Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1346 Intimidation, this is definitely an intimidation!

In the living room on the second floor, the morning news is playing on the TV.

"Yesterday at eleven o'clock, the police arrested the criminals involved in the four consecutive robberies in Tokyo..."

"Conan, where are Teacher and Xiaolan?" Chi Feichi led the way to the second floor.

Conan tried his best to ignore Belmode's existence, and said with a smile, "Uncle and Xiaolan plan to go to Poirot Cafe for breakfast, but Uncle will watch TV for more than an hour before going to Poirot Cafe for breakfast. Leave them alone."

"Then you sit down first, and I'll serve breakfast." Chi Feichi went to the kitchen, thinking that his sister could be better, instead of being cold-faced, she could improve her acting skills and look more relaxed, "Xiao Ai, your complexion is not very good Okay, are you feeling unwell?"

Hui Yuanai remained expressionless, "Sorry, I seem to be very angry when I wake up today."

"I thought I left you at the Maori Detective Agency last night, you were angry..."

Chi Feichi pretended to believe it.

Although his sister didn't relax her expression, it's not bad to be able to find a reason in an instant, and it's very close to the facts. Sometimes Hui Yuan Ai wakes up with a feeling of getting up, and also looks indifferent.

"No..." Huiyuan eased his cold and hard tone, and looked at Wuming who was stretching on the sofa, "Brother Feichi, didn't you say that Wuming caused trouble?"

Chi Feichi said in the kitchen, "Wu Ming fought with other cats."

Belmode stepped forward, hugged Wuming skillfully, and explained with a good-tempered smile, "I saw it fighting with other cats in the park, and because I saw blood on it, I was worried that it would be injured, so I gave it to Mr. Chi." I made a phone call, but fortunately it was the blood of another cat, it can deal with guys it doesn't like, but it's very powerful..."

"So that's how it is," Huiyuan stood beside the sofa with arms crossed, full of vigilance, "so not only did he receive the cat, but he also received people."

Conan was sweating, and before Chi Feichi came out of the kitchen, he interrupted the secret rivalry between the two, and asked Belmode in a low voice, "Why are you here?"

Belmode didn't lower his voice, and said with a smile, "I'm just here as a friend to catch up with Mr. Chi."

Just as Conan was about to speak, he stopped when he saw Chi Feichi going out with breakfast. He waited for Chi Feichi to enter the kitchen to fetch milk before looking at Belmode.

Before Conan could ask, Belmode smiled and winked at Conan, and said in a low voice, "Really."

Haibara Ai:"……"

Did this woman think they would believe it?

Conan looked at Belmode's bathrobe, and continued to ask in a low voice, "You..."

Chi Feichi brought the milk out of the kitchen, "Have breakfast."

Conan could only stop and walk to the dining table.

He wanted to ask what Belmode was thinking and why he was always hanging around Chi Feichi, but it was inconvenient for him to ask further questions because Chi Feichi was present.

Belmode carried Wuming to the dining table, "Do you want to give Wuming something to eat?"

"I'll feed you at noon."

Chi Feichi helped two elementary school students pull up their chairs.

Belmode let go of Wuming, and after sitting down, he immediately took a small bean paste bun in the shape of a cartoon pig's head on the plate, took a sip, and smiled at Chi Feichi, "The bean paste filling is just right, not too sweet, and It has the original sweetness of the food, and it feels well blended!"

Conan and Haibara wanted to complain about something, but when they saw a plate of cute 'piggy buns' on the table, they decided to reach out for the buns first.

Belmode ate the piglet bean paste bun in his hand. The sweet taste is not greasy, and it can make people feel more relaxed and happy. He felt that he really did not lose money last night. He smiled sadly at Conan and Haibara, "Brown The piggy buns with ears are red bean paste flavored, and the pink piggy buns are strawberry flavored. You can try them. Mr. Chi added some strawberry juice when making them. The exquisite food he makes is really pleasing to girls... "

Haibara Ai:"……"

Hmph, of course she knows, her brother Feichi can also make crystal cherry blossom Shingen cakes, this woman's attitude of "hostess" is really...

Huh? It's really delicious.

The faint sweet smell made Hui Yuanai feel better in an instant, and decided to have breakfast beforehand.

Conan also admitted in his heart that sometimes Chi Feichi made delicate snacks, and the piggy buns on the table were so cute that not only the girls, but also he wanted to pick them up and have a taste.

Chi Feichi didn't like sweets, he just tasted one kind of steamed stuffed bun, and then started to make pancakes.

The morning sun shone into the room, and the four of them ate breakfast slowly, which felt like having a leisurely breakfast at home.

However, when a person is full, the attractiveness of food will decrease, and after eating and drinking, the calmness will gradually be destroyed.

"At first, I wanted to make things difficult for Mr. Chi, so I said I wanted to eat cute food, but I didn't think it would be hard for him at all." Belmode drank the lotus seed porridge slowly with a small spoon, acted silently, unable to extricate himself, turned his head to face it Chi Feichi of the chopsticks smiled and said, "The appearance of making breakfast is also very attractive~"

Hui Yuanai glanced at Belmode.

This woman pretended to be naive and romantic, and kept saying nice things. She was suspected of trying to hook up with her brother.

If it were someone else, such as the lovely Miss Shile, she would be happy to see the success and help match it up, but this woman can't.

Regardless of age, identity and danger must also be considered. The people in the organization are too dangerous. If you pretend to be like this, you must be dishonest, malicious, and uneasy!

Conan also felt that Belmode was not like the kind of little girl who would find someone to fall in love with, but he was not sure, so he chose to wait and see silently.

"Thank you for the compliment." Chi Feichi didn't want to play with Belmode, so he replied and picked up his glass to drink milk.

