Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1366 Sow discord

Mu Mushisan and Nakamori Ginzo resisted the pressure of the reporters and led people out.

"There is no murder, it's all rumors!"

"Kidd didn't show up at all!"

"Okay, it's inconvenient for us to say more about the situation related to the case..."

In order to avoid the reporter's questioning, Mumu Shisan also discussed with Nakamori Ginzo, and let Oikawa Takeyori and Nakamori Ginzo ride in the same car. In this way, it looks like Oikawa Takerai went because of the lost painting In the police station, reporters will not keep asking about hurting people.

Conan stared at 'Takagi Wataru' in the crowd, moved slowly, and found the angle suitable for playing football, feeling puzzled.

It's strange, if it's correct, Officer Takagi should be faked by Kaitou Kidd, but why doesn't this guy run away, he still wants to wait for Kidd to leave the crowd, go over and knock him down.

Um? Could it be that Kidd saw his intentions and kept mingling with the crowd?

He has to keep an eye on it, lest this guy escape in the chaos!

Kaito Kuroba mixed in the crowd, and found that Conan was staring at him and moving slowly, with a malicious smile on the corner of his mouth, deliberately calculating the angle, turning to the left for a while, and turning to the right for a while, looking like he was squeezed by reporters, but quietly Guide Conan to the ditch beside the villa.

In this kind of mountains and fields, a lot of mud will be washed down after a heavy rain, and the road will become completely muddy, so there is a ditch for drainage along the road next to the villa.

When he came, he noticed that there was a lot of muddy water in the ditch...

Conan was engrossed in staring at the 'Takagi Tsutoru' who was being squeezed back and forth in the crowd, and he didn't notice that he retreated step by step to the ditch, and was suddenly held by a hand when he was about to fall.

Haruhito Kanbara stood by and watched, and found that Conan almost fell into the ditch, so he stretched out his hand and said, "Be careful, little brother, there is a ditch for drainage here."

"Uh..." Conan turned his head to look, raised his head and smiled at Haruhito Kanbara, "Thank you, Mr. Kanbara!"

Kamihara Haruhito touched the top of Conan's head with his hand, and sighed.

Conan was silent for a moment. He couldn't imagine what Chi Feichi's eyes were full of pain that year, nor could he imagine the angry and distorted face of such a calm and easy-going old man. Two painful souls met, stabbed each other, and kindly felt guilty about it, "Grandpa is also a very good person!"

Haruhito Kanbara looked at Conan's innocent smiling face, and then thought of the painting he had received, and felt a little relieved. He nodded to Conan, and looked at Chi Feichi who came with Hui Yuanai.

Conan thought that Chi Feichi had come to talk to Kanhara Haruhito, so he didn't pay attention, and continued to stare at a strange thief crowded in the crowd.

This bastard actually wanted to throw him into the ditch, and almost succeeded, really...

Chi Feichi walked in front of Conan, and naturally raised his knee forward slightly.

Conan felt that when he fell backwards, it was too late, and he fell into the ditch unexpectedly, "Ah!"

Kamihara Haruhito: "?"

what's the situation? What happened? Why did the child still fall?

Haibara Ai:"?"

She saw that it was Brother Chi who knocked Edogawa down with his knee, on purpose! But why?

In the crowd, Kaitou Kidd almost didn't laugh directly.

The famous detective thinks this is just a trap to lure him into the ditch? No, no, he saw that Brother Feichi went there too, if the lure fails, Brother Feichi will kick the famous detective in for him~

Brother Feichi really lived up to his expectations.

This wave of sowing dissension was successful, and I am in a good mood!

Beside the ditch, Chi Feichi squatted down, stretched out his hand and lifted the thumping Conan out.

Conan was soaked in muddy water. After standing still, his body was still dripping water. He looked at Chi Feichi angrily, "What are you doing?"

Don't think he didn't notice, Chi Feichi did it on purpose!

Chi Feichi stared at Conan with a slightly cold face, "Officer Takagi said, you guessed that I kicked Mr. Kanbara into the ditch back then, and you also said that if Mr. Kanbara couldn't think about it, he could ask Mr. Mori to kick me into the ditch..."

Kamihara Haruhito was puzzled, "No, I remember that time..."

It was the Maori detective who said it, not this little brother?

Sensing the danger in Chi Feichi's eyes, Conan felt his scalp tingle, and soon realized that it was a trap set by some thief, and looked towards the crowd.

Hui Yuanai was taken aback for a moment, then turned around and looked over.

Officer Takagi is Kaitou Kid, right?

Takagi She was no longer in the crowd.

Conan saw that a strange thief really took the opportunity to run away, gritted his teeth, scanned the surroundings with fiery eyes, and finally caught a white figure on a big tree.

Kuroba Kaito changed back to Kaito Kidd's white dress, stood on the tree and looked at the crowd, his monocle was somewhat reflective, like a gentleman enjoying the scenery quietly in the dark night, when he noticed that Conan was watching, he looked up at Conan Put on a big smile.


Are you angry? Just ask the famous detective if he is angry?

"Phantom Thief Kidd!"

Conan exploded completely when he saw a certain thief laughing jokingly, and found that the reporters and the police were startled by his shout, pointed at the white figure on the tree, and shouted, "Kidd is there!"

