Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1412 Opal Ring

Chi Feichi didn't deny it, but felt regretful. In the recent period, I'm afraid I can't find a decent bounty. The police will not issue bounties to ordinary fugitives. Here it is, it's a pity to let go of the black cat that came to your door."

"You're not short of money," Takato Yan Nan was a little dumbfounded, "Just counting Shi Kaobing, the bounty you got is enough to live for a lifetime, not to mention you have other income, so there's no need to regret letting one go. So a valuable phantom thief, right?"

"No matter how small a mosquito's legs are, it's still meat..." Chi Feichi logged out of July's mailbox, and just logged in to his usual account, when he found a new email sent out, clicked to check, "That one told us not to call, if you do this again Going on, it is not easy for the organization to find suitable chess pieces.”

"Cough..." Takatori Yan Nan choked and took a break, "Then shall we go back to work?"

Chi Feichi flipped through the recent emails, "I'm fine for now."

Gin is busy watching the transfer of laboratory No. 0331, that kind of action is very boring, even Gin drives around Tokyo when he is free or not, and drives around.

Belmode is still following, tossing, and wooing a certain programmer very salty, fishing for three days and posting on the net for two days, in the euphemistic name of "cautious and safe", but in fact he asks him where Wuming is every now and then.

Rum is on the whereabouts of Chakir, and he rarely moves from Rum, and he doesn't know much about what Rum is planning.

That one only sent an email to tell them not to pay bounties, and to take a good rest when it was time to rest, indicating that there was nothing for him to run.

Do something yourself?

Midorikawa Saki found a thread that could be used for extortion, but halfway through the investigation, she was trying to find a way to get in touch, and he didn't need his help.

"The Hanbute Club has nothing to do recently. There was a typhoon at sea some time ago, and the cargo ship carrying private goods was temporarily suspended, and Saruto Ichiro also went out for vacation." Yan Nan Takatori thought about it, and then said, "But if you don't have a job, it's just You can walk around, and it’s not bad to watch a confrontation between monsters and thieves today, boss, you actually know the owner of the 'Golden Eye' ring..."

"Dan Guangshi, the owner of the Golden Eye, immigrated to the UK in the generation of his father Jian Guangshi, and has contacts with the Field Group." Chi Feichi put away his mobile phone, "I haven't met him in person, but the ones in his family's collection The seven ornaments that Queen Mary used during her lifetime are very famous, and this is the first time one of them has been exhibited in Japan, and it has also attracted strange thieves. As a young man, I am very curious, so it is not surprising that I want to join in the fun."

Takatori Yannan: "..."

His boss still knows that he is a young man...

The Ocesn Hotel was also under martial law by the police, and helicopters were also hovering in the nearby sky.

Two police officers stood guard at the door, saw a car approaching, and stopped the car.

"Sorry, this place is not open to the public today..."

"Wait a moment!"

At the entrance of the hotel, a tall middle-aged man with a mustache stepped forward and smiled at the two policemen who looked puzzled, "Sorry, this is my guest."

The two police officers hesitated for a moment, then nodded to the mobile team member who was looking at them not far away, saying that it was okay, and stepped back to make way.

Takatori Yannan smiled, and drove the car aside to find a place to park.

"Hey, the things on display today are being targeted by two thieves! Two!" Nakamori Ginzo who came out growled, took out a newspaper, and waved it in front of Dan Guangshi, hoping that Dan Guangshi could see it clearly The big words on the front page of "The French Phantom Thief Black Cat publishes a challenge on the Internet, the object is Phantom Thief Kidd", "Why are you inviting some unrelated people over at this time?!"

Dan Guangshi sweated, took out a handkerchief, wiped the saliva splashed on his face, and said with a smile, "Because I believe that the police officer Zhongsen who has been protecting all kinds of precious gems in the hands of the thieves can also protect them this time." The Golden Eye's..."

Immediately, Nakamori Ginzo was embarrassed to yell again, put away the newspaper, coughed dryly, and said seriously, "Then you have to be careful and careful, this is the key to winning!"

"I know, I just invited two of you..." Dan Guangshi walked forward with a smile when he saw the car parked beside him.

When Chi Feichi got out of the car, all he saw was a kind and elegant smiling face, and he reached out to shake Dan Guangshi's hand, "Mr. Guangshi, excuse me."

Takatori Yan Nan got out of the car and stood behind Chi Feichi wearing sunglasses, acting as a grim-faced bodyguard.

"It's my honor to have you here." Dan Guangshi smiled.

"It's the apprentice of the plague god Mori's family..." Nakamori Ginzo muttered in a low voice with complicated emotions.

Mr. Dan Guangshi is really courageous. He dares to invite any guests, and he is not afraid that the theft case will turn into a murder case. When the time comes, he will have to look at Mu Mu's smiling old fox face...

Chi Feichi shook hands with Dan Guangshi, and did not forget to say hello to Nakamori Ginzo, "Officer Nakamori, sorry to cause you trouble."

"You know it will cause us trouble?" Nakamori Ginzo muttered speechlessly.

It's this kind of good attitude, and the indifferent expression that makes people feel angry, that's why he can't do anything about this kid.

Dan Guangshi broke into a sweat, worried that Chi Feichi would be angry with the police because of his youth, so he quickly smoothed things over, "Do you two know each other?"

