Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1379 Master, let me show you a treasure

"Then the only thing left is to take a boat?" Mao Lilan had a headache, "But Brother Feichi fell into the sea. The Aphrodite we took before sank on its first voyage..."

Haibara Ai:"……"

Even the sea, land and air cannot escape the déjà vu of the event.

"I think you are thinking too much. If something happens, you will encounter it while sitting at home," Mouri Kogoro said half-moon eyes, "If you come to the detective agency late, there will be a car accident on the street outside..."

"I think it's because of Conan," Chi Feichi reminded, "He has encountered many incidents, and you, Teacher, have also encountered many incidents."

"However, only Conan and Brother Feichi can get the 300,000 yuan, and we can't leave them and play alone." Mao Lilan said distressed.

Conan and Chi Feichi: "..."

If this is not the case, do these people really consider not taking them to play? Too much.

"So just choose whatever you want," Mori Kogoro crossed his legs, flipping through the travel magazines on the table, "but since you have 300,000, don't even think about going camping, just like I said Yes, go to a place farther away, where you have never been before, and where you can't usually go, it happens that you are on vacation, and you can call those three little ghosts..."

Haibara thought deeply, "Speaking of summer..."

"Shouldn't the sea and the beach be more compatible?" Dr. A Li looked at Chi Feichi.

"But Brother Feichi's injury has just healed," Mao Lilan said of other people's concerns. "You can't let the wound dry in the sun, and it's best not to swim. If you go to the beach, you won't be able to have fun at all."

Just as Chi Feichi wanted to say that he was okay, he was attracted by Kogoro Mori's exclamation.

"Wait! Come and see, this place seems to be pretty good!"

Others look over.

The title is very conspicuous: [A good place for leisure and vacation in summer—Shenhai Island is waiting for you! 】

Then there is the introduction with pictures and texts.

A small island standing on the sea, away from the city, with a beautiful environment, you can go for a walk on the beach, you can dive and swim, you can walk on the island path to enjoy the sea breeze, you can go to the viewing platform to watch the sea...

"The most important thing is..." Mori Kogoro turned the page and slapped the edge of the magazine, "This!"

The island also offers yacht trips and treasure hunting activities on the island. According to the publicity, there are legendary pirate treasures waiting to be discovered...

"There is a treasure hunt, so that these little devils have something to vent their excessive energy, and then they won't cause us any trouble," Mouri Kogoro stared at the magazine with bright eyes, "and there are food and wine Izakayas, luxurious hotels that provide accommodation... This is simply a paradise for summer travel!"

"There is also a museum of pirate culture," Dr. A Li also thought it was very good, "plus the treasure hunting game, children will definitely like it!"

"I think it's good too," Mao Lilan looked at Chi Feichi, "Brother Feichi, what about you? Is there anything you want to do in Shenhai Island?"

"Go diving, or stroll around the island." Chi Feichi said.

He hadn't seen Feili for a long time.

There is a deep water area near this island, and you can ask Shang Fei to play in the sea at that time.

"Feili, Feili, Feili~" Feichi and Chi Feichi thought of the same place and looked forward to it.

"Wait two days before we set off again. Brother Feichi's injury has healed. If you dive for a while, there should be no problem..." Hui Yuanai pondered for a while, and felt that this place could meet the needs of all of them. It is suitable for playing or relaxing, "I have no problem."

"I have no objection~!" Conan smiled.

"What about the time?" Mao Lilan thought about it, "Conan and the others are on vacation, and they are all free recently, but I have a karate training session tomorrow afternoon, which will not end until the afternoon of the day after tomorrow..."

"The stitches of Feichi's injury will be removed tomorrow, so it's best to wait for another two days for the wound to recover," Dr. A Li said with a smile, "Then Xiaolan, you can go to karate training. My parents said, let them prepare the things they need for the trip, and we will set off after a night of rest. Maori will be responsible for calling the hotel room and arranging the itinerary for the past two days, what do you think?"

Unanimous vote.

Then there is the budget. The travel department of Shenhai Island provides boat transfers, which can save a lot of travel expenses, and the food consumption on the island is not too high. The accommodation can be spread out in the way of "adults with children". As long as you don't spend money indiscriminately, it is enough Go play for two or three days.

After the discussion, Hui Yuanai followed Dr. A Li back, ready to help pack his luggage, and did not follow Chi Feichi.

Chi Feichi didn't stay in the small house in Mihua Town anymore, but went back to Kuboto Town and asked Xiaomei if she wanted to go with her.

"Going on a trip? There are so many people, it's not convenient for me to come out and clean it. After other people go out to play, the room may have been cleaned long ago, but I want to go and see Feili..." Xiaomei struggled for a long time before finally Nodding reluctantly, "Then go, there is not much room to clean up at home, I'll go and have a look, maybe the restaurant on the island is dirty, and I need to clean it up."