The eyes of the large group of reporters, Ginzo Nakamori and other police officers changed, and they quickly turned their heads to look at the phantom thief on the tree.

Kuroba Kaito sweated: "..."

Oops, got carried away, things are a little bit bad.

"Catch him!" Nakamori Ginzo waved his hands and roared, leading the people to rush up.

Conan took advantage of the fact that everyone in front of him ran towards Kidd, ran a few steps to the side, popped out the football in his belt, squatted down and turned the knob of the foot-strengthening shoe, aimed at a certain white figure who was trying to escape with the hang glider, and slammed Kicked over.


He also attacked Kidd, and Kidd actually tricked him, bastard watching the game!

Beside the ditch, Chi Feichi didn't follow suit, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He didn't get involved in the incident today, and it's normal for him not to know that Takagi Wataru is Kaitou Kidd.

And Gao Mushe is usually a good old man, he would blush when he tells a lie, and it is normal for him to believe Gao Mushe's words.

So, since there is a reasonable reason to bully Conan, why doesn't he believe it?

Sowing discord, he also likes it.

Over there, Kaito Kuroba had just used the hang glider to escape from the tree trunk and was flying, feeling something was wrong, when he turned his head and saw a football flying towards him with a faint electric light, his expression changed instantly.


Bai Ying was hit on the back and fell into the woods.

Nakamori Ginzo's energetic voice echoed in the forest.

"Kidd fell, catch him!"

"Wait! Officer Nakamori," a mobile team member looked up, pointing at the white shadow that rose into the sky and went away, "Kidd is there!"

"No, I'm still not sure if it's true or not," Nakamori Ginzo said, "Find it for me!"

In the dark woods, Kaito Kuroba changed into the mobile team's clothes, put on the helmet, endured the pain of being hit on his back, gritted his teeth, and mingled with the mobile team members who were searching.

That famous detective is really ruthless, anyway, they are also people who have flown a plane together to explore dangers, that kid is as ruthless as brother Feichi, to give him such a heavy ball...

He remembers it first, and pays it back another day!


"Tie Again! Kidd has made great achievements in defeating the stars, and the Kaitou Kidd is still undefeated"

The next day, in Poirot's Café, Conan stared at the news in the newspaper on the table and became furious.

He definitely hit someone last night, but he was run away by that thief again, so it can't be said that "Kidd the Kaitou is undefeated".

And when he went to the villa for an interview, those people also took a lot of photos of his spirit, why was this one the last photo selected and printed?

An enlarged photo occupies nearly half of the entire front page.

In the photo, a certain elementary school student was covered in mud, his face and glasses were scratched, and he ran desperately into the woods with a serious face, like a poor street child being chased by a villain.

Whoever wrote this is definitely a Kaitou Kidd fan!

Chi Feichi glanced at the newspaper on the table and continued drinking coffee.

Kaitou Kidd is still so famous, even when "Elysium Pure Land" was still hot, it still occupied the front page, and even occupied the front page of the entertainment section.

He suddenly understood Suzuki Jirokichi's mood of wanting to get rid of the Phantom Thief. Yesterday, there was an exclusive interview program with Qian Heling, which could be the front page without accident, but the phantom thief who appeared made it to the next page...

Hui Yuanai didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, holding a cup of watermelon juice, looking at the enlarged photo on the front page, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, "Actually, this photo is not bad. The lens captures it well. The feeling of being a big movie on the run is strong."

"Xiao Ai..." Mao Lilan laughed dryly.

Not to mention, she took a closer look and found that this photo really looked like a scene from a movie, and it wouldn't feel inconsistent if a chasing monster was added behind Conan.

Conan raised his head resentfully, and stared at Chi Feichi with half-moon eyes, "It's because Brother Chi listened to the nonsense of the ghost thief Kidd, and deliberately knocked me into the ditch..."

Chi Feichi drank his coffee with downcast eyes, "The Kaito Kidd deliberately sows discord, if you are serious, you will lose."

"Hmph..." Conan withdrew his gaze, took a sip of orange juice with a straw with a straight face, not wanting to be completely tricked by Kaitou Kidd, but he was still in a bad mood, "But even if you don't know it's Kaitou Kidd, You can't just throw me into the ditch just because of one sentence, right? Do you know that this is too much?"

Chi Feichi put down the coffee cup, feeling the need to correct him, "When I walked in front of you, I was still relented, so I used my knees."

Conan: "..."

Then what?

If it wasn't for the sudden 'soft heart', Chi Feichi really planned to kick him into the ditch?

Does this guy understand? What he said is that it's wrong to attack others because of a word from outside, especially for his own friends. Chi Feichi actually said that he is still "soft-hearted" 'Oh, it's's unreasonable, it's unreasonable!

"Okay, okay, when you came back, you made Feichi's car full of mud, and he didn't say anything. You don't need to wash the car, you don't need to wash the clothes, and you don't have a cold, so don't think about it," Mao Li said. Goro picked up the newspaper and flipped through it, "It's just a picture of a mess, it's normal for a child to get dirty, no one will care!"

Conan: "..."

The uncle is suspected of not having back pain while standing and talking.

Really, it was the uncle who said 'kick Chi Feichi into the ditch' at first, so it's not completely unrelated to this matter.

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