Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1369 Brother Chi, don't be brave...

Hui Yuanai looked at the electronic screen, and then said, "It's probably a monitor, or it may be that the other party wants to display something so that we can see it."

Chi Feichi noticed that Mori Kogoro was slowly slowing down the car, and said in a calm tone, "If it's planning to hijack or take revenge, there may be a setting in the settings that the car will explode when it stops."

Mu Mu Thirteen: "..."

Although he said he hoped these people would be calm, isn't the atmosphere too calm?

Why don't even the two children look scared?

Mori Kogoro didn't slow down indiscriminately, and slowly increased the speed to the original speed, sweating, "Officer Megure, it's true that you can't stop?"

"Ah, that's right," Mu Mu Shisan came back to his senses, and hurriedly reminded, "Not only can't stop, but the speed of the car can't drop below 20 kilometers, otherwise there will be an explosion. The other party said that the setting is like this."

Mori Kogoro glanced at it and saw that the speed of the car had increased by 30 kilometers. He was relieved and at the same time was afraid for a while, "But, Officer Megure, could this be just a prank?"


A water tower not far away suddenly exploded, black smoke rose into the air, and cement blocks splashed all around.

Mu Mo Shisan's voice came out through the mobile phone: "The prisoner claimed that he would blow up the water tower first to show us, before confirming what he said is true or false, you'd better treat this matter seriously as if there was a bomb! "

"Well, the water tower has exploded, we saw it." Chi Feichi said.

Mu Mu Thirteen: "..."

Thinking of Brother Chi's horror of being 'too calm'...

Seeing that the car had already passed near the water tower, Huiyuan looked away from the car window, "That's what the prisoner showed us in order to prove that he didn't lie."

"In short, you must calm down and don't worry," Mu Mu Shisan finished, suspecting that he had said nonsense, "Cough, the rescue operation has started now, I will go there right away, please pay attention to keep in touch so that we can meet up .”

Chi Feichi handed the phone to Mao Lilan, reached out and pressed the window lift button, and tried to open the door again, "The windows are locked, and so are the doors."

"What?!" Mori Kogoro was surprised.

Conan tried the window and door of the passenger seat, his face was ugly, "I can't open it either."

Mao Lilan tried the side beside her, and said in a panic, "I, my side is the same."

Mori Kogoro tried his driver's seat, and found that the windows and doors couldn't be opened. His mood collapsed, and he punched the steering wheel, "Damn it!"

If there is no way to get out, once it explodes, my daughter, apprentice, borrowed kid, and apprentice's younger sister will all be finished!

Mu Moshisan finally panicked when he heard these people, he didn't feel relieved, instead he also worried, and comforted him, "Don't be nervous, the rescue team will go there with the broken window tool, Brother Maori, are you driving now?" ?”

Mori Kogoro slowed down and calmed himself down, "Yes, Feichi was injured before, so I drove the car, and the car was also rented. Officer Megure, you have a clue about the prisoner who planted the bomb. ?"

"Let me tell you from the beginning," Mu Mu Shisan said, "Not long ago, a man who claimed to be surnamed Binshan called the Metropolitan Police Department and said he wanted to call me by name. Of course, I think that should be a pseudonym." , He told me that he planted a bomb in the car that Maoli Kogoro rented from Mihua Car Rental Company, Brother Maoli, do you know a man named Binshan?"

"Binshan..." Mori Kogoro recalled, "By the way, the employee of the car rental company is named Binshan, and his name is on the car rental advertisement on the car! When I passed the Mihua car rental company before, he was the one with I said that there is a half-price promotion for hot springs...but why did he choose me?"

"He said, if you kill the famous detective daimyo, you might become famous or something." Mu Mushisan paused, "I thought it might be a prank, but from the time he knew your whereabouts to the one who caused the water tower to explode From the looks of it, you'd better follow his instructions."

"What instruction?" Conan asked hurriedly.

"He told you to drive onto the highway." Mu Mu Shisan said.

"Highway?" Mori Kogoro asked, "Where to?"

"I don't know," Mu Mu Shisan said, "Before we learn more about the situation, do as he said, okay?"

Mori Kogoro said seriously, "Okay, I understand!"

Conan frowned in thought.

The prisoner has designated whom to look for, and has designated to go on the expressway. Could it be possible that he also chose this time today?

In this way, today's date and the highway must be of great significance to the prisoner. As long as we investigate carefully, we should be able to roughly identify the prisoner's identity!

Not long after, Mu Mushisan's voice came from the phone again, "Okay, brother Maori, the traffic department is helping to evacuate the traffic in the section in front of you and block the relevant section, you just need to drive straight ahead... ...I have seen your car, from now on, there will be police cars clearing the way for you!"

Two motorcycles honking their horns passed from the left and right sides, and the two policemen saluted Moori Kogoro in the car, and drove forward to clear the way.

A gray car followed, and when turning the corner, Mu Mushisan glanced at the people in the car, and said to the phone, "Hold on, the car that Takagi and the rescue team are in will be gone soon." Able to!"

"I see..." Mori Kogoro responded, his face suddenly changed, and he exclaimed, "Impossible!"

In the back seat, Mao Lilan hurriedly asked, "Dad, what's wrong?"

