Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1380 What a Little Genius

The light was dim, and Chi Feichi couldn't see how big the shell was, but he could clearly see a black bead lying on the remains of shellfish corpses in the shell.

A black pearl!

The beads are not very round, they are in the shape of full water drops, and they are still not disturbed by the color of the light under the purple light, and the light refracted on the surface is not strong, and they are soft and hazy black, like a black hole that swallows other colors, dignified deep.

"Xiaobei was discovered by me, because it is big, so I wanted it to hang around with me, but it didn't speak, and hid in its shell and ignored me, so I let Wanwanjiang figure out a way," Feili said melancholy Sighing deeply, "Wanwan sauce kept guard for a long time, and when it opened its shell, I stuffed a big stone into its shell, but Xiaobei couldn't close its own shell, and then it was eaten by Wanwan sauce ..."

Chi Feichi: "..."

Feili is really a genius to let the octopus, which mainly eats shellfish such as oysters, figure out a way.

"Wanwanjiang said that it was used to eating like this and couldn't hold it back. I thought, anyway, Xiaobei is stupid. I don't know how he can grow so big. Since he was eaten by Wanwanjiang, then eat it. I will see if I eat it later. Just remember to tell me in front of the creature in it, I can’t bite the sauce just because of this, right?” Feili said, feeling a little angry, “Next time, I will bite off one of its feet, Anyway, the feet can still grow without them, so to speak, I have only eaten the small Wanwan sauce, which is smaller than Wanwan sauce, and I don’t know what it feels like to bite..."

Chi Feichi: "..."

True - beautiful and cruel underwater world.

Feili was sure that he was recruiting younger brothers, not raising food reserves?

"In short, the little shell is gone, and there is only this pearl left. Feimo said before that shell creatures in the sea can find pearls in their bodies. In the human world, many people like pearls, and the owner seems to like black. , This pearl is black, so I want to give it to the master to play with." Feili suddenly sighed, "It's a pity that Xiaobei doesn't live up to it. There is only such a small pearl in such a big body."

Chi Feichi didn't know if he should tell Feili, 'Everyone is dead, so don't complain about them being unworthy', or whether he should tell Feili that this pearl is not small.

Yes, compared to the shell that seemed to be half the size of Feili, this pearl seemed a little smaller.

But in the human world, who can say that a natural seawater pearl the size of a fist is small?

And it's a black pearl.

Among all natural pearls, black pearls are very rare, and are also known as the most painful tears of mother oysters, so many natural black pearls are in the shape of dripping water. According to ancient Chinese legends, black pearls are located between dragon teeth. The black pearl must conquer the dragon first, so the black pearl is also a symbol of wisdom and bravery.

The particle size of most black pearls is between 9mm and 10mm, and 60% of them are no more than 11mm. 11mm is also regarded as the limit of rare black pearls. At present, round black pearls above 15mm are too rare to even have a market reference price.

As for this fist-sized "Xiao Bei's most painful tear"...

Don't even think about it, it won't sell.

Not only is this pearl too big, but its color and skin light are also very high-quality. The visual experience like a black hole is very attractive. In addition, it is a natural seawater pearl. He doesn't know how to value it. Even if someone can If they can afford it, those people won't lose their fortune for a single pearl, so they can only play with it as Feili said.

And he doesn't need to exchange pearls for money. It's a pity that such a high-quality collection can't be recovered by himself.

The underwater world is really beautiful.

"I originally wanted to send the pearls to the surface of the sea, and then let Feimo summon the crows to send them to the owner, but Feimo said that the risk was too high, he refused to accept this kind of escort, and told me not to bring the pearls to the surface of the sea , If someone sees it, it will cause a big mess," Feili thought, "Master, come and get some pearls if you have time, you play with this first, and I will keep it for you when I encounter such things in the future."

"I will go to Shenhai Island with other people in two days," Chi Feichi said, "I plan to dive there, and Feimo will look for you tomorrow. If you want to go, Feimo will guide you."

"Does the master want to go into the water? I'll go!" Feili happily agreed, "I'll ask Wanwan Jiang to bring the pearl with me, and let him meet the master by the way. When the time comes, we'll go play in the sea together, and I'll catch it for you. Fish... By the way, Master, Feichi will also go, right?"

Chi Feichi looked at Feichi who was crawling on top of him, and confirmed, "It will go."

"If there is a special small fish over there, I will catch one for Feichi!" Feili said happily.

"See you then."

After Chi Feichi finished speaking, he did not rush to cut off the 'unnamed communicator' in his left eye, and tried to connect with Fang Zhou.

Attempt to merge failed.

It appears that the two functions cannot be merged, at least for now.

"Master, see you then!"

There was a non-response, and then the communication was cut off.

Feichi climbed onto Chi Feichi's shoulder and saw that Chi Feichi's left eye, which had no whites and a purple and black line of the Holy Spirit's Gate, returned to normal, and then asked, "Master, will Feili go?"

"Well, it said it will catch small fish for you when the time comes." Chi Feichi confirmed.

"Okay!" Feichi jumped onto the sofa and began to roll wildly, "Travel! Travel! Happy travel!"

Chi Feichi linked to Ark with his left eye, and continued to check the learning materials he saw last time.

