Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1428 Will it be July? 【happy National Day! Add more! 】


Conan didn't know, so he looked down at the two strings of meatballs in his hand, "You are the one who ate them along the way. With such a good appetite, even if someone would steal it, it should be you."

"No, no," Hattori Heiji smiled maliciously, "You have been looking at women all the way today, don't you want to steal your sister Xiaolan's back?"

Conan listened to Hattori Heiji say "Sister Xiaolan" and kept his tone drawn out. He almost slapped the ball on Hattori Heiji's face, and said speechlessly, "Don't talk nonsense, I am..."

With gossip in his eyes, Hattori Heiji urged, "What is it? What is it?"

Conan leaned forward and approached Hattori Heiji, "I want to help Brother Chi find a girlfriend."

"Pfft..." Hattori Heiji raised his hand to touch Conan's forehead with a suppressed smile on his face, "I'm not sick, brother Feichi is not in his 70s or 80s, what are you worrying about?"

Conan looked at Mao Lilan who bought a windmill and played with it, blushing.

Hattori is not often in Tokyo, so how could he understand his frightened mood from time to time?

"Are you worried that your sister Xiaolan will be snatched away?" Hattori Heiji smiled and raised his hand, rubbing Conan's hair, and said in a tone like an old father, "I think you suddenly feel insecure and neurotic Worry about this and that, relax your mind, relax your mind, in my opinion, your worry is unnecessary, but, you said you have something to do with me, you didn't call me here because of this, did you?"

"How is it possible, didn't I tell you on the phone before?" Conan glanced at Hattori Heiji, his expression became more serious, "It's the new transfer student Eisuke Hondo from Xiaolan's class..."

The more he got in touch with, the less he felt that Eisuke Hondo was a bad person, and he probably figured it out. Eisuke Hondo was probably looking for his sister, and his sister was very similar to Rena Mizumu, but she was definitely not Rena Mizumu. He doubted his sister. killed.

Looking at it this way, he also began to wonder whether Hondo Eisuke's sister was killed by that organization, and for some reason, members were asked to have plastic surgery to live like Hondo Eisuke's sister, for example, to change the identity of a wanted member It is also possible to continue the activity.

Later, he found a photo on Rena Mizumu's fan website. The person who took the photo said it was taken in Osaka ten years ago, and then he realized that Rena Mizumu had accidentally photographed it.

In that photo, there is indeed a younger woman who is almost exactly the same as Rena Mizumu, just passing by holding a shopping bag containing ingredients, and it happened to be photographed. She looks like she has just entered college, and her clothes are very casual, plus I bought the ingredients, and I should be living somewhere in Osaka.

This is the case with celebrities, and it is very likely that the past life will be revealed inadvertently.

In any case, this is a clue, and you may find something if you look it up.

And Osaka is the territory of Hattori, and the police can also help. Of course, it is better to ask Hattori to investigate.

"Anyway, I'd like to ask Officer Otaki and the others to help, and conduct a secret investigation carefully." Conan stared at Hattori Heiji seriously, "Regardless of whether the woman in the photo is surnamed Mizumu or Hondo, as long as she has lived in Osaka, she will definitely Someone remembers her..."

In front of the mask booth, Mao Lilan, Yuan Shan, and Ye smiled and tried on masks. Each of them chose one, and bent down to watch Hui Yuanai draw the mask on the table.

"Huh? July's mask?"

"July?" Yuan Shan and Ye looked at Mao Lilan curiously, "Is that the bounty hunter?"

"Yeah, I fought with a killer named Spider in Tokyo before July, and there was a live broadcast of an emergency on the TV station." Mao Lilan looked at the faceless male mask painted by Haibara Ai, "I remember that in July, it seemed that he was wearing a mask. wearing a mask like this."

"That bounty hunter..." Hattori Heiji was attracted by the conversation between the two girls, and paid attention, but when he lowered his head, he found that Conan was staring at the booth with a serious expression, and shook his hand in front of Conan's eyes, "What's the matter? What's the matter?" Showing such a serious expression?"

"It's nothing," Conan stared at Haibara who was painting the mask, "I just feel a little strange..."

"That young lady?" Hattori Heiji looked at Haibara Ai again, and touched his chin, "It's a bit strange that she suddenly drew Qiyue's mask, isn't she a fan of Qiyue?"

"I never heard of her."

Conan's gaze turned to the left, toward Chi Feichi who was squatting aside and looking at the mask of Haibara Ai's picture.

The last time I went to Shenhai Island, Mei Ma and Nan, who had been treasure hunters in their youth, had a strange attitude towards Chi Feichi. They had been quietly observing Chi Feichi since around dinner that night.

Meima and Nan explained that Chi Feichi was pleasing to the eye, and the two got along really well afterwards, and Meima and Nan insisted on giving Chi Feichi a copy of the treasure information awkwardly.

Looking at it this way, Mei Ma and Nan didn't seem to be lying, but he always felt that something was wrong.

Perhaps it was because the two treasure hunters escaped.

