Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1422 Arriving Ayaka Urao

This time, Conan couldn't help but look up at Detective Baima.

I heard from the man that this is not the first time, should Detective Baima give feedback to his father and check the internal collusion with power and money?

Chi Feichi also looked at Tan Baima.

Not everyone in a large group is aboveboard, and the same is true for the police station. As far as he knows, the organization also hooks up with people in the police system. Although he can understand, Baima inspector has witnessed and heard such things with his own eyes. , No matter whether others can understand it or not, it will be embarrassing.

The white horse stared at the man at the door with an ugly expression on his face.

That bastard... Brother Feichi and that little guy were really watching his reaction, so embarrassed that he wanted to dig a hole and bury that guy and the 'teacher' he was talking about!

"No!" The policeman at the door did not show any weakness and stood in front of him, "I absolutely cannot let you in!"

The man glared at the policeman. Seeing that the other party did not back down, he let out a 'tch', turned around and took out his mobile phone, made a call, and when he spoke, his tone became more modest, "I'm Canggubu, we're here to pick you up, but the policeman Block us from going in, please call me back when you are finished, we will wait for you outside."

Baima Tan softened his face, trying to suppress the embarrassment in his heart.

Isn't there still a policeman standing by his post?

If he puts people in like this, he really wants to call his old man and ask why this kind of thing happened in the police system.

"That... Excuse me..."

At the door, two petite girls came to the cordon and stopped.

Among them, the little girl with short red hair pointed to the cordon, looked at the policeman guarding the door, her eyes were serious and sincere, "Can't you go in now?"

Chi Fei was mentally prepared sooner or later, and was not surprised to see Pusheng Caixiang coming. He glanced down at Hui Yuanai, and then followed Baima Tan and others to pay attention to the movement at the door.

Although Pusheng Caixiang came a little faster, he failed to send the detective team away, but Mao Lilan followed the girl who stole the lipstick. They had to meet Pusheng Caixiang sooner or later, so it was better to be more natural and mix into the detective team.

If he can't even stabilize himself, then ignore his sense of smell and intuition, and just declare his identity honestly.

However, judging from the current situation, it is probably because Ayaka Pusheng has joined the organization for a short time, she has not been involved in several actions, she has not been infected by the organization's madness, she has no intention of hurting others, and she has no aura of the organization on her body, so that Radar's detection hadn't worked.

The policeman at the door saw that the two girls were not tall and petite, and they probably looked like junior high school students. They calmed down their annoyance just now, and said in a gentle voice, "There was an injury in this building. After the investigation is over, Before, it is not allowed to enter."

Pusheng Caixiang looked up at the crowd in the hall, "But our companion is inside..."

"Urau... my lord~! Oda sister!"

The thief girl who came from the corner of the corridor smiled and waved, and quickened her pace towards the door, "You are here."

Mao Lilan, who was following the girl, was a little confused, "Master, sir?"

As a high school student, has she deviated from the trend of junior high school students?

But it's not right, the two girls at the door look like junior high school students, that's right, the girl she accompanied to the bathroom looks at least at the age of high school graduation, she was also curious and asked just now, and the other party said that she just graduated from high school.

An older girl calling two other younger looking girls 'adults' and 'sisters'?

"It's a joke!" The girl hurried to the door, smiled and explained to Mao Lilan, then turned to Pusheng Caixiang and another girl, "This is a friend I just met, one year younger than me, Still in high school, she is that kind of super gentle girl!"

Mao Lilan was a little embarrassed by what was said, and blushed to greet Pusheng Caixiang and the two, "Hello, I am Mao Lilan."

Caixiang Pusheng smiled back with a sunny smile, "Hello sister Maori, I am Caixiang Pusheng!"

The girl who followed Urao Ayaka looked a little indifferent, but nodded to Mo Lilan, "Hello, I'm Oda."

Baima looked at the two girls who were stopped outside the cordon, and then at the thief girl standing beside Mao Lilan, "So that's it, they are members of the Cold Butterfly Society..."

"Han Butterfly Club?" Conan's eyes stayed on Pusheng Caixiang for a moment, then looked at the other two, and suddenly understood, "The reason why Brother Baima can recognize them is because of the skull and butterfly logo on their bodies, right?"

Urao Ayaka's clothes are very ostentatious, like a motorcycle-style girl, with a tight black T-shirt and black skirt, fingerless gloves, chains and other accessories, a white hooded jacket, and a slanted The pattern of a big black butterfly almost covered the back of the jacket, and a hideous and scary skull on the wings was very conspicuous.

As the 'young master' of the Cold Butterfly Club, and in the area of ​​her own home in Shibuya, it's not surprising that Urao Ayaka wears such revealing clothes.

The other girl was a little taller than Urao Ayaka, and she looked a little thinner. She had long blue hair and well-behaved bangs. Wearing a long necklace, a black butterfly pendant with skull wings is generously pressed out of the skirt.

