Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1374 The Legend of the Heavenly Maiden and the Feather

The man's hairline was a bit dangerous. He was wearing a light gray suit and black-rimmed glasses. He extended his hands excitedly and shook hands with Chi Feichi, "Mr. Chi, hello, I've heard you for a long time!"

"Hello." Chi Feichi reached out to shake Dalin's hand, then turned to look at Dr. Ali, "This is my friend Dr. Ali. He is very interested in Amada Misora's broadcast and wants to come and watch the broadcast, so I'll take him to try my luck."

"Hello!" Dr. A Li said with a smile, "I'm really sorry to cause you trouble."

"Where, thank you for liking Misora's program broadcast," Dalin greeted Dr. Ali, hesitating, "But, Misora ​​is going to go live on location today..."

"Going outside?" Dr. Ali turned to look at the heavy rain outside the window, "But it's raining outside."

"It's okay!" A sweet-looking young girl with long brown hair tied with a bow tie came from the direction of the recording studio and said with a smile, "According to the information I have, the rain will stop soon. "

Dr. A Li was beside Chi Feichi, muttering in a low voice, "It's cute, isn't it? Although it's different from Xiao Ai's hairstyle, I think that hair accessory is also very suitable for Xiao Ai. I'll buy one for Xiao Ai another day. It’s not bad for Xiao Ai to change her cute style once in a while.”

Chi Feichi nodded.

He also expects Hui Yuan Ai to change to a cute style or something, but doctor, this is the standard thinking of the elderly. That girl is so cute = the hair accessory makes people more cute = such a cute hair accessory, I want to buy one for my granddaughter/daughter.

Behind Amada Misora, a woman in a dark blue suit was stunned, and stepped forward to say hello, "Mr. Chi, hello, I am Jin Tian, ​​the agent in charge of newcomers from thk."

Dr. A Li was taken aback, and looked at Chi Feichi curiously, "Is Ms. Tiantian a newcomer to thk company?"

Chi Feichi thought about it for a while. In his memory, the company was filled with all kinds of girls with big tickets. He really didn't remember, "I don't remember."

Yoko Okino broke into a sweat, hurriedly took Amada Misora's hand enthusiastically, and explained to Chi Feichi with a smile, "Misora ​​joined the company two months ago, and she didn't study acting at school, but majored in weather. She's cute, she's going to be popular right away, but she doesn't plan to sign a long-term contract with the company..."

Amada Misora ​​bowed apologetically, "I'm sorry, the company is very good, but my dream is to be an aviation weather observer, because I think places like airports need more accurate weather forecasts. Very dangerous."

"Indeed..." Dr. A Li subconsciously glanced at Chi Feichi and scratched his head with a dry smile, "The plane we were flying in before encountered bad weather and was struck by lightning, almost having an accident."

"Ah?" Amada Misora ​​was surprised, "Is it so dangerous?"

"Yes, so if Ms. Misaka wants to be an aviation weather observer, I absolutely support it," Dr. Ali said with a smile, "Everyone says you are very talented in weather forecasting!"

"And the professional knowledge is not bad at all!" Okino Yoko added with a smile, "President Odagiri thought it was a pity for her to leave, but he also supported her to do what she wanted to do, and joked that in the future, when she travels by plane, she will Take it easy."

"No, it's not as exaggerated as you say." Misora ​​Amada was a little embarrassed, "The seniors in aviation meteorological observation have actually done well enough, and I haven't taken the exam yet, and my biggest wish now is to be able to join them. "

Hearing the 'examination', the smiles on the faces of Okino Yoko and producer Obayashi froze.

"Misora!" A staff member poked his head from the stairs, "The rain has stopped!"

"Ah, yes!" Amada Misora ​​responded.

"Sorry, Mr. Chi," manager Jin Tian raised his wrist to look at his watch, and hurriedly said, "We're going to do a live broadcast, excuse me!"

Chi Feichi and Dr. A Li turned sideways to get out of the way.

Yoko Okino also stepped aside, watching Amada Misora ​​and her manager Jin Tian rushing over, turned her head and whispered to Chi Feichi who was beside her, "Miss Jin Tian is still helping her prepare for the exam, and she is in a hurry all day long. , not urging her to do a show, or urging her to read a book, more anxious than her."

Producer Dalin saw the two leaving, he was stunned, "Oh no! I forgot to tell Misora ​​to ask her to take two more people out."

"I called Manager Jintian and said it was still too late." Yoko Okino took out her mobile phone seriously, and turned to explain to Chi Feichi and Dr. Ali who were watching her, "The TV station received a threatening letter yesterday. She's in danger..."

Chi Feichi: "..."

Threatening letter? How come there is a breath of events coming?

The Shinigami elementary school student is not here, so it shouldn't be such a coincidence that something happened...

Seeing that the phone was connected, Yoko Okino said 'sorry', and quickly said to the other side, "Miss Kaneda, can you please take a few more people out... Yes, because Misora ​​is going to take an exam recently, I think I should be careful , let my assistant go with me, and I can help her get a spare set of clothes, it just rained and the weather is cooler... No, it won't be too much trouble... Okay..."

