Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1361 Just... quite innocent

"Is that kid bullying the old man?" Mori Kogoro guessed, and quickly shook his head again and again, "Impossible, impossible, Feichi is not the kind of person who would do such a thing."

Kuroba Kaito assumed Takagi Shinto's identity, and guessed, "Could there be some misunderstanding?"

"If that was the time when Mr. Chi and Mr. Shenyuan met, Mr. Chi was only eight years old at the time, right?" Miwako Sato said with a puzzled face, "Even if he burned the painting mischievously, Mr. Shenyuan wouldn't be here after twelve years. Today, you suddenly became murderous towards him, right?"


A group of people rubbed their chins in contemplative poses.


Downstairs, Conan went under the window of the studio, and asked the mobile team who had been guarding here to confirm the situation at that time.

Did anyone come out at that time...

Apart from pens and pen holders, is there anything else that fell on the ground...

After learning that there was still a fishing line with a hook on the scene, which was regarded as something thrown by nearby fishermen, he immediately asked for the fishing line, held a watch in his mouth to illuminate, looked at the fishing line several times, and started again. Find something on the ground nearby.

Hui Yuanai followed, turned on the watch-shaped flashlight to help illuminate, and asked in a low voice, "Aren't you going to see Brother Feichi?"

Conan looked up at the road up the mountain, then continued to look down for something, "He should have something to take, and he will come back when he gets it, and it won't be too late to listen to him, I want to clarify a problem first, Why did the gangster set up the illusion that the window was knocked open next to the window..."

"Didn't uncle say that it was because he wanted to attract the attention of other people and took the opportunity to attack brother Feichi?" Hui Yuanai turned his head and looked around, not sure what Conan was looking for.

"Is the gangster's target really Brother Chi?" Conan asked suddenly.

Haibara Ai looked at Conan suspiciously, "You mean..."

"Brother Chi was the only one injured. The wound was very close to the heart, and the mobile phone he saw with the bright screen was like a trap to lure him over. That's why we think the gangsters deliberately set up a trap to kill Brother Chi," Conan said seriously. He whispered, "But don't you think it's too unsafe? The light may be discovered by us who are the first to enter the door, or Brother Chi may not have noticed. Wouldn't the gangster kill others by mistake or not be able to hurt Brother Chi?"

"That is to say, it was just a coincidence that Brother Feichi was injured. In fact, the gangster had another goal." Huiyuan Ai sorted out his thoughts, and was suddenly taken aback. On the collar, then..."

"That's right," Conan smiled confidently, and the watch-shaped flashlight in his hand illuminated a large rock with small holes in it, as if he had finally found a treasure, with surprise in his eyes, "As long as Brother Chi is injured If you get out of the misunderstanding, you will find that the target of the gangster should be Mr. Kanbara...and I think I have found the missing painting!"

The two quickly turned around and returned to the villa, but as soon as they reached the second floor, they found that there was a commotion in front of the room at the end of the corridor, and Mori Kogoro, Chiba Kazunobu were banging on the door again.

"One, two! One, two!..."


Another door of this villa was knocked open.

When Mori Kogoro looked at the room behind the door, he was stunned for a moment, and immediately ran in, "Mr. Kanbara!"

Conan ran forward and found that Mori Kogoro and Mumu Shisan were letting Kamihara Haruhito down from a rope, and he was a little dazed.

This... what's going on? How did Haruhito Kanbara hang up?

"Great, I'm still breathing!" Mori Kogoro said, putting Kamihara Haruhito to the ground for first aid.

Conan breathed a sigh of relief, raised his head and asked Mao Lilan who was beside him with a worried face, "Sister Xiaolan, what's going on?"

"The old man woke up not long ago. He said that he was covered in blood and wanted to take a shower before going to see Police Officer Megure. He also drove out the two police officers who were guarding him." When the police officer went to explain the situation to Police Officer Mumu, Dad heard that Mr. Shen Yuan woke up, and was anxious to find out what happened to Brother Feichi and Mr. Shen Yuan back then, so he ran over and knocked on the door. We were worried that Mr. Shen Yuan would be angry, so we hurriedly followed Come here, but the door couldn’t be knocked open, even if Dad threatened that if he didn’t open the door again, he was going to knock on the door, there was no response from inside, Dad found something was wrong, worried that Mr. Shen Yuan might have an accident or absconded, so he knocked on the door..."


In the room, Kamihara Haruhito woke up, supported by Mori Kogoro, and sat up.

"Okay..." Mori Kogoro let out a long sigh of relief, "Mr. Kanbara, what can you tell me directly, why do you have to do such an extreme thing..."

Kamihara Haruhito didn't say anything, just lowered his head and coughed, breathing slowly.

"Megure!" Nakamori Ginzo came over with a policeman, who was still holding a painting in his hand, "The painting was found!"

Oikawa Takerai: "???"

painting? What painting? He didn't paint that painting "Qing Lan" at all!

Conan: "???"

What the hell? In his reasoning, that painting should not exist.

Was his reasoning wrong?

When the two looked at a loss, Mori Kogoro and Meguro Shisan stepped forward without much hesitation.

"What? Did you find the painting?"

