Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1381 Another... Summoned Chi Feichi?

In the coffee shop, Fei Yingli greeted Tobe and sat across the table.

Tobu has dark skin, long black hair tied back in natural curls, tall and burly, but with a warm smile on his face, "Lawyer Concubine, what do you want to drink?"

"A cup of coffee at room temperature, with less sugar," Fei Yingli turned her head and said to the clerk who came over, "There is also a cup of iced coffee, also with less sugar."

"Huh?" Hubu was puzzled, "Have you dated anyone else?"

Seeing the waiter nodding and leaving, Feiyingli smiled apologetically, "I have an appointment with Feichi..."

"Consultant Chi?" Hubu was stunned for a moment, and said helplessly, "It's not the last time we met, I was too enthusiastic and scared you, right?"

"How could it be?" Fei Yingli said with a wave of "hypocrisy that adults have to do", and said with a smile, "I heard from my daughter that he was recently injured and recuperating at home, and has been playing around with my unreliable husband. I am a little worried He has learned bad habits, and usually has no time to spare, so I took this opportunity to ask him out to have a look... Ah, by the way, my husband is his teacher."

She wasn't an outright liar, and that was one of the reasons.

She was worried that some unreliable man would spoil the family's children, that a good heir would become a horse betting and drinking expert, and that a certain man's reputation as a famous detective would be returned after hard work.

Hubu looked surprised, "Huh? Does lawyer Fei still help her husband worry about these things?"

Fei Yingli smiled helplessly, "I can't help it, I have to think about it for Feichi. Although he is usually calm and sensible, he is still a young man of twenty."

Hubu laughed, "Lawyer Concubine is so responsible, she must be a good wife and mother..."

"Where, in fact, I'm terrible at cooking," Fei Yingli began to reveal her shortcomings, "I don't take enough care of my daughter."

"Not good at cooking?" Tobe smiled. "I think it's cute. Women who focus on their careers have a dazzling light."

Fei Yingli yelled 'Help' silently in her heart, estimated the time, and felt that Chi Feichi would not be able to pass it for a while, so she changed the subject, "Ah, let's not talk about that, Goro suddenly had a seizure when he slept last night..."

Not far away, Mao Lilan sat with his back to the two of them, stared at Hubu with unfriendly eyes from the side, and whispered with gritted teeth, "That guy, my mother's extramarital affair... Mom actually took off the marriage certificate." Ring came to see him secretly, no, I'm going to ask mom why she did this!"

Conan who was sitting next to him sweated, and hurriedly said, "Sister Xiaolan, let's take another look. If we make a mistake, won't it be embarrassing? And...and he is not necessarily a bad person..."

Mao Lilan sighed dejectedly when she thought of her father's unreliable appearance.

Is the day finally here?

Parents separated, relationship broke down, another man appeared in her mother's life, and then... divorce!

Although she felt that her mother also had the right to pursue happiness, she was still very sad.

Forget it, let's see if the other party is a good person. If he is a good person, then...

"Oh! Xiao Huihui," Hubu looked at a girl hugging a dog. To be precise, he was looking at the small white dog in the girl's arms, and said with a smile, "It's still beautiful!"

"Thank you!" The girl responded with a smile.


Conan, who was drinking juice not far away, sprayed it directly, and turned his head to look at Hubu with a dazed expression.

beautiful? What the hell is this childish way of talking like a child?

Mao Lilan also looked at Hubu blankly with the expression of seeing a ghost.

Hey hey, saying such aggressive words to a girl really doesn't match the appearance of a tough guy at all...

Conan came back to his senses, turned his head and smiled obediently at Mao Lilan, "From this point of view, it should not be an extramarital affair, at least not the type that Aunt Yingli would like."

"But, but dad doesn't just get drunk..." Mao Lilan imitated Maoli Kogoro's coquettish tone with a faceless face, "'Lan Lan, I really want to drink another bottle', that is such a strange tone .”

Conan laughed dryly at the side, so it is true, once the uncle drank too much, the whole person became nervous...

Mao Lilan sighed, suspecting that there was a serious problem with her mother's vision, "Furthermore, it is well known that my father is lustful, so maybe my mother's taste is nothing more than that..."

Conan continued to laugh dryly, and Xiaolan complained that her mother was really rude.

Mao Lilan turned back and continued to watch, his face changed greatly, and he whispered, "Conan, look quickly, why is that man's arm full of scars?"

Conan looked over and found that there were indeed many slender scars on the arm under Tobe's short sleeves. While Tobe sat and bent over, he touched the head of a large dog next to him with one hand, and lifted the dog with the other hand quite naturally. ear……

Wait, this action of lifting the dog's ears is quite familiar!

"It doesn't look like a good person at first glance..." Mao Lilan only focused on the injury on Hubu's arm, and didn't pay attention to what Hubu was doing, so she got up angrily and walked over.

She wants to prevent her mother from being hooked up by bad men!

"Ah, wait a minute..." Conan quickly followed.

When Mao Lilan walked behind Feiyingli, she found that Feiyingli's shoulders were trembling slightly and she was crying with her head down, and she was stunned in place.

