Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1423 Hui Yuan Ai: Add a friend

"Why don't you give them the lipstick after checking it first?"

Baima Tan smiled and walked forward, his eyes lingering on the lipstick in the thief woman's hand for a moment, "It's just an unused lipstick, and the label on the connector hasn't been torn off yet."

The thief girl froze, her face became uncomfortable.

Pusheng Caixiang looked at the lipstick, and after realizing it, her ears turned red with embarrassment.

This kind of lipstick is placed in the store for people to choose at random. There will be a price tag on the lipstick tube. After the sale, the store will tear off the price tag to reveal the original product tag, even the lipstick with the price tag. Then you have to wonder if it is a normal purchase...

Chi Feichi followed Baima Tan and walked forward, not deliberately avoiding contact with Pusheng Caixiang.

Likewise, Conan and Haibara Ai also followed.

The thief girl felt oppressed by doing bad things and being surrounded by enemies. She clenched her right hand uneasily and hid the price tag of the lipstick in her palm.

"Sister, don't you have friends who are in a hurry to use lipstick?" Conan said cutely. After realizing the embarrassment of Pusheng Caixiang and the three of them, he suddenly couldn't bear to be aggressive, and raised his head to smile harmlessly at the thief girl, "But I listen Sister, you muttered upstairs that this color doesn’t seem to be suitable for dating, do you want to change it and give it to a friend?”

"Ah?" The thief girl was taken aback, looked up and saw that Mao Lilan and the two policemen didn't seem to notice anything wrong, and the others also looked like 'I don't know'. They were relieved and moved, and nodded, "Yes, Yes, I thought it would be better to change to another one, but a sudden incident happened in the cosmetics store, and I was a little hesitant."

"Then I have a suggestion..." Conan stretched out his hand to pull the corner of the thief woman's clothes, pretending to be whispering innocently, and waited for the thief woman to bend over to cover her ears, then stretched out her hand to cover her face, and said in a low voice, "Give it back, we won't tell anyone, but only this time."

The thief girl whispered in embarrassment, "I know, I know."

Pusheng Caixiang leaned over the cordon, bent over and listened, and whispered annoyedly, "I've said it before, it's not okay to go on like this, it will only make Mr. Koide or others think you're an annoying thief ..."

Baima Tan squatted aside, smiled and said in a low voice, "Thieves are indeed not likable."

On the side, the blue-haired girl who seemed aloof looked over, probably feeling that she should also be with her companion, so as not to be criticized by others, she leaned forward and listened, seeing that Tan Baima didn't say anything excessive, He reminded his companion in a low voice, "It is most embarrassing to be discovered by someone with a good attitude."

"Understood," the thief girl blushed and muttered softly, "I won't..."

Conan looked up at the thief girl, and said seriously, "So, can you tell us now? What did you see in the cosmetics store?"

The thief woman's expression changed slightly, "What, what?"

Chi Feichi saw that even Huiyuan Ai was leaning towards him, pretending that he didn't know Pusheng Caixiang at all, squatting down beside him, and said in a calm voice, "If you are trying to escape to cover up the theft, when an incident occurs, , When there is turmoil, you should take advantage of the chaos and leave..."

"You followed everyone all the time, and you only wanted to run out on the first floor because you saw the prisoner, right?" Conan took the words, staring at the thief woman seriously, and whispered, "The glass window of the cosmetics store You can see the place where Mr. Xishan fell, and the place where the lipstick is placed in front of the glass window. If you were there at that time, you should have seen the scene where Mr. Xishan was stabbed by the prisoner. You are not in a hurry to leave in the chaos because you are worried When you meet a prisoner, you want to wait for your friends to come and leave together, am I right?"

Pu Sheng Caixiang peeked at Chi Feichi who was squatting aside from the corner of her eyes, feeling puzzled.

She doesn't seem to have that nervous feeling anymore, and the other party doesn't seem to know her...

Haibara Ai didn't get involved with the detective team's reasoning, and secretly glanced at Urao Ayaka, and then turned to look at her elder brother.

From the very beginning, the future president of the Cold Butterfly Society stared blankly at her brother, quickly lowered his head to avoid sight, and now he is peeking again...

What a scourge her brother is!

This girl doesn't look like a bad girl, and it's not sure if she will join gangs in the future. She looks cute and has a cheerful personality. Maybe she can bring her brother Feichi to experience more fun in life.

The only trouble is that the other party has an unusual relationship with Han Diehui, and her brother Feichi doesn't seem to pay much attention to it.

Why don't she add a friend and chat first?

"Really," the thief girl sighed, and said helplessly, "Forget that I have convinced you, why do you think so much?"

"Because Brother Baima is a detective, and Brother Chi is the apprentice of the famous detective Mori Kogoro, so I can also be considered a detective." Conan smiled cutely.

Pu Sheng Caixiang's eyes froze, she frowned, and didn't look at Chi Feichi again.

detective? So, could it be that the nervousness she felt just now is because the other party is a powerful detective, and her intuition reminded herself to be careful?

Hui Yuanai observed silently and frowned.

