Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1368 Flag Will Down Kogoro

Huiyuan Ai couldn't refute for a while, looked down and saw the pink and white porridge in the bowl, which was composed of other ingredients and rice grains like a cherry blossom-like porridge, and couldn't help picking up a spoon to poke it.

As soon as the spoon touched the porridge noodles, the 'cherry blossom clusters' in the bowl immediately spread out, turning into pieces of 'petals' that drifted in the wind, and slowly gathered in the bowl again, clumps together, and returned to their original shape.

Haibara Ai:"……"


Not only good-looking, but also a little fun?

When Chi Feichi brought out the noodles, he saw that Hui Yuanai was still playing with the porridge, and reminded, "There won't be any gatherings soon."

Hui Yuanai couldn't help poking it with a spoon again, then raised her head and asked, "How did you do this?"

Chi Feichi sat down across the table and explained briefly, "Use materials of different densities and hot and cold to create the effect that they can be reunited after spreading out, and when the temperature of the materials that make up the petals is the same as the soup, spread out It’s impossible to get together again, this belongs to molecular gastronomy, that is, molecular cuisine, if you want the recipe, I’ll write it to you later, by the way, I suggest drinking porridge first.”

"I'll try it..." Hui Yuanai looked forward to picking up the spoon to taste the porridge.

After the porridge is in the mouth, the two tastes of cold and warm are slowly fused. The tastes of different ingredients seem to be fused little by little at this moment, and finally a combination of light and sweet is just right.

She probably understands why Chi Feichi suggested to drink porridge first, because it is necessary to let the different flavors fuse in the mouth instantly when the hot and cold are distinct, so as to achieve the best sweet and fragrant taste.

Taste a spoonful, savor it, taste another spoonful, savor it...

After eating a bowl of porridge without knowing it, Hui Yuan Ai didn't understand what kind of ingredients that tempting and comforting sweetness belonged to, or in other words, it was the taste of different ingredients.

There are definitely seasonings and spices in the noodles, but they are also blended to a wonderful degree, just to stimulate the aroma of the ingredients.

Egg pancakes, purple potato milk...

Chi Feichi had just finished eating when he realized that Hui Yuanai had also just put down the cup of milk and started to clean up.

Hui Yuanai got up to help, feeling a bit overwhelmed, and sighed inwardly.

She thinks it's not easy to finish Brother Feichi's recipes, she hasn't finished it yet, Brother Feichi has already started researching new dishes here, it's a pity not to be a chef's veterinarian.

Besides eating and drinking with Brother Feichi, she would have to eat and drink. If this continues, she is worried that her weight will soar. If Brother Feichi raises her like this for two or three years, she doubts that she will grow into a fat girl.

A certain detective asked her to keep an eye on Brother Feichi recently, which was simply a terrifying and heinous hole.

After the two finished clearing the table, they went to pack the things they brought to the hot spring hotel.

Changes of clothes, various emergency medicines, medical supplies for trauma that Chi Feichi may need, insect repellants, tarps...

As soon as he went downstairs, a white car drove up in front of him and stopped.

The rear door was opened, and Mao Lilan got out of the car to help pick up the bag in Hui Yuanai's hand, and explained with a smile, "Brother Feichi, Xiao Ai, get in the car! Because Brother Feichi was injured, wearing a seat belt while driving may cause pressure." So Dad rented a car early in the morning and filled up the gas, thinking that he would come to pick you up when the time comes..."

Taking care of the wounded +1!

The passenger seat was occupied by Conan, and Chi Feichi took Hui Yuanai into the back seat.

After Mao Lilan got into the car and closed the door, the two girls moved their belongings to the side away from Chi Feichi to make more space for Chi Feichi.

Taking care of the wounded +1!

Hui Yuanai also held Feichi in his hand, preventing Feichi from crawling on top of Chi Feichi.

Taking care of the wounded +1!

Chi Feichi felt uncomfortable, and said expressionlessly, "I'm not terminally ill yet, so there's no need for this."

Hui Yuanai and Mao Lilan stood next to each other, reasoning calmly, "Be careful not to press on the wound, it will help recovery, and the wound will heal as soon as possible, so you don't have to suffer for too long."

"Sit down for me, let's go!" Mori Kogoro drove away happily, "Don't worry, as long as you get there, it will be a relaxing day of vacation. Feichi, you just need to relax!"

Chi Feichi: "..."

There are several sentence patterns for establishing Flag:

'Wait for me to come back' = don't wait, people usually don't come back.

'If you finish this ticket, you will wash your hands in the golden basin' = if you can't finish this ticket, you will die.

'Just get there and we'll be safe' = it's impossible to walk there.

'When this war is over, we will go home and get married' = the deadliest Flag, we will never wait for that day.

'Don't worry, everything is covered by me, with me, Kogoro Moori, there will be absolutely no problems' = If there is a serious problem, if you protect the baby, you will lose it, and if you protect everyone, you will die.

The self-confidence of his teacher's immediate flag is no less than that of a person who said "who dares to touch me" and then was beaten severely. When he said "don't worry", he suddenly became less at ease.

Kogoro Mori drove along the road, and started his singing journey with "The Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss", which he barely sang in tune. After that, he sang folk songs and asked Mao Lilan how far he was from time to time.

"The mountain where the rabbit was chased, the river where the fish was fished, that scene is still unforgettable to me..."