"Why is the gas in the car less than half?" Mori Kogoro panicked, and had to watch the road and drive hard. "When the car was handed over to us, it was still full!"

Chi Feichi leaned over again and looked at the fuel gauge, "It will take up to 50 minutes to maintain the speed of more than 20 kilometers."

Conan gritted his teeth secretly, "That person must have asked us to confirm first, and then secretly released the oil!"


Chi Feichi slapped the car window with his palm, and the sound startled the others.

"Brother Fei, Brother Feichi..." Mao Lilan turned to look at Chi Feichi, only to find that Chi Feichi was still looking out of the car window.

Is even Brother Feichi flustered? Then... She panicked even more.

"Feichi, calm down," Mori Kogoro said firmly, "I will find a way to get you out before the car runs out of fuel!"

"I just want to see if I can break the window with my hands," Chi Feichi turned his head and explained with a calm face, and then said, "Xiaolan, the space in the car is too narrow, so I can't gather my strength to punch, you carry Xiao Ai and go Back off a bit."

The space in the car is too small, people can only sit, and it is impossible to rely on the waist, abdomen and other parts of the body to assist in punching, and they can only rely on arm strength.

Fortunately, his arm strength was raised by Sanwu Goldfinger to a level far exceeding the limit of human beings. As long as there is enough space to punch, he should be able to break the window, and the injury to the left rib will not be too severe.

If it weren't for worrying that his claws would stretch out and scare others, and he would have to face all kinds of questions, he felt that he could cut the car window glass with his claws...

"Okay, okay!" Mao Lilan picked up Hui Yuanai, shrank to her side, and asked worriedly, "Brother Feichi, is your injury okay?"

Chi Feichi quickly took off his coat, wrapped it around his right hand, and stepped back a little, "I try to use my right hand as much as possible."

"Do you only use your right arm to exert strength..." Mao Lilan hesitated to speak.

She believed that Brother Feichi would definitely be able to break bricks with his bare hands, but in normal movements such as punching and kicking, other parts of the body must be exerted force. Relying only on the strength of the right arm, the strength of the punch would be greatly weakened.

And the firmness of the window glass is not comparable to that of ordinary glass. She was worried that Chi Feichi would break the window and tear open the unhealed wound.

Mu Mu Shisan heard the plan here on the phone, and persuaded, "Brother Chi, don't be brave, brother Takagi..."


Chi Feichi punched the window glass hard.

Cobweb-like traces instantly covered the entire piece of glass, and at the point of contact between the fist and the glass, fragments splashed out, reflecting the bright light in the sun, and falling on the road.

Mao Lilan: "..."

Brother Feichi's arm strength is really terrifying.

Mu Mu Thirteen in the other car: "..."

When he said nothing.

Maori Kogoro:"……"

He used to think that his daughter who could smash tables and concrete blocks with bare hands was enough violence, but he didn't expect that an apprentice was so violent, and the upper limit of the force value of the people around him was soaring.

Conan: "..."

When Chi Feichi hit his head before, he definitely showed mercy!

Chi Feichi didn't stop, wrapped his hands in his coat, and peeled off the cobweb glass that was still stuck on the window frame.

Mu Mushisan regained his composure, and hurriedly said, "Okay, brother Maoli, the car on my side will come over and drive alongside you, keep a steady speed, and let them pull over!"

"I understand!" Mori Kogoro maintained a steady speed, let the car next to him approach, and said without turning his head, "Feichi, let the brats pass first, Conan, unbuckle your seat belt, climb to the back, don't be nervous , I will drive steadily!"

Conan was silent for a while, but still took off the seat belt, and crawled to the back seat on his stomach.

They can withdraw, but once the uncle driving the car leaves, the car will slow down and explode, and there is no time to leave the explosion range.

But now you can withdraw as soon as you can. Only by withdrawing can people not worry, and can find a way to cooperate to solve the problem from the outside!

The two cars were driving side by side, and the distance was getting closer a little bit. However, in order to prevent the car driven by Mori Kogoro from stalling or directly exploding due to scratches and collisions, the two cars were not too close to each other.

After Chi Feichi cleaned up the stuck glass, he pulled Feichi out from under his collar, stuffed it into the jacket pocket of the jacket, and zipped it up smoothly.

"Master, let me out," Feichi wriggled in the narrow pocket space, "I want to go with you..."

Mao Lilan reached out to catch Conan who was crawling over, and looked at the pockets of Chi Feichi's coat that kept churning, "Brother Feichi..."

"Let Xiao Ai take it there," Chi Feichi put his coat on Hui Yuanai's body, pulled little Lolita's hands into the sleeves, looked at Hui Yuanai and said, "Take Feichi there."

Hui Yuanai was taken aback for a moment, nodded, and started to zip up the zipper, and couldn't help but said, "There are still more than forty minutes, we can all get out."

"I'll crush it when I climb the window later, so it's more convenient for you to carry it." Chi Feichi explained, reaching out to poke the pocket that was still bulging.

Feichi immediately stopped making noise.

This... the master is right.

On Mu Musan's side, the rear door was opened, and Chiba Kazunobu was tied around his waist with a seat belt, bent over and stretched out his hand towards the opposite window, "Very good, just keep this position! Mr. Chi, I will help catch it human!"

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