After a while, the car stopped outside the yard at No. 143, Mihuacho 5-chome.

Chi Feichi didn't pass the Maori Detective Agency. There was another street to his residence, so there was no need to go around it.

Belmode got out of the car with Wuming in his arms, only to find that the Maori Detective Agency is directly opposite, between the two buildings, there is only a row of houses and some green plants, and a small road directly connects them. Walk from here to the Maori Detective Agency. Visually, it will take less than ten minutes.

And the place where they were when they were preparing to kill Mori Kogoro last time was right in front of this house...

After Chi Feichi entered the door, he took Wuming to the bathroom on the first floor to take a shower. "There is no one living on the first floor. The bathroom and toilet are on the first floor. You can go to the living room on the second floor to stay for a while."

Belmode looked around and saw that the door locks of the two rooms on the first floor had been changed. He leaned against the door of the bathroom with his arms crossed, and said with a soft smile, "I'd better wait, if I wander around in someone else's house and find out What should I do if someone accidentally poisons some unspeakable secrets?"

Chi Feichi put hot water on, "If you don't talk well, you will be poisoned."

What is an unspeakable secret? Belmode is definitely not using a wrong word, but a deliberate joke.

"Oh, that's really scary!" Belmode had an indifferent smile on his face, but he gradually became vigilant in his heart. Although Lak now has to take into account the interests of the organization, she should not attack her, but she dare not bet that Lak will suddenly My brain twitched, forget it, don't be too rigid, "And I'm also worried that you are not very good at bathing cats. If I stay, I can help."

Chi Feichi in the bathroom: "In the cabinet at the entrance, there are spare daily necessities for cats. Please help me to take them out."

Belmode: "..."

You're welcome.

After Chi Feichi filled Wuming with water, he didn't forget Feichi, and also put a basin of warm water for Feichi, letting Feichi take a bath first.

Wuming squatted obediently aside, waited for Chi Feichi to put the basin of hot water on the ground, stretched out his paws to test the water temperature, and meowed at Chi Feichi, indicating that the water temperature was suitable, stepped into the basin, resting his head on the side of the basin, Lie down and let yourself soak in the water, and let all the hair on your body that is stuck with blood be soaked in warm water.

Chi Feichi squatted down, waited for Belmod to bring the shower gel, and wet the blood spot on the top of Wuming's head with water, "How did you think of bringing the two kittens out? It's a smart way."

"The master is talking about catching those two kittens?" Wuming narrowed his eyes and soaked in warm water, meowing repeatedly, "Actually, it was Feimo's idea. I'm a female cat, it's embarrassing to listen to me, and I couldn't communicate after calling twice before."

Belmode brought all the things that Wuming needed to take a bath, helped open the bottle of shower gel, and asked curiously, "Why do you think you can understand animals? It's against common sense, isn't it?"

Looking at the interaction between Lak and Wuming, she felt that this scene was very similar to Lak hearing the words of animals, but it was just a 'resemblance'. After animals are familiar with people, they will respond to people's words or actions, and they can talk to animals and so on. Not scientific at all.

"Aren't you also an existence that goes against common sense?" Chi Feichi asked back, waiting for Belmode to give Wuming shower gel.

"That's right." Belmode laughed and didn't continue.

In fact, bathing Wuming is not troublesome at all, as long as you don't drag the cat or get water into its eyes, a certain cat will not struggle a bit, and let the two of them wash casually, squinting their eyes and snoring comfortably, Belmore De is just looking for an excuse, he doesn't want to cause Lak's paranoia attack after he goes up, and cause some accidents.

After Wuming was cleaned up, Belmode took a towel to wrap Wuming, and took Wuming to the second floor to dry.

Chi Feichi picked up Feichi and dried him before taking him upstairs.

After that, the two went downstairs to take a bath in turn, and the other stayed on the second floor to watch TV.

It was already past four o'clock in the morning when Chi Fei went up to the second floor.

A movie was playing on the TV. Belmode was sitting on the sofa, rubbing Wuming who was sleeping on his lap with one hand, and reading emails with his mobile phone in the other. A cigarette butt with a wisp of smoke.

Noticing that Chi Feichi had gone upstairs, Belmode didn't look up, but stretched his brows, and asked in a low voice, "You don't have bugs or anything like that here?"


Chi Feichi guessed that Belmod wanted to talk about the organization, so he went to the glass door of the living room and closed the curtain halfway to make sure that Belmod on the sofa could not be seen from outside.

"Lum said, will you help suppress the rumors that the useless congressman is suspected of having an affair?" Belmode lowered his head and stared at the phone, "Do you want to consider delaying it for two days?"

Chi Feichi turned and left the window, "Why?"

"Adjustment of the plan, I suspect that some photos of him and his mistress acting ambiguously were leaked and fell into the hands of his opponents, so I asked someone to investigate it. Now it seems that it should be taken by me. I guessed it right," Belmode said, and forwarded the email he had just received to Chi Feichi, "If this is the case, it would be impossible to capture those photos now, as there were various reports that suspected that he had Affair, if photos are added, it may be more troublesome. Before he helps the organization to get that thing done, no accident can happen. Then, we must use bigger news to suppress the rumors, so that the public will not be interested in pursuing those ambiguous photos. The truth behind it, if you find an excuse to fool the past, or two days later, I will ask someone to restrain his opponent's energy..."