Chi Feichi turned his head and said seriously to Dan Guangshi, "Officer Zhongsen once protected the gem for the Queen."

"Oh? Really?" Dan Guangshi was surprised, "It was really disrespectful before!"

Ginzo Nakamori tried his best to maintain a serious face, slandering how these people could speak better than the other, and looked at Geno Takatori, "Feichi, this is your bodyguard, right? Let me tell you first, no matter who it is, anyone who enters the door must Check for identity."

"Pinch your face?" Chi Feichi asked.

"I won't be so rude. We have set up a security machine at the door. I heard that Kaito Kidd will change his face. Under this kind of machine, if he puts a fake face on his face, he will definitely be found," Dan Guangshi said into the hotel. Go, "I'll take you to the showroom first, how about it?"

"Thank you." Chi Feichi led Ying and Yan Nan to follow.

How could this kind of thing stop Kuroba Kaito?

When the three of them passed through the security check at the gate, Nakamori Ginzo was staring at the display screen next to him, and found a snake shadow under Chi Feichi's clothes. , also passed the security check.

Dan Guangshi brought Chi Fei to the exhibition hall late and introduced the things inside.

Since it is an exhibition hall, naturally it will not only contain the opal ring, but also many things that are said to have been used by Queen Mary during her lifetime.

A pure gold jug, a gorgeous court dress, an exquisite jewelry box...

Ginzo Nakamori walked to a glass showcase and looked at the ring inlaid with opals, "Is this the one? The golden-brown gemstone has a ray of white light on it. It is indeed a golden opal. The name Golden Eye really lives up to its name!"

Chi Feichi stepped forward, looked down at the ring, and said bluntly, "It's more interesting than other things."

Dan Guangshi didn't care about it, and smiled helplessly, "My father only collected the early things of Queen Mary. At that time, she was not so extravagant and lustful. The seven pieces of opal ornaments made by people to exorcise evil spirits are the most valuable among them. Yes, this is the last one, and the other six were stolen by that black cat, after the buyer was determined."

Ginzo Nakamori turned his head and stared at the Danguang Stone with half-moon eyes, "In this case, wouldn't it be good to store the gemstone in the vault of your mansion in England? There is no need to bring it to Japan for display, right?"

Dan Guangshi sweated, "Ah, that..."

Nakamori Ginzo approached Dan Guangshi, staring dissatisfiedly, "And it was chosen at the junction of Tokyo and Chiba, in such a remote hotel built by myself..."

"This is all a trap to lure black cats into the bait," said the man with his back to everyone looking at the oil painting on the wall. He had gray-purple hair with a hairstyle like a mushroom head. His Japanese was fairly standard, but his tone of voice was always Unconsciously, "That's right, we just want to catch the black cat and get back the six pieces of opal jewelry that were stolen before, so we will display it here, in this hotel that we participated in the construction of."

Nakamori Ginzo frowned, "Who are you?"

Dan Guangshi looked at the man who turned around, and introduced, "I invited him from France, Mr. Aaron Cartier, the director of the security company."

Aaron Cartier still had a little mustache on his chin, put his hands in the pockets of his blue suit trousers, and walked towards a group of people, "Because I heard that Japanese phantom thieves are also coveting this ring."

"So, what's the situation in the hotel?" Dan Guangshi asked.

Aaron Cartier glanced at the guarding policemen around, "Although there are many unprofessional aspects of security, relatively, the number of people is still sufficient, so there should be no problem."

Nakamori Ginzo was not happy with the evaluation, and walked forward with arms folded, "So it's you, I heard that a foreigner has been pointing fingers at my mobile unit just now!"

"That's right, I only trust our company's security system," Aaron Cartier said to Ginzo Nakamori with a smile on his face, "For a long time, you have been played and applauded by a mere little thief named Kaito Kidna. Believe that you are the strongest."

Takatori Yannan looked at a certain mushroom head and felt that Kaito Kidd's strength was seriously underestimated. He thought Kaito Kidd was more cunning than the black cat.

Ginzo Nakamori couldn't bear it and yelled at Aaron Cartier, "Damn it, don't look down on the Japanese police! Under the guard of our police, no outsider can walk around in the hotel!"


Aoko Nakamori walked quickly from the corridor, followed by Kaito Kuroba, and slapped his father's face, but he didn't notice it at all, and lifted the thing in his hand with a smile, "I'll give you Bring a lunch box!"

Heiyu Kaito saw Chi Feichi standing beside Dan Guangshi, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

Brother Feichi is actually here? Wouldn't it be a trap set by the bad brother against him today?

"Mr. Chi is coming to visit. It was agreed yesterday. This is no problem, but..." Aaron Cartier looked at the two high school students speechlessly, "Who are they?"

Nakamori Ginzo was bought off by his daughter's smile, and he wasn't dissatisfied, he just felt embarrassed, "That's my daughter Aoko and her classmate Kuroba Kaito..."

"Brother Feichi!" Aoko Nakamori waved his hand in surprise, and greeted Chi Feichi, "Are you here to play too?"

Chi Feichi nodded, and explained to Dan Guangshi who was looking at him, "Kaidou is my younger brother, and his mother has a very good relationship with my mother."

"I see." Dan Guangshi smiled kindly.

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