Chi Feichi looked sideways out of the car window, listening to Mori Kogoro singing "Hometown" over and over again.

Probably because I sent too many emails to that person. When he listens to such traditional old songs, he always echoes in his mind, 'Crow, why are you crying, crow, why are you crying', which is simply poisonous.


With a soft sound, the electronic screen on the light shield above Kogoro Mori's head lit up.

Chi Feichi immediately withdrew his gaze from the outside and raised his eyes to look forward.

By mistake? still……

Feichi was originally playing the game of 'struggling towards the master' with Hui Yuanai, but he suddenly looked at the electronic screen that suddenly lit up, stood still for a long time, and leaned next to Chi Feichi again.

Hui Yuanai stretched out his hand and pulled Feichi's head back.

Feichi didn't make any more money this time, and leaned his head in the front seat again.

Mori Kogoro looked at the rearview mirror of the car, "Xiao Lan, how many kilometers is it to the hot spring we are going to?"

Mao Lilan looked down at the brochure, "It's about a hundred kilometers away."

Mori Kogoro looked at the driving distance displayed on the car, "We've only traveled ten kilometers."

Mao Lilan put down the brochure, frowned and reminded, "Dad, you ask me every five minutes, I know you are very happy, but please pay attention to the speed of the car, don't go too fast, okay?"

"Master, something's wrong," Feichi retracted his head, and his voice became serious, "Something started to radiate heat at the bottom of the car directly under Mr. In the middle of the bottom plate, I thought it was some part of the car when I got on the car, but now, it looks more like a circuit and electronic board that have just been powered on... The shape of the series connection is exactly the same as a bomb you made before, it is you I said it is the kind of general-purpose upgrade!"


Chi Feichi leaned forward to see the distance traveled by the car.

Does Feichi need to be so surprised?

Calm down, it's just a normal event trip.

His teacher said, 'As long as you get there, it's a relaxing day', and the Flag fell again.

If there is no accident, they will be troubled by incidents today, and they will not even be able to get there.

If there is an accident, they will be blown up directly, and they will not be able to get there.

"I know, but today..." Mori Kogoro said with a smile, and found Chi Feichi leaning forward from behind to look at the dashboard, and asked suspiciously, "What's wrong, Feichi?"

10.27 km.

Chi Feichi saw the driving distance, calculated the speed of the car, and sat back, "At 10 kilometers, the electronic screen on your head lights up."

Looking at it this way, the bomb was not activated at first, and it was activated after the car had driven more than ten kilometers.

This time the prisoner was very cunning.

"Electronic screen?" Mori Kogoro looked up, and immediately looked at the road again, "I probably bumped into something by accident."

"Brother Chi, that electronic screen..."

Conan turned his head curiously and asked, but was interrupted by the phone ringing.


"Have a call?" Maori Kogoro realized that it was his cell phone next to him ringing, and said, "Xiao Lan, answer it for me."

"Okay..." Mao Lilan leaned forward and took the phone.

"Who is calling?" Mori Kogoro asked.

"Let me see..." Mao Lilan flipped open the phone cover, "It's Police Officer Mumu."

"Officer Megure?" Mori Kogoro was a little puzzled.

Merlin answered the phone.

"Brother Maori, where are you now?!"

Mu Mu Shisan's voice over there was very loud, and he could vaguely hear it from the side. It was so shocking that Mao Lilan hurriedly took the phone away.

"In, in Takaoka Town..."

Mao Lilan answered with sweat, and heard Mu Mushisan's doubtful 'Hey', and then explained, "I'm Xiaolan, and now I'm with my father, Conan, Brother Feichi, and Xiao Ai. In the car, I plan to go on vacation together, the car just entered Gaogang Town not long ago."

"Is that Xiaolan..." Mu Mushisan paused, and seemed to be shouting over there, "Gaogang Town!...The current location is Gaogang Town..."

Mori Kogoro heard that Mao Lilan was silent for a long time, and asked proactively, "Is there something wrong with Officer Megure?"

Mao Lilan sensed that something was wrong, and whispered, "I don't know either..."

Chi Feichi leaned forward, reached out to take the phone, and pressed the speakerphone.

On the other end of the phone, there was a faint voice of noisy talking, Mu Mu Shisan quickly said, "Listen up, Xiaolan..."

"Officer Mumu, the phone is on speakerphone," Chi Feichi said.

Mu Mu Shisan was silent for a while, and then said in a deep voice, "Okay, you must listen to me calmly, the car you are sitting in now...someone has set up an explosive device on it!"


Conan and Mori Kogoro's expressions changed at the same time, and they almost couldn't help looking back.

Mu Mu Shisan continued, "Once that car travels more than ten kilometers, the blasting device will automatically activate..."

ten kilometers?

Mori Kogoro looked up at the electronic screen above his head, "Wait! Officer Megure, isn't that explosive device on top of my head?"

Mu Mu Shisan was taken aback, "Head, the top of the head?"

"That's right, just now Feichi said that the electronic screen above my head suddenly lit up, and it seemed to be exactly ten kilometers away," Mouri Kogoro said, "Could it be that one?"

"Impossible," Conan immediately denied the guess, and realized that his tone was too mature, so he hurriedly adjusted it into a child's tone, "I don't think it is possible to put a bomb in that display screen, and there is no strange wire connection .”

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