Chi Feichi also observed the group of girls chatting at the door.

I have to say that Pusheng Caixiang has encountered the great ordeal of the organization, and she feels a little restrained. The previous exaggerated atmosphere of "I am a bad boy" is gone, and wearing exaggerated clothes does not look exaggerated. The familiar personality that makes people feel enthusiastic and cheerful is still retained, and it is easy to win the favor of people who meet for the first time.

Moreover, compared to the rebellious spirit of the thief girl, Usain Ayaka looks a little more obedient. Although Mao Lilan probably won't treat him differently because of this, when talking to Usain Ayaka, his attitude is unconsciously more like a sister Treat the little sister softly.

He had a sense of presence in front of the koi girl and the Shinigami elementary school student, and if he didn't die in a certain case and could meet again in the future, he had to reposition the existence of Caixiang Pusheng.

If you use a drama as a metaphor, it is probably that Usagi Ayaka has changed from the previous background board A, B, D, D, to a supporting role that Conan, the core character, has known and been in contact with. It is hard to say whether the survival ability has improved, but at least the weight has increased.

"Is this the current trend of young girls?" Haibara Ai looked at the hair of the three girls who were dyed purple, all red, and all blue, and then looked at the clothes of the three girls, feeling Shibuya in his heart The girls in the district are indeed more trendy. Seeing that Mao Lilan was still smiling and chatting with the three girls, she turned to look at Conan and reminded, "I have heard of the Handie Club. Although it is more like a women's mutual aid society, but The essence is still a violent society, such as gangster behavior, and there are many behaviors fighting for territory. I heard that many outstanding women have also been attracted to it. Sister Xiaolan seems to have a good chat with those three girls..."

Conan thought of the scene where Mao Lilan joined a violent club and followed a group of girls in racing cars, and shuddered silently.

Don't let Xiaolan get caught up in thinking about joining some violent club. Even Uncle Mao Li, who usually drinks and bets on horses, can't accept it, let alone the lawyer concubine...

Mother's kindness and daughter's filial piety become a family education conference every minute!

"I heard from a police officer I know that the logo represented by the black butterfly is just a group of girls who like to have fun together, and they are not very old." Detective Baima didn't repel or dislike him, and looked at Caixiang Pusheng with a smile, "But Speaking of the surname Urau...she seems to be the adoptive daughter of the current chairman, and according to the succession system of the violent society, she is also the next chairman."

"Huh?" Pusheng Caixiang noticed the four people who were looking at her, and turned to look at her.

Mao Lilan turned to look at the four of them, and explained with a smile, "They are my friends..."

Ayaka Pusheng looked at the four of them curiously.

Two children who are obviously low grade elementary school students, because the little boy wears glasses and is some distance away from the door, and the child is short, she can't see the boy's specific appearance clearly. The little girl looks like a mixed-race doll, just She looked cold, probably a silent and introverted little girl.

One should be a high school boy, even though the body is basically grown, but the facial features still have a little youthful atmosphere, the tea hair is slightly curly, and the eyes are also reddish brown.

Another biracial.

The other person is a little taller and a little older. Although his hair is black, his facial features and eyes...

When she met Shang Chi Feichi's calm gaze, Pu Sheng Caixiang was taken aback for a moment, her heart stopped beating for a moment and then started to beat faster, but she was not sure why it was because of careful distinction.

Is it because of black?

Pu Sheng Caixiang lowered her head and lowered her eyes, avoiding Chi Feichi's gaze, staring at the hem of Chi Feichi's black trousers, feeling a little dazed.

Is that person a member of the organization?

However, black trousers are not uncommon, and the other party does not have the same clothes and pants as the people in the organization. Based on this alone, she cannot determine that the other party is a member of the organization.

And she couldn't explain why she felt a thump in her heart, and she suddenly became nervous.

It's not right to say it's fear, it's more like...

The nervousness she felt when she had no idea about the test before, but she was about to go through the test.

"Pu Sheng?"

The girl next to Pusheng Caixiang called out in a low voice, bringing Pusheng Caixiang back to her senses.

Pusheng Caixiang looked at the girl in confusion, subconsciously not wanting to look at the gaze she met just now, but subconsciously noticing whether the other party was staring at her.

That line of sight seemed to be there, and the other party seemed to be only looking at them, and didn't stare at her deliberately?

"What are you in a daze for?" the girl said helplessly seeing Pusheng Caixiang's bewildered expression, "The police officer said just now that you can't give us the lipstick."

Pusheng Caixiang calmed down, looked at the tube of lipstick in the hand of the girl with purple hair, "but it's just a lipstick, there is no way to hurt someone with a lipstick, right? If the police officer can't believe it, You can check it first and then hand it over to us, because there is a sister over there who is in a hurry for a date and wants to put on makeup as soon as possible, so..."

She almost forgot that they came here to help their friends get out.

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