to take a photo of the snowman. As long as he tells it, many people are willing to cooperate.

However, taking pictures of other people’s skiing is a bit troublesome. Not everyone is happy to be photographed, and many Japanese are more concerned about entering the country suddenly, so Ai Haibara can only secretly take a picture.

Fortunately, the skiers were all wearing ski suits, goggles and hats, covering their entire body tightly, and no one cared whether they were photographed or not.

Standing on the snow, Dr. Ali was sweating as he watched Hui Yuan Ai look around with a calm face and take a sneak shot, "Xiao Ai, isn't this good?"

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