Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1371: Conan is a troublemaker×3!

Mori Kogoro choked, so he could only light a cigarette by himself to soothe his uncomfortable mood. He looked at the fuel gauge, exhaled white smoke, and said in a deep voice, "Feichi, the gas is less than one bar away. Now, there is no traffic jam on the road ahead, it will be wider, you wrap your head in your clothes and jump out, you should know how to reduce the damage, even though you will be injured, at least your life can be saved..."

"No jump." Chi Feichi refused decisively.

Kogoro Moori almost choked on the smoke. He looked in the rearview mirror and saw his apprentice smoking a cigarette indifferently. He actually had the demeanor of sitting in an office and calmly. Don't make unnecessary sacrifices!"

Chi Feichi said calmly, "I asked Conan to tell Officer Mu Mu to let the police make preparations..."

Said Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived, Mao Lilan hadn’t hung up the phone call in the seat before, and the hands-free was still on, and Mu Moshisan’s voice came out, "Brother Maoli, Brother Chi, can you hear me?" ?”

"I can hear you." Mori Kogoro hurriedly responded.

"Okay, then I'll just say it directly. Brother Chi told Conan before, let's investigate the incident related to you that happened on the highway on this date today, and he asked me to answer the phone by name, indicating that the incident may also be related to me. Now it has been found out," Mu Mu Shisan said, "Three years ago, I handled a case with you. The criminal named Matsumiya Ichiro, who committed murder because his girlfriend changed his mind, was hunted down by us. Ride on the freeway and die because you hit the divider, remember?"

Mori Kogoro was a little puzzled, "But I remember, it should be suicide?"

"Song Gong has a younger brother who was studying in the United States at the time," Mu Mu Shisan explained, "If he didn't know and mistakenly thought that we forced his brother into an accident, he might take revenge!"

"No matter what, you can't involve other people!" Mori Kogoro said angrily.

"Now we are investigating Song Gong's brother's residence, and we will definitely catch him as soon as possible," Mu Mu Shisan asked, "How much oil is left?"

Chi Feichi leaned forward and looked at the fuel gauge, "It can still run for about ten minutes."

"Is that so..." Mu Mushisan paused, "I already understand what you told Conan to tell me, you just drive along the road, Sato has already rushed over."

Mori Kogoro was puzzled, "Officer Megure, what method are you talking about? ... Hello? Officer Megure? Hello?"

"Teacher, electronic screen."

Chi Feichi reminded Mori Kogoro not to forget that they might still be watched by prisoners.

After passing the traffic jam section, the lane widened a lot, but a large truck suddenly honked its horn and overtook another vehicle, startling Mori Kogoro, and hurried to the side lane to avoid it.

On the van, the driver was wearing a thick coat, a baseball cap, and sunglasses. When overtaking, he even glanced sideways.

"Idiot!" Mori Kogoro cursed angrily, "Stay away from me!"

Chi Feichi didn't bother to remind his teacher, watching the big truck in front of him enter the tunnel first, silently calculating how long the remaining oil would last.

seven minutes...

six minutes...

Kogoro Mori watched the big truck go away arrogantly, with a displeased expression on his face, "Really, I'm here to cause trouble at this time..."

five minutes……

Seeing the situation ahead, Chi Feichi stopped counting in his heart.

In the middle of the tunnel, the large trucks have stopped and are blocked in the middle of the road.

The back door of the compartment was opened, and an iron frame was set up that could be opened from the car to the truck.

Two traffic policemen stood on the left and right sides, blowing whistles and waving batons, signaling Mori Kogoro to drive towards the truck.

Mori Kogoro understood at a glance, and drove the car into the truck.

The car needs to maintain a speed of more than 20 kilometers, and it is inevitable to hit the front of the car. However, because there are prepared nets and inflatable cushions in the front for cushioning, the car only slightly bumped, and the tires rotated on the roller speedometer inspection table.

The man who drove the truck before stepped into the truck and bent over the broken window in the back seat, "Mr. Chi, it's all done, there is a signal jammer on the truck, so don't worry about bugs that will pass on our conversation, but still I would like to trouble you to stay in the car for a while, we will release smoke at the front of the tunnel, so that the gangsters think the car has exploded, and then please knock out the electronic screen on the light shield above Mr. Maori's head."

Mori Kogoro turned around in surprise, "Officer Sato, it's you!"

"Yes, Mr. Mori, please concentrate on looking ahead, pretend that you are still driving, and don't turn your head, okay?" Miwako Sato took off her head and sunglasses, smiled, and handed over the tools brought from the garage Get into the back seat, "But you cursed so loudly just now, I heard it in the car!"

Mori Kogoro smiled awkwardly and focused on looking ahead.

In the back seat, Chi Feichi took the tool from Miwako Sato, put out the cigarette, climbed from the back seat to the passenger seat, and was ready to tap the display at any time.

The oil truck arrived soon, parked next to the truck, and refueled the car that was 'driving in place'.

Five minutes later, a voice came from Sato Miwako's intercom, "Okay, we have released black smoke at the front of the tunnel."

Chi Feichi leaned forward and raised his hand, knocked out the display screen, and handed the tool to Kogoro Mouri.

Miwako Sato said with a smile, "Mr. Mori, use that thing to hold the gas pedal, and then leave it to us!"

