Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1411 Kidd, please show some face

Takatori Yannan put aside the large net glued with superglue, looked up at the black cat huddled in the corner, then turned his head and asked Chi Feichi in a low voice, "Ji Yue, will you let her go now?"

"Wait a little longer..." Chi Feichi sensed the phone vibrating, looked away from the outside, looked at the black cat huddled in the corner, took out the phone, "I'll give you a chance to declare war on him personally."

The black cat stared at the cell phone that a certain man in black put to his ear after answering the call, but did not say a word.

Could it be Kaitou Kidd calling?

This is impossible, bounty hunters basically only contact by email, unless they have had a pleasant cooperation, they will leave their mobile phone contact information, and the same is true for international thieves.

If the two of them even have a phone number, then the relationship must be unusual.

When the phone was connected, Kaito Kuroba smiled and said, "Night..."

"Kid." Chi Feichi interrupted Kuroba Kaito's greeting with a gentle male voice.

"Ah, July..." Kaito Kuiba decisively changed his name, guessing that there was someone else at Chi Feichi's side, and he couldn't let that person know his true identity, so he also changed into a character like Kaitou Kidd. Reliable and serious tone, "I want to talk to you about the black cat."

Chi Feichi looked up at a white spot in the night sky above, jumped off the truck, and walked towards the intersection, "What do you want to talk about?"

"How much is the black cat worth? I'll double it to you. As long as you can let the black cat go, what's the deal?" Kaito Kuroba said calmly, "A thief who doesn't have a murder case on him will be paid even if he is handed over to the police." Not too much salary, although I don't have much money, but I have a very rich brother, I can ask him to help me pay in advance..."

Chi Feichi: "..."

I'm sorry, but your brother didn't want to advance the payment for you.

On the street near the art museum, Konosuke Terai parked his car on the side of the road and looked back at Kaito Kuroba sitting in the back seat.

"I think with the spare money in his hand, even if it is 100 million yen, you can get it out. You don't have to be polite, just ask for as much as you want..." Kuroba Kaito put his phone next to his ear in his right hand, and looked down. Looking at the laptop on his lap, with a casual and playful smile, he turned the screen of the laptop to the front seat so that Konosuke Terai could see a flashing green dot on the map displayed on the screen.

It's not that difficult to know Brother Feichi's current position.

On the way here, he first tied mobile phone detectors and locators to the pigeons' feet, and then released all the pigeons around here, and arranged them on different streets to ensure that the detection range of the detectors could cover the vicinity of the art museum.

After that, all he had to do was make a phone call and pretend that he wanted to redeem the black cat.

When Brother Feichi connects to the phone... No, even if Brother Feichi doesn't answer the phone, as soon as the call is connected, Brother Feichi's mobile phone will receive the call signal, and then the detector on the pigeon will detect fluctuations, combined with the number to bind With a fixed locator, he can lock the exact area where Brother Feichi is.

Regardless of whether Brother Feichi will find the pigeon or not, whether or not his pigeon will be coaxed away by Brother Feichi, the moment he dials the phone, Brother Feichi's location has already been locked by him!


Brother Feichi couldn't be tracked through intrusion methods, so they could still use physical means to cooperate with the tracking. Who let him know Brother Feichi's phone number?

And for a bounty hunter who has an intelligence network and is paying bounties, he may miss important information if his phone is turned off. Brother Feichi will not turn off his phone. .

Next, grandpa will drive over immediately, he just needs to try his best to hold Brother Feichi, pay attention to the movement over there, and think about how to rescue the black cat...

In the front seat, Terai Konosuke saw the location of the flashing green dot on the map, sat upright, and drove to that place.

"Don't worry if he doesn't help me," Kuroba Kaito said with a smile, "If he doesn't help, I'll steal his favorite pet and use it to threaten him..."

On the other side of the phone, the male voice was gentle and gentle, "Kidd, please show some face."

Probably because the voice was too gentle, and the words he said were too sharp and mean, Kaito Kuroba's mind froze for a moment, and he couldn't reply in time.

And the male voice on the other side of the phone continued, "You don't need to deliberately delay the time, let's change the transaction method, I will let the black cat go, but..."

Black Cat's male voice with a voice changer: "Phantom Thief Kidd, I came to Japan this time to see if you, Japan's No. The ring is my challenge, let's see which one of us can succeed, if you don't come, I will treat you as surrender."

Kuroba Kaito: "..."

Release the black cat and let the black cat challenge him. Is this another trading method that Brother Feichi said? And the black cat agreed?

"that's all."

Chi Feichi said in a gentle male voice, hung up the phone directly, and said to the black cat who had also left the carriage, "Kidd is coming soon, I put a little thing at the intersection, but we can't stop him for long, let's go first Let's go, it's up to you."

Takatori Yano turned around and got into the front seat of the truck, and started the car.

Chi Feichi also followed, got into the car and let Ying and Yan Nan drive straight to the intersection.

The black cat saw the two leave as soon as they said they would leave, and was vigilant whether this was a trap to play tricks on her. Suddenly, a blue car approached the street and passed the leaving truck. The next second, the truck was safe. Passing through the intersection, the blue car was surrounded by suddenly rapidly expanding bubbles with a soft 'bang' sound, as if there were suddenly a bunch of 'bubble mountains' on the road.

