Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1360 I can't afford to provoke you, okay?

"Brother Chi, didn't you see some characteristics of the gangster?" Mu Mu Shisan asked.

"At that time, all electrical appliances were timed and operated at the same time, causing them to trip. There was no moonlight tonight, and the room was pitch dark, so we couldn't see anything clearly. We also illuminated with flashlights," Nakamori Ginzo explained, "and you also You should know that if there is no light source, you might be able to see the silhouette of a person in the dark, but we used a flashlight in front of the window to illuminate, and Feichi’s field of vision had just appeared the light of the mobile phone screen. If you look at other places, it is much darker than a completely dark environment, and it is almost impossible to see the shadow clearly."

Mu Mu Shisan nodded solemnly, and asked again, "So is there anyone you suspect?"

"There are currently three people Maori suspects. One is Mr. Oikawa who was the closest to Mr. Shenyuan and Feichi at that time. The knife and stun gun used in the attack were thrown near the three of them. Mr. Oikawa had every chance to commit the crime and threw the knife in the Next to it, and the knife is something from the kitchen of this villa. It is not surprising that there are his and Mr. Shenyuan’s fingerprints on it. At that time, Mr. Shenyuan’s face and clothes were splashed with Feichi’s blood, and Mr. Oikawa hugged Mr. Shenyuan again, so There are also bloodstains on his body, and he is very suspected of committing the crime," Nakamori Ginzo said, turning his head to look at the easel, and then at the pryed-off ceiling, "But what doesn't make sense is that his painting appeared in the trailer of Kaitou Kidd. The painting in the letter also disappeared, and he couldn’t find it afterwards. He had no way to hide the painting. In addition, the ceiling was pried open. We think there should be another person present at the time, and that person may have committed the crime. Sex is also high."

Mu Mushisan looked at the ceiling, "Then that is to say, the second object of suspicion is..."

"The person who stole that painting is the Kaitou Kidd himself," Nakamori Ginzo confirmed, "Feichi once sabotaged his plan, he may hold a grudge and take advantage of the opportunity to attack Feichi, not necessarily It was intended to kill people, it could have been an act of revenge."

Kuroba Kaito: "..."

This... is quite unjust 2.

When his elder brother raised his hand and shot him, he didn't dare to retaliate afterwards and take the opportunity to stab the knife, for he was afraid that his elder brother would shoot him again in a jerk.

I can't afford to mess with the abnormal old man, okay...

Wait, Brother Feichi probably doesn't think the same way, does he? For example, he stabbed the knife as a prank while stealing the painting, but he really stabbed it?

No, no, Brother Feichi is very smart, it is impossible not to guess that these have nothing to do with him!

"But what doesn't make sense is that if Kidd wants to take revenge, he doesn't need to target Feichi. Isn't it the same for Mao Li and that little brother? And compared to that, that little brother has sabotaged his plans more times," Nakamori Ginzo He also said, "For children, if you really want to take revenge, you can get away with just a little scare. There's no need to stab Feichi."

Kuroba Kaito kept agreeing in his heart, it was still Aoko's father who understood him.

Even if he was playing a prank, he just wanted to scare and tease that child, why did he stab Brother Feichi?

"The third suspect is Mr. Kanbara," Nakamori Ginzo said, "For example, he was not unconscious at the time, but lay on the ground pretending to be unconscious, and put the mobile phone with the bright screen on his body. When Fei was late by his side, When Feichi was dazzled by the light and couldn't see his surroundings for a while, he suddenly raised his hand and stabbed Feichi with a knife, then threw the knife aside, and then used the stun gun he prepared in advance to make himself unconscious, because the knife had His fingerprints, after Feichi was injured, blood was sprinkled on his face and clothes from above, blood on his body would not arouse suspicion, but his coma does not look fake, and if you stun yourself with a stun gun, then There should be light flashing in the dark, but Feichi said he didn't see it. Of course, we were by the window at that time, with our backs to them, and we were only looking at the window sill illuminated by the flashlight. It is also possible to ignore the light, not Feichi. When he was stabbed with a knife, he may have closed his eyes due to pain or because Mr. Kanbara pressed the stun gun to the side of his clothes, so he did not notice the light."

"Officer Nakamori, you said before that Mr. Mori was entrusted by Mr. Oikawa, and Mr. Ike came to protect the painting together," Miwako Sato asked, "For Mr. Oikawa and Mr. Kamihara who just met, it should be No motive to hurt him?"

"What if it's not the first time Feichi and Mr. Shenyuan have met?" Nakamori Ginzo asked rhetorically.

Mu Mu Shisan was taken aback, and quickly asked, "What do you mean?"

"Feichi and Mr. Shenyuan met at the painting auction venue more than ten years ago. Logically speaking, Feichi was only a child of seven or eight years old at that time. It is impossible for anyone to hold grudges against him, but there is an intersection," Zhong Mori said. Yinsan said helplessly, "Besides, Feichi proposed to talk to Mr. Shenyuan before, but after hearing what Mr. Oichuan said, Mr. Shenyuan went to the first floor to check the locks of the doors and windows, so he agreed to talk after the good thing is over. They should talk to each other. It's not just as simple as meeting once, maybe something happened back then, or Feichi discovered some secret inadvertently, which made one of them feel murderous."

