Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1372 You are really an excellent leek

Seeing Chi Feichi's cold face, Kogoro Maoli scratched his head with a dry smile, "Oh, I can't help it. I'm not very good at using computers, so I can only work hard on you."

"It's not because of this," Chi Feichi stared at the computer screen with cold eyes, "I thought of going to the Metropolitan Police Department to confirm two cases, maybe I have to make supplementary notes, and I'm not in a good mood."

If he didn't want to help his teacher type the report, he wouldn't have come here. It's just that he didn't avoid the transcripts of the two cases in the past two days, and he felt deeply that he had made a mistake, and he was not in a very happy mood.

"Don't worry, there will definitely be no supplementary transcripts. At most, let us confirm..." Kogoro Mouri said, his eyes lit up, and he turned his head to encourage him, "It's better than this. We'll send the case report tomorrow. How about I take you to play mahjong in the afternoon to adjust your mood? I'll make an appointment with Aaron and the others from the Cupido Detective Agency. There are so many people there, no matter how they can get together at two tables~"


Typing stopped.

Chi Feichi turned his head to look at Kogoro Mori, nodded, and continued typing.

Play majiang? This can be.

Fei Chipan was playing with a plush toy brought in from Hui Yuan Ai, and upon hearing this, a pair of snake eyes lit up.

Play majiang? It has not been tried, this one can have!

In the afternoon, the master and apprentice went downstairs to the Poirot Cafe to have something to eat, went to a print shop to print out the report, and threw the report to the detective agency. Once the door was locked, they went to Kubado-cho to play mahjong.

After school, Mao Lilan met Conan and Hui Yuanai halfway, and went back to the detective agency together, only to find that the report was left on the table, and the master and apprentice were nowhere to be seen, so they called in doubt.

"Hello? This is Maori..."

"Father, didn't you and Brother Feichi deliver the report?"

"Ah, that..."

Mouri Kogoro hesitated, but there were clattering voices and smiling urging voices.

"Maoli, the next game is about to start, are you still coming?"

"Didn't you say that your apprentice can't? It doesn't look like that at all!"

"Besides, Brother Chi, you are so lucky. Even a snake can play so well by pushing a card at random. If you continue to win like this, you will be treated to our dinner!"

Mao Lilan: "..."

His father always leads bad apprentices.

Chi Feichi and Hui Yuanai listened closely to the microphone: "..."

Although they said that they wanted someone to follow Chi Feichi and understand Chi Feichi's movements when they were in school, so they instigated Uncle Mao Li to ask Chi Feichi to help make a report, but the uncle actually took Chi Feichi to play mahjong?

"Father," Mao Lilan said in a cold tone, "You're not taking Brother Feichi to play mahjong, are you?"

"I also took Feichi with me." Hui Yuanai reminded.

Feichi always liked playing games, what if he learned how to play mahjong?

A snake addicted to playing mahjong... I can't imagine it!

Mori Kogoro sweated, "It's because Fei Chi wanted to go to the Metropolitan Police Department to take notes and was in a bad mood, so I brought him here to relax. He was injured, and his bad mood will also affect his recovery."

Mao Lilan hesitated for a moment, then compromised, "Then when will you come back?"

Mori Kogoro smiled, "We'll probably go out for dinner..."

Chi Feichi's cold voice said, "Go and eat cruise food."

The others booed loudly.

"Long live!"

"How about going to Ishii's house? The proprietress is very gentle!"

Mori Kogoro smiled, "That's it~"

"I know, I know," Mao Lilan said with a black hair, "Then you guys come back early, and brother Feichi can't drink!"

"I know, I know."

The phone hangs up.

Mao Lilan and the two fake pupils looked at each other.

They were worried that Brother Feichi would be spoiled by a bad teacher, but it was understandable to relax just this time.

The next day, the school party continued to go to school.

Chi Feichi and Mori Kogoro went to the Metropolitan Police Department to deliver the report and make a confirmation, and then went to the game hall together, one played steel balls, and the other played other games with Feichi.

Mori Kogoro managed to put all the money he won in mahjong the day before into the pachinko machine.

On the third day, the school party continued to go to school.

Since Chi Feichi had been living in Mihua Town with Huibara Ai for the past two days, Mori Kogoro asked Shang Chi Feichi to have breakfast at Polo Cafe early in the morning.

After breakfast, the master and apprentice went back to the detective office and sat for a while. They felt that the sunshine was very good, the office was so quiet that it made people drowsy, and there were no children to bully, so it was a bit boring...

At the suggestion of Mori Kogoro, the master and apprentice went to the racetrack to study "the correlation between different horses in different environmental climates and running speed".

At 3:30 in the afternoon, Mao Lilan took two elementary school students home, and once again rushed to the empty space, called and heard the voice of the racetrack host, and took the two elementary school students to the racetrack.

Along the way, Mao Lilan's face was heavy, and there was black air floating around her body.

No, if things go on like this, Brother Feichi will definitely be brought down by her father, an unreliable teacher. She must stop her father from harming a twenty-year-old young man!

When the three arrived at the racetrack, it was just time for a break.

Mao Lilan and Conan skillfully went to the betting place, and skillfully found Mori Kogoro who was looking at the information of the next horse race.

"Multiple wins in a row!" Mori Kogoro shouted expectantly, "White Light and Shadow can definitely win in a row. If you win this bet, it will be 50 million yuan!"

