Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1367 The Apprentice's Life Is Full of Suffering

Mori Kogoro also suddenly realized that this matter had something to do with him. Thinking about how his apprentice was willing to go to the ditch with children, he suddenly felt bad, and decided to bypass this matter, "By the way, Feichi, you have been in the past two days. Are you free?"

Chi Feichi nodded, "I'm free, I plan to rest for a few more days to recuperate."

Hui Yuan Ai has been sticking to him recently, it should be the aftereffect of Belmode appearing beside him, he didn't plan to run around anymore, let's talk about it after this time.

Anyway, it's impossible for Hui Yuanai to stare at him like this all the time, just treat it as him spending time with his sister.

Today I originally planned to take Hui Yuanai to the zoo to see the dumpling, but the dumpling likes to jump on him whenever there is nothing to do, and the injury on his left chest can't withstand the blow, so he can only go another day.

"That's right," Mori Kogoro sighed, "It's really easy for you to get involved with the incident..."

Chi Feichi looked at Mori Kogoro and remained silent.

In this kind of matter, is his teacher qualified to complain about him?

Mori Kogoro looked back at Chi Feichi and remained silent.

At least he won't borrow which house or house has an accident, his friend was almost murdered, his friend became a suspect repeatedly, his arm was cut by a falling sword, he was pushed into the sea, he was almost knocked off the cliff by a kid, or stabbed by a knife, right?

Thinking about it this way, the life of his apprentice is really full of suffering, and it is not easy to live.

After a while, Kogoro Mouri took the lead to look away and touched his nose, "Hey, I want to ask you, do you want to go out for a walk? Leave your work aside and go to the wild where the air is better to see the scenery. Taste the delicious food there and relax, it's better than being bored at home, right?"

Hui Yuanai thought for a while and reminded, "Mountain climbing is not an option. Brother Feichi should try not to take violent actions in the near future. Whether it is a wound tear or soaking in sweat, it will not be good for the wound recovery."

"It's not climbing, it's going to a hot spring hotel outside Tokyo. The car can go directly to the door," Mori Kogoro said with a smile, "Although Feichi can't drink or soak in hot springs right now, the environment near the hot spring hotel is quiet, and the rooms have big windows. There is also a courtyard for rest, and a lake for people to fish, and the recent accommodation, food and drink are half price, it would be a pity not to take the opportunity to experience it.”

"Half price?!"

The poor girl Mao Lilan, who was worried about housekeeping, heard the half price, and then heard Kogoro Mouri describe it so well, her eyes lit up immediately, "Dad, are you sure?"

"That's what you said in the brochure of the hot spring hotel that you brought back," Kogoro Mori recalled, "The time for the annual half-price event should be tomorrow and the day after tomorrow."

"I'm going to get the brochure!" Mao Lilan immediately got up and ran out of Poirot Cafe and went upstairs.

Mori Kogoro's expectations were also full, and he said to Chi Feichi, "How about it? If you want to go, I'll call to book a room at night and I'll make a reservation together. Just treat me as a teacher and take you and that The kid went out to rest and recuperate."

He invited his apprentice to travel, and the apprentice would be embarrassed to kick him into the ditch again, right?

"Brother Feichi, do you want to go?" Hui Yuanai hesitated.

It's a good thing to let Brother Feichi go out for a stroll, otherwise Brother Feichi will definitely look at the computer to read some reports or write some scripts these two days. I don't think it's a wise choice.

Chi Feichi was also silent for a while, "If you follow the teacher and Conan..."

"What's the matter with us?" Mori Kogoro expressed his incomprehension to Chi Feichi's hesitation, "I can also ask Xiaolan to take care of that brat for you, so the two of us can go fishing for a while, wouldn't that be great? "

Chi Feichi said bluntly, "I'm worried that events are calling."

Conan felt that Chi Feichi was not qualified to complain about them, so he turned his head and looked at the street outside the window.

A certain person came to Mihua Town once before, and they had an incident in Mihua Town, sitting in the detective agency, a kidnapper died in a car accident outside.

Mori Kogoro also choked, "It can't be such a coincidence every time, right? I don't think that hot spring hotel is a place where incidents will happen!"

Hui Yuanai thought about it, then looked at Chi Feichi, "I think it would be nice to go and play together."

She doesn't quite believe the uncle's words of "I see", but Brother Feichi needs to leave work and rest more, and she has to monitor Brother Feichi's movements recently, if he goes with an acquaintance, Brother Feichi doesn't have to keep thinking about how to take care of him It's good for her to go play.

Even if something happens at that time, she just needs to keep an eye on it, don't let Brother Feichi run after him, and don't let Brother Feichi get hurt again.

Seeing that Hui Yuanai had thought it over, Chi Feichi nodded and agreed.

Mao Lilan went downstairs with the brochure, and a group of people sat in Poirot Cafe to make travel arrangements.

The hot spring hotel is indeed a good place, with a large area. The rooms in the picture are spacious and bright, with a large courtyard planted with landscape trees, indoor hot springs and open-air hot springs, and a fishing lake behind the hotel. The fishermen cook the fish and shrimps they catch, and the shop itself also has many signature delicacies.

Beautiful food and wine, as well as half-price activities, made Mao Lilan feel "earned".

That night, Chi Feichi took Hui Yuanai to stay in the small house at No. 143 Mihua Town, gave up his attic to Hui Yuanai, and went to live in the bedroom on the second floor.