"Okay." Mori Kogoro took the tool, looked down, and found that it was a small lifter. He immediately understood, bent sideways, put the thing on top of the accelerator, and locked it firmly to keep the speed of the car above 20 kilometers.


Takaoka Town.

A man wearing a knitted hat looked at the display of a snowflake on the computer, got up and opened the curtains, saw the black smoke rising from the direction of the highway, laughed happily for a while, turned around, packed his things, and went downstairs Ready to flee.

As a result, as soon as he left the apartment building, before he had time to get in the car, he was blocked by Mu Mu Shisan.

"Where are you going?" Mu Mushisan stepped forward, blocked the road with Takagi She, and showed his ID with a serious expression, "I am Mu Mu from the Metropolitan Police Department, and you are Song Gong Jiro, right?"

Matsumiya Jiro lowered his head and said nothing.

Megushi Thirteen continued, "We investigated an incident that happened three years ago today that was related to Mori Kogoro and happened on the highway. As a result, we found your brother Matsumiya Ichiro, and then we kept investigating It's his younger brother Matsumiya Jiro, that's you."

Matsumiya Jiro frowned, "Excuse me, so what?"

"Today, in the road safety system, we found that the computer in your residence may have intruded into the system," Takagi said, "I would like to ask you a few questions about this, can I trouble you to come with us?"

Matsumiya Jiro turned his head, frowned at Takagi She, with impatient malice in his eyes, suddenly bumped Takagi She, and was about to run away.


A police car braked nearby, blocking Matsumiya Jiro.

Matsumiya Jiro turned his head and saw that the driver was Kogoro Mori, his face changed drastically.

"What's wrong?" Mori Kogoro opened the door and got out of the car, "Binshan... no, it should be Mr. Matsumiya Jiro, why do you look like you saw a ghost?"

Chi Feichi also opened the back door and got out of the car, looked at Mao Lilan, Conan, and Huiyuan Ai who were running towards them from the other side of the road, and walked over on his own initiative.

I will leave the next acting time to his teacher, I hope he doesn't need to take care of the transcript...

Hui Yuanai ran forward, reached out and hugged her thigh directly.

Feichi jumped up from Hui Yuanai's arm, wrapped around Chi Feichi's wrist, and climbed up in a circle.

Mao Lilan said with a relieved smile, "As long as you are fine, we were really scared before."

Chi Feichi reached out and rubbed Hui Yuanai's hair into a mess maliciously.

Haibara Ai hurriedly let go and backed away, stroking his hair with dissatisfaction, and then looked at Matsumiya Jiro who was already kneeling over there, "Then what's next? Mr. Mori won't plan to forgive him, will he?"

Chi Feichi also looked over, "The teacher said, since we are fine, let him bear the crime of hacking the road safety system and using explosives illegally."

Hui Yuanai hesitated for a moment, but still nodded.

Over there, Matsumiya Jiro knelt down and cried bitterly for a long time, and Takagi took him into the police car driven by Kogoro Mori.

Mori Kogoro said a few words to Memu Shisan, and hurried up, "Let's go!"

"Leaving?" Mao Lilan was puzzled, "Going home? Or go to the Metropolitan Police Department to make a record first?"

"Go to the hot spring hotel!" Mori Kogoro said expectantly, "Half price discount, it would be a pity to miss it!"

Mao Lilan was taken aback, and glanced at Moori Kogoro, "Don't you think that's the fake news he deliberately let you know in order to set a trap?"

"The brochure..."

"It's also fake."

The hot spring hotel failed in the end, and Chi Feichi's transcript also failed to escape.

As people who provide rescue plans and are related to the matter, both Chi Feichi and Mori Kogoro need to make notes, and the most important thing is... Conan, the person who took notes, suddenly started school, and went to school with Haibara Ai!

But when it comes to 'taking notes for Chi Feichi', everyone in the first search class can hide and hide, trying to find other things to work on, and considering that Mori Kogoro is a detective and a former police officer, Mu Mo Shisan simply I chose a compromise method and asked Mori Kogoro to make a copy of the incident file, send it to the Metropolitan Police Department, and then supplement or confirm it at that time.

"Pa la pa la..."

On school days, Chi Feichi sat on the sofa of the Maori Detective Agency, typing and writing reports on the computer.

Mori Kogoro sat aside, watched the dance video for a while, turned his head to look at it, and said with a smile, "Feichi, it's because you type fast, at this speed, it can be done in less than five minutes, by the way, Don’t forget that there is also the copy of the one where you were stabbed by Mr. Oikawa, when the time comes, send the case report to the Metropolitan Police Department, and we will confirm it again.”

"Pa la pa la pa la..."

"En." Chi Feichi typed on the keyboard with a cold face.

Mori Kogoro sweated, "Ah, by the way, when Haibara came to ask Conan to go to school in the morning, it seemed that your wound had opened a little bit?"

"Pa la pa la pa la..."

Chi Feichi kept his indifferent face, "Yes."

His wound was not opened by smashing the car window with his bare hands, but because Conan almost fell out of the car, and when he dragged Conan into the car, he tore the wound.

Heh, Conan is a trickster!

Afterwards, the blood oozing from the wound had already solidified, and he crawled on the front seat and the back seat of the car again, and even climbed out of the car window, and broke again...

However, the situation is not very serious, but the originally estimated time to remove the stitches will be delayed, and the recovery will be later than before.

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