Where did you find it? "

"The restroom over there is placed generously at the door. When our people searched and passed by, they saw a painting and found it very strange. The painting on it seemed to be the breeze in early summer, which was similar to the theme of wind in "Qing Lan". It matches, and there is no signature, but there are faint lead marks of the word "Qinglan" on the back of the painting, which should be the lost painting, so I hurriedly brought it here for Mr. Oikawa to confirm," Nakamori Ginzo breathed a sigh of relief, looking To Oikawa Takerai who was stunned in place, "Mr. Oikawa, take a look. Is this the lost piece of "Qing Lan"?"

The theme of "Green Lane" is wind. The wind in this painting is invisible, but the large green and green branches and leaves are layered on top of each other. They seem to be blown by the breeze and fall to one side. The painting is beautiful and vibrant.

"Ah, good..." Oikawa Takerai stepped forward.

Conan looked at Oikawa Takerai with a more ignorant expression than he did just now. He was feeling strange when he inadvertently saw a deep mark on the heel of the thumb of Kamihara Haruhito's left hand that was resting on his knee when he got up in the room. Instantly understand.

Oikawa Takerai looked at the painting, not knowing what to do.

Say this is "Qing Lan"? He himself knew that "Qing Lan" did not exist at all, if this was a trap for the police to find a random painting to test him, what should we do?

But what if he said it wasn't "Qing Lan"? He couldn't tell what happened to the painting that suddenly appeared in his home, and he couldn't tell what "Qing Lan" was like if asked.

"How is it, Mr. Oikawa?" Nakamori Ginzo hurriedly confirmed, "Is it this painting?"

Oikawa Takerai gritted his teeth and decided to agree first, "Ah, yes..."

Conan walked aside and was about to use an anesthetic needle to put Mori Kogoro down when he suddenly found Haruhito Kanbara walking towards the window alone. He suddenly had a bad guess and shouted, "Mr. Kanbara!"

The others were startled and looked into the room.

Haruhito Kanbara noticed that Mumu Shisan was walking towards him, walked quickly to the window, opened the window suddenly, turned around and warned, "Don't come here! Don't come here, everyone!"

Mu Mu Shisan was stunned, and quickly stopped, "Shen, Mr. Shen Yuan, what are you doing?"

Haruhito Kanbara took a slow breath, and said seriously, "I did it all, I was obsessed..."

Seeing the rhythm of 'suicide in fear of crime', the others broke out in a cold sweat and did not dare to step forward.

Just now when Kogoro Mori suspected that Haruhito Kamihara was 'absconding in fear of crime', they had considered it, and concluded that it was impossible.

This villa is built on a mountain peak, and a two-story floor frame is supported by a wooden frame on one side, so from the front window of the villa, this is the second floor, but if you jump from the window that opens to the rear of this room, you will still be injured. To add the height of two shelves, that is to say, four stories high, there are still steep mountain walls below, if you can't shovel it with a spatula.

"Mr. Shenyuan," Mu Mushisan tried to calm down with a calm tone, "Please calm down, no one has died now, Feichi's injury is not too serious, and it is not the worst situation!"

Haruhito Kanbara had a painful expression on his face, "I can't take it anymore, I really can't take it anymore..."

"Mr. Kanbara, if you have something to say," Mori Kogoro also said quickly, thinking of Oikawa Takerai who said that when Haruhito Kanbara came home more than ten years ago, he was covered in grass leaves and mud, "Is it true that Feichi put you in the first place?" Kicked into the ditch?!"

Mu Mu Thirteen, Mao Lilan was stunned for a moment.

Conan staggered and almost fell to the ground.

Hey, uncle, what kind of imagination is this? Let's not talk about whether Chi Feichi was so skinny when he was a child, even if he was so skinny, no matter how thin Mr. Shenyuan is, he is not something a seven or eight-year-old child can kick into a ditch.

Not every kid has foot strengthening shoes like him!

Kamihara Haruhito was also dazed, staring blankly at Kogoro Mori, not quite understanding what Kogoro Mori was talking about.

Mori Kogoro saw that Haruhito Kanbara had calmed down, thinking that his persuasion had worked, so he gave Conan a hard look.

This kid is also very skinny, kicking football indiscriminately and hitting people all the time!

I didn't expect his apprentice to be skinny when he was a child, no wonder he got along with this kid!

Conan: "?"

Why is the uncle staring at him suddenly? It's just... pretty innocent.

"Mr. Kanbara," Mori Kogoro put away the grievances in his heart, no matter what he said, he still wanted to persuade him, "If you are worried about what happened back then, you should talk about it, because you hurt others or It's wrong to hurt yourself, you can't be really happy, and I'll tell Feichi well, he's actually a very good boy, if... If it's really not good, then watch me kick him into the ditch once !"

Haruhito Kanbara temporarily gave up jumping off the building, sighed, and turned to look at Kogoro Mori, "Mr. Mori, you probably misunderstood..."

"Anyway, calm down first..." Mori Kogoro heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Haruhito Kanbara's relaxed attitude.

Alas, his apprentice is really serious. Look at what he has forced the old man into. He stabbed people with a knife and wanted to commit suicide. He wanted to commit suicide more than once.

He suddenly felt that he was very tired, and everyone was worried. Looking at what happened today, it was not easy for him to be a teacher!

Conan couldn't stand it anymore, raised his watch, aimed at Kogoro Mori, and knocked it down with one needle.

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