Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1331 Can you be more serious?

"It's okay," Haibara Ai saw that Conan was skating a lot of tricks on the snow, and he was still steady. He secretly raised his mobile phone and took a sneak shot. , he won't mind."

Dr. A Li scratched his head, "You don't need to be sneaky when you shoot Xinyi? Tell him directly, let him cooperate, and he will be willing to cooperate."

Haibara Ai watched Conan take a sharp turn on the snowboard, and took another sneak shot, "I just wanted to show him how vigilant he was when he was playing like crazy, so I wanted to sneak a photo of him It was a breeze."

Dr. A Li reminded with a dry smile, "However, Feichi seems to know how to ski, but now he can only stay at home. We didn't invite him when we went out to play. If you send him pictures of others having fun in the snow, he can't do it." It will make you feel aggrieved."

Hui Yuanai was taken aback, looked down at the photos taken on the phone, and quickly raised the corner of his mouth, opened the UL software, and sent all of them to Chi Feichi, "Doctor, you reminded me right."

Even if it's inconvenient to press the phone while wearing thick gloves, she still has to send it to Brother Feichi without missing a single page, it's up to Brother Feichi to feel aggrieved or not~!

Dr. Ali: "..."

One second he was still a 'little padded jacket', and the next second he was a very natural black-bellied brother. Xiao Ai's natural and calm transformation made him very worried that he would become famous in the future.

Hui Yuanai closed the phone for the time being, and seeing Dr. A Li looked at her with a look of 'unexplainable', he explained calmly, "Brother Feichi usually has a tepid attitude, and being alone makes his emotions suppressed in his heart, If the blockade is too long, it will cause a lot of pressure, which is not good for mental health. Even if it is aggrieved or unhappy, it can be regarded as a kind of emotional catharsis..."

Dr. Ali: "..."

If it wasn't for Xiao Ai's wicked laugh just now, he would have believed it.


Conan slid down the slope with a single board and stopped in front of Dr. A Li and Haibara Ai.

Hui Yuanai had already persuaded himself to send the photo to Chi Feichi, not out of bad taste, but for the good of his brother, but when he saw Conan gliding towards him, he felt prickly.

If her brother Feichi came, he would definitely be no worse than Kudou in snowboarding, and the two of them might even be able to do two laps together on the snow.

Although Brother Feichi's situation is not that serious, she still can't help but feel the sadness and regret of "my brother is disabled and can no longer gallop on the field"...

"You skated really well, Shinichi!" Dr. Ali praised with a smile.

Hui Yuanai applauded expressionlessly, "Yes, yes, it's amazing."

Dr. Ali looked at Hui Yuanai in a daze.

Wasn't Xiao Ai in a good mood just now, why is she not so happy all of a sudden?

Conan didn't take Haibara Ai's absent-minded attitude to heart, took off the goggles, grinned triumphantly at the two, and asked, "By the way, how many of them are there?"

Dr. Ali turned to look at the three children who were making snowmen in front of the wooden house hotel, "They are over there!"

"Really," Conan was a little speechless, "Before I came, I pestered me to teach them how to snowboard, but after I came, I just focused on making snowmen."

"Hey..." Haibara Ai struggled out of regret, walked to Conan's side, and asked in a soft voice, "Kudou, is the last incident okay? It's the child who witnessed the car accident of Reina Minzuna, You said that two foreigners ran to him, could it be..."

"Yeah, they are the people from the organization," Conan was surprised before, but now he is completely calm, "The identity can basically be confirmed, it should be Belmode and Lark."

"What?" Dr. Ali exclaimed.

Huiyuan Ai's complexion also changed instantly, trying to make his voice not sound too anxious, but the effect was not obvious, "Don't say it so lightly, if this is the case, it means that those people already know that Reina Mizumu was injured and hospitalized Is something wrong?"

"Yeah, they should already know about it," Conan said with a smile when he saw that the faces of the two were ugly, "but at most they know that Rena Mizumusa was injured and hospitalized, and they probably don't know which hospital it is. I called the hospital and told Mrs. Judy, the FBI should not let them find that place easily."

Only then did Dr. A Li feel more at ease in his heart, "So you ran out yesterday to use the public phone because of this."

"Go outside to use a public phone?" Hui Yuanai was a little surprised, "The awareness of safety precautions has improved."

"Actually, the main reason is to call the Red Castle Hotel in Yokohama," Conan explained. "I still want to confirm whether the murder and arson were organized by those people, so I called to ask."

"Is that the Suehiko Ito incident?" Dr. Agasa asked in surprise.