"It's impossible to win in a row," Chi Feichi poured cold water on, "If you go down, your pocket money will be gone."

"But you bought a winning streak in the last round, so you won," Mouri Kogoro insisted, "It has won nine rounds in a row recently, and it is completely crushed by strength. If you don't find a strong horse The winning streak will never be broken! Look at the other horses in this race, none of them are so energetic, which one is likely to win the white light and shadow?"

"No. 6, from the video, it seems to have no energy, but its steps are brisk but steady, and according to the leg muscles, its explosive power is much stronger than that of white light and shadow, but its endurance and speed are not the same. Up and down," Chi Feichi tried to guide Mori Kogoro to 'scientifically bet on horses', "can become the dark horse in the next game."

He is a professional veterinarian, and he is especially good at dissection. Please listen to him, buy No. 6, and you will win.

"But what if it makes a mistake?" Mori Kogoro said confidently, "And what's the point of such an outbreak? As long as the 6th crosses the line a little later, the white light and shadow will still complete the winning streak, and the white light and shadow The explosive sprint is also very strong, whether you can win in the end depends on the state when you play, the white light and shadow are so energetic, as a winning streak general, it is impossible to lose!"

Mao Lilan and Hui Yuanai approached with black lines.

Brother Feichi was actually discussing seriously, and he was really led into trouble!

"You are really an excellent leek." Chi Feichi taunted.

"Chives?" Mori Kogoro was confused, and quickly asked with a smile, pointing at himself, "Does it mean that I am nutritious and healthy?"

"No, once the leek is harvested, as long as the roots are left, it will grow vigorously. After a while, others can harvest it again and harvest it again and again," Chi Feichi said bluntly, "I mean, you are like a leek. Similarly, after harvesting your wallet, you will work hard to fill it up for the next harvest, being cut again and again, never having a long memory.”

Mori Kogoro also choked, and said with black lines, "Hey, did you say that about your teacher?"

"I think Brother Feichi is right." Mao Lilan said in a low voice.

"What are you right..." Mori Kogoro froze, turned to look at his daughter, with a forced smile on his face, "Xiao, Xiaolan, why are you here?"

"Of course it is..." Mao Lilan took a deep breath and roared angrily, "Come and teach you a lesson, you unreliable teacher! How can you play mahjong and steel balls with your apprentice every day, or take your apprentice with you every day?" Teacher who came to the racetrack, you are a disgrace to be a teacher—!"

The roar was deafening, and everyone around fell silent, silently backing away.

Mori Kogoro sweated, and hurriedly said, "Xiao Lan, don't say that..."

Under Mao Li Kogoro's gags and stalking, Mao Lilan became less angry.

While other people were not paying attention, Kogoro Mouri secretly ran to make the last bet—heavy bet on white light and shadow winning streak.

Then he successfully lost all his money.

"Ah..." Mori Kogoro walked out of the racetrack, frustrated like a gambler whose life was ruined by a single loss, "It would have been too late if I knew it earlier, just choose number 6."

Mao Lilan: "..."

Shouldn't you regret not taking the last gamble?

"But I didn't know which horse would win at the time, and it's too late to regret now..." Mori Kogoro rubbed his chin, thought for a while, and clapped his hands, "We should change our strategy next time, and we bet on the one that is most likely to win. For two horses, if you think the winning rate is high, you should bet more, if you think the winning rate is secondary, you should bet less... No, no, you have to calculate the final expenses and income in this way, so as to ensure that you will not lose money in the end..."

Black air rose from Mao Lilan's body again, "Father!"

"The teacher lost all your pocket money," Chi Feichi added fuel to the fire with a cold face, "Except for the recent food expenses that you charged, and the money you spent on karate training, everything else is Gone."

Conan's expression changed, and he looked up at Kogoro Mori.

His pocket money is gone?

"What-what?" Mao Lilan clenched her fists and stared at Moori Kogoro with fire in her eyes, "Dad, you even lost all of Conan's pocket money?"

Seeing that the situation was wrong, Kogoro Mouri immediately ran away, "Xiao Lan, calm down! Didn't I leave you the money for your karate training..."

Mao Lilan chased after him in a rage, "I can't calm down, you old man with stinky leeks!"

"Hey, don't call my father an old man..."

"Smelly leeks!"

"Stinky leeks too... ouch!"

Mao Lilan fulfilled her long-standing wish—to practice with her father!

Hui Yuanai looked at Kogoro Moori who was being chased by Mao Lilan and looked up at Chi Feichi speechlessly, "What about you? How much did you lose?"

"I didn't lose," Chi Feichi said, "I won't bet when I'm not sure, and I won a little bit."

"What about yesterday?" Hui Yuanai asked.

"I didn't play steel balls." Chi Feichi said.

"Where did you play mahjong the day before yesterday?" Hui Yuanai asked again.

"I just won four rounds, and I didn't play after that," Chi Feichi paused, "Teacher won some the day before yesterday, but yesterday he lost all of the pachinko."

Hui Yuan Ai finally understood, her brother Fei Chi had a sense of proportion and didn't want to go in, but he still reminded with a serious face, "Be careful, it's best not to play like this with uncle, or you will lose sooner or later."

"I know." Chi Feichi said.

Hui Yuanai looked at Mao Lilan who was chasing Moori Kogoro madly, " didn't stop Uncle Maoli?"

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