Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1394 Eat, drink, do something

In the dark deep sea, an octopus rolls a glass box with one tentacle, and a large shell with one tentacle. Standing on the huge skeleton that still has minced meat, it cuts a piece of meat the size of a washbasin with a sharp shell. Asked in a low voice, "Is this size not enough?"

Feili looked aside, "Let's make it smaller."

The octopus rolled the shell and gestured, "Then how about cutting it in half?"

Chi Fei walked forward and took out a portable pocket knife, "I'll come, just give Feichi a small cut."

"Master, don't you try this kind of big fish?" Feili didn't notice that Chi Feichi was suddenly able to speak in the water, and tried to recommend the food he liked, "The meat of this kind of big fish is firm, Xiaomei Pick the most tender part again, the taste of the meat will be tough but a little bit soft, use your teeth to bite off the peculiar texture tissue created by the sea, and your mouth will be filled with the wonderful fishy smell of sea water and meat, which is great experience."

Feichi: "..."

Hearing what Feili said, it was so greedy.

When Chi Feichi heard the 'beautiful fishy smell', he thought of all kinds of blood, and was a little greedy, but considering the parasites in these animals...

"I will not eat."

If you don't eat, you don't eat, and you don't eat anything.

"Okay," Feili didn't insist, "Then when the master wants to eat later, I'll grab it for the master."

After Chi Feichi came over, the octopus was silent for a while. After Chi Feichi cut the meat strips with a jackknife, he rolled up a large shellfish with stones stuck in it with the free tentacles and handed it to Chi Feichi. In front of Feichi.

Feili helped explain, "This is a spare food for Wanwan sauce. It wants to ask the owner if you want to take it home and try it."

Feichi was lying in the glass box, staring expectantly at the glistening soft meat of the shellfish, "Master, I want to taste..."

Chi Feichi used the jackknife again to help Feichi dig up a small ball of shellfish, "Feili, where did Feimo go?"

"After we arrived here yesterday, it went to the island," Feili recalled. "When I floated up to take a breath last night, a seagull came over and said that Feimo had found a cave entrance and they were going to explore it. .”

Is it the entrance to the Treasure Cave?

Chi Feichi's left eye turned into a purple chaos, and the black lines quickly drew the pattern of the gate of the Holy Spirit, connecting Feimo's side.

At the entrance of a cave, Fei Mo was squatting on a short stone pillar more than 30 centimeters high, staring down at the half-dead fish lying at his feet, looking distracted, like a statue fused with the pillar, even the purple eyes in front of him Didn't even notice the pattern.

"Feimo?" Chi Feichi called out.

Feimo came back to his senses, looked up at the purple eye pattern floating in the air in front of him, "Master, it's you, I was just thinking about what to eat for my next meal, I've been eating sea fish recently, I'm tired of eating, this There are many rocks on the island, and there are few small animals, but there are bugs in the woods over there. When I came, I saw two fat grasshoppers..."

Chi Feichi: "..."

Every day a creature lives, in simple terms, it is to implement the three questions of what to eat, what to drink, and what to do.

There was nothing wrong with Feimo's meditation just now.

"Master, do you want bugs?" Feimo suggested, "If you want, I'll catch two for you. Even if you don't like to eat them, you can tie a rope and use them for walking."

As for the non-ink-fighting bird's proposal to walk the grasshopper, Chi Feichi refused, "No, you're on Laiqin Island now?"

"Yeah, I went to the inhabited island yesterday to check the terrain. There are too few birds here, and they are scattered, and they like to migrate to the island. They have a friendly personality. I don't think it is necessary to establish a stronghold for the time being. At that time, we just come and look for them." Feimo analyzed it and explained, "When I went to investigate yesterday, they told me that there is a shrine on the island next to the human being called Laiqin Island." There are treasures hidden in it, so I came to explore, but the light inside was too dark. When I came here last night, there was still a very bad smell inside. I guess it was gas, so I didn’t go in for the time being. The wind direction changed today. Afterwards, the gas inside dissipated a lot, and I wanted to go to the island over there at night to find a flashlight and go in to have a look.”

"Wait for me tonight, let's go together." Chi Feichi said.

"Okay, master, where do you stay? I'll go to find you first, and we'll come together at night."

"Shenhaizhuang, I'm diving in the sea, I'll go back right now."

Chi Feichi turned off the unnamed communicator in his left eye, released part of the air in the oxygen cylinder, and agreed with Feili to meet at night before taking Feichi and Feichi's rations and leaving.

As for the ostentatious black pearl, it would be better to put it here in Feili.


At sea, the sky is full of sunset clouds.

The bright red clouds spread in the sky, illuminating the sea surface with an orange-red luster.

Ma Yuan Qianxia squatted on the deck of the yacht, looking at the sea in despair.

The gas cylinder is only enough to supply oxygen for an hour at most, and it has been two hours, and the person hasn't come up yet, so there should be no accident, right?

It can be predicted that after the news of the continuous death of people here spreads, even if there will still be many tourists, the diving business may not be good.

And let's forget about the accident with the treasure hunter before, but now it's the apprentice of the famous detective Mori Kogoro.