"I'm telling the truth," Belmode smiled. Seeing the two little devils finished eating the buns and pancakes, they got up and picked up the empty bowl and the spoon on the soup bowl, and asked, "Xiao Ai and Conan want to eat Lotus seed porridge? Mr. Chi originally planned to send you some, so he made quite a few."

"Uh, okay..." Conan responded dryly.

Belmode helped Conan serve a bowl of porridge, with a deeper smile in his eyes, "Where's Xiao Ai?"

Isn't Shirley very sensitive to the aura of the members of the organization? Such a big Lark is swaying by his side every day, but he doesn't feel it at all. What's the matter? Annoying!

"I'll just drink milk." Hui Yuanai responded indifferently.

What kind of trouble is this woman trying to act like a hostess? Damn it!

"Okay, if you want, you can serve it yourself." Belmode sat down again and drank the porridge, continued to do things, turned his head and smiled at Chi Feichi, "Actually, I still prefer stewed pears with rock sugar..."

Haibara Ai:"……"

He used 'Snow Pear Stewed in Rock Sugar' to block her, damn it!

Nameless yawned aside.

These boring humans.

"Don't eat too much sweetness in the morning," Chi Feichi pretended not to know. "Pear stewed with rock sugar is a cold food. It's not good to eat too much. It should be in moderation."

"That's right," Belmode smiled and glanced at Hui Yuanai. "And the season is not right recently. Sydney's taste is not good, and it's not yet suitable for food."

If it wasn't for the worry that Lark would destroy Conan and the Maori Detective Agency together, she really wanted to expose the identity of a certain traitor.

Hui Yuanai's back was cold from being stared at, and he resisted the palpitations caused by the radar response, his face darkened, and he looked at Belmode coldly.

Intimidation, this is definitely intimidation!

If she wasn't worried about this woman jumping over the wall in a hurry, doing dangerous actions, or attracting other people from that organization to deal with Brother Feichi, she would definitely expose this woman's identity in front of Brother Feichi.

Conan sat blankly drinking porridge.

He was really worried that the two would tear their faces apart as they talked.

At that time, if Chi Feichi believed what they said and chose to help them, then they would be able to catch Belmode, but afterward, Chi Feichi would get involved in the organization's affairs.

Belmode suddenly came to contact Chi Feichi, maybe it was his own wish, or maybe it was a plan of that organization, but no matter what, once Belmode disappeared, Chi Feichi would be the number one target of that organization.

What's more, he wasn't sure that Chi Feichi would trust them.

Chi Feichi had vaguely defended 'Chris Wynyard' before, and because of a word from 'Chris Wynyard', he paid attention to a makeup artist. They have a good impression, but they don't have evidence in hand, so they rashly say to Chi Feichi, 'she is a bad person', no matter how much Chi Feichi respects the children's opinions, he will hesitate, thinking it is their childish temper.

In fact, if he didn't know Belmode's identity, he would think that she is a gentle, intellectual, elegant and easy-going beautiful big sister just by seeing Belmod's disguise as 'Chris Wynyard' today, and he doesn't care about Chi Feichi In terms of appearance and personality, they are quite good.

But obviously, this is Belmode's disguised side, and he hopes that his little friend will remain rational and not be dazzled by women.

Alas, in short, it is absolutely impossible to tear your face in front of Chi Feichi now. Fortunately, Belmode doesn't seem to want to expose his true colors to Chi Feichi, so he will think of a way to inform the perverted person...

Belmode saw that Hui Yuan Ai was almost angry, and was also worried that Conan and Hui Yuan Ai would tear her face apart, and was caught off guard by a certain Lak who shot him in the back. He got up and helped Chi Feichi clean up the table, "I'm sorry. , Mr. Chi, I have to leave first."

Chi Feichi asked naturally, "Shall I see you off?"

"Okay," Belmode helped bring the empty plate to the kitchen, and it would be nice to have Lak help deliver it to her, "I have a plane at ten o'clock in the morning, so please take me to Haneda Airport."

Of course, she didn't want to go abroad or go to other places by plane, she just wanted to take advantage of the huge traffic at the airport to escape.

"Ten o'clock?" Chi Feichi checked the time, "I'll take you there first, and I'll clean up when I come back."

Conan got up and ran downstairs first, took out his mobile phone and called Judy, feeling that time was running out.

Hui Yuanai also followed, seeing Conan running behind the car, she asked anxiously in a low voice, "What should we do now?"

"I asked Teacher Judy to take someone to Haneda Airport, as for me..."

Conan tried to open the trunk of Chi Feichi's car, but...


Conan: "..."

Well, he knew that his little friend's trunk was not that easy to drill.

But he also has bugs and signal transmitters!

Five minutes later, Belmode, who had changed his clothes, followed Chi Feichi out, guessing that Conan and Hui Yuanai would not just leave, and deliberately pretended to be sad, "It seems that they left first, Mr. Chi, you My sister doesn't seem to like me very much, she doesn't think I will take her brother away, does she?"

Hui Yuanai hiding in the corner of the yard: "!"

This is definitely sowing discord, what if Brother Feichi thinks she is that kind of ignorant younger sister... Damn, hate, hate!

Conan didn't pay much attention to what the two people who were walking towards the car said. He squatted behind the bushes and stared at the bug and signal transmitter stuck to the bottom of the car.

Well, for a while, as long as you follow Chi Feichi's car all the way and monitor the movements of the two, you will be able to let the aggressive people lock Belmode immediately after the two separate, and then whether to arrest or follow...


Wuming arrived at the rear wheel of the car, tilted his head to look at the chewing gum stuck to the bottom of the car, and used his paws to pick it up.

Conan: "..."

The situation is not good.

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