In her impression, her mother is not the kind of person who likes to cry, but now she is crying because of a man who speaks sissy, picks up girls, and is flirtatious?


"No matter what, I can't stop trembling..." Fei Yingli frowned worriedly, thinking that Goro, who had raised her once, was dead, and felt scared, "What, what should I do?"

"Don't worry," Tobe smiled, calming Fei Yingli in a deep voice, "I think it must be a dream."

Mao Lilan: "..."

To actually lure her mother to cheat, make her mother cry, and still want to use the words 'dream' to start and end?

Bullying! So bullying!

At the door, Chi Fei entered the coffee shop late, said "find someone" to the waiter who came up, and looked up to see Conan and Mao Lilan standing behind Fei Yingli.

His mother even called her daughter and the Shinigami elementary school students... Wait, he seems to remember that there was such a plot, it was Mao Lilan who misunderstood Fei Yingli's cheating in marriage...

Conan guessed the identity of the household department, and also knew the reason why the two said so. With a confident smile that solved the puzzle, he raised his head and said to Mori Ran, "Sister Xiaolan, I think this is just a misunderstanding. It's not Aunt Eri's." The cheating partner..."

Mao Lilan's face was gloomy, unable to hear anything, she clenched her fists and walked forward.

If you want to scum her mother, have you asked her who is a black belt in karate first?

"I said," Conan Khan, "you got it wrong..."

"Ah?" Hubu found Mao Lilan next to him with a gloomy face, and was a little puzzled.

Feiyingli turned her head and said in surprise, "Xiao-Xiaolan?!"

Mao Lilan let out a low cry, raised her leg and kicked it straight forward.

"He's just a veterinarian!!!" Conan yelled.

Mao Lilan's soles stopped in front of Hubu's face.

Household Department: "..."

It's so scary, I can't react at all.

"Ah? Veterinarian?" Mao Lilan put down her legs and stood up, pointing angrily at Hubu with a dull face, "Are you talking about this man who is greedy for women and full of nonsense?"

Conan raised his head and explained with a dry smile, "I don't think he's lusting after women."

"But, didn't he strike up a conversation with that girl just now? What are you talking about..." Mao Lilan said angrily, imitating Hubu's smiling face just now, "Xiao Huihui, you're still so pretty..."

"That's not for the girl, it's for the dog the girl is holding," Conan said with a dry smile, "Isn't Brother Chi like this often? When you meet pets and pet owners you know, you will subconsciously say hello to the pet first." , or just say hello to the pet, and the pet owner will happily cooperate..."

"But," Mao Lilan glanced at the household department, "Brother Feichi won't talk like a girl like him, right?"

Hubu: "???"

Someone pool advisor knows?

Also, he's not so girly when he speaks, he just imitates the tone of a child!

"Actually, this is very common. Many veterinarians will speak to animals in a child's tone when they consult animals." Conan smiled and looked at the household department. "It should be said involuntarily just now, right? ?”

Hube nodded, "Uh, yes..."

"And Brother Chi may not know how to speak in that way, maybe he's just embarrassed in front of everyone," Conan began to complain maliciously. Anyway, Chi Feichi was not around, so he took the opportunity to make complaints to satisfy his own bad taste. Okay, "For example, in private, I would say 'Xiao Chichi, you have gained weight recently'..."

Feichi: "!"

Where is it fat? When did it get fat? It just grows up! grow up!

A hand with a dry and cool palm was placed on top of Conan's head. When Conan was about to look back in surprise, he suddenly heard a male voice with a familiar voice and calm tone coming from behind him.

"Conan, I won't."

Conan: "!"


He complained again and again... Summoned Chi Feichi? !

Why? How did this guy come out? Where did it come from? He made up this sentence behind his back, why did Chi Feichi appear like a ghost again?

There was no movement when Chi Feichi could be summoned, and Chi Feichi appeared when he didn't want to complain about summoning Chi Feichi. This time he said it directly...Why did God treat him like this?

Chi Feichi looked down at the head of the famous detective under his left hand, and really wanted to ask Conan if he knew what it meant to smash his brain with bare hands.

Little Chi Chi?

Does he look like someone who would say something like that?

Also, there must be more than one time that a famous detective choreographed him behind the scenes!

Mao Lilan turned her head to look at Chi Feichi, her gaze moved down, and she saw Chi Feichi's left hand resting on top of Conan's head, squeezing a cold sweat for Conan. For some reason, although that hand was resting on it in a relaxed manner, She was just worried that if the fingers of that hand were exerted forcefully, there would be five more fingerprints on Conan's skull, "F-Brother Feichi..."

Seeing Chi Feichi's black hair with an indifferent expression, Hubu was also sweating, and got up to say hello, "Consultant Chi, you're here."

Mao Lilan regained consciousness, looked at Feiyingli, Hubu, and Chi Feichi, "Brother Feichi, why are you here?"

Chi Feichi withdrew his left hand that was placed on top of Conan's head, "Master asked me to drink coffee."

"Yu-so that's the case," Mao Lilan forced a smile on his face, moved a little to cover Conan who moved over, and then looked at the household department, "Then he is really a veterinarian?"

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