Don't give up, the detective's apprentice and the young master of the gangster... Although it seems a bit troublesome, she can find a way to solve it without Brother Fei Chi's involvement and without revealing her identity and family background.

"It's really amazing," the thief girl sighed with emotion in a low voice, and then said, "But because it happened so fast, and there was still a little distance from the window, I couldn't see his face clearly at all. The man stabbed someone in the back with a knife in his left hand, and he looked back at me, so I was so scared that I turned my head away immediately."

"The murderer is male, left-handed," Tan Baima summed it up, and then asked, "Are there any other characteristics?"

"Is this..." The Thief Girl thought about it for a while, "By the way, he is wearing a coat, the kind that is thin and long black."

Chi Feichi: "..."

What's going on with this case today?

The son of the police chief and a high school student detective, a high school student detective who has been persecuted by the organization and the main force of the red side, a peripheral member of the organization and a subordinate of another organization, a traitor who defected to the red side and was hunted down by the organization, a member of a violent society ...

Everyone squatted in a circle and whispered in a group, this direction is outrageous enough.

The eyewitness testimonies were also of a left-handed male wearing a long black coat, as if to imply any connection.

He suspects that God is planning to arrange a trap to kill him again. There is no evidence, but be careful.

After listening to the witness testimony, Conan also subconsciously thought of a certain horrible criminal, but after thinking about it, such a good criminal method did not even kill anyone, unlike the style of that organization, he couldn't help laughing secretly at himself for being too sensitive , sorting out the clues, "There are two people who called the police, one is Mr. Koide from cosmetics, and the other called the police at 7:30 in the afternoon..."

"It's like hoping that the police will arrive soon, which means that the early arrival of the police is beneficial to his plan, but why?" Tan Baima was taken aback, and turned to look at the bodyguard who was standing at the door with a bad attitude before.

Chi Feichi also turned his head to look at the past, "The police have arrived here, sealed off the scene, and can stop some people."

Pusheng seems to have doubts about him, instead of avoiding him, he should behave appropriately and sneak into the detective team.

"Stop the bodyguard, that means..." Conan took a deep breath and his expression became heavy, "Mr. Xishan is probably not his target. He stabbed Mr. Xishan with a knife just to create confusion and let the police stop a certain person." It is also possible to be the bodyguard of a big man, so that he can carry out the assassination, right?"

In fact, in this way, the call to the police that the police received in advance made sense.

Detective Baima looked back at the bodyguard man, and looked at Pusheng Caixiang, "I don't rule out a possibility. He wants to stop the people from the Handiehui, that is, to stop you. They may even be trying to lure you here, have you Handie Society made enemies with anyone recently, or have conflicts with other clubs?"

Pusheng Caixiang didn't expect Baima Detective to directly reveal their identities. After being surprised, she felt that it was not surprising that the detective saw through them, and she didn't think any enemy would be more terrifying than her own organization. She thought back, "There is nothing serious recently. As for whether there is any Enmity, I am not very clear, but our office is not far from here, there are many of our members nearby, it is unlikely that someone will come to our lair to trouble me, right?"

Haibara saw that the other two girls looked tense and clenched their hands, but Ayaka Pusheng calmly considered the possibility and felt that it was still necessary to add a UL friend.

Although I don't know if it's because Usagi Ayaka has a big heart, or because she is the adopted daughter of the president of a violent society and sees it a lot, but this mentality of thinking seriously about the possibility of danger is not bad, it is someone who has never experienced wind and rain The girls don't.

Brother Feichi is such a plague god, it is inevitable that he will encounter kidnapping and revenge by prisoners in the future. Girls who cannot accept that something may happen around them at any time must not do it, and girls who panic when encountering a little situation must not do it. Time Over time, there will be many conflicts.

Thinking about it this way, 'being bold' should be the first consideration.

Baima stood up and looked at the man beside the car outside the door, "From the tone of that person's phone call just now, it should be a message on the phone, indicating that the 'teacher' he said is somewhere where he can't answer the phone..."

"It's the private dental hospital on the top floor. In this building, the only place where the phone needs to be turned off!" Conan said, and immediately got up and ran to the stairs.

"Huh?" Mao Lilan was curious about what these people were saying together, and was hesitating whether to eavesdrop. When she found that Conan suddenly got up and ran over, she hurriedly said, "Conan, don't run around!"

"Xiaolan, you stay here." Chi Feichi stood up, looked at Pusheng Caixiang and the three of them, "don't let the three of them leave the police."

"I'm sorry to trouble you." Baima Tan nodded to the confused Mao Lilan for confirmation, and went to the stairs with Chi Feichi.

Yes, it cannot be ruled out that the other party is not Chong Handie who will come, but as long as these three girls are next to the police, the other party should not be so confused and attack people beside so many policemen.

Huihara Ai hesitated for a moment, thinking that it should be enough to leave it to the three big detectives, so she decided to stay where she was, and looked up at Ayaka Pusheng calmly, "Hello, can I add a UL friend?"

Chi Feichi, who hadn't walked a few steps, paused, turned his head and looked at Hui Yuanai with calm, impenetrable eyes, and lowered his voice, "Xiao Ai?"

Why did his sister think of going to Gaura to give birth to Caixiang?

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