Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1395 All by peers

"Excuse me……"

Miwako Sato, who was standing by the coffee table, was not annoyed when she saw that the two did not cooperate. She smiled and bent down to put the two photos on the coffee table, "Have you seen these two people?"

Matsumoto Koji didn't look at Chi Feichi much, and didn't even look at the two photos on the table, so he smiled and said, "I'm sorry, I've never seen it before."

Chi Feichi walked to Miwako Sato and looked down at the photo.

The photo showed two men with minor facial injuries. Against the blue background, they were taken upright as if they were taking ID photos.

"They robbed the supermarket in Shimbashi last night and took away the cash in the store." Miwako Sato stared at the two and smiled, "They said... they did it at your instigation, and they wanted to join you. "

Chi Feichi: "..."

The threshold to join this team is so low, why not rob a bank or something?

All relying on peers to set off, the image of the organization suddenly became taller.

"I don't know," Matsumoto Koji sneered, "Maybe they are talking nonsense to get rid of the crime."

Mori Kogoro was a little angry, "You bastard!"

"Do you have evidence? Evidence?" Matsumoto Koji raised his eyebrows, looked at Mori Kogoro and said, "It's just the testimony of those two guys. You won't say that we are related to some robbery just because of this!"

Mu Mushisan, Mori Kogoro, and Sato Miwako were all silent.

They have no evidence, otherwise they wouldn't be spending time here.

"Don't do this, everyone calm down first," Shiratori Ren Saburo came over with a tray, on which there were two glasses of orange drinks, "Please have an iced drink first, Mr. Chi, would you like one?"

"Thank you, I'll pour it myself." Chi Feichi walked to the place where Shiratori Ren Sanlang came from.

"Huh?" Miwako Sato looked at Chi Feichi in a daze, "When did Mr. Chi come?"

Mu Mu Shisan was silent, don't ask him, he didn't notice either.

Mori Kogoro had a black line, "Leave him alone, this kid is sometimes elusive, and he doesn't say hello when he comes..."

Shiratori Ren Sanlang looked back at Chi Feichi, bent down and brought the two drinks on the tray to the two treasure hunters, and said with a smile, "Please."

The two treasure hunters glanced at each other, let out a low laugh that didn't mean anything, and didn't touch the juice on the table.

Koji Matsumoto took out a cigarette and bit it, and took the matchbox that the hotel put in the ashtray and provided to the guests. After lighting the cigarette, he put the matchbox away, raised his head and exhaled smoke, smiling playfully , "Well, if you have nothing else to ask, we want to go back to the room and rest."

"You two really don't know who is targeting you?" Mu Mu Shisan frowned, "You are treasure hunters, there should be some inside story about being attacked by a shark today, right?"

"I don't know at all." Mitsuji Matsumoto bit his tongue to death and did not let go.

Chi Feichi stood in front of the tea table not far away, poured himself a glass of juice, and watched the play in silence.

Seeing the two treasure hunters get up and prepare to leave, Gao Mushe approached Chi Feichi and said in a low voice, "Mr. Chi, can you lend me a cigarette? I'll explain to you later."

Chi Feichi took out the cigarette case and gave Gao Mushe a cigarette.

"Thank you." Takagi finished in a low voice, put his cigarette in his mouth, walked up to Matsumoto Koji who was about to leave, and smiled awkwardly, "Sorry, can I borrow a light? I forgot to bring a lighter."

"Tch..." Matsumoto Koji handed the matchbox he used earlier to Takagi She, "Take it."

Takagi took the matchbox, struck a match to light the cigarette, took a decent puff, took the opportunity to tuck the matchbox into his sleeve, handed it to Matsumoto Koji again, and said with a smile, "Thank you."

Koji Matsumoto took the matchbox and packed it, and left with Izu Yamataro, "What a waste of time!"

Mori Kogoro didn't follow, looked at the drink on the coffee table, and said with a dry smile, "Officer Megure, that juice... can I have a sip? I'm a little thirsty after asking for so long..."

"Drink it." Mu Mu Shisan was speechless for a moment, his face a little ugly, "The two guys didn't touch glasses at all just now, and they thought they could get fingerprints. Curry looked up their profile."

"However, even if fingerprints can be collected, it will take a lot of time to find out the results on this island," Shiratori Ren Saburo said helplessly, "whether it is to invite forensic personnel to come or send it back for identification. "

"By the way, Takagi," Miwako Sato looked at Takagi Tsutomu, who had a cigarette in his mouth and turned his back to them, and asked doubtfully, "Do you usually smoke?"

Mori Kogoro looked at the pure black cigarette with a silver holder, touched his chin, "Why do I think this kind of cigarette looks familiar?"

"Ahem..." Gao Mushe turned around, and the image of "retired and independent" smoking with his back to the crowd collapsed in an instant, and his tears were coughed up by the smoke, "No...cough cough..."

Kogoro Moori was stunned for a moment, then turned his head and roared at Chi Feichi who was coming, "Feichi, don't bring others to smoke!"

"No, no," Takagi She quickly slowed down, and took out the matchbox hidden in his sleeve, with tears still in the corner of his eyes, "Mr. Maori, you misunderstood, I was here to get this...cough you have any?" Instant adhesive? If there is, I have a way to collect fingerprints here, and then compare them with the information base."

