Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1375 Utopia That Will Not Exist

Five minutes later, the staff took Meguro Shisan and Sato Miwako upstairs.

"Officers," Dalin took the initiative to greet him, and asked, "Are you here because of the threatening letter?"

"That's right," Mu Mu Shisan nodded seriously, "Although we have decided to strengthen security in the examination room tomorrow, the target of the suspect may also be the host Miss Misora. If it is convenient, we have a few questions to ask her."

Dalin turned his head and looked at Chi Feichi who was talking to Yoko Okino behind him, "Actually, you guys came just in time, Mr. Chi said..."

Behind, Chi Feichi and Okino Yoko were standing by the wall talking.

"There are quite a few people who have a good relationship with you." Chi Feichi said.

He suddenly thought of Ayumi, and it was the same for Ayumi, friends can be found anywhere.

"Really?" Yoko Okino smiled, "I really like how everyone gets along in a friendly manner. It's easier to do shows with friends. It's better to have friends everywhere than enemies, right?"


Chi Feichi couldn't deny that some people were good at making friends, and this was considered an advantage.

On the other hand, Yoko Okino never plays big cards. She makes friends with people moderately while ensuring that she will not be calculated. It is also better to have someone to lend a helping hand than to be alone.

This is a good thing. Yoko Okino's position in the entertainment industry will be much more stable, and she will not collapse because of a certain rumor or misunderstanding, or the avalanche of everything she owns. With the support of many contacts, the road she can walk is also more Wider.

"It's also because I was a little uneasy," Yoko Okino smiled and looked out the window, and said in a low voice, "When I started singing, I found that I was popular. I was very happy at first, but soon I became uneasy again. If I say beautiful and cute Girls, there are not many girls in the circle, just looking at the company, you can see that any one you choose is so cute, and they are all working hard, but they will never be seen, whether they will be popular or not, really depends on luck..."

"I am the lucky one, and so are Cang Mu and Xiao Ling who were picked out by Mr. Chi. I think they will feel uneasy after they are happy, because they feel that luck cannot always favor one person, and they stand on a high place." , even if you can suffer from the pain of falling, there are always people who like to step on it, so in order to be able to stand firm, you have to work harder. Cangmu is also constantly learning while singing, and she is unwilling to participate in too many programs or Variety show, because she chose the way to attack singing skills. I don’t know Xiaoling, but she is a geisha. No matter dancing, acting, or talking and doing things, she has her own way. She has been loved since childhood. Her cultivation is her confidence..."

"As for me, I didn't clarify my goals as early as they did, and I took a lot of detours," Yoko Okino smiled. "When the earliest team was almost finished, I really felt that I was going to be finished. At that time, we The relationship between people in the team is the best, relying on help and trust to transform each other, the other girl groups in our same period failed to catch on, after the team disbanded, I found my own way instead, learning to perform while singing, Afterwards, I began to participate in various programs, telling myself that no matter whether I am popular or not, I should treat others well and keep the atmosphere around me always good, so that I can have the most authentic smiles for the audience, and I hope that when luck no longer favors me, There are other things that can support me, but my luck has always been so good."

Dr. A Li laughed, "Girls who love to laugh are lucky!"

"Because unlucky girls can't laugh." Chi Feichi couldn't help arguing.

"Hey, Feichi..." Dr. A Li looked helpless.

Like Xiao Ai, he likes to pour cold water on it, which can spoil the atmosphere.

Fortunately, he is used to it, and his own children don't dislike it.

"Sorry, I suddenly became rambunctious," Okino Yoko smiled apologetically, and looked at Chi Feichi again, "I'm worried that you misunderstood Cang Mu, she seems to have been declining some activities, including the dance of the Pure Land of Bliss..."

When she first heard that Mai Kuraki directly said 'I'm not going', she was shocked.

It’s not that singers and entertainers have to obey the company’s assignments, it’s just that it’s a great thing to participate in the dance recording of the Pure Land of Bliss. ordered.

Although Mai Cangmu would explain her thoughts to the president, and the president agreed, she felt that she should help explain it in front of Chi Feichi. It is a pity if there is a misunderstanding.

What's more... She also wanted to talk to Chi Feichi about her thoughts and plans for the future.

"I know what Cangmu thinks, and I agree with the route," Chi Feichi looked at Yoko Okino, "I'm not that stupid."

Yoko Okino sweated, and muttered helplessly, "I'm not saying you're stupid, it's just..."

"The company's atmosphere doesn't seem to have changed, but it seems to have changed again," Chi Feichi saw Dr. A Li at the side, and didn't make it too clear, "Min also found out a long time ago, and we didn't think that kind of atmosphere could be maintained at the beginning. Going on, change is inevitable, and it is a good thing that Kuraki can remain the same."

He knew that Yoko Okino was worried that he or others like them did not understand the cruelty of competition, but this kind of worry was unnecessary.

