Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1429 Are you polite?

"This..." Hattori Heiji touched his chin and thought, "There will always be a chance. When people are negligent, if you can't catch it once, you can do it twice. If you can't catch it twice, you can do it three times. Sooner or later you can prove yourself. guess……"

"Yeah, you're right!"

Conan smiled in relief and walked towards the mask booth.

He suddenly thought of this today because of Hui Yuan.

Huiyuan usually doesn't show any special emotion towards July, and doesn't even pay too much attention to it. When he encountered this opportunity to draw on a blank mask, why did he suddenly think of July's mask? Why not the classical masks I have been exposed to before?

No matter how deeply you hide, as long as you are human, you will be negligent.

If anyone was lurking by his side, Chi Feichi who could design him so many times and solve the case before him every time would have that ability.

As for Hui Yuan, maybe he had the same doubts and wanted to test it out like him, or maybe he knew it a long time ago and stood by Chi Feichi's side, but...

Next to the booth, Hui Yuan Ai didn't know that a certain detective approached maliciously and talked to Mao Lilan, "The time Edogawa was hit by a stray bullet, July helped bring Edogawa out, children I have a good impression of him, and July's mask is very simple, and I can draw it casually..."

Conan, who walked to the side, staggered.

The mask in July is indeed very simple. On the pure white mask, two black dots represent the eyes, a thicker and longer black line represents the mouth, and then add blue-purple lines above and below the eyes to complete it.

Wait, this guy Huiyuan is not interested in drawing masks and wants to pass the time, so drawing a mask of July suddenly seems not impossible?

Hui Yuanai finished drawing the mask of the 'faceless man', and then turned to ask Chi Feichi who was squatting beside him, "Brother Feichi, do you want to try it?"

Chi Feichi looked at the mask of the faceless man, "No, be like a fool."

Conan: "..."

If he thinks too much, he is definitely thinking too much.

Haibara Ai:"……"

Brother Feichi's self-deprecation is really powerful, as if Qiyue is not her, she complains so naturally, she can't do it without admiration.

Chi Feichi casually took a red tengu mask from the stall, stood up and paid the boss.

The faceless man was originally a fool, wandering alone, abducted by a little polite warmth from others, clumsily trying to be nice to someone, but he didn't know the way, the frog swallower just wanted to talk to someone and devour other beings Just to get that person's attention, I yelled 'I won't let you go' ferociously, but in the end I didn't do anything...

There is a faceless man in everyone's heart. The original consciousness has been there, and he has also been there, but people will grow and die.

He chose this mask for July at the beginning, and he will stick to it, which can be regarded as giving July a recognizable feature, but when he is playing outside, he should not get involved with things related to July .

Don't deliberately choose, don't deliberately avoid, always be vigilant.

"It's really missing!"

Aside, a raised voice attracted the attention of a group of people.

A young monk was carrying a shopping bag containing ingredients in his hand. He seemed to be passing by to buy ingredients. He stood eagerly in front of Mori Kogoro, looked around, and stared at Chi Feichi who was wearing a tengu mask on his face. "It's like meeting a tengu who abducted a child in the forest, and a ghost happened!"

Chi Feichi's hands stopped, and he fixedly looked at the young monk through the mask covering half of his face and the fingers holding the mask.

Seeing others talking about abducting children, may I ask you, master, to be polite?

The young monk was stared stiffly by Chi Feichi's indifferent gaze, and retreated weakly to Kogoro Mouri, then looked at Kogoro Mouri and said, "Anyway, I have to say that I have met a famous detective like you here. It's a kind of fate, please! Can you help me solve this mystery?"

"Dad, what happened?" Mao Lilan asked suspiciously.

"This..." Mori Kogoro scratched his head strangely when he saw other people looking at him, "This master said someone is missing."

"What?" Hattori Heiji was surprised.

"Yes, that's how it is," the young monk calmed down, and turned his head to look at a temple not far away, "I practiced in that temple, and my Dharma name is Chuanjiu. A guest who came to visit the host a few days ago, Suddenly disappeared in the monastery."

"Did you leave by yourself, and you just didn't know?" Yuan Shan and Ye asked.

"That, that's impossible!" Monk Chuanjiu turned pale, "The guest is a long-haired benefactor, so I entertained her to live in another courtyard. The next morning, when I prepared breakfast and went to call her , she was still in the room, but she had a knife stuck in her stomach, and she was already dead..."

The coolness spread in the air, Hui Yuanai couldn't help looking at Chi Feichi beside him.

Although she doesn't believe in gods and ghosts, and is not afraid of corpses, but this young monk's words are horrifying. At this time, she should take a look at Brother Feichi and make sure that there are family members by her side. She will definitely feel at ease and calm down a lot...

Chi Feichi had already put on the Tengu mask, and looked down at Hui Yuanai: "?"

Hui Yuanai silently looked away: "..."

Forget it, when she wasn't looking, Brother Feichi was wearing a black coat and a tengu mask, feeling even more gloomy.

Hattori Heiji didn't pay attention here, and asked with an ugly face, "You mean she's dead?"

"Did you call the police?" Conan asked.

"Of course, after I told the abbot who was sleeping in the temple, I immediately went to the police," Monk Chuanjiu said with horror on his face, "but when the police arrived, except for the abbot who stayed there, no matter whether it was the body of the female benefactor , or blood stains on the tatami, all disappeared!"

Mao Lilan felt a chill coming from her back, and hid behind Yuan Shan and Ye, "You're lying..."

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