Black Cat: "..."

Could Kaitou Kidd be in that car?

So the question is, how did Kaito Kidd know they were here? How did July know that Kaito Kidd was coming?

This feeling of not being able to keep up with the rhythm of the two of them, and being suppressed in IQ... is quite shocking.

Forget it, she slipped too.


On the street, the blue car was quickly wrapped by bubbles, and even the window glass was covered with bubbles.

Konosuke Terai, who was driving, lost his vision and tried to stop the car by stepping on the brakes.

"Grandpa, don't stop!" Kaito Kuroba hurriedly said, "This street is a straight line, there are no obstacles on the road, and there are no other cars in front or behind. If you slow down and drive along the straight line, you will be fine!"

Can't park.

What if this is a trap deliberately set by Brother Feichi to catch him after realizing his locking method?

That way, if they stop, there will definitely be more traps to greet them.

Terai Konosuke heard the words, did not step on the brakes, and drove forward in a straight line without vision.

It's just bubbles stuck on the car window. As the car drives forward, the bubbles on the window glass are quickly blown away by the wind, and are swept by the wind brought by the car, as if the car is dragging a long tail of bubbles .

Under the light of street lamps, the surface of the bubbles seems to be flowing with faint colorful colors. Before anyone can see clearly, the bubbles burst one by one in the air, giving the car driving on the road a dreamy style.

Kaito Kuroba turned his head and looked behind the car, and found that the truck had disappeared. Looking at the string of bubble tails behind the car, he felt a little emotional.

Brother Feichi is very talented in designing stage effects, even this kind of effect can be imagined, and he doesn't stick to one style. He is indeed his father's favorite apprentice...


After the familiar soft sound, the whole car was once again wrapped in a large number of bubbles, and the window glass was once again covered with bubbles.

Kuroba Kaito: "..."

Brother Feichi even set up bubble traps at the intersection here?

The windows of the car were bubbled twice in a row. People like them in the car did not have a good experience.

Konosuke Terai slowed down the speed of the car again, and after the bubbles on the front windshield were blown away by the wind, he asked, "Master Kaito, what about us now...?"

"The situation is a bit complicated now," Kaito Kuroba looked strange, he raised his right hand and touched the back of his head, "That guy Black Cat seems to have been instigated by Brother Feichi."

Konosuke Terai was a little confused, "Planning, plotting rebellion?"

"Yeah, thanks to the fact that I still wanted to save him, but he wanted to start a fight with me among monster thieves. Brother Feichi also said to let him go. I'm not sure what they are trying to do..." Hei Yu Kaito rubbed his chin, "But if you don't fight, you will definitely be looked down upon. Let's go back first. Please help me to check the information of that black cat. He should be a thief from France."


In the evening of the next day, a black commercial vehicle left Tokyo and drove towards the Oean Hotel.

In the rear seat, the window glass is pasted with dark glass film, so that people can only vaguely see a figure sitting directly behind.

"My money has arrived..."

Chi Feichi looked down at the account information displayed on the phone.

Takatori Yannan drove the car, and smiled easily, "My bounty reward should have arrived, I will check it tonight, the police want us to contribute, and will not let us down in this regard, it is estimated that early this morning Let’s finish checking the TA-Q-BIN information.”

After checking the account, Chi Feichi looked at the thank you email from Jin Yuansheng, "You only have about one million yen."

In order to facilitate the delivery last night, Takatori Yannan did not put the person in a sack, but pretended to "entrust the delivery together in July", and packed the rewards with him one by one in the carton of Cheetah Delivery Service, and sent them over together.

The "big goods" of this batch of TA-Q-BIN are Matsumoto Koji and Izu Shantaro, and the other values ​​are really not high. Even if it is to investigate something or forward something, it is only 300,000 yen at most. He got a piecemeal here. One million, it is estimated that Takatori Yannan's side is about the same.

"I've calculated it. Including the two bounties offered by the Bounty Hall, the total is 1.33 million yen," Takatori Yannan said speechlessly, "It's already quite a lot. Few, international wanted criminals like Matsumoto Koji are not so easy to meet, I was thinking about buying some information from you another day, if there are those kind of gangsters who rob banks continuously, vicious and murderous villains, they will be successful if they succeed. Enough to last me a lifetime."

Chi Feichi flipped through the mail, and said calmly, "There is information about a villain who participated in, organized the smuggling of prohibited weapons, and participated in crimes many times. I wonder if you are interested?"

Takatori Yan Nan had a black line, "Why do I feel that you are talking about me?"

Chi Feichi: "Don't feel it, I'm just talking about you."

Takatori Yannan: "..."

When his boss is joking, can he smile a little?

When Yan Nan Takatori was speechless, Chi Feichi returned to the topic, "No more, according to my information, there are not many wanted criminals who have been active in Tokyo recently, and you have wiped them all out."

Takatori Yannan felt that he couldn't take the blame, "No, boss, I only caught three a few days ago, and I caught four last night. It is clear that you have been arresting and arresting today, and you have caught everything you can." Those who could run ran out of Tokyo."

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