Miwako Sato stepped forward quickly, and bumped Takagi's waist from her elbow with a smile, "Yes, Takagi!"

Shiratori Ren Saburo felt uncomfortable, "But Takagi, you can't smoke and still play this show, it's too brave."

"No way, I came up with a solution suddenly, and it was too late to tell you at that time," Gao Mushe scratched his head and explained, "At that time, only Mr. Chi was by his side, and I thought that since our police were there, we couldn't contact these people." Let him do it, if they are found out, they might resent Mr. Shangchi."

Shiratori Ren Sanlang had nothing to say, he has the awareness of being a policeman, and he is not an unreasonable and cunning person, so he can only nod, "That's right."

Mu Mu Shisan felt relieved, and nodded towards Takagi She, "Takagi, you did a good job!"

Seeing that the matter had come to an end for the time being, Mori Kogoro stood up and reached for the jacket that was draped over the back of the sofa, "Officer Megure, then we won't bother you to collect fingerprints, Feichi, let's go!"

Chi Feichi put the cup of juice on the coffee table, ready to retreat.

Mu Mu Shisan hurriedly expressed his thanks again, "Brother Mao Li, Brother Chi, I have really troubled you this time."

"Where is it?" Mori Kogoro smiled, "If you need help with anything, feel free to call my detective Mori Kogoro!"

Mu Mu Thirteen: "..."

I am grateful, but Brother Maori's arrogant attitude is really unreasonable.

Mori Kogoro didn't care how speechless Memu Shisan was, and walked towards the door with Chi Feichi, "Feichi, you can't drink recently, so go back to the hotel for dinner early, and I will continue to go to the izakaya to drink, don't you Forgot to tell Xiaolan."

"I see." Chi Feichi replied.

Miwako Sato watched the two leave, and then looked away with a smile, "The relationship between them is really good."

"Yeah," Mu Mu Shisan said with a blank expression, "It's really eye-opening for someone not to dislike Brother Mao Li."

Miwako Sato, Wataru Takagi, and Rensaburo Shiratori could only laugh dryly.

That's not what Police Officer Megure said when they helped solve the case...



There are two tables in the Japanese-style room, which are joined together to serve as a large dining table, which is simple and tidy.

Feimo stood on the table, watching the three children get together to look at a beetle entangled in grass.

"Feimo is amazing, he can catch such a big praying mantis!" Yuan Tai poked the grass ball with his hand, "This is the first time I have seen such a big praying mantis!"

"Me too," Mitsuhiko lay on the table, observing seriously, "but it seems to be very spiritless, and it feels like it's dying."

"Is it because the grass was entangled too tightly and for too long?" Ayumi asked.

"Then do you want to let it go and let it go back to nature?" Mitsuhiko hesitated, "Although such a big beetle is rare, but..."

"Maybe this is Feimo's food," Hui Yuanai reminded calmly, "If you want to let it go, you have to see whether Feimo agrees or not. After all, it was brought by Feimo."

"And this is not a praying mantis, but a locust," said Conan Zhengse, "The most obvious feature of a mantis is a pair of sickle-like forelimbs. Its body is entangled, and its feet and body cannot be seen. Triangular, the neck can be rotated freely, and the joint between the neck and the head can be seen, while the head of the locust is relatively round, as if it is connected to the body, you will know if you look carefully..."


The wooden door was opened, and Suzuki Sonoko and Mao Lilan helped Meima and Nan bring dinner in.

The three children calmed down and looked up at Suzuki Sonoko silently.

Suzuki Sonoko brought the tray in front of Dr. Ali, and saw the three children turning their heads as he walked, feeling weird, "What, what's wrong? Why are you looking at me all the time?"

Yuan Tai's half-moon eyes said, "Sister Yuanzi said that it belonged to the mantis."

Ayumi put on a serious face, "It seems that Sister Sonoko is not careful enough to observe."

Mitsuhiko stared at Suzuki Sonoko, "Maybe he just fooled us casually, so he just took a casual look and said it was a big praying mantis."

Suzuki Sonoko felt a little guilty, "It was so entangled in the grass that it couldn't be seen clearly, and I was worried about untying the grass and letting it run away, so I don't blame me if I made a mistake."

The three children didn't listen to Suzuki Sonoko's explanation at all, and they had already gathered together to whisper.

Guangyan said solemnly, "The locusts will become a disaster if they gather together, so let Feimo eat them."

"But will Feimo eat locusts?" Ayumi looked at Feimo, who was standing on the table and combing her feathers leisurely, "I thought it would only eat small apples."

"Crows are omnivorous animals," Hui Yuanai said, "not only eat fruits, but also eat things like bugs, carrion, and grains."

"But Feimo is raised by someone. Brother Feichi has been feeding apples all the time. Maybe it doesn't know how to eat bugs, but just likes to catch bugs for fun?" Suzuki Sonoko put the tray on the table, picked up the grass ball, and handed it to Feimo's mouth beside.

Feimo glanced at it, then turned his head coldly.

This is a toy for kids, and it's not greedy enough to eat kids' toys!

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