Energy cannot be wasted.

Feichi rolled until Chi Feichi had almost exhausted his energy, and was so exhausted that he collapsed into a dead snake, and was carried by Chi Feichi to the bathroom to wash.

Xiaomei happily cleaned up Feichi's messy sofa, floor, and table. Thinking that she could help pack the luggage tomorrow, she felt even happier. When she returned to hang the doll on the wall in the middle of the night, she couldn't help laughing from time to time.


"Hee hee hee……"

"I'm so happy that I lost my head..."


The next day, Chi Fei got up early in the morning. As soon as he opened the door of the room, he heard a faint smile coming from the doll wall. He looked at Xiaomei floating out with an indifferent face, and went to the bathroom to wash up.

Last night, he vaguely heard laughter outside from time to time, luckily he was the only one living here, otherwise he would scare others to tears.

"Master, good morning, hee hee..." Xiaomei greeted, and floated over to pick up Feichi who was crawling out the door slowly, "Good morning, Feichi."

"Xiaomei, it's early for you too."

Feeling dazed, Feichi was carried by Xiaomei to the bathroom, where she lay down and washed herself.

After washing, Chi Feichi taught Xiaomei to make soup dumplings and vegetable rolls for breakfast. After eating, he went back to the bedroom to check the injury on his left rib, took out the tweezers and scissors from the medical box, and disassembled it by himself. Sutures, re-wrapped.

"Master..." Xiaomei's head passed through the door panel, looking forward to asking, "Would you like to help pack your luggage?"

"Then trouble you, don't forget to bring your body doll, and help me prepare emergency medicine and tools."

Chi Feichi picked up his laptop and went to the living room, leaving the work of packing to Xiaomei.

The injury on the left rib is more troublesome than the injury on the arm. When the arm is injured, the injured part can be avoided when exercising, but the injury on the left rib is difficult to avoid. It is easy to pull the wound even when breathing heavily. He wants to make the wound With a good recovery, it will take at least two days to start the morning exercise again.

ThK company mail, no.

Email from Machi Pet Hospital, no.

Another account, mail on the organizational side...nor.

The email record is still at five days ago.

He sent it to that person: Encountering an incident, someone accidentally stabbed the left rib and needed time to recuperate. Raki

That one generously told him to take a rest and wait until he recovered.

As for looking for July’s email, don’t look at it, the bounty is labor work that needs to go out for activities, he can’t do it even after reading it, and Jin Yuansheng, who has been pestering him, should have just finished the “safety publicity campaign” and is busy writing recently. Work reports, reports, understanding recent work information, preparing to return to work, and it is unlikely to provide him with harassing emails to relieve boredom.

Therefore, he really has nothing serious to do recently, and he doesn't want to read study materials all the time, and he doesn't want to play online games. Apart from playing mahjong, betting on horses, and playing pachinko with his teacher, he really doesn't have much to do to kill time...

When Chi Feichi was considering whether to call Mori Kogoro to play mahjong, Feiyingli's call came in first.


There are car horns and announcements on the other side of the phone, which seems to be on the street.

"Feichi, I'm sorry, I called you suddenly. Some time ago, I told you that 'Goro' was sick on the uL chat software, and I missed the time to go to the pet hospital, so I want you to recommend one. A doctor who can come out to see a doctor," Fei Yingli asked, "You asked me to contact Dean Xiangma, do you remember?"

"Remember, what's wrong with the doctor?" Chi Feichi asked directly.

"No, Dean Soma asked Dr. Tobe to help me. He is very professional. Last time, Goro had diarrhea and he immediately saw the problem. But Goro was a little abnormal again yesterday. I contacted Doctor Tobe and I am going to the hospital now. On the way to meet him for coffee," Fei Yingli hesitated for a moment before saying, "Although I don't want to trouble you, but if you are free, can I ask you to come over too? Half an hour is fine, just treat it as my invitation." You're ready for coffee."

"I'm free, where is the exact location of that coffee shop?"

"It's at the Dog Cafe in Kubado-cho 6-chome, and I'll be there in about 20 minutes..."

"IM about the same."

"Then how about we meet at the entrance of the coffee shop?"


After hanging up the phone, Chi Feichi picked up Feichi and got up, changed his shoes and went out.

It seems that Fei Yingli called him because of some concerns. Go over and have a look, and have a cup of coffee by the way. In the afternoon, he can go to the pet hospital for a walk...

20 minutes later, a taxi stopped in front of the cafe.

Fei Yingli paid the fare and got out of the car, turned around and saw a red Lexus S driving up, walked forward with a smile, waited for the car to stop by the side of the road, and said hello, "Feichi, I'm sorry, I'm still bothering you Go for a run."

Chi Feichi turned his head and looked out the car window, "It's okay, I'll find a nearby parking lot first."

"Okay," Fei Yingli nodded, then turned to look at the coffee shop behind her, "What would you like to drink?"

"Iced coffee will do."

"Okay, then I'll go in and wait for you."

After the red Lexus left, another taxi pulled up to the side of the road near the cafe.

After paying the fare, Mao Lilan took Conan out of the car, just in time to see the back of Fei Yingli who entered the coffee shop, and hurriedly followed.

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