Some time ago, Uncle Maoli received a call from Police Officer Mugure, saying that the two people were caught in July when they wandered in Tokyo. Uncle Maoli also sighed with emotion, "Skynet is restored", and took him to the Metropolitan Police Department to make a statement.

The police asked how the two men escaped, and the first half of the two men’s statement was the same as what he experienced, that is, after they were caught by them, they were tied up in the cabin, and when they used the gas explosion to blow up the cave, the pillar fell down, He cut the rope for the two treasure hunters who were swept out by the current.

Subsequent testimony was more bizarre.

The two treasure hunters insisted that they were caught by the water monster. It was a big octopus with terrifying tentacles. The octopus didn't kill them, it seemed to treat them as toys. After escaping, he hid in various places in Tokyo, trying to find an opportunity to escape from the country, but one night he was suddenly attacked and passed out. When he woke up, he was already in the Metropolitan Police Department and was stared at by a group of police viciously.

First of all, the term "water monster" is outrageous.

There are many magical creatures in the sea, and it is not impossible for octopuses to grow bigger, but if there are such things in the Japanese Sea, it is impossible that no one has seen or heard of them before.

Assuming that the water monsters really existed and wandered around at that time, a group of them all jumped into the sea. If there were water monsters that could catch people nearby, why didn't they attack them? Why didn't they see it?

If that water monster was an octopus, would there still be tentacles available at that time?

Also, if it is really the kind of water monster that can control two treasure hunters and make them unable to escape all the way, how can it be possible for the two treasure hunters to escape easily?

Even though the two people said that the escape experience was thrilling and exciting, he still felt that there was a loophole that could not be explained.

The police didn't believe it either, and persuaded the two of them with words such as "confessing" and "providing clues to make meritorious service", which almost made them cry.

He did think of a possibility - hallucinogens!

If those two treasure hunters fell into the hands of someone at that time, everything after that was the effect of hallucinogens. Whether it was encountering a water monster or a thrilling escape, it was an illusion of two people, even the image of the octopus water monster, It is also because the two people have been wandering in the sea all year round, and they have never seen the little octopus before, so the puzzle of the water monster can make sense.

This also meant that when someone intercepted someone near them, he couldn't help but think of the attitude of Meima and Nan.

Probably due to psychological effects, he suddenly discovered that when Meima and Nan first paid attention to Chi Feichi, their expressions were solemn, as if they were guarding against something. Could it be because Meima and Nan smelled the breath of "dead enemy"? For example, the clearing hunters will also hunt their 'enemies', right?

Then, he inevitably thought of Shi Kaobing.

Shi Kaobing appeared in Japan, and it was not long after his identity was locked by the police, and it was also not long after he escaped from the sight of him and the police that he fell into the hands of July.

Also, when the Queen of England visited, a female killer was caught by July, and Chi Feichi was on the train at that time, so she had every chance to manipulate her.

The three coincidences made him feel like the figure of July was always by his side.

He was once hit in the abdomen by a stray bullet, and it was July who carried him out of the cave. Compared with the outside world who speculated that July was a woman, he can say with certainty that the guy was a man, and he was an adult man. Although he lost blood at that time Too much, blurred consciousness, but he can still be sure whether the person holding him is a man or a woman, and their approximate stature.

Beside him is an adult male, who is of the right height and skill, and has the opportunity to understand the situation.

And Qiyue and Chi Feichi had never appeared at the same time!

The time he met Shi Kaobing, Chi Feichi was disguised by the strange thief Kidd, and in July, he was disguised as a white bird police officer who was on vacation, and Chi Feichi should be in Osaka, a place far away from the white bird police officer's vacation From the looks of it, Chi Feichi couldn't possibly be July, but this 'alibi' is not impossible to decipher.

For example, Chi Feichi was not actually replaced, but just pretended to be replaced, misleading him all the way to make a wrong judgment, making him think that Chi Feichi was the Kaitou Kidd, and after that, the Kaitou Kidd disguised himself as Shiratori Ren Sanlang and chased him away. Finally, the two parties completed the identity exchange, allowing Kaito Kidd to pretend to be Chi Feichi, and Chi Feichi turned into "July" who disguised himself as Shiratori Ren Sanlang.

It was a bold and brilliant move, but he had no proof of it.

I didn't find out at the time, but now it's too difficult to find out the truth, and what's embarrassing is that he was the one who confidently confirmed that 'Chi Feichi was replaced by Kaito Kidd' at that time.

Not only did he have no evidence, but he didn't even have the basis to support his reasoning. He just felt that "Qiyue seems to be around", selected the most likely person, and added some guesses.

This kind of groundless reasoning can't even convince him...

With a headache, Conan continued to stare at Chi Feichi and Haibara Ai in front of the booth, and asked in a low voice, "Hatori, if there is one thing that makes you doubt, but you have no proof, it's more like a feeling, and you don't even know yourself well." sure, what will you do?"

"What," Hattori Heiji was confused by Conan's words, "If you have doubts, you should look for clues and evidence to verify whether your feelings are right or wrong. Isn't that all right?"

"Then if the other party is difficult to deal with, why is it difficult for you to grasp the clues?" Conan asked.

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