Feichi thought of the stylish and beautiful big hotel, and wanted to say that it might not need to be cleaned, but when he looked down, he saw the spotless and reflectively clean table and floor, and then saw that it had been cleaned and disinfected. The dolls on the doll wall, suddenly found that Xiaomei still has room to play.

The house has always been so clean, and it can't tolerate some corners of the restaurant that are not properly cleaned...

Chi Feichi saw that Xiaomei had thought it over, and used his consciousness to draw the eye pattern of the Holy Spirit's Gate on his left eye.

Still on the circular platform, more than half of the original black floor has become white, like a black ring enclosing a white circle, and the symbols of the seven original sins next to the surrounding statues are also much brighter.

Looking at it this way, it will take at least three 'Kiel Lost Contact Cycles' to complete the charge.

The dateline for this is really troublesome...

In Chi Feichi's left eye, a picture of the interior of the church appeared. Feimo was lying on the bed in the model house, tilting his head and looking ahead, as if he was looking at the projection of purple eyes that suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Master?" Feimo jumped up and croaked, "Do you have anything to do with me?"

"Do you want to go to Shenhai Island?" Chi Feichi said, "By the way, take a look at Feili."

"Okay," Feimo agreed without thinking too much, "I don't have anything else to do except to watch Wuming fight recently, just collect information and let other birds do it, or go out for a while. "

"We're leaving in two days." Chi Feichi didn't forget that Feili is a road idiot, "You remember to go to Feili and help Feili guide the way."

"No problem!" Feimo said, "I'll go look for it tomorrow, bring some fresh water, and call two seagulls to help. We'll set off early to step on the spot, and the food will allow Feili to photograph big fish for us!"

After cutting off the communication, Chi Feichi connected to Feili again.

The light on the bottom of the sea was pitch black, a little bit illuminated by the purple haze of purple eye patterns, but the whole was still dark and gloomy, with Feili's big head right in front of him.

"Master?" Feili's voice was pleasantly surprised, before Chi Feichi could speak, he said immediately, "Wait a minute, I'll show you a treasure~"

Saying that, Feili seemed to turn around and walk in a certain direction.

From time to time, there was a strange rustling sound of water in Chi Feichi's ears, and the light was only a faint purple light, which was sometimes blocked by Feili's huge body, so he could only roughly judge that Feili should be going to a certain stone building. swim away.

Although Feili is an idiot, short-distance trips should be fine, so don’t worry about getting lost.


A tentacle with the thickness of an adult's waist slowly swung over. Under the faint purple light, the surface seemed to be slowly coated with purple, with large and small white suction cups attached to it, which would definitely drive crowds with phobias crazy.

"Wanwanjiang, I have something to do, I'll play later!"

Feili wiped away the tentacles with his dorsal fin, and continued to swim into the rock pile, "Master, I met Wanwanjiang when I was catching sharks. It has eight very long legs. None of them were bitten off by a big fish that day. It was bleeding, and it started to grow new feet the next day. I rescued it that day and gave it a name, so it decided to follow me..."

"Because it bends its feet in the water, so I call it bendy sauce~"

"It is very good at building houses and can move very large stones, but the houses it built before were too ugly. When Feimo came last time, I asked it to help me plan how to build the palace. Here is what it built. from……"

After listening to the description, Chi Feichi was sure that it was a 'traditional' octopus.

The octopus is a creature that likes to build a house for itself. It can carry away stones five times, ten times, or even twenty times heavier than itself. After midnight, it starts to build a house for itself quietly.

The tentacles he saw just now were only a short section, and he was not sure how big this octopus, which Feili called 'Wanwanjiang', was, but judging by the thickness of the tentacles, it was definitely not small, and it was estimated that the tentacles should be at least ten meters long. .

Another behemoth.

The character of the octopus is not easy to judge. When facing weak creatures, most octopuses are fierce and aggressive by nature, but they rarely attack humans. When they have to, they would rather choose to escape than attack humans.

But this does not mean that octopuses are easy to bully. If octopuses are stimulated, they will also wrap their tentacles around humans. When they grow to a certain size, they can become a nightmare for divers.

In short, this is a creature with a bad temper. It can be very gentle when it is timid and gentle, and it can be very lethal when it is irritable. But anyway, such a big guy was taken by Feili as a 'Wanwan sauce' No matter how I think about it, I feel that it is full of sense of disobedience.

Of course, it may also be that Feili's naming habit is rather peculiar.

It would be a good thing if there was a ferocious but obedient creature following Fei Li.

Feili is usually silly and cute, and friendly to humans. When he sees a person who falls into the water, he wants to rush to save him. When he meets a good person, it’s okay. Even if the person doesn’t appreciate it, he won’t hurt Feili. Maybe he was designed to be hunted and killed after saving someone, and Feili could have someone not to mess with, so his own safety could be more guaranteed.

"Master, here we are, this is it!"

Feili stopped swimming and swam in front of a large shell with brown patterns.

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