Needless to say, he also understood and used the dark side of some circles in his previous life to assassinate or gather intelligence.

As the president, Oda Kiritoshi also regards the company as a treasure to realize his ambitions, and he has already discovered that the atmosphere of the company has changed.

The previous THK company didn’t have so many open and secret fights, and the relationship between employees was good, but last time he took Mori Ran, Haibara Ai, and Conan to the company to watch dance videos, Oda Kiritoshi also took them for a quick tour. When passing by the new dance training room, He saw that a certain girl was assigned to a position that she wasn't good at.

Yes, in order to compete for opportunities, there will always be situations where there will always be people who unite and crowd out, stumbling in the dark, doing one thing to the outside world and another behind the other, but in the whole circle, there are actually 'few opportunities and many people', just like Yoko Okino said Yes, there are too many beautiful and lovely girls, and there are too many people who work hard. Apart from luck, you have to find ways to find opportunities, so there will inevitably be infighting.

Oda Kirito may have noticed it a long time ago, but there is no way to help her. Take the girl who was squeezed out in a position that is not suitable for her. She has no characteristics and the company does not have a suitable position to arrange for her, so she can only rely on that girl to support herself. Just go and discover your own strengths by yourself, and with more and more cases like this, Oda Kirito can't hold everyone back.

No matter how many company resources there are, it is impossible for everyone to share equally.

From the perspective of the company's interests, if ten newcomers share the resources of Yoko Okino, it may not be possible for Yoko Okino to focus on obtaining those resources alone to earn more money, and some resources are not only wasteful but also inappropriate to use on newcomers. It may be counterproductive; from the market point of view, resources that are available to everyone are no longer precious. Resources are scattered, and newcomers continue to appear in the public eye and continue to fall rapidly, which is also a kind of damage to the public and the entire market.

The so-called utopia of eternal happiness and beauty does not exist at all. The company grows bigger, has more people, and there are more internal competitions, and there will always be filth.

Oda Kiritoshi also felt a little depressed and resentful when he was outside the Banheng ROCK memorial concert last time. This is not like the previous Odagiri Toshi. Heng Mingqi’s idea of ​​improving his reputation is still the kind of name-calling and not saving face for others, but in the end he just talked about it, probably because he discovered that the company’s interior is no longer as simple as before, and he thought that he couldn’t stop it. 'Utopia' is moving towards reality, that's why I complained. After hearing him say 'Vanity Fair', I didn't worry about it anymore.

He, Toshiya Odagiri, and Chrysanthemum Morien had been mentally prepared for these situations, and it wasn't that they hadn't been in contact with this circle and didn't understand these things.

In addition to internal fighting, there are also some old people who will bully newcomers.

There are a lot of hardworking people in the world, but how many can stand under the spotlight and live brightly and make money?

Many girls who work hard may not have a top class in their life and earn a lot of money for a few years. This is still the case that the salary of Japanese artists is not high, and it is also disturbing to feel that there is a "luck" factor in breaking out of the encirclement. Once you can't find your own way, you will get lost, worrying that the newcomer will take everything from you, worrying that you will lose everything if you make a mistake, and even afraid of getting old or having any imperfections in your body.

Of course, there are also some old people who bully newcomers because they think that they have been bullied before, their mentality is out of balance, and they can't figure out how the newcomers can go on smoothly.

Fortunately, this situation did not happen to the upper-level artists of THK.

Qian Heling is his informant, even if it is not popular, there is a way out; Mai Kuraki has never been bullied and squeezed out, and she is a person who finds the right direction and walks firmly; Okino Yoko has been popular for so long, never I don't know how to bully others, and I like to make friends and care for my subordinates, but I am not someone who will be calculated by others...

Other artists like Komatsu Miho, most of them have experienced and maintained THK's harmonious and very good time, they will cherish the atmosphere just like Oda Kiritoshi, and will try to treat each other with the previous attitude, including Oda Kirito, Mori Chrysanthemum and him, everyone is still the same as before. If you have anything to say, you can say it directly. If you refuse, you will refuse. Explain your thoughts clearly and everyone can discuss them.

And other people, including newcomers, look at how these already famous artists get along with each other, which is probably what kind of people those who hold the right to allocate resources like, they will restrain themselves a lot and make troubles, but they will not lose their sense of proportion.

In short, there will be a dark side in the corporate environment, but it will not be too serious, at least it is better than many places...

When Chi Feichi evaluated the company's situation in his mind, Okino Yoko also understood that her president and Chi Feichi didn't need her to remind her, but Mai Kuraki directly refused and did things in the same way as before. Same, want to be the same as before.

"It seems that I was worrying too much," Yoko Okino smiled, "Everyone is working hard to maintain the beauty of the company, right?"

Chi Feichi said...

"Come on, you guys."

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