"No need to delay, come as planned," Chi Feichi flipped through the videotapes on the shelf next to the TV, "Is there any movie you want to watch?"

Organize this group of people to turn into nocturnal bats from time to time. Now it is almost dawn, talk about work, watch a movie, and Belmode probably has to go back to catch up on sleep.

It's not like he can't stand it anymore, he just hopes that his work and rest will not be led astray by the organizers.

"Okay, since you are confident, then follow the original plan," Belmode smiled, and pretended to be melancholy for a second, "I want to see the movie that my 'mother' starred in , She was busy with work in the early years and had little time to accompany me, and then we were estranged for several years, and she passed away so suddenly last year, I want to see her face again."

A Sharon Wynyard movie?

Chi Feichi said decisively, "Not here."

Belmode was a little speechless. As a member of the organization, can you pay attention to the movies she starred in before? Some movies are still very classic, "What about the movies I starred in?"


"Then what do you have here?"

"The latest horror movies and documentaries, I just went to buy them some time ago, there are no old movies."

"Okay, okay, it seems that I'm really an outdated female star, and I can only appear in movies... Then just watch a horror movie."

The horror video tape that Chi Feichi put here does not have the 'restricted rating' that was broadcast on the 119th. After all, there may be a group of protagonists running over, so they should cover it up anyway.

Belmode said it reluctantly. After the broadcast started, he and Chi Feichi began to guess how a certain character died while despising the old-fashioned plot.


Six thirty in the morning.

Two schoolchildren arrived at the door.

Conan looked at the red car parked outside the yard, stood on tiptoe and rang the doorbell, "It seems that Brother Chi came back last night. Even if he went in for morning exercises this morning, he should be back by now."

Hui Yuanai yawned, "Where's uncle? Did you call him when you woke up?"

"Last night he got drunk and had a good sleep, and he was very energetic this morning," Conan said with half-moon eyes, "but he was looking for videotapes in the room and wanted to watch TV for a while, don't worry about him..."


The door opened.

Conan raised his head and saw the woman behind the door. The indifference on his face instantly froze, and the word 'morning' choked in his throat.

The door was slowly opened, and the woman behind the door was wearing a bathrobe, her light golden curly hair was simply tied behind her head, her fluffy and fine bangs lay on her face, and her eyes with water-green pupils quickly fell apart after seeing him. A playful smile surfaced, and the corners of his mouth followed closely.

"Why..." Hui Yuanai raised his head, and was petrified in place like Conan.

Belmode? Why is this woman here!

Conan subconsciously wanted to block Haibara Ai, but it was too late. At the moment when he was in a daze, the door opened halfway. Belmode must have seen Haibara Ai. He hesitated for a while, but still didn't move. Stare into Belmode's eyes.

No, it should be 'Chris Wynyard', right?

When this woman appeared as Sharon Wynyard and a member of the organization, her eyes were blue. Only when she was Sharon's daughter, Chrissy Wynyard, did she have green pupils.

“Good morning~”

Belmode smiled and greeted the two elementary school students at the door, and his bad taste was greatly satisfied. Hearing the sound of footsteps coming from the stairwell behind him, he said with a smile in English, "Two lovely children..."

Alas, this guy Lak stared too closely.

She couldn't expose Lak's identity openly, and she was so guarded, it was even more difficult.

Chi Feichi intentionally made some footsteps to remind Belmode to be more appropriate. He went down the stairs and looked at the faces of Conan and Huiyuan Ai who seemed to be frozen by the cool morning air. , "You guys came just in time, breakfast is ready."

Belmode was completely involved in the drama, unable to extricate himself, pretending to be a foreigner who is not used to speaking Japanese, and asked Chi Feichi in English with a puzzled face, "Who are these two children?"

Chi Feichi was also very cooperative and answered in English, "My teacher's child, and my younger sister."

Belmode smiled, "It's best to let them come in quickly. Although in Japan, not many people will pay attention to me, a retired female star, but if I am photographed at your house early in the morning, I will be in trouble... ..."

Just as Conan wanted to see Hui Yuan Ai's reaction, he found that Hui Yuan Ai had already entered the door with a dark face.

"Brother Feichi, morning, Miss Chris, morning."

Hui Yuanai greeted with an uneasy face, and consciously went to find her little slippers.

This is her brother's house, why would she dare not enter the door just because this woman is here!

Belmode looked at Hui Yuanai with a smile on the corner of his mouth, his eyes were gentle, like a gentle and elegant big sister.

Terrible, the little Shirley's courage and temper exploded, and this morning became more and more interesting... I really want to kill her~

Conan was sweating. He always felt that the atmosphere this morning would not be too good. The kind of landmines were planted, so he went in and closed the door.

Fei Chi lay on Chi Feichi's shoulder, observed Hui Yuan Ai, and said happily, "Master, the temperature of Xiao Ai's hands and feet is rising. From this point of view, frightening a few times will really help overcome fear!"

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