Mu Mushisan frowned, "Didn't you ask Brother Chi? Whether those two people had a motive to harm him, he should know, right?"

"He just said it was impossible. Mr. Kanbara must have fainted at the time, but he seemed to remember something quickly and didn't say anything further," Nakamori Ginzo spread his hands, "Mr. Oikawa said that he didn't know that the two knew each other before. I don't know anything about what happened back then, and Mr. Shenyuan is still in a coma, so Feichi doesn't want to talk about it, saying he wants to wait until Mr. Shenyuan wakes up."

Mu Mu Shisan felt a little headache, "We also want to find the gangster who hurt him, isn't he willing to tell?"

"Then I found out that you were here, so I went downstairs to pick you up. Maori is currently on the third floor watching the surveillance in this room before and after the power outage, and he is also there," Nakamori Ginzo turned around and was about to leave after finishing speaking, "Go ask yourself Him."

Mu Mushisan was a little surprised, "Don't you care? This incident may also be done by Kidd!"

"I still don't think it was Kidd's work. If that guy retaliated because he was blocked from stealing, then I would have been attacked hundreds of times." Nakamori Ginzo waved his hands without looking back, and left the studio, " And I also want to find the missing painting, if I find the painting, maybe I can find something, if I bump into Kidd, I can ask him if he did something good!"

Kaito Kuroba silently shouted in his heart: No, no, absolutely not!

Mu Mu Shisan saw that this place was still under investigation, so he took three subordinates up to the third floor.

In the surveillance room, Kogoro Mori sat at the table, repeatedly checked the surveillance before the power outage, and when he saw Meguro Shisan coming, he turned his head and said hello, "Officer Megure, you are here."

Mu Mu Shisan nodded, and walked towards Chi Feichi who was leaning against the window with a serious face, "Brother Chi, I have something to ask you."

Conan also looked at the two, looking forward to it.

Very good, Police Officer Mu Mu showed his momentum, at least he had to find out whether the two people in this family had any motives!

Mu Mu Thirteen stared firmly at Chi Feichi, "When you met Mr. Shenyuan more than ten years ago, did something unusual happen?"

Chi Feichi looked at Mu Mu Shisan calmly, "I burned his paintings."

Now that the police have arrived, Koizumi Hongzi who went to his house to get things should be arriving soon.

He has never pushed to solve the case, nor has he provided too many clues. He just wanted to procrastinate for a while, so as to avoid any accidents after Chuan Wulai was exposed.

"This matter is related to your safety, you... what, what?" Mu Mushisan reacted, and turned to look at Mori Kogoro.

Chi Feichi refused to say what was agreed, Zhong Sen lied to him?

Mori Kogoro was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that after asking for a long time, his apprentice insisted on waiting for Haruhito Kanbara to wake up. Officer Megure said as soon as he came, and suddenly felt that he was a little hurt as a teacher, "You burned Mr. Kanbara's painting? Why?"

Feeling the vibration of the phone, Chi Feichi took it out to have a look, went out the door, and explained, "Sorry, I got someone to bring me something, I'll get it when I go out, and I'll talk about it when I come back."

"Hey, Feichi, I..." Mori Kogoro stood up and found that Chi Feichi had already gone out.

In the corridor, Chi Feichi's voice gradually went away, "Hello? are waiting for me on the road..."

Taking advantage of other people not paying attention, Conan immediately slipped out the door, and Haibara Ai followed quietly.

Mori Kogoro and Mumu Shisan looked at each other, raised their hands and scratched the back of their heads, guessing maliciously, "That kid didn't do anything bad back then, I'm sorry to say, so he hid?"

"Probably not..." Mu Mu Shisan thought for a while, and felt that Chi Feichi was someone who dared not admit it, "I'm afraid the thing that brother Chi went to get is related to this matter, we'll wait for a while." Bar."

Miwako Sato looked at Takera Oikawa who was standing aside, "Mr. Oikawa, have you heard anything about burning paintings from Mr. Kanbara?"

"This..." Oikawa Wulai desperately recalled, he also hoped that there could be other things to increase the suspicion of others, so that he could be mixed with other suspects, "I have never heard of the burning of paintings, but ..."

"What's wrong?" Mori Kogoro asked, "Did you remember anything special?"

"Twelve or thirteen years ago, as long as there was a large-scale auction, my father would contact the auctioneer in advance and ask the other party to put his paintings on the auction for auction, and use the money to sell my wife for medical treatment. So in those two years, he I often go out to participate in auctions and go to various auction venues. I don't know when they met, but I have to say something special..." He Chuanwu Lai paused, and said seriously, "It was twelve years ago. One night, when my father came home late, his clothes were covered in dried mud and water, his hair was messed up and covered with grass blades. When I reminded him, he just nodded in dismay and went into the bedroom. On the second day, he handed over the money he got from the auctioned paintings to the hospital, and sat by my wife’s bed in a daze. It seemed that shortly after that, his right hand began to tremble, and he didn’t take it until ten years ago. I can't afford a paintbrush, and I didn't draw a decent work in those two years. In the end, I simply gave up and only taught me how to paint. I thought it was because he was worried about my wife's illness. It was too hard to support the medical expenses in those two years. , so the spirit is not very good."

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