Hui Yuanai sat on the second floor watching TV, and from time to time lowered his head to pick a piece of pleasing fruit from the fruit plate, picked it up and ate it slowly, saw Chi Feichi bring the medical kit into the room, stood up and said, "Brother Feichi, you need to change your medicine Is it? After I wash my hands..."

"No, I'll do it myself."


The room door was closed by Chi Feichi.

Hui Yuanai went back to the sofa and sat down, continued to eat fruit and watch TV.

By the way, isn't Brother Feichi shy?

In the room, Chi Feichi took off his coat and T-shirt, and looked at the cut marks on his left arm.

Last night's treatment of the wound was to cut the clothes directly, but not tonight. If Hui Yuan Ai saw the scattered knife wounds on his arm and didn't know where to go, he'd better avoid it.

But the injury healed too slowly, that is to say, the injury on Lark's fake face would have to last for a while?

The design of the small house No. 143 is really not good. The two rooms on the first floor are disgusted by poor lighting. Living on the second floor and the attic are not bad, but if the living room and the room are on the second floor, you will have to go home at night, wash, and sleep. Running back and forth on the first floor, the second floor, the first floor and the second floor, the stairs are steep and narrow, and someone with bad legs will definitely collapse in minutes.

After washing up and going up to the second floor, Hui Yuanai quickly grabbed Feichi with his hands, stretched out his hand, and said in a coaxing tone to a child, "No, Feichi, you can't sleep with Brother Feichi tonight. You accidentally touched his left rib injury, he will be very painful."

Feichi stretched his neck to look at Chi Feichi, Snake Xinzi didn't vomit, "I have experience, I won't get hurt..."

"Xiao Ai..." Chi Feichi also felt that he was not used to it. Hui Yuan Ai used his injury as an excuse to "conquer" Feichi last night. He felt that something was missing even when he was sleeping.

"No." Hui Yuan Ai felt like a villain who broke up others, but still resisted the urge to compromise and carried Feichi to the attic, "Don't rely too much on Feichi, at least two more days to wait for your wound Let's talk about it when it's almost healed."

Chi Feichi didn't catch up, turned off the TV, and called his cheap mother.

"The auction twelve years ago? Was it the time you bought a painting and then burned it?" Chi Kanai was a little puzzled when he heard Chi Feichi's question, "If the housekeeper doesn't count, I didn't let anyone stare at you , what happened to that auction?"

"It's nothing, I suddenly remembered that there was a suspicious person nearby that day, maybe a thief." Chi Feichi responded casually, his eyes downcast thinking.

Not his mother? Could it be someone from the organization?

It must not be a day or two for the organization to pay attention to him. Even if it is not every day, they will probably pay attention to his movements occasionally. But what reason does that person have to let someone drive Kamihara Haruhito into the air? Or... Could it be someone related to the Fields?

There is no other clue at the moment, just keep it in mind.

"At that time, you often lost your temper and smashed a lot of things at home..."

Chi Kanai didn't ask any further questions, and pulled Chi Feichi to chat with him, and chatted about his recent movements. After learning that Hui Yuan Ai had fallen asleep, he asked about Hui Yuan Ai's recent situation.

Chi Feichi chatted with him for a long time, hung up the phone, heaved a sigh of relief, turned on the laptop, connected to Ark with his left eye, and cooperated with the study materials.

Sure enough, he still doesn't like chatting about trivial matters in life, which is more tiring than work.

At one o'clock in the night, Feichi sneaked down from the attic and said excitedly, "Master, Xiao Ai is asleep, let's go, let's go to bed too!"

Chi Feichi turned off the computer, got up and turned off the lights in the living room.

Good, go to bed.


Early the next morning, Hui Yuan Ai woke up and found that Feichi was not coiled next to the pillow. When she went downstairs, she found that Chi Feichi was making breakfast in the kitchen, and Feichi was watching dance videos on the sofa in the living room. She was a little unsure if it was Feichi Woke up early and went downstairs.

"Morning, brother Feichi, morning, Feichi..."

"Morning, go downstairs to wash up, and then have breakfast."

"Okay..." Hui Yuanai yawned, looked at Feichi who was staring at the computer motionlessly, and floated downstairs to wash up.

On the sofa, I was very happy, "Master, Xiao Ai is not suspicious, this method is feasible!"

Chi Feichi felt that this method could not be used often, so he went out with his breakfast, thinking about how to spend the next few days.

After Hui Yuanai went upstairs, he saw a glass of lavender drink on the table and yellow rolls with white circles on the plate, and climbed up on the chair curiously, "Brother Feichi, what is breakfast this morning?" ?”

"I'm worried that you're tired of drinking milk, so I made purple potato milk," Chi Feichi brought out Feichi eel cubes and porridge from the kitchen, "and egg pancakes, and a bowl of porridge."

Hui Yuanai felt that Chi Feichi had misunderstood the term 'tired of eating', "But yesterday was fruit tea, and the day before yesterday was not milk..."

"I've had plain milk many times." Chi Feichi put the porridge and Feichi's small plates on the table.

Haibara Ai:"……"

Well, for Brother Feichi, food that has been eaten several times will definitely be classified as 'greasy'.

When will she finish brushing up the recipes in Brother Feichi's mind? curious……

Chi Feichi served the porridge, and handed a bowl to Hui Yuanai, "There is still a portion of noodles, I'll serve it."

Hui Yuanai was a little puzzled, "Do you have to eat so much for breakfast?"

"Eat more," Chi Feichi was serving noodles in the kitchen, "If something happens, lunch will be gone."

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