She might be reported by then.

‘Knowing that there might be sharks in the vicinity, this boss doesn’t dissuade the customers in order to make money, but actually agrees to let the customers go diving and provides help. Maybe she instigated it. It’s a typical example of a contemporary black-hearted businessman...’

If it was to make a lot of money, she would change places and live incognito, but she only charged a little more than the normal price. At that time, she thought that Chi Feichi was protected by killer whales, and she could still come up if it was impossible. Only agreed to come over.


"Da da da……"

A helicopter flew across the sky, heading towards the island.

Ma Yuan Qianxia looked up to see the helicopter over the deep sea island, then looked away and sighed.

The police are here too...


Chi Feichi surfaced and explained on the deck, "Sorry, something happened, I went to Laiqin Island to avoid it for a while."

When Ma Yuan Qianxia heard that it was an 'accident', she had nothing to say for a while, and seeing Chi Feichi's overly calm appearance, she didn't even think it was right to complain, "It's okay, it's fine."

Chi Feichi looked at the helicopter landing above Shenhai Island, "Have the police come?"

"Yeah, the police helicopter just arrived." Ma Yuan Qianxia noticed the piece of meat in Chi Feichi's hand, and was a little puzzled, "This is..."

"Fish and shellfish meat, I find them to feed snakes."

Chi Feichi entered the cockpit, took out an evidence bag from his jacket, put the meat from the bottom of the sea into it, and quietly knocked the fangs with his lower teeth, letting the venom flow into his mouth, swallowed it for two seconds.

Although I don't know if his venom can kill the parasites, but you can try it, just as a psychological comfort for yourself.

Ma Yuan Qianxia also entered the cockpit and sailed back to the island.

Chi Feichi took a shower in the diving shop, rinsed the diving equipment with fresh water by the way, changed into clean clothes, and went out with a travel bag, and said to Ma Yuan Qianxia who was checking the goods, "Miss Ma Yuan, I want to rent Yachting, between now and this time tomorrow."

"Rent a yacht?" Ma Yuan Qianxia hesitated.

"I want to go to Lai Qin Island tomorrow, but I don't necessarily have to." Chi Feichi said.

This can be regarded as compensation for Ma Yuan Qianxia waiting for him in fear today.

Of course, after renting the yacht, he can drive the yacht to the sea by himself, and it is not a waste of money, just take care of Ma Yuanqianxia's business.

Ma Yuanqianxia hesitated, "If you haven't driven a yacht, I wouldn't rent it."

"I have a yacht driving license." Chi Feichi took out the certificate from his pocket and handed it to Ma Yuan Qianxia.

Ma Yuan Qianxia took it and looked at it, nodded and took Chi Feichi to register. After Chi Feichi paid the deposit and rented a yacht parked at the pier to Chi Feichi, he sent Chi Feichi out with a smile.

When Chi Feichi went all the way to inquire about Mori Kogoro's movements and arrived at the largest restaurant on the island, Mu Mu Shisan had already brought people to the lobby.

In addition to the police, Mori Kogoro, the old policeman and the two treasure hunters were also in the hall, and the atmosphere was not very pleasant.

"Hey, hey, what's the matter with you guys?" The short-haired man sat on the sofa, folded his arms, and frowned, "Before the police came, this detective kept staring at us, even when we went to change clothes, You also have to guard the door, when the police come, you question them with the attitude of treating prisoners, we are victims!"

Mori Kogoro and Megu Shisan sat on the opposite sofa, their attitudes were not giving in at all, "Since you are a victim, how about showing the attitude of a victim and answering the question honestly?"

Chi Feichi stepped forward, deliberately making the sound of footsteps so that others could hear them without being too deliberate.

But except for the bearded treasure hunter who looked up, no one else noticed Chi Feichi's approach.

That bearded... The old policeman asked his name before, and the other party claimed to be 'Matsumoto Koji', while the short-haired man said he was 'Izu Santaro'. I guess even Mori Kogoro had doubts about whether his name was true or not.

But no matter what, when he gave the hemostatic powder before, Izu Shantaro accepted his powder after seeing Matsumoto Koji nodding, and used it to give medicine to his companions. Light voice.

Sometimes, the right to speak represents ability.

At the same time, Matsumoto Koji was very cautious. Even when he was talking to the police, he paid attention to the surrounding environment and found him when he was approaching.

When he came in just now, Mori Kogoro, Meguro Shisan, and Izu Shantaro all folded their arms when they spoke. The first two were to put pressure on the two treasure hunters, and Izu Shantaro expressed 'resistance' , only Matsumoto Koji puts his hands casually, murders people, and can be so casual in the face of the police. Either he has a better mentality than Izu Santaro, or he has a better ability to cover up.

Although Izu Shantaro spoke more often, Matsumoto Koji was relatively silent, but in terms of the degree of difficulty, Matsumoto Koji should be stronger, and he must strengthen his defenses.

He deliberately made his footsteps more obvious, because he was also worried that if he approached quietly, the two treasure hunters would find out that he was good at it and raise their vigilance.

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