"Yes, a few days before that incident, more than one hotel employee suffered from memory loss. I suspect that Belmode disguised himself to replace those people and went to investigate where Ito Suehiko was in the hotel. , but no one said at the time that they had seen a suspicious woman, so the clues were broken," Conan rubbed his chin, "but judging from the incident of the Funamoto family this time, it seems that Belmod and Lark are acting together, although I'm not sure if they are often partners or have been to Yokohama together, but I can still call and ask. Other employees may not move around in the hotel, but the cleaners are often in the corridors and rooms event, no one remembers Belmode, doesn't mean no one notices Rucker inadvertently, that guy's voice is too easy to make out, well, just call the cleaning staff at the restaurant and ask them if they've noticed a guy in a suit A tall, dark, young-looking foreign man..."

"Wait!" Hui Yuanai interrupted in shock, "You just asked the question in such a specific way? Since that incident is likely to be done by them, they may still be paying attention to the follow-up. If they find someone calling Call to inquire about the characteristics of the raki wine, maybe you will follow the clues to find it..."

"How could I possibly leave a clue for them?" Conan was still very calm, "I asked Dr. Ali to take me to Shinagawa District and make a call from a public phone. I also used a voice changer to randomly change the voice of a middle-aged man. , just say...'Hey, hello, I was a guest who stayed in the hotel more than a month ago, and I seem to have accidentally left something belonging to a friend in the hotel, because it is very important to him, I don't know if you are responsible Did the cleaning staff pick up '…”

Haibara Ai watched Conan raising his hand to imitate the movement of making a phone call, even imitating the tone of voice, and couldn't help being speechless.

Well, well, it seems that the famous detective is still very cautious this time.

But can you be more serious and stop showing off your acting skills so dramatically?

After Conan imitated, he continued, "Then wait for the cleaning staff to answer the phone, and then tell the other party the characteristics of that guy, and then we can find out some situations, because I don't know if they will stay or just go to an event, so I I didn’t say clearly if I was a resident of the hotel. When I was asked the room number I lived in at the time, I also told the other party in the voice of the middle-aged man that I often travel on business, so I don’t remember it. It has been more than a month. No matter how much the guys stare there, they should be a little slack, and I am more inclined to think that they will not stare there anymore, so calling them is unlikely to alarm them..."

"Then what's the result?" Dr. A Li asked, "Did you find any clues?"

Conan looked serious, and said with firm eyes, "A cleaner saw a young foreign man in black when he passed by the corridor... Although she didn't look much, she didn't hear what the other person said, and she didn't know much about it. I can clearly remember the other person's features, but she is tall, has freckles on her face, and looks cold and dangerous, I think what she saw should be the rake wine!"

Dr. A Li stammered, "Then, the incident at the Red Castle Hotel..."

"Yeah, there are traces of Belmode's activities, and someone who is suspected of rake appeared in the restaurant, so my suspicion is right, and that incident is inseparable from the organization of those guys, Yi The deaths of Higashi Suehiko and the secretary are probably their work," Conan lowered his head in thought, "but there is no other information other than this, that guy doesn't seem to have registered at the front desk by himself, and there is no other information except the cleaning staff People remember him, the cleaning staff only met once in the corridor, I don’t know which room he lives in, I think he should meet someone in the hotel, or ask other people to book the room for registration, now all surveillance is blocked It is ruined, and it is impossible to determine when he went to the hotel, when he left, and where he stayed..."

"Even if you knew the room he lived in and rushed there in time to investigate, it's unlikely that you would get any clues about the organization," Huiyuan Ai reminded, "let alone a month has passed."

"That's right. After all, that guy is very cautious, and it's impossible to leave any important clues," Conan said with a smile full of fighting spirit. Forgot, in my reasoning, there should be people who faked their own death but didn’t die, their current whereabouts are unknown, and their bodies have not been found, and the money that was stolen has not yet been found..."

"You mean Reiko Shimizu?" Haibara Ai also thought for a while, "It is possible that the organization asked her to lead the robbery, and then killed Suehiko Ito and Masaharu Nishio to silence her, but it is not sure if she is still there. Alive, compared to some of the organized crimes, she was not smart enough to plan the robbery, and she was locked by the police because of the mistake of leaving mascara on the scope. With her level, she is nothing in the organization. An important person, coupled with being noticed by the police, there is a high possibility that the organization will silence her in order to cut off the clues. Even if she did not die at the time, she would probably be thrown into a laboratory to test the experimental subject of drugs, right? It's hard to tell if the body is still intact."

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