After hanging up the phone, Okino Yoko sighed and shook his head towards producer Obayashi.

"Misora ​​said she didn't want to cause trouble for everyone, and the threatening letter didn't say it was aimed at her. She didn't want to stir up trouble."

"Really..." Dalin sighed.

"The threatening letter you mentioned..." Dr. Ali couldn't help asking, "What's going on?"

"By the way..." Yoko Okino's eyes lit up, and he turned to Dalin and said, "Mr. Chi is the senior disciple of the famous detective Mr. Mori Kogoro, you can let him read the threatening letter, maybe he can find some clues Woolen cloth."

Chi Feichi said to Yoko Okino, "Let me take a look first. The teacher is upstairs participating in a promotional program. If I can't figure it out, I can ask him again."

"Then trouble Mr. Chi to take a look!" Dalin took out a folded printing paper from his jacket pocket and handed it to Chi Feichi, "I found this on my desk yesterday..."

Chi Feichi took the paper, opened it and read the contents.

[Immediately suspend the weather broadcaster exam in two days! Otherwise, I will blow up the examination room! Matsubara Miho]

Dr. A Li looked closer, "Is there a signature?"

"Well, but I think it should be a pseudonym..." Yoko Okino thought, "No one would send a threatening letter with their real name? In fact, we called the police after we found this threatening letter on Mr. Obayashi's desk yesterday. Police officer Megure from the First Search Division said that they have investigated the name, and there is no clue so far, and we don’t know anyone with this name.”

"It looks like an action against the exam," Dr. Ali wondered, "Does the other party just want to stop the exam?"

"The police also think so, so they have already gone to the examination room to conduct a security search." Yoko Okino looked at Obayashi with a worried face, "But this was shown on the TV station, and we think the other party is likely to come to Misora ..."

Obayashi sighed, "Because Yoko and Misora ​​talked about Misora's going to take the exam in the broadcast program last night, Misora's fans almost blew up the hotline of the show, and kept asking 'Is Misora ​​going to leave? show', and begging her not to resign, and not long after that, that threatening letter appeared on my desk."

Chi Feichi looked down at the threatening letter, "You said 'not long ago', how long exactly?"

"Ah?" Dalin didn't react for a while.

After all, Yoko Okino followed up with a few incidents, but understood what Chi Feichi wanted to ask, and recalled, "We talked about Misora's exam at the end of the show last night, which was about seven o'clock in the afternoon. At around 25:00, after the show ended at 7:30, I received a lot of calls from American air fans, and at around 7:45 in the afternoon, someone found a threatening letter on Mr. Dalin’s desk.”

"It is likely to be done by people inside the TV station," Chi Feichi analyzed, "The TV station is huge, and the recording studios and offices inside are like a maze. If it is an outside fan, after hearing the news, printing paper, sending The TV station sent it to Mr. Dalin’s desk, 20 minutes was not enough time, and it may not be possible to find out where Mr. Dalin’s desk is. The biggest possibility was the staff of the TV station, and it was related to the program or was live at that time. People near the scene printed the paper on the printer inside the company and put it on Mr. Obayashi's desk. Of course, if the news that Ms. Amada Misora ​​is going to take the exam leaked out in advance, that would be a different matter."

"Only me, Ms. Kaneda and Mr. Obayashi knew about this before." Yoko Okino looked at Obayashi, "I never said anything about it."

"I didn't say anything outside," Dalin Khan said, "You saw how crazy the fans were last night. If I leaked the news in advance, I would be worried that I would be in trouble."

"Miss Jintian has signed a contract with the company. If she casually leaks information about the artist, she will have to pay a large sum of money, and she doesn't seem to be someone who can talk nonsense." Yoko Okino rubbed her chin, "That's the TV program team. Anyone else here?"

"But, who would do that?" Dalin expressed his confusion.

Dr. A Li looked at Chi Feichi, "However, Feichi, if you look at it this way, the other party is indeed targeting Miss Misora, right?"

"Well, and the name Matsubara Miho..." Chi Feichi handed the paper back to Dalin, "Switch the positions of the first and last name, it is Sanbao Matsubara."

"Sanbao" and "Meibao" have the same pronunciation in Japanese, and the name "Sanbao Matsubara" is a legendary name.

"Three, Sanbao Songyuan?" Dalin took the paper in surprise, "So that's it, it's the legend of Yuyi!"

"Legend of Yuyi?" Dr. A Li recalled, "It refers to the story of the man who fell in love with the goddess and hid the goddess's feather, right?"

"Yeah, without the celestial maiden in feathers, I can't go back to the sky," Obayashi said with emotion, "Although there are such legends all over Japan, the most famous one is the one in Shizuoka Prefecture with 'Miho Matsubara' as the main character. .”

Yoko Okino looked at Chi Feichi, "That is to say, the suspect said that he, like Miho Matsubara who hid the celestial girl's robe, wanted to prevent Misora ​​who pursued her dream from taking the meteorological observation exam, right?"

Chi Feichi nodded and said, "It's best to inform the police..."

"Mr. Dalin!" A staff member with a beard hurried over and whispered in Dalin's ear.

"What?" Dalin was a little surprised, "The police are here?"

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